32nd Bienal de São Paulo (2016) - Folder-map

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Ground Floor Alicia Barney outside Bené Fonteles X3 Cecilia Bengolea & Jeremy Deller P3 Felipe Mujica V3 Frans Krajcberg X4 Jonathas de Andrade T3 José Bento Q3 Koo Jeong A  outside

OPAVIVARÁ! U2 Park McArthur O5 Pierre Huyghe R3 Rachel Rose Q2 Rosa Barba N5 Ruth Ewan S4 Sandra Kranich T4 Tracey Rose Q4

1st floor + Mezzanine Carla Filipe J5 Cristiano Lenhardt I4 Felipe Mujica J2 Jorge Menna Barreto N3 Lais Myrrha G4 Leon Hirszman F2 Maria Thereza Alves D3 Maryam Jafri D2

Misheck Masamvu H3 Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas F4 Pope.L F3 Rayyane Tabet K3 Rikke Luther C3 Rita Ponce de León H4 Rosa Barba H2 Xabier Salaberria J4







Maryam Jafri



Leon Hirzsman





Koo Jeong A l





Rikke Luther


Rosa Barba Felipe Mujica

Maria Thereza Alves

Nomeda & Gedimina Urbonas

Rachel Rose

José Bento


Misheck Masamvu



Jorge Menna Barreto

Rayyane Tabet Lais Myrrha 4


Pierre Huyghe








Bené Fonteles

Felipe Mujica

Ruth Ewan

Rosa Barba


OPAVIVARÁ! Jonathas de Andrade

Cecilia Bengolea & Jeremy Deller

Christiano Lenhardt

Rita Ponce De León

Entrance/Exit Sandra Kranich

Tracey Rose

Xabier Salaberria


Frans Krajcberg

Park Mcarthur



Carla Filipe




Alicia Barney

Jorge Menna Barreto

2nd floor Alia Farid R5 Ana Mazzei L2 Anawana Haloba W5 Antonio Malta Campos U4 Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca H5 Carolina Caycedo C3, C5, D4 Charlotte Johannesson D5 Cristiano Lenhardt I4, S4 Dalton Paula X4 Dineo Seshee Bopape C2 Ebony G. Patterson D2 Eduardo Navarro O1 Em’kal Eyongakpa J2 Felipe Mujica E1, H1 Francis Alÿs I2, M2 Grada Kilomba Y4 Heather Phillipson L5 Henrik Olesen K4 Hito Steyerl F5 Iza Tarasewicz P3

José Bento T3 Katia Sepúlveda I5 Luiz Roque N5 Luke Willis Thompson N2 Mariana Castillo Deball J3 Michael Linares D4 Michal Helfman Y5 Mmakgabo Helen Sebidi W2 Oficina de Imaginação Política Q3 Öyvind Fahlström P3 Pia Lindman H2 Pierre Huyghe X3 Priscila Fernandes P2 Rayyane Tabet L3 Till Mycha S5 Ursula Biemann & Paulo Tavares V5 Vídeo nas Aldeias M4 Vivian Caccuri S3 Wlademir Dias-Pino P5

t 1

Felipe Mujica


Ebony G. Patterson

Felipe Mujica

Francis Alÿs


Priscila Fernandes Luke Willis Thompson Rayyane Tabet

Mariana Castillo Deball

Lays Myrrha

Mmkgabo Helen Sebidi

Vivian Caccuri

Ana Mazzei

Em’kal Eyongakpa

Öyvind Fahlström Carolina Caycedo

Vídeo nas Aldeias

Henrik Olesen

Pierre Huyghe Antonio Malta Campos

Oficina de Imaginação Política

Iza Tarasewicz

Luiz Roque

Grada Kilomba Dalton Paula Ursula Biemann & Paulo Tavares

José Bento

Alia Farid

Wlademir Dias-Pino

Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca

Charlotte Johannesson


Eduardo Navarro

Francis Alÿs

Pia Lindman

Rayyane Tabet

Michael Linares

Dineo Seshee Bopape


Carolina Caycedo

Christiano Lenhardt


Christiano Lenhardt

Hito Steyerl Carolina Caycedo


Katia Sepúlveda

Anawana Haloba

Till Mycha

Michal Helfman

Heather Philipson Felipe Mujica


3rd floor Carlos Motta I5 Cristiano Lenhardt I4 Erika Verzutti J3 Francis Alÿs G3 Gabriel Abrantes K3 Gilvan Samico C3, L4 Güneş Terkol H5 Jordan Belson N5 José Antonio Suárez Londoño G5 Kathy Barry G2 Lourdes Castro L3

Lyle Ashton Harris D5 Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa F5 Öyvind Fahlström L1, N3 Park McArthur C3 Pilar Quinteros N5 Rachel Rose E2 Sonia Andrade L5 Susan Jacobs I2 Víctor Grippo K5 Wilma Martins F2

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Öyvind Fahlström

Susan Jacobs 2

Rachel Rose

Wilma Martins

Kathy Barry

Gabriel Abrantes

Francis Alÿs

Park McArthur

Lourdes Castro

Erika Verzutti


Gilvan Samico Carolina Caycedo

Christiano Lenhardt

Gilvan Samico


Öyvind Fahlström Jordan Belson

Güneş Terkol

Lyle Ashton Harris


José Antonio Suárez Londoño

Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa


Víctor Grippo

Carlos Motta

Sonia Andrade

Pilar Quinteros

Bienal on-line 32bienal.org.br app.32bienal.org.br Facebook: facebook.com/bienalsaopaulo Twitter: twitter.com/bienalsaopaulo Instagram: @bienalsaopaulo YouTube: youtube.com/bienalsp Google+ Bienal de São Paulo

environmental and collective intelligence, and systemic and natural ecologies, this Bienal is built as a garden, where themes and ideas are loosely woven into an integrated whole, an attempt at ecology in itself. The exhibition is a collective process that started in early 2015 and involved teachers, students, artists, activists, indigenous leaders, educators, scientists and thinkers from different cities and countries. But it is also a collective process about to begin. Just as art naturally joins thinking with doing, reflection with action, it is only through the audience’s encounter with the works, the many performances and the Bienal’s public and educational programs over the coming months that the real wealth of INCERTEZA VIVA will emerge.

The 32nd Bienal de São Paulo – INCERTEZA VIVA [Live Uncertainty], curated by Jochen Volz, Gabi Ngcobo, Júlia Rebouças, Lars Bang Larsen and Sofía Olascoaga, looks at notions of uncertainty and the strategies offered by contemporary art to embrace or inhabit it. Art dwells on the incapacity of existing means to describe the systems we are part of, it leaves room for the most profound misgivings. Art is grounded on imagination, and only through imagination will we be able to envision other narratives for the past and new ways into the present. INCERTEZA VIVA recognizes uncertainties as a generative guiding system and builds on the conviction that it is necessary to detach uncertainty from fear. By choosing an approach close to cosmological thinking,

Free wi-fi in the pavilion upon online registration 1st floor B3, 2nd floor B3 Elevator for visitors with reduced mobility Telephone for wheelchair users 1st floor B3, 2nd floor B3 Telephone for the hearing impaired visitors 1st floor B3 Telephone 1st floor B3, 2nd floor B3, Z3 K3, 2nd floor B3, B5 Toilets for wheelchair user Ground floor O3, 1st floor

From 07 September to 11 December 2016 Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun, holidays: 9–7 pm (last admission 6 pm) Thur, Sat: 9–10 pm (last admission 9 pm) Closed on Mondays Free entrace

2nd floor B3, B5, Z3, Z4 Toilets Ground floor O3, 1st floor K3, First-aid Station 1st floor B4 Press Room Ground floor O3 Restaurant Mezzanine N3

32nd bienal de são paulo – Incerteza Viva Pavilhão da Bienal Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s.n., Parque Ibirapuera, Portão 3 T: +55 (11) 5576 7600


Bookshop Mezzanine M3 i

Information Ground floor T2, V5 Checkroom 1st floor T2, V5

Information for the Visitor 32bsp-folder_mapa.indd 1

31/08/16 16:59

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