33rd Bienal de São Paulo (2018) - Folder-map

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public programs

For the 33rd Bienal, seven artists were invited to curate group exhibitions in which their own work would be included. The intent was to explore the deep contributions artists have made as curators since the origins of modern art by creating their own contexts and lineages. This structure is grounded in the belief that the artist’s gaze is a productive place from which to re-think curatorial practice, proposing an alternative to the idea that exhibitions should necessarily start with a single theme to be illustrated by artists. The artist-curators Alejandro Cesarco, Antonio Ballester Moreno, Claudia Fontes, Mamma Andersson, Sofia Borges, Waltercio Caldas, Wura-Natasha Ogunji, with very different ideas and concepts, present to the visitor diverse ways of thinking about contemporary art and its relationship with the world. Each one has developed a distinct curatorial model through which to express their affective affinities with art and with other artists – historical or contemporary. In addition to the group exhibitions, general curator Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro also selected twelve artists to participate in the 33rd Bienal. Three of them with posthumous exhibitions – Aníbal López, Feliciano Centurión and Lucia Nogueira –, Siron Franco exhibits works from the 1980s, and Alejandro Corujeira, Bruno Moreschi, Denise Milan, Luiza Crosman, Maria Laet, Nelson Felix, Tamar Guimarães and Vânia Mignone present new commissions.

practices of attention A program of talks, workshops, and performances conceived by curator Stefanie Hessler and historian of science D. Graham Burnett. Drawing on recent theoretical work, historical recoveries, and experimental investigations, this event will gather leading artists, scientists, critics, writers, and scholars for a wide‑ranging, interdisciplinary inquiry into one of the major issues of our time. November 16, 17 and 18, from 9h to 20h.

mediated visits The mediation for the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo – Affective Affinities – assumes that a state of prolonged and intentional attention can contribute to a significant encounter between audiences and works of art. The different visiting formats, such as laboratories and attention exercises, value both the experiences of the visitor and the contact with the artworks, without “explaining” them according to predetermined set of questions. general public visits Please consult the service counters at the exhibition entrances. tue., wed., thur. and fri.: 10h, 11h30, 14h and 16h30 sat. and sun.: every hour from 10h to 17h Evenings: thur. and sat.: 18h and 20h ​ Duration: 1 hour

scheduled visits Visits for groups of 10 or more people. tue., wed., thur., fri. and sat. Duration: 2 hours Book by phone or online via Diverte Cultural +55 (11) 3883 9090 / exposicao@divertecultural.com.br Visits in Foreign Languages (English, Spanish), Brazilian Sign Language (libras), and for Blind or Visually Impaired. tue., wed., thur., fri. and sat. Duration: 2 hours Must be booked 48 hours in advance in the Visitor area of the hotsite 33.bienal.org.br or mobile application app33.bienal.org.br

autoescola insular Conceived and coordinated by the artist Rafael Sánchez-Mateos Paniágua, in collaboration with Eneas Bernal and the team of the Fundação Bienal, the Autoescola Insular project is a space for self-learning and practical investigation that spatially inhabits the common/sense exhibition curated by Antonio Ballester Moreno. Their researches and developments are reported on the project’s blog: autoescola33.bienal.org.br

artwork activation dis/re/organizations What happens when some of the outlines and rules that define social institutions are disorganized and rearranged? From the school to the clinic, from the museum to the political party, the Public Program of the 33rd Bienal counts on the participation of institutions, groups and initiatives that have changed something in the way they work. Every week a guest will present an initiative and tell what was produced in that context. Rather than proposing alternatives or solutions, we are interested in identifying how the subjects that make up these organizations have been affected and what perceptions, sociabilities and ways of life have involved in these circuits. Every Thursday, in the Meeting Space on the 2nd floor, from 19h30 to 21h30. Except September 08 from 15h to 17h. Details of the schedule in the Calendar of the hotsite at 33.bienal.org.br and the mobile application at app33.bienal. org.br

áudio 33bienal


In the áudio 33bienal artists use sound and narratives as an extension of their practices. With about 50 tracks, the content can be accessed via QR Codes available in the exhibition space, the hotsite and application of the 33rd Bienal, as well as in the profile of the Fundação Bienal on Spotify.

The 33rd editorial project is a platform aimed at expanding the role of the participating artists by allowing them to explore the artist-book format as a complement to the exhibition. The catalogue brings together a group of 19 publications in the form of brochures and posters produced by the exhibition artists and artist-curators, as well as the 33rd Bienal poster. A complementary publication – to be launched and distributed in the first weeks of October – will feature photographic documentation of the exhibition, a visual essay by photographer Mauro Restiffe, texts and interviews. The artist-curators will also comment on their selection of works from other artists for the 33rd Bienal and how their own work respond to the curatorial proposition. The pocketsize guide has been designed as the most accessible publication, bringing together images and texts about the various exhibitions, as well as their location in the space.


musical playlists Find musical selections curated by the artists and curators of the 33rd Bienal in the profile of the Fundação Bienal on Spotify, official player of the event.

33.bienal.org.br app33.bienal.org.br

welcome It is with great enthusiasm that the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo presents the 33rd edition of the Bienal. Welcome!

information to the visitor

In an attempt to align thought and feeling, creation and reflection, the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo was conceived by the curator Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro as an exhibition that favors experience over discourse, discovery over theme and plurality over uniformity. By questioning power relations within the art world and shifting the weight of decisionmaking, the 33rd Bienal aspires to reaffirm the power of art as a unique place to focus attention in, to, and for the world. This edition consists of seven group exhibitions, curated by artists, together with twelve individual artist projects/ exhibitions. These exhibitions are spread across the three floors of the pavilion, and we invite you to experience them in any order. Each project contains its own curatorial logic and sensibility, and each proposes a different way to think about art and its relationships. The title of this edition, Affective Affinities, brings together historical references by German writer and philosopher Goethe (1749-1832) and Brazilian art critic and political activist Mário Pedrosa, in an attempt to privilege the contemporary practice of looking at art as an experience in which both the artwork and the viewer are engaged in a productive conversation about how and why we feel affinities to certain works and not to others. We invite you to explore the exhibitions with these ideas in mind, and to create your own experience and dialogues with the proposals on display.

from September 7 through December 9, 2018 Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, Parque Ibirapuera, portão 3 bienal on-line bienal.org.br app33.bienal.org.br facebook.com/bienalsaopaulo twitter.com/BienalSaoPaulo instagram.com/bienalsaopaulo youtube.com/bienalsp br.pinterest.com/bienalsaopaulo

exhibition always, never, 2rd floor Wura-Natasha Ogunji & Nicole Vlado. Performance Days of Being Free, 2018. 09/09 at 16h individual project, 1st floor Luiza Crosman. Conversation with Laura Erber, from Zazie Edições, about independent publications (06/10). Workshops with Negalê Jones on sound research: Eletrônica Naïf Bienal for children (29/09) and Amplificador etnobotânico (30/09). And workshop with Pedro Moraes on the relationship between different time scales and the field of industrial design (in October, date to be confirmed). Sign up at 33.bienal.org.br.

Outra 33ª Bienal de São Paulo, a project by Bruno Moreschi Beyond the official narrative, there are other possible readings for the 33rd Bienal. Artist Bruno Moreschi, in collaboration with researcher Gabriel Pereira, programmer Bernardo Fontes, producer Nina Bamberg and designer Guilherme Falcão, have created alternative ways of understanding the exhibition, including the analysis of images by Artificial Intelligence; audio tracks with comments by security guards, technicians and cleaners; expansion of texts produced by the Bienal; non-conventional footage of the installation process; recordings of the public’s reaction, etc. Departing from four deliberately broad questions – What is presence today? What do non-experts have to say? What resonates? And what lasts? – the project will create an alternative archive to that of the institution and will investigate the stages in the construction of the official discourse. As such, researchers will have access to materials that reveal the way the art system works, fostering an experimental examination of the 33rd Bienal. To know more about the project and to collaborate, visit: outra33.bienal.org.br

master sponsorship


cultural partnership


media support

communication support

official player

institutional support

international support




accessibility the exhibition provides mediated tours for visually impaired visitors, in Brazilian Sign Language, and assistance to wheelchair users. For more information, please go to the information desks at the entrance or talk to the mediators. For more information on the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo and its history, visit: bienal.org.br free wi-fi after online registration

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The publications are for sale at Livraria da Travessa bookshop on the 1st and 2nd floors.

exhibition A Infinita História das Coisas ou o Fim da Tragédia do Um [The Infinite History of Things or the End of the Tragedy of One], 1st floor Tal Isaac Hadad. Performance Récital for Masseur, 2018. Every day, variable times. Thomas Dupal. Performance Word for Snake, 2017. Every day, variable times. Tunga. Performance part of the work Untitled, from the series La Voie Humide, 2014. To be confirmed.

ministry of culture, fundação bienal de são paulo and itaú present

33bienal/sp [affective affinities] 2018 map

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[affective affinities]

bruno moreschi D

the infinite history of things or the end of the tragedy of one

alejandro corujeira





bruno moreschi

G/1/M groundfloor


individual projects

group exhibitions common/sense andrea büttner / antonio ballester moreno [artist-curator] / escola de vallecas (alberto sánchez & benjamín palencia) / friedrich fröbel / josé moreno cascales / mark dion / matríztica (humberto maturana & ximena dávila) / rafael sánchez-mateos paniágua


the slow bird

the infinite history of things or the end of the tragedy of one adelina gomes / ana prata / antonio malta campos / arthur amora / bruno dunley / carlos ibraim / jennifer tee / josé alberto de almeida / lea m. afonso resende / leda catunda / martin gusinde / rafael carneiro / sara ramo / sarah lucas / serafim alvares / sofia borges [artist-curator] / sônia catarina agostinho nascimento / tal isaac hadad / thomas dupal / tunga / other artists will be included throughout the exhibition

alejandro corujeira bruno moreschi

maria laet always, never

luiza crosman to our parents tamar guimarães nelson felix


lucia nogueira

individual projects

group exhibitions to our parents alejandro cesarco [artist-curator] / andrea büttner / cameron rowland / henrik olesen / jennifer packer / john miller / louise lawler / matt mullican / oliver laric / peter dreher / sara cwynar / sturtevant

attention – parent guidance classification. Federal Decree MJ: nº 1.189/18 violence – Sturtevant, video-installation


always, never lhola amira / mame-diarra niang / nicole vlado / ruby onyinyechi amanze / wura-natasha ogunji [artist-curator] / youmna chlala

lucia nogueira luiza crosman maria laet nelson felix tamar guimarães

the slow bird ben rivers / claudia fontes [artist-curator] / daniel bozhkov / elba bairon / katrín sigurdardóttir / pablo martín ruiz / paola sferco / roderick hietbrink / sebastián castagna / žilvinas landzbergas

denise milan stargazer ii siron franco

vânia mignone

the appearances aníbal lópez

3 floor

feliciano centurión

group exhibitions

individual projects

stargazer ii åke hodell / bruno knutman / carl fredrik hill / dick bengtsson / ernst josephson / gunvor nelson / henry darger / ladislas starewitch / lim-johan / mamma andersson [artist-curator] / miroslav tichý / russian icons

attention – parent guidance classification. Federal Decree MJ: nº 1.189/18 violence – Aníbal López, video and paitings violence – Henry Darger, drawings nudity – Gunvor Nelson, video

the appearances anthony caro / antonio calderara / antonio dias / armando reverón / blaise cendrars / bruce nauman / cabelo / friedrich vordemberge-gildewart / gego / jorge oteiza / josé resende / miguel rio branco / milton dacosta / oswaldo goeldi / richard hamilton / sergio camargo / tunga / vicente do rego monteiro / victor hugo / waltercio caldas [artist-curator]

checkroom T

bookshop 1, 2

first-aid station 1

toilet T, 1, 2


meeting space T, 2

áudio 33bienal

information T

press room T

changing room T, 1, 2

toilets for wheelchair user T, 1, 2

telephone for wheelchair users 1, 2

restaurant M, 2

musical playlists

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elevator for visitors with reduced mobility (access with assistance) 1, 2

aníbal lópez denise milan feliciano centurión siron franco vânia mignone

The 33rd Bienal has content suitable for all ages. Rooms with content that may be considered not recommended for children and teenagers (Federal Decree: MJ nº 1.189/18) are indicated in the signage. It is forbidden to film and photograph inside the indicated rooms.

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