Your special supplement to the latest best reads
Real life devotion ESV Women’s Devotional Bible (Tutone) Crossway 9781433538216 $64.95 Reviewed by Stephanie J. Judd Let me start with a confession: I am a full-blown women’s devotional Bible cynic. I can happily report to my fellow cynics out there: fear not! Against the odds, this Women’s Devotional Bible has won me over! Instead of encouraging me to ground my identity in womanhood, this devotional Bible has assisted me to ground my identity in my union with Christ, which, in turn, informs not only my womanhood,
but every other aspect of who I am. Confidence in the centrality of Christ to the Word of God shapes each of the 365 devotions. The gendered target audience does not distract the 50 different contributors, who are both men and women from around the globe, from letting the text speak for itself. As I journeyed through the key events in the narrative of salvation history, unpacked over the 365 devotions, I found myself delighting in the fulfilment of prophecy, grieved by the sin that so arduously characterises the people of God, driven to thanksgiving for the extraordinary grace that characterises God’s relations with his beloved people, and celebrating that in Christ, there is freedom from sin, guilt, and the hope of eternal life. Specific applications to women
Though you may be reading alone, you are also reading within a worldwide community of Christian women.
were mostly drawn only when the text itself invited it. Simplistic caricatures of the docile Christian woman and her activities are
not found in the pages of this devotional Bible. Rather, a robust image of a faithful, God-seeking, transformed Christian individual (who is also a woman) is developed and encouraged. There were no flowers or cupcakes (okay, maybe some subtle leaves) and no pink (just soothing green). A unique feature of this devotional Bible was an appendix which contained a number of thoughtful essays, addressing issues such as the importance of doctrine; how to share the gospel with unbelievers; the Christian community’s responsibility to care for orphans; raising children with disabilities; how to be a wife who submits to and honours her husband. So what is the benefit of calling this devotional Bible a Women’s Devotional Bible at all, if its greatest strength as a woman’s devotional Bible is that
its devotional content isn’t overly directed to women? Perhaps, for the reader of such a devotional Bible, it is the encouragement of knowing that your own personal Bible reading, though personal, is not individual – it is done in community. Though you may be reading alone, you are also reading within a worldwide community of Christian women. And as you study the Word of God as a member of this community, without being distracted by flowers and cupcakes, you may just delight all the more in those occasional moments when a writer addresses an aspect of your particularities as a woman in a way that you hadn’t considered before. So whether you’re a cynic like me, or if pink is your favourite colour, if you are a Christian woman, then I commend this devotional Bible to you – that as a child of God, you might delight ultimately in Christ!
Twelve Unlikely Heroes
The Big Rescue NEW Bible
This Bible for kids contains all new full colour modern cartoon illustrations of 20 of the stories found in the Bible, from Noah and Moses to Peter and Jesus walking on water. Revised cover and illustrations.
by John MacArthur Paperback 9781400206117 Our Price John MacArthur illustrates how the men and women in the Bible are $17.95 rrp unnervingly real. They faltered. They struggled. And at times they fell short. Yet God worked through them in surprising and incredible ways to accomplish His purposes.
Unstoppable Our Pric
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by Christine Caine Paperback 9780310341178
Christine Caine helps us discover just how important it is to ensure that no runners stop running the divine relay and walk off the field, but that every runner becomes unstoppable in their dedication to carry their baton of faith to the next runner.
What’s Your Worldview? by James Anderson 9781433538926 Crossway
What’s Best Next by Matt Perman 9780310494225 Zondervan
$12.95 Reviewed by John Sandeman
$19.95 Reviewed by Guan Un
Worldview is an elusive beast. As the underlying framework of beliefs, assumptions and philosophies that helps us navigate the world, it’s vitally important to think about for any Christian who relates to non-Christians in any way. However, it’s also difficult; how do you discern someone’s worldview? And more importantly, how can you change it? Here’s one interesting tool to help: What’s your Worldview? takes its format from an unlikely source, the Choose Your Own Adventure book. For example, one page asks: “Do you believe in objective truth? If yes, turn to page 22, if no, turn to page 91.” And then it asks you, “Is it possible to know the truth?” and diagnoses you with the “relativist” worldview, depending on your answer. Anderson writes from a Christian viewpoint, and as a professor of theology and philosophy he is adept at simplifying concepts without dumbing them down. It’s an innovative, playful book that is well worth a look, especially for teachers, but also for Christians who want a bit of help in tracking down and taming the elusive beast.
At first glance, a book on Christian productivity may seem like an odd duck. Do we need a book on productivity that’s distinctly Christian? Matt Perman’s answer is an unequivocal yes. He believes that behind a lot of modern productivity practices is a wrong worldview, centered on how I can be more productive, and achieve my goals. Instead, he argues, we need to first look to God as the centre of life, and thus, productivity. His aim is large: if we do this we can change the world by being more effective in the goal of loving one another and thus, transforming the world. His theology hews close to John Piper and Desiring God, with whom he shares a love for the works of the Puritans. This book is full of pithy chapters, summaries and interview excerpts. I found the acronym-heavy, blogready style slightly wearing in the long run, but I suspect this will also make it reference-ready long after first reading. As a book with a good theological foundation, a perspective of honouring God and loving others, and a literacy in modern productivity practice, this book is in a distinct field of its own.
The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and Identity by Barnabas Piper 9780781410359 $14.95 Reviewed by Karl Grice
The WonderWorking God by Jared C. Wilson, 9781433536724 Crossway
Pastors’ kids are normal kids. The problem, according to Barnabas Piper, is that we expect them to be mini-superheroes. Barnabas is a Pastor’s Kid (PK), John Piper’s son. He makes it clear that he is neither a social scientist nor an expert in pastoral care. He is a PK baring his soul. Barnabas reveals how easily we can know about someone without actually knowing them, especially PKs. The more false assumptions we make, the easier it is for a PK to project a self-image that meets our expectations while concealing their true identity. PKs quickly learn to give all the right answers while secretly wrestling with personal sins and doubts. This often leads to legalism and hypocrisy, or to PKs walking away from the faith. Pastors may try to be the expert on all matters in the home. Barnabas felt as though his father listened and gave advice, whereas he just wanted to know his struggles were normal, and that he would survive. In raising our awareness of the unique pressures faced by PKs, Barnabas is hoping we can ditch some of our false assumptions and offer PKs authentic grace-filled friendships.
Since the 18th Century, miracles have been thought of as an intellectual weakpoint in the Christian faith. Today, they are often a target of attacks of the New Atheists, with the result that we feel a bit awkward about defending a God who stopped the sun, or a Jesus who walked on water. However, in The WonderWorking God, Jared C. Wilson writes that the “weakness” of miracles should be a strength of our faith: “the miracles in the Bible never appear to serve God proving himself so much as God showing himself.” The book covers the categories of miracles performed by Jesus, finishing with a chapter on the greatest miracle: the fact of Jesus’s incarnation, death and resurrection. Wilson’s a great writer, somewhat reminiscent of C.S. Lewis in his knack for memorable phrasing, and his sheer joy about what he’s writing. Throughout it, he reminds us that miracles point us to the God of the universe, and that is the best part of the biblical miracles, and that is also the best point of this book.
$11.95 Reviewed by Hannah Upson (Year 10 student)
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Jesus had about three years to mould a dozen fearful, faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement. Time in Jesus’ presence had a transforming effect on each of them. This study of Jesus’ first followers will transform you too.
GREAT BIBLES FOR PERSONAL STUDY Enhance your time reading and exploring God’s Word with the end-of-verse references and larger print of this Bible. Font size:13
KJV Personal Size Giant Print End-of-verse Reference Bible
This Bible is a valuable resource for strengthening women in their walk with God.
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day went reflects how God feels about us. That if I just find the right internet site, the solution to any problem I encounter can be found. That all my efforts to be a “supermum”, when realised, will result in the joy and satisfaction I crave. And it is about how the truth of
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challenges all our deep insecurities. Furman points out that we are often tempted to consider our lack of time, and even our children as obstacles to our communion with God. We feel our spiritual lives languishing and assume that it is only when we have a quiet moment that we will be able to properly
connect with our heavenly Father. Yet in reality, he is with us in every moment, wanting to fellowship with us right where we are, even in the most hectic, frazzled meltdowns. This book is full of reminders of how wonderful our God is, how we can rest in him, find our joy in him, hand all our deepest struggles and fears to him and trust that as we do this his goodness abounds. It is full of truths we know intellectually but fail to really believe in our deepest being. I really appreciated the constant use of scripture that feeds a hungry mum’s soul and brings about a peace that all the parenting courses and self-help books in the world fail to give. This book did not make me feel as though I need to do more of x, y & z (insert your own personal struggles). Indeed our own strength will never be enough. But the joy of knowing Christ is that his strength is always sufficient and freely available. This book is a blessing for a busy, overwhelmed mum. Every page is a reminder of the biggest blessing – the glorious risen Lord Jesus who is ever with us, even to the very end of the age. Michelle is mum to dominofanatic Micah (4) and walking sandpit Evie (2).
The Story Telling God
by Douglas Connelly Paperpack 9780830831470
When Jesus was walking the earth, everyone had a theory about who he was--healer, revolutionary, king, friend, humble carpenter. But out of the vast complexity of characteristics and ideas there emerges one simple word that no one can deny: ‘Rabbi.’ These 36 Bible studies capture the heart of Jesus the Rabbi.
the gospel teaches us something radically different. That not only can we acknowledge but boast in our shortcomings and weaknesses. Because it is in these very things that Christ’s glory and power is revealed. And we are reminded of the permanent reality of our eternal security in Christ that
Lifeguide: The Twelve Disciples
Life Lessons from Jesus
FANTASTIC BIBLES FOR STUDENTS This Bible anchors younger Christians in the truths of Scripture by equipping them with thoughtful and practical responses for whenever the core issues of their faith and life are challenged.
Encouragement for those with a mountain of dirty washing
Inspiring mothers
I’m a mum. I talk to a lot of mums. And I have to be honest: when first asked to read a book about Christ and motherhood, one of my first thoughts went along the lines of “Not another ‘supermum’ making me feel guilty about all the things I don’t do.” You see, many of us mums are very good at wallowing in guilt and self-criticism because we know that being a mother isn’t just about us. And we fail at times. All the should-have-done, is-this-theright-thing-for-my-child, how-doI-get-the-balance-right thoughts often sit at the back of our minds, weighing us down. Yet this book is about freeing yourself of these thoughts and embracing the wondrous grace freely available in Christ. It is about the lies we believe – that somehow, the way the
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Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full by Gloria Furman Crossway 9781433538889 $12.95 Reviewed by Michelle Parton
So Not Okay addresses the issue of pre-teen bullying within a school environment. It follows the story of a girl called Tori who overcomes bullying and learns to accept herself. This book is aimed at 10-13 year olds and is easy to relate to due to the age of the main characters. One of the issues the book raises is that parents do not comprehend the types of bullying their children may be exposed to. So, I think it would be valuable for parents to also read this book, to understand any potential bullying situations that their child may face. My first impressions of the book were that it was aimed at a young audience and simple to understand. This made the book engaging and easy to relate to. I would recommend this book to any pre-teen who wants to understand how to be empowered to overcome bullying. Hannah is in Year 10 at her school in the Central West of NSW. She is 15 and loves reading, playing sport and spending time with friends.
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These New International Version Thinline Bibles feature quality paper and bindings and at a great value price. A Thinline style that can be taken anywhere. Each edition contains over 100 pages of extra Bible study resources. 2011 Updated NIV Text. Tan/Brown
So Not Okay by Nancy Rue, 9781400323708 Thomas Nelson
$16.95 Reviewed by John Sandeman
These were created to be a portable and child-friendly text Bible. ESV Kid’s Compact Bible (Pretty Pink) 9781433543937
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Pastor Jared Wilson dispels the widespread notion that Jesus’ parables are moralising fables, and highlights how they reveal profound spiritual truths about God, humanity, the world, and the future.
Taking God At His Word
Kevin DeYoung has written an introduction to the Bible that answers important questions and helps you understand what the Bible says about itself. This book will encourage you to read and believe the Bible— confident that it truly is God’s Word.
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Two decades ago, Dave lost his only infant son to a congenital heart defect. That devastating loss fuelled his desire to provide effective mentoring to young men. This book contains heartfelt wisdom for life’s journey, especially for guys—and for those who want to strengthen them.
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Randy Singer brings to life the biblical world with this fictionalised account of the biblical character Theophilus. This novel recounts what the life of Theophilus may have been, and paints a historically vivid picture of the trial of the apostle Paul in Nero’s deranged court. Can Theophilus mount a defence that will keep him innocent man from execution?
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A dramatic World War II narrative following the life of Rachel Kramer, who strives to rescue Amelie, the deaf daughter of a Nazi officer. As she encounters the resistance and controversial theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, this novel depicts how Rachel’s every ideal is challenged as she risks her life for those she barely knows but comes to love.
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A great book for both newer and seasoned Christians alike. Lee Strobel offers biblically based answers to questions such as: Did God use evolution when He created the world? If God is loving, why is there so much suffering? Can you have doubts and still be a Christian?
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This Bible cover includes a carrying handle, cross-adorned zipper pull, and interior pen and pencil holders.
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