1st ESO – Draw, colour and describe your Dr. Frankenstein’s monster 1r Premi – Alex Duran (1r A) In this drawing you can see a monster. The monster is wearing a grey cap. In this cap you can see two snakes; one snake is outside the cap and the other is inside. He has two big eyes; the eyes are yellow. He has got two horrible ears. You can see a small snake in his nose. His mouth is big and red. He has got two big teeth. His tongue is red and long and the neck of the monster is small. The monster has got a yellow and black amulet. The snakes are green and their eyes are yellow. The face of the monster is green. I think the monster is a bad person and he kills the people with his snakes.
Accèssits – Rubén Verdejo (1r B) My Frankenstein is happy. He is very shy but he isn’t lazy. He is tall and slim. He has got a big mouth with a big tooth. His nose is very big and his hair is very black and short. He has got one hand. His feet are very big. He has got a white T-shirt and a purple jacket. He has got some blue jeans and brown shoes.
Martí Riba (1r A) My monster’s name is Guffy. This monster is very pretty. His face is untidy. His hair is black and his ears are brown. He’s the boss of the monsters. His toes are very very small. His Tshirt is purple.
2nd of ESO: A Horror acrostic using the word Frankenstein Primer premi - Daniela Pardillos (2n C )
Accèssits Natàlia Fernández (2n A )
Pol Seoane (2n E)
José Martínez (2n A)
Júlia Secanell (2n E)
3rd of ESO: A Whatsapp chat between Dr. Frankenstein and his creature. Guanyador: Joyce Byers, pseudònim de Jordi Aldave (3r C) amb la conversa titulada: A Girlfriend for Frankenstein.
4th ESO Dr. Frankenstein's creature was ugly. It was a monster. How important is it to be attractive in our society? Do we judge people by their looks? Guanyadora – pseudònim: Metta Kirkoff – Autora: Marta Flores Rubias (4t D)
JUST A SIMPLE LETTER, RIGHT? Dear reader, Have you ever thought about how an unpleasant girl is for you? I do, many times. An unpleasant girl is one who never dresses well and combines weird colours that aren’t beautiful at all. She is a plump person, with a round face. Also, this girl would be even more unpleasant if she were extremely rare: introvert, shy and friendless. Surely we both agree that such a person is quite unpleasant, right? Well, we’re both wrong. People have mocked me for years, but I do not intend to keep hiding it. I fit with this description. I’m not rare, I’m just shy; I don’t dress bad, I only like the harajuku style. So, please, stop thinking like that. I have shed so many tears that sometimes I am surprised to be able to cry again. People have made me believe that I am an unpleasant person, and I … I have not denied it. I have never been able to. I do not ask you much, just stop judging others by their appearances. Your faithfully, Lucy PS: If you think this letter is worth it, send it to others… if not, burn it and forget it (because an unpleasant person can never be happy, right?)
Accèssit – pseudònim: Trascantó – Autora: Lia Guasch Arcas (4t C)
It has never happened to you that a morning without knowing why you feel totally lonely. Suddenly, we have the need of being loved, share our lives with someone.
Well, we don’t have to be hypocrites; before knowing deeply a person we firstly see the outside, his appearance. Publicly we deny it. Socially it looks good to say that beauty is only inside and it shouldn’t matter if you are handsome or not. At the beginning, the physique is the first thing you see and obviously it is normal to feel attracted by it. In the end we never feel real chemistry with that person and do you know why?
Because even before knowing this person, without realizing it, we are conditioning the relationship that we are going to have. It’s like we were going to buy love at the supermarket and choose the offer that suits us best.
Focusing all our attention on looking for someone who is supposed to be perfect for us makes us lose the opportunity to discover a lot of people. Whom maybe would connect if we stopped closing doors unnecessarily. Maybe there are people with whom we cross everyday but we are never going to see them until we take off that blindfold from our eyes, and this is called prejudice.