CPSS Version 3 – highlights of what’s changed? BICSc Assessor app – an overview What happens next Neil Spencer-Cook MBICSc, Nigel Howe LBICSc Version 1.0 – Sept 2020
CPSS Version 3.0 § Streamlined to suit the ever-changing needs of a cleaning operative § The reference section has been reviewed and re-written and audit criteria clarified § Skill guidance notes now contain BICSc Standard Operating Procedure § Skill assessment timings revised § Pass marks revised to a minimum of 85% on all skills § Changes to Licence To Practice § Skills changes and additions § Addition of sector specific skills
CPSS Version 3.0 Licence To Practice changes § Pass mark is now 88% (23 out of 26) § Skill split into 3 sections Storage Equipment Chemical § If a candidate fails one of the sections, they can be re-assessed once on that section only § Additional failures will fail the entire skill
CPSS Version 3.0 Skill changes and additions § Skills split into 4 types: Manual – e.g. BU1 Dust control mop sweeping; BU4 Manual floor sweeping Manual with chemical – e.g. BU2 Damp mopping; AU5 Washing surfaces Mechanical – e.g. BU3 Vacuum cleaning; AU2 Buffing hard floors Mechanical with chemical – e.g. BU9 Scrubber dryer; AU4 Cylindrical brush machine § Same opening and closing sequence for each skill within the types § Rules of combination reviewed and revised
CPSS Version 3.0 Skill changes and additions § BU3 – Vacuum cleaning – start from a position closest to the plug socket § BU5 – Cleaning of general waste bins – only 2 bins need to be cleaned § BU9 – Scrubber dryer – area required decreased from 30m2 to 20m2 § BU12 – Cleaning toilet facilities – assessment questions include a check for sharps
CPSS Version 3.0 Skill changes and additions § BU6 – Dusting and damp wiping of surfaces split: BU6 – Damp wiping of surfaces Added BU15 – Dusting of surfaces Members who already hold BU6 will get BU15 added to their record automatically § Added AU14 – Cleaning of domestic dishwashers A much-requested addition to the current kitchen equipment skills (fridge, microwave, toaster)
CPSS Version 3.0 Addition of sector specific skills § On premises laundry is now part of CPSS Coming soon… § Domestic cleaning skills § Commercial kitchen skills § With more to follow!
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BICSc Assessor app Would you prefer to carry this:
Or this:
BICSc Assessor app Would you prefer to mark an assessment like this:
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BICSc Assessor app Would you prefer to submit a skills certification request like this:
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BICSc Assessor app Well now you can! The BICSc Assessor app is live and available NOW
FREE for all active BICSc Licensed Assessors
BICSc Assessor app Download your free copy for Apple and Android tablets or smart phones § For Apple devices go to the Apple App Store and search BICSc
§ For Android devices go to the Play Store and search for BICSc
§ Note: You may need to tap on the ‘New’ option for the app to appear as it is not yet rated
BICSc Assessor app When your account is created by BICSc you will receive an automated Welcome email § Click on the Set Password link § Follow the instructions on screen to set your password § The link in the email is time limited and is for use one-time only § If you forget your password you will need to use the Forgotten your password? link on the app log in screen
BICSc Assessor app § If you have received your email and the link doesn’t work you can set your password by using the Forgotten your password? link on the sign in screen and following the instructions
BICSc Assessor app § The app will work when not connected to the internet § If you know you are going to use the app where there is no or intermittent internet connection open the app while connected to sync data § When assessing candidates while not connected the app will work the same as if it was connected § When you get back into network range open the app again and the assessments undertaken will sync with the BICSc server
BICSc Assessor app The landing page when logging in is the dashboard From here you can: § View your skills § Assess a candidate § Conduct a test assessment § View resources (the CPSS kit)
BICSc Assessor app § To log out of the app tap on the 3 lines in the top left corner of the screen § To return to the dashboard topics tap on the 3 lines in the top left corner § Select the required option from the menu
BICSc Assessor app § Tap on the Your Skills option to view the skills assigned to your account § Check that the skills listed are the skills on your card § If you believe there are skills you hold that are not displayed in the list please contact info@bics.org.uk
BICSc Assessor app § Tapping on a skill will take you to a summary of the skill which contains the skill guidance notes § A copy of the skill Standard Operating Procedure is included in the Notes section of the summary § Tap on Assessment Card to view the assessment points associated with the skill § It is possible to assess a candidate directly from this screen by tapping on the tick in the top right corner of the screen
BICSc Assessor app Skill assessment To start an assessment either tap on Assess Candidate on the dashboard or tap on the box with a tick when reviewing a skill card from within Your Skills § Under the skill to assess cell, tap on the dropdown arrow to select the required skill § Remember: Only the skills you hold will be available to select
BICSc Assessor app ยง Complete the candidate information and tap on begin assessment
BICSc Assessor app ยง Answer the question regarding the LTP status for the candidate and tap on Continue ยง If assessing a specialist skill that requires rules of combination those will also appear
ยง If No is selected on any of the skills the assessment will be terminated
Assess a candidate – LTP § Select the skill to assess and complete the candidate information as per any other skill § Complete the LTP registration form § The candidate photograph can be taken with the device camera or uploaded from an existing picture on the device § The candidate and assessor must sign the form before the assessment can begin § If any mandatory fields have been missed they must be completed before the assessment can be started
BICSc Assessor app § Mark the assessment by selecting pass or fail as applicable from the dropdown options
§ The red triangles indicate health and safety points § If fail is selected on any health and safety point the assessment will automatically end
BICSc Assessor app § To cancel an assessment or to add notes tap … in the top right corner and tap the relevant option
§ When tapping on Cancel Assessment be sure you want to cancel the current assessment as there is no confirmation and all data so far will be deleted! § When the note has been added tap on save
BICSc Assessor app BEWARE: Any comments typed in the notes are saved and included on the assessment result if printed/saved to PDF and are uploaded to the server so viewable by the BICSc processing team
§ When all assessment points have been marked tap submit and continue § Both candidate and assessor must now sign the marking sheet
BICSc Assessor app ยง When signed, tap on Submit and Continue
ยง The result summary will be displayed including the start/end times and time taken
BICSc Assessor app ยง Scroll down to display signatures, notes and the individual assessment points with the result assigned
ยง At this point the assessment can be printed (if connected to a network) and/or saved to a PDF
BICSc Assessor app § To print the assessment tap on the … in the top right corner and tap on Print results § To save as a PDF tap on the … in the top right corner and tap on Save PDF
BICSc Assessor app Save to PDF – Android Tablet (Android 9 version or later) ü When Save PDF has been selected for the first time, if a permission screen is returned tap Allow
ü The PDF will automatically be saved to the Files app
BICSc Assessor app 端 To print or export the file, open the Files app
端 Scroll down and tap on the internal storage option
BICSc Assessor app 端 Scroll down and tap on the docs option
端 Tap on the file to open it and follow the device instructions to print or export
BICSc Assessor app Save to PDF – iPad (iOS V13.5.1 or later) ü When Save PDF has been selected, the document will be displayed ü Tap on the Share icon in the top right corner
BICSc Assessor app ü Tap on Save to Files and select On My iPad option
BICSc Assessor app Ăź Tap on the Create Folder icon
BICSc Assessor app Ăź Name the folder and tap on Done
BICSc Assessor app 端 Select the folder in the list and tap on Save
BICSc Assessor app 端 To print or export the file, open the Files app 端 Tap the On My iPad option and tap on the folder created
端 Tap on the file and export or print as per the device instructions
BICSc Assessor app ü The folder only needs to be created the first time an assessment is saved as a PDF ü When saving subsequent assessments tap on the folder created and when asked if you want to replace existing items tap on Keep Both
BICSc Assessor app § When the assessment has been printed and/or saved, scroll to the bottom of the assessment result and tap on Done § The assessment details will be automatically uploaded to the BICSc database
BICSc Assessor app Test Assessment The test assessment option works in a similar way to assess a candidate but does not require candidate information or signatures § Create and mark a test assessment in the same way as assessing a candidate § At the end of the assessment, when tapping the Done option no details are uploaded to BICSc
BICSc Assessor app Resources Tap on resources to view the CPSS support kit split out into individual sections: § Introduction § BICSc Accredited Training Member (ATM), Accredited Training Establishment (ATE) and Assessor Regulations § Assessment Guidelines § Code of Conduct for BICSc Licensed Assessors § Assessment Timings and Guidance Notes § Guidance on Completing BICSc Forms § Annual Audit Guidance
BICSc Assessor app Resources § Health and Safety § Dilution Chart § Hand Hygiene Chart § Colour-coding chart § Glossary of Terms § Terms and Definitions for Chemical Agents § Standard Assessment Briefing § Rules of combination Additional resources will be added as they are created
BICSc Assessor app Some of the comments received from the BICSc users… use and yable to jo n e d te! le an r So simp ork to compnleKelso – Senior Verifie e w r re u e Ma no pap
As a technophobe it’s so much easier to use than I ever thought!
I finally h ad the o pportun the app. ity to use BRILLIAN T!!! Sarah Gils
… it’s a lot better way of assessing…
on - Asses
Easy pap to use a er w ork nd no p to c osto train Jam mple in g es M t e! ars
ton –
Sen io
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Denise Hanson – Head of Technical
s ent card assessm d n a it k All of the cellent! Trainer lace – eRexbecca Logan – Skills p e n o in
Julie Hurd – Freelance Trainer
Any questions so far…
? ?
What happens next….. § CPSS V3.0 live from 30th September 2020 § App is available NOW § Not able to use the app? Order your replacement V3.0 kits – £50 each (plus VAT and postage) § Update yourself with the changes… have a read… It’s all in the app or in the printed kit § Contact your account manager with any queries or email info@bics.org.uk § Card requests using the app § Future Audits… What to expect?
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