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Strengthening the cooperation
On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV), on behalf of the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam (Agribank), I would like to send my best regards to generations of leaders and employees of BIDV.
During the journey of development, BIDV has always been a reliable partner and a close companion, cooperating with Agribank in a variety of fields such as connecting bilateral electronic payments, account services, international payment, trade finance, treasury, currency trading, and co-financing... Building on the close and comprehensive cooperation relationship between BIDV and Agribank, I believe that there will be more effective cooperation opportunities for the two to exploit the advantages, strength and competitive capacity of each bank in the Vietnamese and international financial and banking markets. Agribank greatly appreciates the close and long-term cooperation with BIDV and wishes the cooperation between the two banks to be increasingly strengthened and strongly grown in the future.
Once again, we wish BIDV to continue to promote its position and role as the leading financial institution in Vietnam, making important contributions to the innovation, integration and comprehensive development of the banking system and the country.
Best regards.
Pham Duc an
Chairman, Agribank