it’sThoughdark, still I sing 34th Bienal de São Paulo Traveling exhibitions program PretoRiodoJoséSãoPretoRiodoJoséSãoPretoRiodoJoséSãoSesc – São José do Rio Preto May 4 – July 31, 2022 List of works
Aztec basaltic porphyry idol found under the sidewalk of the great square of Mexico City. In: Vues des cordillères, et monuments des peuples indigènes de l’Amérique. Première partie, Relation Historique, Voyage de Humboldt et Bonplant, Atlas Pittoresque [Views of the Cordilleras, and monuments of the indigenous peoples of America. Part 1, Historical Relation, Voyage of Humboldt and Bonplant, Atlas Pittoresque]. Paris, 1810. Collection: The George Peabody Library, The Sheridan Library, The John Hopkins University. Facsimile. Antonio León y Gama Descripción histórica y cronológica de las dos piedras: Que con ocasión del nuevo empedrado que se está formando en la plaza principal de México, 1792 [Historical and chronological description of the two stones: That on the occasion of the new paving that is being formed in the main square of Mexico]. Mexico City: Imprenta del ciudadano Alejandro Valdés, 1832 [1st edition: 1792]. Collection: Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. Trustees for Harvard University. Facsimile.
Hiroshima mon amour, by Alain Resnais Hiroshima mon amour, 1959 ©4’ Argos Support:FilmsConsulado Geral da França em São Paulo
Statements The Engraved Image of AlexanderCoatlicuevonHumboldt
Claude Cahun Claude Cahun as Diable in Le Mystère d’Adam, 1929 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 Collectioncm:Jersey Heritage Museum Claude Cahun as Elle in Barbe Bleue, 1929 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Claude Cahun, Roger and Solange Roussot in Le Mystere d’Adam, 1929 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Gloves with sword and feathers, 1936 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Hands, undated Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum I am in training don’t kiss me, 1927 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Je tends les bras, 1932 I stretch my arms Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Lucy Schwob / Claude Cahun, 1945 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (aerial view on blanket), 1928 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (aerial view on blanket), 1928 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (double exposure in rock pool), 1928 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (double exposure in rock pool), 1928 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (holding mask), 1947 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (in cloak with cloaked figure), 1939 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 cm Collection Jersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (in cupboard), 1932 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum
Self portrait (in robe with masks attached), 1929 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (in sailor suit), 1915 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (kneeling, naked, with mask), 1928 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (lower body, seaweed and Le Père), 1932 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (lying on leopard skin), 1939 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (lying on sand), 1930 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (mask obscures face), 1947 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (naked near rocks), 1930 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (naked, floating in rock pool), 1928 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (on sea wall), 1947 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (reflected), undated Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (seated cross legged in profile, shaved head), 1920 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (seated cross legged like Buddha), 1927 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (seated on grass wearing long wig and leaves), 1938 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (shaved head, material draped across body), 1920 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait (standing and sitting in a garden), 1939 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum
Self portrait (with skull and cigarette), 1947 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait as Elle in Barbe Bleue, 1929 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait as Monsieur in Banlieu, 1929 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self portrait crouched naked in rock pool, 1930 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait (as young girl in swimsuit), 1916 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait (reflected image in mirror, checqued jacquet), 1928 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait (with shaved head), 1920 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait, 1920 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait, 1927 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait, Claude Cahun as a young girl, 1914 Cotton paper print 40 × 50 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Self-portrait, Young Lucy with shaved head, 1916 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Untitled (Hands and Table), 1936 Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Untitled (color negative), undated Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Untitled (color negative), undated Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum Untitled (color negative), undated Cotton paper print 50 × 40 CollectioncmJersey Heritage Museum
Daiara Tukano Bo’éda Hori – Arco-íris, 2021 Rainbow Acrylic on canvas, 7 paintings 100 ⨯ 100 cm Commissioned(each)byFundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal. Ñamíriwi’í – Casa da noite, 2020 Night House Acrylic on canvas 100 ⨯ 100 Commissionedcm by Fundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal. Gala Porras-Kim 27 offerings for the rain at the Field Museum, 2021 Color pencil and Flashe on paper 153 ⨯ 123 Commissionedcm by Fundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal Precipitation for an arid landscape, 2021 Copal (resin), dust from the Field Museum storage, institutional structure for rain water, rainwater Dimensions CommissionedvariablebyFundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal Haris Epaminonda Participation in the 34th Bienal supported by: ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen). Chronicles I, 2010 Digitised super 8 film Artist’s16’33’’ collection Chronicles II, 2010 Digitised super 8 film Artist’s26’55’’ collection Chronicles VI, 2011 Digitised super 8 film Artist’s4’42’’ collection Chronicles XVI, 2012 Digitised super 8 film Artist’1’28’’s collection Chronicles XXII, 2020 Digitised super 8 film Artist’s14’26’’ collection Jungjin Lee Buddha 0216, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 198 ⨯ 147 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-01, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-02, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-03, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection
Buddha 02-04, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-05, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-06, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-08, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-09, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Buddha 02-14, 2002 Photo emulsion on mulberry paper 99 ⨯ 122 cm Artist’s collection Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela Participation in the 34th Bienal supported by: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Corpo radial – sala da memória, 2020 Radial Body – Memory Room Installation: wood and silk structure, vinyl floor, silkscreens and drawings Dimensions variable Efeito orla, 2013 Edge Effect 2-channel video installation. Color, sound. Marinella Senatore Participation in the 34th Bienal supported by: Italian Council, Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity, Italian Ministry of Culture. Nos erguemos ao levantar outras pessoas, 2021 We Rise by Lifting Others Light sculpture 1000 cm CommissionedØ by Fundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal The School of Narrative Dance, 2013Movement workshops, video installation. Commissioned by Fundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal. Melvin Moti Participation in the 34th Bienal supported by: Mondriaan Fund. Interwoven, 2020 32’Video RetomadaUýra (series), 2021 Recovery Reencontrar To Rediscover Germinar Rebrotar To Germinate To Regrow
Enraizar To Root Crescer Escalar To Grow up To Climb Agregar To Add Cobrir Espalhar To Cover To Spread Perfurar Romper To Drill To Break Florescer To Bloom Frutificar To Fruit Tudo de novo Everything Again 65Photograph ⨯ 95 cm (each) Artist’s CommissionedPhotos:CourtesycollectionoftheartistMatheusBelémbyFundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 34th Bienal Victor Anicet Participation in the 34th Bienal supported by: Institut français à Paris and Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – DAC Martinique Accouplement, 2017 Coupling Enamelled lava plate 50 ⨯ 43 ⨯ 1 cm Chaos Monde, 2003 Chaos world Enamelled lava plate 50 ⨯ 50 ⨯ 2 cm Grêve, 2010 Strike Lava plate 50 ⨯ 50 cm Les Marrons, 2017 The maroons Enamelled lava plate 50 ⨯ 43 ⨯ 1 cm