Christian Times Magazine Issue 12

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The voice of truth


By Chris Rose





LEGISLATING MORALITY By Christopher Grahn Howard


By Ann Wagner


TO KURDISTAN WITH LOVE! By Charles Lingerfelt

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But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness .” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak,

then I am Strong

2 Corinthians 12:9-11



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Editor Note Welcome to the 12th Issue of Christian Times Magazine, Christian Times Magazine Issue 12 designed especially for people who really like News and Political Magazine and consider picking up a News & Political magazine. This is for readers who want to up-to-date with political, Religious and Entertainment News. While as a nation We aim to cut through the confusion and give you clear, sensible and reliable information and News from writers and experts that you can trust. We want it to be entertaining and informative, at times contrary, but above all useful. Inside you’ll find a mixture of news, features and Monthly regular columns/articles on a wide range of News and Political related topics. I hope you enjoy this Issue 12 | November 2017 and do let us know if there are any article you’d like to see covered in the future.

Thank You Anil Anwar President / CEO Christian Times Magazine


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pg. 10

pg. 27



By Raveen Youngblood

By Christopher Grahn Howard

pg. 11

pg. 30



By Ann Wagner

By David Clarke

pg. 14

pg. 34



By Chris Rose

By Joshua D.Jones

pg. 18

pg. 36



By Matthew Snape

By Thomas D.Walls

pg. 22

pg. 38



Patrick Sarooj

By Dan Brien

pg. 24

pg. 40



By Charles Lingerfelt

By Samanda Brace & Marcus Stallworth

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pg. 41 PRAY FOR AMERICA By Marko Tapani Latvakoski

pg. 42 THE REFORMATION By Leighton Medley


Christian Times Magazine Issue 12 | November 2017


CARTOON OF THE MONTH By Raven Youngblood Christian Times Magazine




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“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Our Savior, Jesus, spoke these words in Matthew 25:40 commanding us to help the most vulnerable in our society as if we are doing it for the Lord. We tend to overlook our own communities when we think about the most vulnerable. However, the scourge of human trafficking has permeated neighborhoods across America and today it hides in plain sight. The St. Louis region, much of which I represent in Congress, is one of the country’s top 20 hotpots for sex trafficking. I have met with courageous survivors in my home town, and their stories make clear one thing: sex trafficking is modern day slavery. It is the indignity and humiliation of repeated rape, the destruction of a future and a life, a precious life created in God’s image. In America, women and young girls comprise the vast majority of sex trafficking victims. Although victims can be from any background, runaway and homeless youth are especially vulnerable to sex trafficking. It is estimated that one in six runaway children are likely sex trafficking victims. I am filled with gratitude that America’s Christians are rising up against the injustice of modern day slavery. We must pull aside the veil, and educate our country on the painful story of America’s criminal sex industry. We also must ensure that our government is working with us, not against us. In July, the Washington Post shined a light on and reported that it employed a contractor to aggressively solicit and create illegal sex ads. Websites like are operating criminal enterprises that prey on the bodies and souls of trafficked victims.These online slave markets are allowed to sell our children over and over again because courts have misinterpreted Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to shield websites from criminal liability for the trafficking advertisements they facilitate.

But Section 230, created over 20 years ago, was never intended to create a lawless internet where people can commit crimes online that they cannot commit offline. If there was a slave auction online, I cannot imagine that the online auctioneer would be allowed to walk away with impunity. But that’s what’s happening. In April, I introduced the bipartisan Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act. This narrowly tailored bill amends Section 230 to hold websites that sell our women and children accountable. But we face an uphill battle to get this bill enacted into law. Some in the powerful tech industry argue that allowing people to advertise sex slaves is a Freedom of Speech issue. That is a cop out, and they know it. Courts have ruled repeatedly that no one has the right to advertise victims of trafficking. Rape and sex trafficking are not prerequisites of the free and open internet. As one of my heroes, Frederick Douglass, once said, “No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.” For our country to be free, all in our country must be free. But we humans are incapable of legislating away the sins of society. Freedom, morality, and dignity cannot be created or sustained by the government.



The integrity of our culture is righted only through the neverending exertion of civil society, through raising awareness about exploitation in our churches, schools, and community centers, through shining the light of Christ on a broken world. We need a culture that celebrates human dignity and life, and a judicial system that views exploitation and the purchasing of commercial sex as the most egregious of transgressions. Together, and with God’s help, we are fighting to end the exploitation of our women and children.

BY ANN WAGNER CONGRESSWOMEN The 2nd District of Missouri










“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not.” 1 John 3:1 KJV To be called anything by God is to impart a quality of character intoa person’s soul. God has lovingly awarded us the most prestigious honor, to be called the sons of God. Salvation through God’s Son, if received, gives way to a journey which mandates a man to remove all impeding elements of the crucified sinful nature through God’s free gift of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to perform all that God has called us to do and be. We are unmistakably His, as our nature has been redrawn as an exact blueprint of His Son Jesus, our Savior. The world knows Him not, but pretends to be of His stature. Iowa Senator Matt McCoy was exclusively interviewed for this article. Identifying himself as a man of faith, a Christian, and a homosexual,he worships the deity of Jesus Christ at Plymouth United Church of Christ. As a political advocate for the LGBTQ, McCoy reveals his compassion for the transgender identified soldier. “I am deeply troubled by the marginalization of the transgender community. Currently there are approximately 15,000 men and women who identify as transgender serving the United States military. I am troubled that President Trump would casually release a tweet indicating a future ban on their military service. The implications of his actions were extreme, as we have troops deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq and other dangerous parts of the world.” Matthew McCoy and I come from the

Gay Iowa Senator Matthew McCoy


same homosexual community of DesMoines Iowa. I formerly marched in the DesMoinesgay pride festivals, and used God-given musical abilities to suggest a freedom from religious oppression, for which I apologize. Having been a former homosexual, having been rescued by the hand of the risen savior, Jesus Christ, who offered to trade my sinful nature for His glorified nature, today Christ Rose Ministries urges LGBTQ persons to turn to Jesus away from a lifestyle that biblically denotes a bad ending! McCoy has pushed legislatively for a ban on reparative therapy, and when asked of McCoy’s political stance, he shares: “Since I am in a position to influence policy I would say that my life experience influences all the policy decisions that I make. Just as being a father, partner and small business owner has an impact on my decisions, so does my sexual orientation.” McCoy further explains that, “I entered public service to be of service to my State. I view all my constituents that I serve from the prism of my life experience.” It seems that politicians work tirelessly to convince their constituents and the populacethat an LGBTQ identity has a bestowed dignity given by God. Although nowhere inHoly Scripture does the Holy Spiritprescribe this identity, Americanpoliticians continue to shape law ensuring a distinction for the LGBTQ identified individual.At their disposal are the secular scientific, medical, psychiatric, and psychological associations who all agree that homosexual orientation may be explained by human biology.Such evidence is found in a letter from the American Psychological Associationto President Museveni of Uganda, Africa dated February 14, 2014.Alarmed by the Ugandan’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill, the APAapplauded the country’s commitment to use science as the basis for their laws, and urged their President toobjectively review thescientific probability of homosexual orientation, and would ultimately indicate that their country’s legislationwas inconsistent with science. After giving their contrived understanding of the construct of sexual orientation, the APA seemed to become legally aware of their conjecture by stating to the Ugandan President: “Science does not definitively understand the



developmental sources of sexual orientation in humans. A number of scientific results suggest a biological basis for sexual orientation, but these results do not point to one simple biological or genetic explanation.” The APA took refuge in a study conducted by Gregory M. Herek, who surveyed 662 adult persons identifying as either lesbian, gay, or bisexual.The study stipulatedthat 88% of the gay men surveyed were without choice in their sexual orientation, and yet this survey left out the subject’s political, religious,and educational influences.The website, in the area of Sexuality Research & Social Policy, provided an abstractdescribing the 662 individuals and their propensities. They were revealed to be of higher education, politically liberal, not overly religious, and all of them were supporters of marriage equality. Common sensereveals the potential bias of 662 politically liberal persons regardless of their sexual proclivity.Probability suggests that their identity is in the political bosom of the social sciences that staunchly support the famous 1973 decision to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association.Two years later the American Psychological Association followed suit.Having medical and social sanction of these political movements, can the last 44 years give the true probability of homosexuality in the United States,and can it ever be quantified? Through biblical promise of restoration and psychological science, I am one of thousands found within a percentage of men and women who are being changed of their homosexual orientation. Unfortunately, the Ugandan president was quickly diverted away from this science bya matter-of-fact assurance that reorientation change efforts are harmful and unsuccessful. The APA’s “Task Force”, an elected seven-member panel, gave testimony against reparative therapy, which has worked in restoring the family dynamic, healing the ailment of identity disorders that have been blamed for homosexual behavior.But who are the members of this task force? The answer may diminish your confidence in thesocial sciences, and


psychology itself, and demand that the average Jack and Jill givea scratch to their noggin as they point out the elephant in the room. How long has psychology been political? The APA finalized their letter to the Ugandan President with this determination: “Psychology can play a significant role in bringing about harmony, tolerance and the appreciation of differences.” As the social sciences continue to band together with aggressive sexual revolutionaries, Ugandan homosexually identified men and women still face lifetime imprisonment.Yet the arm of science that offers the possibility of change is mysteriously cut off. Smooth stone in hand, David is preparing to launch his arsenal against the Goliath of science who arrogantly attempts to control the thinking of the day. Warning: Secular associations of the scientific, psychological, and advocacy groups, intending to bring me freedom from oppressive religious conjecture, have been found to be my oppressor(s). So who are the members of the “Task Force”? The late Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, in his article titled “Who Were the APA “Task Force” Members?” states, “The scientific prestige of the American Psychological Association (APA) was evidenced recently during the legal debate over treatment for unwanted homosexuality. Over and over in the courtroom, one piece of evidence trumped all other information—the APA’s’ Task Force Report, “Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation” (2009). Dr. Nicolosi, a renowned

Photo Credit: Religion Dispatches

psychologist,investigate d the “gay-activist trump card.”Having repaired thousands of men and women back into agreement with their biological distinction,

Nicolosi exposed his fellow colleagues. Nicolosi calculated that if the U.S. population has 1-2% of LGBTQ identified persons then the “Task Force ”should be paneled with at most one LGBTQ professional. But six out of the seven members



were publically documented as either gay, lesbian, or bisexual.And what about the seventh member?Although heterosexual he was awarded by the LGBTQ community for “speaking up and out and often regarding LGBT issues.”The award goes to---you guessed it, the seventh member. Nicolosi, not chosen for the panel, revealed that each member of the “Task Force” demanded that everyone should view homosexuality as “positive”.(Does the composition of the panel includeall legislative powers foreign and domestic?) On the domestic front, concerned parents of gender dysphoric, gender non-conforming, and children perceived as homosexual have been stripped of their rights. Nevada has declared reparative therapy illegal for children and their parents who voluntarily seek treatment for unwanted homosexual orientation. Openly gay Nevada Senator David Parks introduced pro-homosexual legislation that made all efforts of orientation change therapy against the law. The committee who decided whether reparative therapy offended the dignity of LGBTQ identified personswas Nevada’s committee of Commerce, Labor, and Energy. Unsure why testimony was heard by this committee, it is clear to me who chaired and co-chaired the eventpublically documented LGBTQ Kelvin Atkinson, Chair and Patricia Spearman, Co-Chair. While debating the repeal of Nevada’s gay marriage ban, Kelvin Atkinson is remembered for his proclamation on the Senate floor, “I’m black. I’m gay.”Spearman, having pastoral experience, is taggedfor being the most liberal member of the Nevada Senate.In the heat of this battle was Dr. William Tarbell, a specialist in human relationships and community who as a citizen offered his 40 years of expertise. Exclusively interviewed for this article, Dr. Tarbell exposed the atmosphere controlled by LGBTQ Senators David Parks, Kelvin Atkinson, and Patricia Spearman. “A large majority of legislators were pushing hard for several laws promoting same-sex and transgender agendas,” Tarbell said. Testifying before committees responsible for these laws, he observed, “A clear bias was against anyone speaking from a traditional religious perspective. In fact, when I spoke about persons moving out of same-sex lifestyles, I was forbidden to introduce anything religious in nature to support my statement. Instead, the legislature relied on “science”, never specifically explained during the session, to uphold the “immutability” of same-sex and transgender “orientation”, and therefore established was the necessity of protecting those engaged in such “sexual expression”. In the end Dr. Tarbell was provoked to supply the committee with secular based scientific


evidence that counter balanced their already predetermined and unexplained scientific conjecture. Dr. Tarbell was never given another session.Kelvin Atkinsons parred with Dr. Tarbell, giggling as he demanded to meet the “delivered” person. Kelvin Atkinson, meet Chris Rose! “Delivered”through the avenue of reparative therapy.You thought we didn’t exist? The research is available Senator, and at the very least, your responsibility to objectively research all categories of social science is imperative, and expected. Nevada’s children and their parents are counting on you. The sense of your impropriety, holding personal interests over theirs, is deplorable. At the time this legislation was approved by Atkinson’s committee, Christ Rose Ministries sent written documentation of my repaired homosexual orientation to Governor Brian Sandoval’s office.Republican Brian Sandoval still signed this ban into law on May 17, 2017. Does probability convey his future electability in a primarily blue state? In Iowa, Matt McCoy says: “I don’t believe that the government takes a position on genetic or biological studies when determining legislation that impacts LGBTQ Iowans.”Can Iowa families expect objective senatorial behavior from openly gay Senator Matt McCoy? Witnessing Nevada’s senatorial behavior, perceivably obstructive, the probability exists that all LGBTQ identified politicians are situated under the same prism. Christ Rose Ministries, though far from endorsing McCoy’s political campaign, sees the possibility of McCoy himself changing his position. “My family, faith and education when making decisions on legislation influence me. While my family and faith are very core to my being, education more than any other factor is subject to change my position on issues.” Mr. McCoy I encourage you to be educated in reparative and spiritual factors associated with my changed sexual orientation. As a child, I exhibited extreme feminine behavior,even conceivably transgender. I have experienced a profound release from homosexual behavior, orientation, gender dysphoria, and gender nonconformity,when orientated to God’s provisional love as He has issued my biological distinction. Be blessed Body of Christ as we witness God’s provision to man’s sinful condition.

By Chris Rose Christ Rose Ministries





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ry la i /H d a ose m p ba x O E

from russia with love

By Matthew Snape

obama | hilary





from russia with love By Matthew Snape

The Trump administration has been tainted with the misfortune of collaboration with the Russians since Barack Obama declared that Vladimir Putin interfered in last year’s presidential election. Considering the latter dared the former to provide evidence to justify his claim, the former US president failed to do so. And since then, politicians on both sides of the American political spectrum have overwhelmed President Trump with investigations into his campaign team’s links with the Russian President. As President Trump rightly said, if the Russians were serious about meddling with last year’s outcome, Hillary Clinton would have won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. After all, this is a lady who was serious about war with Putin and who had no intention of resetting American-Russian relations. This was probably the most consistent claim she made throughout her entire campaign. Even now, she cannot resist the urge to blame Moscow for her humiliating defeat. In Hillary’s eyes, it is everyone else’s fault except her own. Even Nigel Farage and Brexit have not escaped the former first lady’s bitterness. Yet it appears links were established connections between Donald Trump’s campaign team and Putin. Jared Kushner was investigated by Congress for opening channels of communication with Moscow, as was the President’s Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has a long history of association with Putin that stretches back to the early 2000s. It would be foolish to deny the Trump team has no links at all to the Russians. But Mr. Kushner’s and Mr. Sessions’ conversations with Russian officials were purely in the national interest. Relations between Moscow and Washington reached an all-time low under Obama’s watch. There was no harm in Trump officials exploring ways prior to the Republican candidate’s unexpected victory last year in discussinginnovative ideas to rebuild the positive relationship George W. Bush established with the Russian President in between 2001-08. If the allegations that the presidential election was determined by Russian interference are true, then those individuals who aided them should rightly be brought to justice. Any proposal to impeach President Trump would be welcome, especially if he knew his victory was determined by outside forces.

Yet that has not turned out to be the case. The mainstream media has been awfully quiet in recent months about Russian interference, until recently. The Democrats’ prospects for the mid-term elections next year have taken a sour turn. The Harvey Weinstein scandal has exposed the hypocrisy of Hollywood’s liberal elite, many of whom donated towards Hillary’s campaign last year, including Mr. Weinstein himself. The mostly liberal mainstream media love a story like this, even if Mr. Weinstein is “one of them”, because stories about famous people generate views on Harvey Weinstein and Hillary Clinton in 2012. Mr. Weinstein held a fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton at his Manhattan home last year. Credit Larry Busacca/Getty Images

all media platforms. Yet there is one story about the liberal elite that the mainstream media has not explored on our television screens (unless you watch conservative channels like Fox News) and that is the Democrats’ links to Russia that stretches back to when Obama was inaugurated in 2009. The tables of this Russia witch-hunt have taken an unexpected turn. According to the New York Post, the Obama administration knew that Moscow had used bribery, kickbacks and extortion to gain a stake in the US atomic energy industry and made deals giving Russia control of a substantial chunk of the American uranium supply. The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) used a confidential American witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather records, produce secret recordings and intercept emails in 2009 that proved Putin had compromised a US uranium tracking company, The Hill reported.Transport Logistics International provided $2





Photo Credit: Getty Images

to Moscow in exchange for lucrative no-bid contracts- a scheme that undermined the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the report said. The FBI discovered that Russian nuclear officials had delivered millions of dollars into the US intended to benefit the Clinton Foundation during the same time then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government committee that signed off on the deals,

campaign trail in 2016. Hillary’s spokesman refuted that she was involved in the committee review that decided this sale should take place. Like with many lies Hillary told, this is one that has now been exposed. What’s worse is that Obama, who brought allegations of Russian influence in last year’s presidential election to life, authorized a second deal in 2011 that enabled Rosatom’s Tenex subsidiary to sell the Canadian company’s uranium to American nuclear power plants. Prior to this, Tenex could only sell reprocessed uranium from dismantled Soviet nuclear weapons to power plants in the US. A source informed The New York Post that the Russians were compromising with American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. The Obama administration failed to acknowledge this evidence before making its decisions.

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The Hill reported. Higher-level officials in Russia provided their consent to the racketeering operation who benefited from the proceeds, an agent later stated. When the Justice Department was managed by then-Attorney General Eric Holder, he failed to issue charges in the case prior to the deals being struck. The first deal was completed in October 2010 when the State Department and the Committee on Foreign Investment agreed to sell part of Uranium One, a mining giant located in Toronto, with operations in Wyoming, Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, South Africa and numerous other nations, to the Russian nuclear company Rosatom. The Russians gained control over approximately 20 per cent of the American uranium supply and provided the Kremlin with a substantial and profitable stake in the American atomic power industry. Donald Trump attempted to generate political capital from this sale during his

The racket was not disclosed in 2010. The Justice Department investigated this for four more years, meaning Americans and Congress did not know anything about Russian nuclear corruption at the time the deals were signed. Obama and the Clintons failed to take any responsibility for these deals. In 2015, they declared there was no evidence that the Russians had done anything wrong, despite evidence proving the contrary. They also stated there was no solid national security reason as to why the Uranium One deal posed a threat. Author Peter Schweizer disclosed how Bill Clinton earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees from Russian entities The Hill reported that Bill Clinton earned $500,000 from Moscow in 2010. Mr. Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of Rosatom to help secure the Obama administration’s controversial uranium deal. ArkadyDvorkovich, a top aide to Putin’s predecessor, Dmitri Medvedev, and one of the highestranking governments aids to serve on Rosatom’s board of supervisors, was listed on a May 14th, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians Mr. Clinton wanted to meet during his June 2010 trip. Clinton Foundation foreign policy adviser




ISSUE 12 | NOVEMBER 2017 photo Clinton foundation

Amitabh Desai wrote to the State Department on May 14th, 2010, using the former president’s initials and forwarding the list of names to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s team. The correspondence was received by two of Mrs Clinton’s two most senior advisers, Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills. The approval question, however, remained inside State for nearly two weeks without a reply, causing Desai to issue numerous pleas for a decision. The documents fail to indicate what decision the State Department finally made. Bill Clinton later met with Putin at the Russian President’s private homestead. Aides to the former president, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation said Mr. Clinton did not hold any conversations about Rosatom or the Uranium One deal while in Russia and that no one was connected to the deal. The spokesman then had the cheek to say all these investigations are only benefitting President Trump. It is as if they are twisting the facts to turn the emphasis on the current President’s links with the Russians instead of coming clean with the truth. But then again, Bill Clinton did lie under oath about having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. Nothing should come as a surprise anymore. Two days after Hillary visited Moscow in 2010, Russian businessman Viktor Vekselberg was referenced by Medvedev to manage a new technology investment project called Skolkovo, designed to be Russia’s equivalent of Silicon Valley, according to press reports. Hillary had directly discussed the Skolkovo project with Medvedev and her State Department was canvassing support for it among American businesses, creating the potential appearance of a conflict. She even attended a major event in 2010 with the Russians to promote the project. Renaissance Capital, the Russian bank that paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for his speaking fee, was one of the largest one-day fees the former president has ever been paid. The New York Times revealed in 2015 that this company had links with the Kremlin and was talking up the Uranium One purchase in 2010, providing it with a positive investment rating in Russia during the time the US was considering approval of the uranium sale.The Hill disclosed that Bill Clinton sent dozens of emails to conservative group Citizens United via a Freedom of Information Act that uncovered four years of correspondence, proving the extent of Russian nuclear corruption. FBI, Energy Department and court documents proved that the feds had gathered crucial evidence before

the committee decided that Vadim Mikerin- the main Russian responsible for Putin’s nuclear expansion inside the US- was engaged in corrupt behavior commencing in 2009. Holder also had a seat on the foreign investments committee during the time the Uranium One deal was signed, yet numerous current and former government officials told The Hill they did not know if the FBI or DOJ even informed other committee members about the crimes they discovered. American businessmen played an important part in gathering evidence of the illegal players who acted as confidential witnesses and commenced kickback payments at Mikerin’s direction with the permission of the FBI. The first kickback the FBI recorded via its informant was on November 27th, 2009, the records prove. In affidavits signed in 2014 and 2015, an Energy Department official assigned to aid the FBI in the case testified that Mikerin supervised a “racketeering scheme” that consisted of extortion, bribery, money-laundering and kickbacks that were controlled by the Kremlin and provided kickbacks to senior Russian energy agents with links to Putin. The case exposed a serious security concern as Mikerin had provided a no-bid contract to Transport Logistics International that delivered Russia’s uranium around the US in return for more than $2 million in kickbacks from some of its executives to the Russians, court records prove. Until September 2013, the FBI director was Robert Mueller. He is now supervising the special counsel probing Russian meddling in the 2016 election. He knew about the Obama administration’s involvement with Moscow and failed to act accordingly. How can he be trusted to lead the investigation into Trump’s victory if he ignored Obama’s deals with the Kremlin? Obama spent eight years in office lying to the American people. He claimed to be tough with the Russians on the international stage, condemning Moscow’s involvement in the Syrian conflict and occupation of the Ukraine, whilst secretly allowing Russian nuclear companies to occupy America’s uranium. He brought relations between both countries to an all-time low, even though the Trump administration attempted to rebuild bridges with Putin. Congress decided to impose sanctions on the Russians, in line with other sanctions on Iran and North Korea, and jeopardized the President’s chances of forging a new relationship with Russia. They made this decision based on the assumption the Trump campaign team had links to the Kremlin. However, they have been strangely silent since the Obama administration’s links to Moscow have been unravelled. The Democrats deserve to be condemned for their hypocrisy regarding their own connections with the Russians. They have buried their own relationship with the Kremlin to undermine the Trump administration. Republicans are equally guilty of colliding with the opposition to thwart the President’s Russian policy. Putin has delivered, from Russia with love, a political bomb that will soon explode.




Photo Source: Google editing by patrick sarooj

History Repeated

Jesus crucifying and free Barabbas By Patrick Sarooj



I feel proud to be a Christian and Jesus Christ is my savior because he gives peaceful and eternal life, he didn’t fight and kill anyone but Christian life is not a bed of roses because Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Take up his cross mean your hard life and persecution is started because you are following Jesus Christ. Matthew 10:22 “And you will be hated by all on account of my name; When we look the around the world specially Asian Muslim countries, religious discrimination and persecution has been increased for Christians, beheaded them, burn the Churches, Bibles, Crosses and people alive, kidnapping women and force conversion has become routine but persecuted Christian still peaceful because they flowing Jesus Christ. History Repeated: I believe that history repeated, Bible tells us 2000 years ago The Son of God Jesus of Nazareth were crucified, I am anguish to look around the world same things are happening. Matthew 26:57 “Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled” There are four characters 1 Jesus Christ means Christians 2 high priest means few religious leaders 3 teachers of the law means few Churches 4 elders had assembled means United Nations. Characters 2 to 4 are wellknown about the Christian persecution but silent and I tell you why they are silent. Matthew 27:1 “Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed”. Some religious leaders, so-called Churches and United Nations they have planning against Christians even our Christian leaders and Churches criticized to Myanmar Government the ongoing violence in Myanmar but silent on UNHCR Thailand have unprofessional attitude Pakistani Christians and UNHCR Thailand resettle to Muslim Ahmedies through Church Organizations and Pakistani Christian facing discrimination in Thailand and Church Organizations are silent, all are same likewise chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed. Matthew 27:3 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. 4 “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.” 5 So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. 6 The chief priests picked up the coins and said, “It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money. ” There are few religious leaders and United Nations are trading and selling to the Christ and Christians likewise chief priests and he elders, they collect the money to help persecuted Christian for resettlement but Christians still requesting for help and Muslims are getting resettlement, through Church Organizations and United Nations. I want to say to religious leaders, churches and United Nations stop the trading and selling to the Christ and Christians you have our blood money, God is not happy to you, religious leaders and International churches please get up and save

History repeated "Jesus crucifying and free Barabbas"

your Christian brothers and sisters. Matthew 27:15 “Now it was the governor’s custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd. 16 At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas. 17 So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?” 20 But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed”. This is my experience God gives chance to everyone to choose Barabbas or Jesus. That time there were many people who knows about Jesus and Barabbas, Jesus did many great works he healed blind man, healed a man with leprosy and they know Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead but Barabbas was a prisoner or criminal and Chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed. Chief priests and the elders were supporting to a criminal. If you release a criminal without punishment 99% chances he will commit crime again, these kinds of criminals are very dangerous for society. Our religious leaders, few churches and United Nations have same roll chosen a criminal Barabbas and thinking we are promoting peace in the world. I said history repeated, once again Christians are facing persecution in the world especially Asian Muslim countries. United Nation force to countries open your borders and take refugees, these kind of many Barabbas has been entered in Europe and different countries and crime percentage and security risk has been increased due to these kind of refugees, Law and order, Street Crime, Snatching, Robbery, Rape and Terrorism, who is the responsible for this? liberal organization, religious leaders and few churches are involve as well, churches removed religious statues and crosses for these kind of refugees, I don’t think so how can you do this? If you remove the Holy cross from church or your life, its mean you deny the salvation and LOVE of God. I want to ask to religious leaders, churches organizations and United Nations, if these refugees have problem with our religious statues and cross why they do not go to Muslims Countries for refuge even any Muslim country is not agree to receive them. Churches get up and see the difference between Barabbas and Jesus chose the Son of God and think about your Syrian and Pakistani persecuted Christian brothers and sisters many are waiting for you. UNHCR Thailand have discriminating and unprofessional attitude with Pakistani Christian but Ahmedy Muslims are being well facilitating please help to Pakistani Christians in Thailand.

By Patrick Sarooj




Photo Courtesy by Charles LingerfeltÂ

To kurdistan with love By Charles Lingerelt



To Kurdistan With Love

ISSUE 12 | NOVEMBER 2017 Photo Credit: Getty Images / Safin Hameed

On 25 September 2017, I was privileged to be there in Erbil, Kurdistan with you My dear friends for the "vote of referendum." It was a vote for all the people of Kurdistan to vote for independence. This meant that if the vote was positive, and approved by all the people of Kurdistan, Kurdistan was scheduled to begin the “talks and debate” for “breaking away” from Iraq and become an independent nation - A People of sovereignty and sovereign rule, in and of itself a New nation based upon the vote of the people. I have known the Kurds, and have worked with them for 30 years, as this past Summer. I first met Kurds in North Dallas, here in Texas, and we sat beside the pool and they told me their story of how they had been downtrodden and overridden for many years; they were hated by Saddam Hussein and he tried to destroy them! Even in the war between Iran and Iraq, the Kurds were put on the front lines of the battle, in both countries, and for eight long years the battle ensued - where literally, Kurds were killing Kurds. Saddam had hoped that they would "wipe themselves out!" Saddam had murdered them, gassed them, and even dug large holes in the ground and pushed them over into the holes - clothing on, fully dressed and then covered them over with dirt. But I believe in my heart that God has spared these beautiful people for today - "for such a time as this," to be given the opportunity of saying, "YES to the referendum" on 25 September 2017. The vote on the 25th of September was positive by 92.7% - and the debate was supposed to begin. The "cards are on the table" and Kurds around the world were given the opportunity to vote "Yes," or "No" for

Independence. I was there because I love this people, I love the beautiful people of Kurdistan, and I dearly wanted to be there when they celebrate for freedom and liberty. In my heart, I do not feel that anyone should be denied the privilege of Liberty. When we Americans were deciding upon our freedom and liberty, we had to ‘Take a stand,’ and we did! We stood tall and we "broke away" from England and we declared our independence in 1776. And when we did, we even had to fight a war over it! But we defeated England in that Revolutionary War - and we became a nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” And so help me God, I declare unto you this day, that night as I sat there in my hotel room in Erbil - I felt in my spirit that this is exactly the way it ought to be for Kurdistan! And we Americans should stand with Kurdistan 100% in this "their finest hour!" And our government in Washington DC should stand with Kurdistan as well - and "let the chips fall where they may!" These people want freedom and independence; these people deserve freedom and independence; and I will stand with them for freedom and independence as long as I shall live, and until I breathe my last breath - So help me God, Mr. Charles Lingerfelt. But as we all know today, in these final few days of October 2017, things have not ‘fared so well’ for the people of Kurdistan since President Trump did not “renew” the contract with Iran and declared further penalties upon them. That decision was made on 13 October 2017 and by Sunday night the 15th. Of October, the Iraqi troops along



To Kurdistan With Love

ISSUE 12 | NOVEMBER 2017 Photo Source: Google

with the Iranian quds forces(IRGC) were “moving against” the City of Kirkuk, and the Kurdish Peshmerga. It is my opinion that this ‘move against’ the people of Kurdistan was an extremely vengeful move on the part of The Iraqi Prime Minister, who is Shiite and the Iranian Quds forces who have infiltrated themselves among the Iraqi forces since well over a year ago. Many Americans, along with myself, have condemned in the strictest of terms the aggressive actions against Kirkuk and The Kurds. We abhor these moves toward War in The Middle East against our friendly and peaceful friends. But the “actions” to this very day, 23 October 2017, are continuing. And the action that surprises me the most is the “inaction” on the part of the Western nations, including the United States, in remaining silent, and virtually “doing nothing” to come to the aid of our dear friends, The Kurds. It is a ‘crime against humanity’ to ‘Stand Silent’ here in the USA while The Kurds are being attacked, slaughtered once again, and humiliated before the eyes of

Photo Courtesy: Charles Lingerfelt

the world. It is shameful – It is sinful and it is causing irreparable damages to the ONLY two democracies in the Middle East: Israel and Kurdistan. We call upon the nations in the Western hemisphere to ‘rise up from your lethargy, and death – Do something in the Name of God and justice to prevent another massacre of innocent people. Do something in the name of justice and righteousness to prevent The Islamic Republic of Iran from “grabbing land” away from an innocent, freedom-loving people and marching further Westward toward the Mediterranean to achieve its evil goals of “dominating the nations in the Middle East” and “wiping out” the Nation of Israel. THIS Must Be Stopped – and It Must Be Stopped NOW! I am calling upon the government of the United States of America and its current leader, President Donald Trump to ‘Arise from Your Slumber’ and Do what is Right for The Kurds – The Peshmerga – and the beautiful and friendly people of Kurdistan. Please “wake up” before it is too late! Please Do What is Right – Please Stand With Kurdistan!!! Please send forth Your Love to Kurdistan in the way of a message that We – The United States of America is “Sending Forth Our Love to Kurdistan” that We Are ‘Standing With You’ in your quest for freedom and Independence. As We Do This – It Will Be That we Are sending the message to the People of Kurdistan: ‘To Kurdistan With Love.’ After all, that’s all the Kurds are asking for at this moment in history – Just someone to “Stand Forth” and ‘Show some love.’ They have enemies all around them: Syria, Turkey, Iran and Baghdad Shiites. The Kurds are our True friends in The Middle East! Are You going to Stand With Them? I am!!! I’ve done it for more than 30 years now – and I am Not Changing!!! I am ‘Standing With The Kurds and The People of Kurdistan!’ I am faithfully yours, ‘To Kurdistan With Love,’ Sincerely, Mr. Charles Lingerfelt




Legislating Morality By Christopher Grahn Howard

Christopher grahn howard Republican Activist

CTM Columnist / representative



Legislating Morality


Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 2 Timothy 3 - But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! Not trying to predict anything, except to say that we are all in such a time. These times have come before and will again. The larger point is we are living in a time when a growing number of people are living in the lies of the devil. Christians are persecuted in America because Truth is now feared, hated and in some instances not even known. The nature of God and Christianity is no longer well-known to the average American. Having worked on many candidate campaigns the first concern is, is this the right candidate. The first question I often ask is…”Do you believe people are inherently good?” The answer tells me a great deal about the world view of the candidate. As Christians we know all too well the sin nature within us. Being Christian does not mean we no longer sin, are perfect or are better than others. Being Christian is just about acknowledging our sin, asking for forgiveness and accepting the grace offered in the belief in Jesus Christ. More mature Christians know we are to be that beacon of light and while we will fail, we are to try. Legislating on

the premise that people are inherently good is like building on a foundation of sand. As I have said before – The American founding fathers knew that people are sinful - not inherently good. We know that good intentions cannot suffice for a legal standard of behavior. Well intentions are not the basis for law. Sadly human

nature is the same as it has been since the beginning of humankind. The U.S. Constitution developed checks and balances on power for that very reason. To assume that people are good provides tyranny the ultimate breeding ground. Modern Humanism, which assumes mankind’s goodness, is a religion complete with theology, liturgy and its own version of heaven and hell. Tenets of this religion are evolution, climate change, gun control, social engineering, globalism and eliminating religion. “Imagine” no religion, no governments… you get the idea. This idea of a liberal democracy that would emerge as some sort of international dialectic has proven false. For example, let us look at the tragic Las Vegas shooting and the gun control debate. Yet today we still are not aware of the Photo: David Becker/Getty Images

motive for this attack. Clearly, by any standard, this man was mentally ill and under the influence of Satan. His motivations cannot be justified or truly understood. This man was not inherently good at all. He had money, was educated, had family that loved him and appeared a normal guy. The Bible tells us we cannot know what is in the heart of people. However, there always indicators as to the heart of a person. Gun violence like all other violence is a heart problem. A gun is a tool like a hammer. You can take a gun, lay it down and leave it sit…it will do nothing on its own. A digression here for those not in the USA who may not get the American association with firearms. Americans, although not all, see owning firearms as a barometer of their freedom. The right to own and the level of restrictions placed on the ownership of firearms for many Americans reflects the level of freedom from the government. As a gun owner I am always aware of my duty and responsibility. We are not cowboys or wannabes, we do not want violence as we often just enjoy target shooting, hunting but most of all we want the ability to protect ourselves and our families. Think of it as an extension of the rugged individualism and self-reliance that has been such a part of the American way. Two traits that are sadly diminishing. I have an idea... If banning works.... Let’s ban theft, let's ban bigotry, let's ban



Legislating Morality


violence, let’s ban murder, and let’s ban rape, incest, abuse…. If only banning worked! How about we admit that it is all a head and heart problem? How about looking to the root causes of sin and defilement? The problem with banning the tools of sin is that it never addresses the desire to sin. America banned alcohol through the Volstead Act. We all know how well that worked out. Photo Source: Pinterest

played, was convincing people that he did not exist.” My friends, Evil exists and has an author. Evil has a name. To deny that is to be trapped in the abyss of human secularists. An abyss with no hope beyond yourself, no faith beyond yourself and no standard on which to stand beyond yourself. That philosophy will lead to tyranny and despair every time. People need to pray for their legislators at every level. Those who understand the sin nature and that we all need being held in check will be the better legislators. The sad reality is that without the standard of God to stand on, without the hope of salvation to help us rise above ourselves we will continue down this road of no right and wrong, of deepening moral relativism. A downward spiral of wrong becoming right. Growing is the reality of the verses quoted above. Wrong is now right. We as Christians need to stand for what is truly right. We must do it in love and caring; not judgement or wrath. True Christian faith is born out of love, caring and the faith in our salvation.

That act of banning alcohol created more criminals and more criminal empires.Secularists would have you believe that if we just eliminated the tools of sin/crime there would be much less of it. As if somehow a lack of firearms would

No matter how undeserving we are in that salvation. Too often Christians come across as judgmental and uncaring for the burdens of others, too often we do not try to live up to the standards we say we support, too often we do not confess our own sins appearing hypocritical and disingenuous.

Cain & Abel Photo Source: Bible study tools

have prevented Cain from killing Abel… Oh wait, that was a rock. How do we ban rocks? The reason for this is that secularists can only look at what is outside of the heart, the external. Looking internal, into the heart of a person requires an extreme challenge to the secularist who believes that people are inherently good.One of my favorite movie quotes – “The greatest trick the Devil ever

By Christopher Grahn Howard




The Sabbath By Gilbert Beebe, January 1, 1855

Edited by David Clarke Bierton Particular Baptists

Gilbert Beebe



The Sabbath


There is much said at the present day on the subject of a Sabbath day, as being of perpetual obligatory force on all mankind throughout all time. But in what part of the Scriptures they find a precept to that effect we are not informed. They certainly but seldom, if ever, refer us to the fourth commandment of the Decalogue; and we have supposed their reasons for not doing so were obvious. 1. Because we are expressly informed by Moses himself that, that very covenant, or law, was made exclusively with those Israelite who were all of them then present, and alive on the day that the ten commandments were presented to them from the Mount of God. It was a law which, had not been given even to the patriarchs, (See Deut. 5:1-4). 2. Because the fourth commandment required those unto whom it was given, to observe the seventh, and not the first day of the week, as the Sabbath of their God— because that God had rested from the work of creation on the seventh, and not on the first day of the week. 3. Because the children of Israel were by the fourth commandment required to observe the seventh day altogether differently from the manner in which professed Christians pretend to observe the first day. The children of Israel were to totally abstain from all labor, themselves, their wives, their children, their servants, and even their cattle; no fires were allowed to be kindled, no horses to be harnessed, no meetings to be attended, no Sabbath Schools to be kept, no collections for mission or other purposes, to be taken up on that day. 4. Because the penalty for a transgression of that precept, was altogether different from that inflicted by modern Sabbatarians for a breach of the Sunday laws of our own, or any other lands. That provided in the Jewish law, being death by stoning, and the laws of men only requiring fines and imprisonments. 5. The fourth commandment required those unto whom it was given to labor six days, including the first day, and the Sunday laws of our land forbid our obedience to that part of the fourth commandment which requires us to labor on the first day of the week. We know of no partial obligation to keep the law. If the Sinai covenant, which was given exclusively to the children of Israel, is binding on the Gentiles to any extent, it must be binding in its full extent. An inspired apostle has settled this question beyond all reasonable dispute, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all,” (Jam. 2:10). And Paul to the Galatians, 5:3, shows who are debtors to keep the law. He says, “For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.” But in searching the Scriptures,

we can find none who are obligated to obey part of the law, or partly obligated to do the whole law. “Whatsoever the law saith, it saith to them that are under the law,” and they are of course bound to go according to the letter of the commandment. The grand question then is, whether the whole Sinai law is binding on all men, and throughout all time? If so, then all are involved in the curse, and the salvation of any of the human family is impossible. For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for all have sinned; and consequently by the deeds of the law, no flesh shall be justified in the sight of God. The doctrine of redemption is very prominently set forth in the gospel; and Christ has not only redeemed his people from the curse, but also from the dominion of the law; and the apostle has made the emphatic proclamation to the saints, “Ye are no more under the law, but under grace.” The inquiry then is reduced to this; How far are we obligated to keep a law that we are not under? When Paul found some of the brethren inclining to the works of the law, he was afraid of them, lest he had bestowed on them labor in vain, for they observed days, and months, and times, and years. In his allegory, (Gal. 4:21-27) Paul sets forth the old Sinai covenant, by the person of Hagar, the bondwoman, who could not be the mother of a free child. For this Agar is Mount Sinai, in Arabia, which answered to Jerusalem, which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem, which is above, is free, which Jerusalem he affirms, is the mother of all those saints, who, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. In the second chapter to the Colossians, we are informed that Christ has blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took them out of the way, nailing them to his cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect to an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. This language would seem to be plain enough for an ordinary Christian, taught of God. These ordinances of the old covenant were a shadow of things, which are realized in the body of Christ, or in the gospel church, which is his body, his flesh and his bones. We trace the shadowy import of the Sinai Sabbath to the body of Christ, or to the gospel church, and there we enter into that rest which was shadowed forth by the legal Sabbaths of the old covenant. The antitypical Sabbath, being found alone in that rest which remaineth for the children of God, and into which all those who, with a true and vital faith, believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, have entered, is clearly set forth in the New Testament, particularly in the third and fourth chapters to the Hebrews. This gospel Sabbath we understand to be the whole gospel dispensation; in distinction from the old covenant dispensation, and it begins severally with each believer in Christ, as soon as



The Sabbath

ISSUE 12 | NOVEMBER 2017 they truly believe in our Lord Jesus Christ; and are enabled to rest alone on him for their justification before God. Believers are those who were chosen in Christ and they have a union with him. This means both elect Jew and Gentile become dead to the law, by the law, for when Jesus died under the law they did too. And through His resurrection are alive to God and married to him that rose from the dead. Gal 19-20 For says Paul I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ live in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. We have neither the time nor the space necessary to show the analogy, which the typical Sabbath of the law bears to the rest, which is enjoyed by the saints in the gospel. A very few particulars must for the present suffice, and, 1. The old covenant Sabbath was given exclusively to the circumcised children of Israel, and to no other people; so the gospel Sabbath, or Rest, is given exclusively to the spiritual Israel, who are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. 2. The children of the old Sinai covenant were often charged with the sin of Sabbath-breaking, and that sin, with them, consisted in their performing on the seventh day, such labor as was only lawful for them to perform in the six days in which they were commanded to do all their labor. So under the gospel dispensation, the saints, by adhering to the abrogated institutions of the old working dispensation, observing days, and months, and times, and years; or by looking for justification before God by anything short of the blood and righteousness of Christ, do violence to the holy Sabbath of the gospel. As in the types, many of the children of Israel could not enter into rest, because of unbelief, so we find that our doubts and unbelief, which often press us down, render it impossible for us to enter into that rest which remaineth for the children of God. Our own experience teaches us that when we doubt the reality of our interest in Christ, or the application of his promises to us, we are like the troubled ocean that cannot rest: we labor, and toil to do something ourselves, to reinstate ourselves in the favor of the Lord. When we feel cold, we are prone to kindle fires of our own, and to comfort ourselves with sparks of our kindling, and endeavor to walk in the light of our fire; but if we are truly the children of God, we shall for all this lie down in sorrow; for this Sabbath-breaking. No fires were to be kindled by the Israelites on that day. Nor will the Lord suffer us to warm or enlighten ourselves by any fires that we can make. Christians are commanded to forsake not the assembling of themselves together for the worship of God, and for their mutual edification. To obey the command, suitable times must be appointed for such meetings; the first, or any other day of the week, may be designated, provided that we attach no special sanctity to the time; and the first day of the week is as suitable as any other day. The apostles met frequently on the first day, and also on all the other days of the week, they

were daily in the temple praising God, &c. So we conclude that the Christian church is at liberty to make her own appointments, as to time—provided that she allows no man, or set of men, to judge her in regard to the time, and when she makes such appointments, each member is in duty bound to attend the appointment, unless providentially detained. As Christians we have no right to observe any day religiously in obedience to human legislation; either Sabbaths, first days, or thanksgiving days; because God has forbidden that we should allow any man to judge us in these things. We require no human legislation on the subject. The order and decision of the church is more effectual with the saints than all the pains, penalties and fines, ever imposed by the rulers of the darkness of this world. Let us observe the admonition of the apostle, and “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free; and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” The Sabbath of the Jews required no grace in the heart, no spiritual emotion of the new man, to qualify those to whom it was given, to observe it. Their service was in the oldness of the letter, and theirs was a worldly sanctuary, and carnal ordinances. Any circumcised Jew, whether a believer or an infidel could abstain from labours on the seventh day, and that was all that was required of them. But the anti-typical, or gospel Sabbath, requires faith in Christ; for none but believers can enter into that rest which remains, for the people of God. The hour has is come and the true worshipers must worship God in spirit and in truth. Not only the Scriptures of the New Testament declare it, but the testimony is corroborated by every Christian’s experience. Christians know that they cannot believe only as the Lord gives them faith; and equally well do they know that they cannot rest unless they believe.When faith, which is of the operation of God, is given, the recipient requires neither the thunder of Sinai, nor the arm of secular legislation, to incline him to keep the christian sabbath of Gospel Rest. The starving soul requires no coercion to incline him to eat, nor does the weary, heavy-laden soul require legal enactments to drive him to his rest. As the Sinai Sabbath required the carnal Israelite to abstain totally from servile labor, so the gospel Sabbath requires the spiritual Israelite to cease from his work, and trust, and rest alone on Christ, for his justification and acceptance with God. As the Sabbathbreaker under the law was to be stoned to death, by all the children of Israel, so the legalist who would attempt to drag the ceremonies of the legal dispensation into the gospel church, or to justify himself before God by the works of the law, is to be stoned, (not with stones literally, but with the smooth stones from the brook of gospel truth), by all his brethren, until his legal spirit yields up the ghost. Those who have no higher conception of a gospel Sabbath than to suppose it consists in the literal observance of one day out of seven, have yet to learn that “Whom the Son makes free, are free indeed.”

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Holy Halloween ? Should Christians Celebrate HALLOWEEN ? bY PASTOR JOSHUA D. JONES Therfield Chapel church Cambridge, United Kingdom



As heated as the political scene may be, it pales in fervor to the fervor with which Christians will debate Halloween. This battle of ideas will be waged from the beaches of church pews to the hills of Facebook. There will be shots fired and people unfriended.But what cyber surfing culture warrior would be complete without some historical trivia and theological sanity? Here you go...

Holy Halloween ? Should Christians Celebrate Halloween ?

Now I confess, there has been a historic debate about this day.Catholics and Protestants have argued over how highly departed Christians should be viewed with Catholics over venerating past Saints. But both groups still see the main point being Christ's victory with his people over evil. Halloween is also a historic occasion for friendship. Though sweets (candy) is abundant and cheap today, in previous centuries, giving these small gifts to children was more costly and an act of true Christian generosity.

Christmas and Easter

The Background Story The devil would love to steal All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) away from Christians. He is making good progress at it too. All Hallow’s Eve is neither American nor pagan in heritage. The name should be obvious enough. Hallow means ‘holy’ (‘Hallowed be thy name’) and it marks a three-day celebration of the victory of Jesus over the powers of darkness as experienced by departed saints and Christian martyrs - with November 1st being All Saints Day. These type of celebrations have happened since the 300’s AD and the date became formalized on the Church calendar in 835 AD by Pope Gregory. Traditionally, this holy day was a time to remember Christ’s victory over darkness and to remember that we still have to battle against evil. As St. Paul writes in Ephesians 6, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms How have Christians historically celebrated this? By joyful mockery. Satan has lost his final victory, is a defeated foe and nothing pushes back his minions like Christian joy. It is from this tradition that people draw silly pictures of the devil and let their kids dress up as ghosts to show that he can no longer dominate the redeemed people of God we no longer need to be afraid.Historically, Christians would even burn the costumes afterwards.

Christians are a redeemed people and as such we have a cheeky tendency to alchemist the culture around us. We make once wicked things into trophies for our God. We did this with Christmas and Easter. Those holidays have pagan roots – but we’re stolen the whole thing and redirected it to honor Jesus. No longer is Saturnalias worshiped mid–winter, now we sing the praises of Christ through carols. But now pagans and the commercial industry is trying are trying to get revenge for Christmas and Easter by hijacking our All Hallow’s Eve – a holiday that started out Christian. They try to claim associations with ancient Celtic Harvest days. They want to change it into a day of celebrating the powers of darkness over the powers of light. Unfortunately, some Christians are unaware of their own roots and have let the pagans think for them - buying into this propaganda. Letting let the pagans and mainstream commercial society have our day show's a certain type of cowardly insanity. We Christians are retreating from a holiday that was once wholly ours. Let's reclaim the victorious and hospitable traditions of the past and teach the children around us that through Christ's death and resurrection, we no longer need to be afraid. Let’s celebrate All Hallow’s Eve big this year. The sweets you give your neighborhood children should be far more generous and grad than those given to them by your unbelieving neighbors! Let’s celebrate Christ's victory with style - until he returns for all his Hallows.

By Pastor Joshua D.Jones Pastor@TherfieldChapel.Org



Freedom of Religion in Liberland

Freedom of Religion in Liberland

By Thomas D.Walls

Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Free Republic of Liberland Maybe you’ve heard of Liberland. Maybe you haven’t. The Free Republic of Liberland is essentially the world’s newest country, located between Croatia and Serbia on the Danube River, and just a few kilometers from Hungary’s southern border. On April 13, 2015, Czech political activist VitJedlicka and a small team of libertarians traveled to an unclaimed piece of land called GornjaSiga and planted a flag, proclaiming the Free Republic of Liberland. Following a huge media splash, the country’s official website received over 400,000 applications for citizenship. The ideas behind Liberland are very similar to those that motivated the founding fathers of the United States. The date of the founding, which falls on Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, was chosen deliberately to honor the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Christian Times Magazine readers will be interested in the fact that Thomas Jefferson was also the author of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom. The statute

prohibited compulsory attendance or compulsory contributions to any state-sanctioned religious establishment, and guaranteed the rights of individuals to profess their opinions in matters of religion. Jefferson wrote extensively on the subject, and we would like to illustrate some of the ways how faith can flourish in an environment of liberty. The blessings of liberty include the freedom of religion and the free exercise of one’s faith. As faith is a matter of individual conscience, we also hold the view that the state cannot compel someone to support one belief over another. We know the valuable contributions faith and family make to civil society - in fact, it is primarily these institutions that contribute the most. Keeping them separate from the state is of utmost importance. As Jefferson pointed out, there were many times in history when established church officials colluded with the state. In many cases throughout history one may observe the established clerical class “following their ambition and avarice combining with the magistrate to divide the spoils of the people.” Notes on Religion (1776). We feel that freedom itself is an important safeguard of faith, as all throughout history, one can observe fallible men using the reins of power to take away the liberty of others, particularly religious liberty. From the Soviet Union to China, governments have tried to destroy religion and



churches completely, attempting to force conversion of the population to atheism and murdering hundreds of thousands of clergy. However, many in eastern Europe steadfastly held onto their beliefs, and churches and persons of faith played a great role in bringing down the communist tyranny that kept people in bondage for so long. Jefferson himself noted that “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.” - Summary View of the Rights of British America (1774) Many Liberland supporters observed the turning of the tide against communism firsthand, and some are old enough to have played a role in this huge change towards the restoration of religious freedom. Liberland has no laws regarding sexual orientation, sexual preference or transgender issues. Our philosophy is that society should be based on voluntary association, and people cannot be forced to associate with one another if they are not willing. In contrast to many western countries, Liberland has no laws forcing an employer to hire someone they do not want to hire, to a landlord from renting or selling to someone they do not want to do business with. We feel that individual freedom and the right to enter freely into contracts is more important than enforcing someone’s narrow vision of political correctness. In Liberland, there is no religious test for public office or for citizenship. The Liberland government does not officially establish a state religion, no resources are to be used in a manner that would imply the establishment of religion. This includes religious symbols paid for by taxpayer funds. Our policies concerning the displaying of religious symbols in publicly owned places is fairly straightforward. Since most property is private, there is no conflict created and citizens are free to express themselves as they see fit. Therefore, a privately donated Christmas tree or traditional Christmas display at our government house would be perfectly acceptable, subject to reasonable management of and decorum related to said displays. Also, wishing “Merry Christmas” or other holiday greetings is also perfectly acceptable. Public officials or employees are not prohibited from wearing personal professions of faith on their own person or celebrating traditional holidays in the manner described above.

Freedom of religion in Liberland

Liberland welcomes persons of all faiths united in the beliefs and blessings of individual liberty. Our supporters are of all faiths, and freedom of conscience is extended to everyone, no matter their creed, or lack thereof. Liberland is one of the friendliest countries to people of faith, and we welcome you to join us.

By Thomas D. Walls Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Free Republic of Liberland For more information: Official website: Online brochure: Facebook page:



Jesus Sees Me Today!


Jesus Sees Me Today! A day in the life of an American Christian

By Dan Brien Praise God!, who watches over my life. He sent his Son Jesus to be my shepherd. You watched me get up this morning as I put on my clothes and shoes, combed my hair, and readied myself to eat breakfast. In the morning I will seek your face Oh LORD, and you will answer! Psalm 5:3 ESV / O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. So I pray, help me do good today LORD, use me for your kingdom. Bless the work of my hands, and keep me from temptation. Encourage my family & friends to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. And help them in their relationships. Help them through their troubles & hardships, and cause them to trust in you. Help me to forgive my enemies. And help them to find salvation in you. Oh LORD, I know you are with me because I am your son, and your thoughts are many towards me. Psalm 143:8 ESV / Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Lord I pray for Ready to step out the door I think, Lord, you have marked out all the days of my life, before one of them came into being. You protect me, and watch closely all that I do. Psalm 121:7,8 The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. 8 The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore. Leaving for work Pulling out of the driveway in my minivan, you protect me from harm. As I drive my car in heavy traffic, you sit beside me, You guide my hand, because you are my helmsman Even if I walk to work, you walk with me. If I ride my bike, you bike with me. If I take the bus, you travel down the same road I travel. Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delights in his way. Watching the cars go by, and the passing trees, and people, and buildings, I remember this truth. I have found favor in your eyes, because I trust your love for me. You have given me a salvation free

of charge, because I believe you’re a loving a God. I am righteous in your eyes, because Jesus paid the price for my salvation. I live apart from works of law, So I don’t have to please you by human effort, because your salvation is by faith. Galatians 3:11 But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "the just shall live by faith." Because of this truth, I do not fear your wrath, Oh God. There is peace between me and you. Romans 4:6-8 just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: 7 "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered; 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin." On The Job Oops, I made a mistake today. Actually, I blundered a few times. That’s OK! The Lord covers my mistakes. First I cut off another driver on my way to work, making them angry. You see, I was running late for work, and in a hurry, because I had to return an overdue movie to Redbox. As I changed lanes quickly, they swerved towards a lane divider and almost wrecked. They turned off the highway moments later, but boy they were Mad!!! Then later, I overreacted on a coworker who was just trying to help. It happened like this. We just got a new assistant office manager in our section, and they’ve only been here a week. This person came up to me and said I can better organize my work station. I took offense, because I consider myself a pretty well organized person already. So I said they should mind their own business. Immediately I realized I made a mistake. I felt bad, and worried. Not just for insulting them, but because they have more authority than myself, and they answer to the corporate office above. Thank goodness for the Lords grace. He already knew I would say those rude words to my coworker. He forgave me even before I spoke. And he turns our troubles around for good. Later I went up to this person and apologized, and they forgave me. They understood, and said it was water under the



Jesus Sees Me Today!


bridge.Psalm 139:1 Lord, you have examined me and you know me. 2You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. 3 You see me, whether I am working or resting; you know all my actions. 4 Even before I speak, you already know what I will say. Romans 8:27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. So praise God, I don’t have to worry! The Evening That night, as I sat on the couch, I thought about the days events, and my failures. Realizing I cannot overcome my faults on my own, I wondered how God can change me for better? I seem so resistant to his teachings. Then, I remembered Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the Tax collector in Luke 18:9-14. In the story, the two men were standing in the temple praying to God. The Pharisee was obsessed by his own virtue, and thanked God that he was not a sinner like the Tax collector. But the tax collector didn’t dare look up to God, instead he beat his chest and humbly asks God for mercy. Jesus said the Tax collector was the one who went home justified, not the Pharisee. What’s amazing about this parable- Is this fact! The Tax collector was asking God’s forgiveness for sins that he was still committing. That’s right!! Sins he was still committing. You see, the Tax collector was a slave to sin, and he knew it. If the Tax collector had ceased sinning, he would have looked up at God as he prayed, thanking God for setting him free. But it wasn’t the case. In this instance, the Tax collector knew after praying for forgiveness, he would go out and commit the very same sins as before. Yet this repetitive sinner still asked God to forgive him. And God forgave him. Wow! What a merciful god we serve. The Lord came to save sinners. Yes, those still bound by sin. No prisoner can free himself, so God sent his Son Jesus to live a sinless life. And so Jesus overcame sin’s power in his mortal body. Then Jesus offered forgiveness of sin to all who have faith in him. Now since my sins are forgiven, I put my faith in Jesus who already won my victory over sin. Romans 5:6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ

died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! Who have faith in him.10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Notice the scripture says, “Saved through his life.” Yes, the life I live, I live through Jesus Christ by the Spirit of Christ living in me. I remember the Apostle Paul’s warning against sexual immorality among believers, because we Christians are united with the Lord. in Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Victory In Jesus This is the victory I won in my battle against sin, that I can obey the Lord by faith in the Spirit of Christ, who is perfect. Romans 6:1 We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Verse 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. Verse10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. 11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Bedtime Prayers Thank you Lord, for seeing me today. As I lay me down to sleep tonight, I will not worry about my life, my whole life is covered by you, Jesus paid for it all with his life. And this comforts my soul. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I Love you Lord. Thank you for being with me today. Thank you for leading & guiding me. I’ll see you tomorrow. Amen! Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: 6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Good Night Jesus!



Social media safety course in La Ronge aimed at helping prevent youth suicides

Social media safety course in La Ronge aimed at helping prevent youth suicides

By Samanda Brace, Article Republishing with permission of Marcus Stallworth devices. Don't be apologetic to inquire, to make sure if your kids are on a good path and making good choices." He said his company has also developed a curriculum for schools called Mentoring through Media. The 10- to 12-week course educates youth social media safety, and what Stallworth calls "media literacy."

As the anniversary of six youths' suicides approaches in northern Saskatchewan, the Lac La Ronge Indian Band is working on strategies to prevent it from happening again. One of them is an effort to educate mental health workers, teachers, parents, and youth on the dangerous side of social media. A Connecticut company, Welcome 2 Reality, has begun to hold monthly sessions in La Ronge on how social media influences today's youth as well as providing tips to help children critically analyze the media they consume. Co-founder of the company, Marcus Stallworth, was invited to the community by Kyla McKenzie, assistant director of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band Child and Family Services. Stallworth said the community had had a number of suicides "that many claimed to be associated to social media." In October 2016, four girls between the ages of 12 and 14 took their own lives in the northern Saskatchewan towns of La Ronge and Stanley Mission. A 10-year-old girl in Deschambault Lake and a 13-year-old girl in the Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation in Saskatchewan also killed themselves last October. In the workshops, Welcome 2 Reality discusses cyberbullying, suicide and online predators, but also the lifelong implications of what youth post online and tricks used by marketers and advertisers. Stallworth said everything from music to movies can influence how kids see themselves and the world. His workshops bring students "back to reality." "Parents often don't have a clue who their kids are talking to. They don't know what they are listening to and it's really amazing," said Stallworth. You can't communicate with your children unless you speak the same language, so be a little more actively involved in what your kids are interested in, who they associate with, and be mindful of what they are keeping in their

"It teaches young folks that while they're absorbing all this content through media, television, radio, and social media, how to sift through it and critically analyze it," said Stallworth. "Is this legitimate information? Who is sending the message? What is the intent of the message sender? So they can make more informed and educated decisions and not just take things as they are." Stallworth also hopes to launch a digital citizenship campaign in La Ronge in November, where students will become ambassadors in their schools to support peers struggling online.



Pray for America



Pray for President Trump and Mike Pence and all American people

By Marko Tapani Latvakoski I still remember when praying for the American president's election. I prayed that God's will should happen. I prayed to God that He who is His will either President Donald J,Trump or Hilary Clinton will have be chosen. I believe that God's will was fulfilled. My father's mother with her family left Finland for a time as a migrant to America. He was born in California. Many of my father's family have also moved to live in America. America has a special place in my heart. When Lord Jesus saved me in 1991, then I began to pray for much for America as well. I thank God for the work that has happened in America during history. Many believers who were persecuted in Europe went to America and received security there and were allowed to live in faith and pursue it without persecution. Now, America has received a new president, Donald Trump. I ask all readers to pray for Donald Trump and his family and administration and for the whole of America The Bible teaches us to pray for all people. The Bible also urges us to pray for supremacy. Pray for the country's sovereignty and for the leader and the government on behalf of which we live. This is what the Bible says A Call to Prayer

1 Timothy 1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2.For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3.For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; 4.Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5.For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6.Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. 7.Where unto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. 8.I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.




The Reformation


THE REFORMATION Still Relevant 500 Years On By Leighton Medley On the 31st October 2017, we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the European Reformation, a time which brought great revival amongst the heathen and pagan churches of Western Europe. This revival was to change the face of the church forever, not just across Europe but the whole world. When Martin Luther, the former Catholic monk nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church at Wittenberg, the Church was mired in corruption, idolatry and superstition. Most church attendees were illiterate, the only people qualified to read the bible were the priests, who did not preach the Gospel, but rather performed rituals and services more akin to pagan idolatry, than to the true teachings of Scripture. That was the essence of the Reformation, a return to Scripture, where the essence of Salvation was not achieved by outward works, but by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone, by Scripture alone, to the Glory of God alone. It is a sad fact today, that too many Churches, many of them charismatic, though not all, ignore Church history to their peril, meaning they often fall into the same errors that have gone before. For example, some Charismatic Churches today mirror the early 2nd century Monetarists, who believed in ecstatic prophecy and worship, being led by the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit.

They believed that they were being given new revelations, which were not in accord with Scripture, therefore leading to ecstatic worship services, where there was no control and the worship of God would often become a performance. Other errors over history have included the rise of Islam, who through their rejection of the divinity of Christ, had their counterparts with the Arian heresy of the 4th century and more commonly today, the Jehovah`s Witnesses. Today, many of these errors are being repeated because of a lack of understanding on Church history. God is Sovereign over History Many Christians today, do not grasp the concept of God AMEN being sovereign over history. In fact so many Christians without realizing; are very selective over the history they choose to adopt, depending on which denomination or sect they belong to. Part of the reason for this, is the age we live in, where the naturalistic world-view teaches us that everything before the “Age of the Enlightenment”, and in particular Charles Darwin (1809-1882), is primitive and archaic. There is, as Carl F. H. Henry once said “a new pagan mentality, where there is no fixed truth, no final good, no ultimate meaning or purpose, and the living God



The Reformation


is a primitive illusion.” (Twilight of a Great Civilization – Page ix) This has led to a conflict for the mind, the conscience, the will and the spirit, and the being of man himself. It is this world-view which is disregarding history as unreliable and worthless, for if truth is purely relative to yourself, then why study history at all, when you can make it up as you go along. What many people including Christians fail to realize, is that the Bible is full of history and that half of it describes God`s dealings with His people. It is through His sovereign grace, that the Church over the ages has experienced revivals, some small, some great. Reading Andrew Cook in his “The Reformation – A Sound Bite History”, he describes how “God preserved His Church even through the darkest times.” (Page 17) During the Middle Ages, when true believers were scarce, God raised up mighty men of faith and velour, such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, to resurrect the Church to new life in Christ. It was this restoration of “Scripture Alone” that brought the basis back for a biblical world-view, something which has been sorely lost today. If we go back to Scripture by reading Luke 3:1-3, we see the political and national situation of Israel was hopeless, but yet God called John the Baptist to preach repentance, thus facilitating revival at the time of Jesus. This is what we need now and this is what happened at the time of the “Reformation”. Again to quote Carl F.H. Henry, “the Barbarians are coming,” (Twilight of a Great Civilization – Page 15) or should I say have come and we are returning to the dark days of the Middle Ages, where mysticism, occultism, pantheism and militant atheism, are removing the Christian world-view from the public square. In the 18th century, a great awakening happened in America, where a group of Baptist ministers took up Jonathan Edward`s call to prayer, to pray for revival and mission, leading to a major upsurge in conversions to the Christian faith. This is the need for our time, and we need to be taking up the call to prayer, for God is sovereign over history and history is replete with God granting huge blessing upon the Church, during times of revival. The Results of the Reformation Professor John Murray (1898-1975) the great 20th century evangelical theologian said “the Reformation was the greatest revival of faith since the days of the apostles.” The results were far reaching in the sense that; not only was Church life affected, but political and state life also. Firstly, there was the removal of vast hierarchies of Church clergy, which were considered to be by the reformers, of human origin. The overall Church structure was simplified, leading to the induction of elders and deacons in Church offices. Then the abrogation of the priesthood as a separate office, giving way to the priesthood of believers who make spiritual sacrifices to God on behalf of their fellow people. Another result of the

Reformation on Church life was that worship was simplified. Gone were the altars, the tapestries and paintings that were paying homage to the saints of yesteryear. Also, the veneration of saints was scrapped, as this was considered idolatrous, as all believers are known as the company of saints. Yet, sadly today we are seeing the re-emergence of candles to assist prayers, paintings and light shows, in order to improve and worse still, the unashamed veneration of pastors, as if they were Christ, even in evangelical churches. Because of the simplicity of worship being introduced, it paved the way for bible centered worship, where the centerpiece of the service was the preaching of the word. In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul exhorts Timothy to preach the word; this was due to the warning that some in time will fall away and will not endure sound doctrine. We are seeing this now, good preaching is being marginalized, instead of Bible teaching effective for growing the saints, we are seeing more and more performance based worship which edifies no-one. The Reformation brought forward the importance of the prayer meeting, where believers would meet together in unity. There were no professional praying people as it were, nor was it left just to the priests and monks, everyone had a duty to pray. The line between Church and State was clearly defined; this allowed Churches to operate freely from political intervention, which is hardly the case with Anglican and Roman Churches these days. From a wider perspective, the Protestant Reformation brought increases in literacy and education. People were allowed to own their own Bibles and read it for themselves, Sunday schools were set up for the teaching of children, primarily to read and write, before in modern days being used solely for schooling in the Bible.People`s work ethics changed, being encouraged to show sanctity in the workplace, 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us to “do all for the glory of God.” Idleness was not encouraged, the man according to Ephesians 4:28, will “labour, working with his hands the thing which is good.” Work is beneficial to the man`s soul and yet how much more, are we seeing the increased welfare state discouraging people from work. Let us not forget also the great men and women who because of the Protestant Reformation became great social reformers. People like William Wilberforce, Elizabeth Fry the great prison reformer, Lord Shaftesbury, George Muller were all Christians and all contributed to AMEN the betterment of society. Yet, today, family breakdown is the norm, slavery is back with a vengeance, and prisons are failing in their bid to rehabilitate people properly back into society. We are rapidly becoming a society of addicts and malingerers, all because of a naturalistic world-view, that takes all the glory from God and His word, and puts in to the hands of men.



The Reformation


Conclusion The Church of God faces great challenges today, due in no doubt to the abandoning in modern times of our protestant Christian heritage. To be Christian nowadays; means we often get labelled as homophones or Neo colonials as Freddy Potts claimed, when he attempted to ban Christian Union students from participating in the “fresher’s fair”, at Balliol College Oxford. Even though that ban was overturned, it is a sign of the times that we need Reformation and need it now. All over the West, the naturalistic world-view is in the ascendancy, crime rates are rising. There are tens of thousands of abortions happening on an annual basis, even euthanasia, which is basically the killing of a person, is now seen as humane and just. Put plainly, human life is being devalued and the price we are paying is too high, what with the added cost of rehab clinics, welfare money and social housing for more and more broken families seeking help. The Reformation brought us so much. Through it God used men and women to bring about a momentous change, in the lives of everyday people. We now need to hear that call to prayer, issued by Jonathan Edwards back in the 18th century and pray for revival, because the Reformation is relevant, even after 500 years, perhaps more so than ever.

Bibliography Andrew Cook – The Reformation : A Sound Bite History –Christian Focus Publications – 2017 Carl F.H. Henry – Twilight of a Great Civilization – Crossway Books – 1988 The Christian Institute – Article on CI News – Friday 13th October – 2017 Iain Murray – The Life of John Murray – Banner of Truth – 1984


Christian Times Magazine Issue 12 | November 2017

Contributors Ann Wagner, USA Charles Lingerfelt, USA Christopher Grahn Howard, USA David Clarke, UK Matthew Snape, UK Raven Youngblood, USA Chris Rose, USA Joshua D. Jones, UK Marcus Stallworth, USA Patrick Sarooj Dan Brien, USA Thomas D.Walls Marko Tapani Latvakoski, FINLAND Leighton Medley, UK All rights are reserved 2017








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