TRAINING BUNDLES A flexible approach to BICSc accredited training For as little as £300 per month, you can ensure your organisation is on the right path to improving the quality of its cleaning standards. Training bundles allow you to purchase a set number of training days at a reduced rate. Take a look at our options below to choose the products and price structure which best meets your business requirements.
Over 12 months
Over 12 months
Over 12 months
Great for small businesses or low training requirements
Great for medium sized businesses or average training requirements
Great for larger businesses or high training requirements
Member price: £300 per month
Member price: £525 per month
Member price: £675 per month
Non-member price: £315 per month
Non-member price: £575 per month
Non-member price: £775 per month
All prices are plus VAT
These options are based on training that is delivered at our Northampton Training Suite. Training Specialists can also deliver training at your site (additional costs apply).
What’s included? With a training bundle you can combine skills from the Cleaning Professional’s Skills Suite, which includes our Licence to Practice qualification, you can also add Courses and Workshops from our Cleanlogic™ range. Combining our training, will provide you with the foundation and specialised skills that are relevant to your organisation.
Does this work for my sector? No matter what sector you operate in, there are a variety of bundle options available for your business. For example:
Cleaning Service Provider
Healthcare Sector
Hospitality Sector
Licence to Practice Unit
Licence to Practice Unit
Licence to Practice Unit
AU11 Cleaning telephones
AU12 Multi bucket floor mopping
AU5 Washing surfaces
BU3 Vacuum cleaning
BU12 Cleaning toilet facilities
AU7 Stain removal
BU6 Dusting and damp wiping of surfaces
SU1 Body fluids and sharp objects*
BU7 Cleaning kitchen work surfaces
BU12 Cleaning toilet facilities
SU2 Biohazard decontamination cleaning*
BU12 Cleaning toilet facilities
Cleanlogic™ Principles of Health & Safety
Cleanlogic™ Control of Cross Contamination
Cleanlogic™ Cleaning Inspection Levels 1 & 2
*Rules of Combination apply to Specialist Units, please refer to the Cleaning Professional’s Skills Suite for further details.
To find out more or to discuss your requirements in more detail please contact BBS: E: T: +44 1604 678 712
BICS Business Services Training Centre | 9 Premier Court | Boarden Close | Moulton Park | Northampton | NN3 6LF