Billinsham lnternational Folklore Festival
The Thirteenttr Billingham Lrtemational Folklore Festival.
Festival Committee
1.3&t-201d:. 1977.
Oqganised by the Festival Committee in conjunction with Stockton on Tees
Borough Council.
The Festival will be opmd by The Mardrion-â‚Źss of Londonderry.
Chaimran: Councillor f. A. Tatchell Fetival Director: Mr. P. T. Conroy Councillor Mrs. M. J. Kernp Councillor Mrs. W Pixton Councillor Mrs. M. Platts Councillor W. E. Revelry Councillor K. Sharar Councillor C. Wilson Councillor W. l. Winn County Councillor Mrs. M. Taylor, M.B.E. Mr. f. Armstrong
Mr. K. L. Bates Mr. M. R. Bryan Mr. I. R. Cronrden Mr. A. Hanby Mr. L, ]obson Mrs. E. Keenan
Mr. J. Maloney Mr. F. Moutrey Mr. K. Sidney Mr. F. Simpson Mrs. M. P, Tatdrell
Mr. G. Lambelle Press Officer Mr H. H. Wright- Hon. TJeaqurer Mrs. A. Watson -Seoetary
Mr; J. R. Tate - Stockton Borough Council
q-r Tees
The Festival Committe wistr to with gratitude the support of
Northem Arts, Imperial Chemicaf hftrstries Ltd., B.T.P. Tioxide Ltd., Scottish and Nerarcastle Brsverieq.
and A.P.V. Paramount Ltd.
The Billingham Intemational Folklore Festival Committee and supporters extend loyal and sincere greetings to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her Silver Iubilee.
Welcome to the thirteen*r Billingham Intemational Folklore Festival.
Over the last thirteen years we have welcomed audiences from a wider and wider area. Starting with people from Billingham itself, the event soon attracted interest in the County and the North East Region. Noar our reputation has spread even further and we are attracting audiences from all parb of BritairU and even from ovemeas. The droice of Groups has ahalays been truly.intemational. Eadr year we have tried to widen our horizons by inviting Groups from nevv countries as well as
Chairman: Councillor I.
M archione ss
welcoming back old friends. This year we particularly look forward to meeting nerar friends from Sri Lanka and renaadng friendships with the Group from Mexico who were so popular last year. We are also deligfrted to have visitors from the USSR again. This time we shall have two Groups from differmt parts of the Soviet Union. But Groups are not drosen just for the distance they travel. Quality and interest are what matters. I am sure all Groups will receive an enthusiastic welcome and that our audiences will enjoy them all. The poliry of the Festival has aftarays been to dwelop sloarly on a firm basis of experience, so most of the events will follorar the familiar pattem. This year we are celebrating the Jubilee of H.M. the Queen's Accession by adding a special event on Tuesday aftemoon. Described as the "Jubilee Dimension", itwill try to create a party atnosphere in the Tourn Centre. Everyone is invited to join in. We welcome the interest of the Billingham and
District Traders' Association in helping
with this event and in arranging other attractions linked with the Festival.
For many years there has been a very successful Dance Course run in association with the Festival attended by teadrers and
expert dancers from all parts of the country. This year we are adding a Childrens' Dance Course, intended particularly for local drildren. It will develop their interest and skill in ideal surroundings, and should help to maintain and develop the good work of existing local groups.
I am delighted that the Mardrioness of Londonderry has agreed to open the Festival. We welcome her particularly as a former principal dancer of the Royal Ballet. Many Festival supporters will recall the elpert performances of the boys of the Royal Ballei Sdrool with London Folk in L974. The Festival is a unique partrership between Stockton Borough Council and the large team of helpers who. come together in Billingham eadr year. The Council provides most of the finance and some professional resource+ but almost all of those actually running the event are volunteers people dedicated to the - year Festival who after year glve up a
week or more of their holiday to do their particular job often unnoticed by the general public.-I thank them alf and all members of Groups for their contribution to our week of festival. I l<rroar that together we will make it a week to
taking part Greece The Folk Ensemble l'Parthenon" Athens President: Nikos Triantafillou
Yugoslavia Folk- F:nsemble "Koco Racin" President: Blaze Sekulovski
Leer,rrard Islands
Italy Folk Ensernble "Canterini Peloritani" Messina, Sicily "Alessandro Director: Dr.
Camival Steel Band (Festival Club only)
Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University Director: Prof. Rafael Zmiaripa
Poland Folk Ensemble "Krakoadary" - Cracoar Artistic Director: Zbignieru Pienkovski
Stockton Hop
Squire: David Illingworth
Director: Marcia J. Sampelayo.
Sri Lanka Ceylon National Dancers Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe
u.s.s.R. _Leningrad Folk Dance Company
Director: Leonid Fyodoroviih Nosik*rin Folk Song and Dance Company of Voroneztr
Directors: Fyodor Ivanovidr Moldranov and Alexander Petrovidr Shostak
Billingham Neur Silver Band Conductor: V. Evans Brodsarorth Colliery Welfare Band Musical Directoi: K. n. ;ohnson Danelaar Country Dance Band Leader: Robert Whitehead
Folk Dance Groups Boar's Head Morris Men
Spain CorosyDarzes-Sitges
Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu"
M* -
Shakeqpeare Morris Squire: Tony Parsons
Stockton E.F.D.S.S. Leader: Paul Wesson Stockton Morris Men Squire: Keri Ridrarrdson Neurcastle Morris Men Squire Tony lrgle
President: Bemard Guillet
Folk Singers and Instnrmental Groups Gary & Vera Aspey "Lammas Tyde" "Rocks of Castrel" The Watensons
Scotland "Srlly Wizad" (Opposite)
Billingham Toutn Centre
- the Festioal
Ceylon National Dancus,
scene, 1"g76.
Summary of Programme
Notes on Concert
Saturday August 13th 1.30 p.m. Leeward Islands Carnival Steel Band Town Centre 2.00 p.m. Grand- parade 2.30 p.m. Opening Ceremony Town
7.30 p.m.-midnight Ceili - College Theatre 7.30 p.m. Concert Forum Theatre 8.00 p.m. Concert - Town Centre
(weather -permitting)
Sunday August 14th 2.30 p.m. Grand parade 3.00 p.m. Open Air Concert Centre
College Theatre - Foruri Theatre Monday August 15th
f_.ll p.m. Concert
College Theatre - Forum Theatre - Town Centre (weather -permitting)
7.30 p.m. Concert 8.00 p.m. Concert
Hour Concert
Centre 2.19 p.*.Concert 7.30 p.m. Concert
College Thearre
Foruri Theatre
Tuesday August L6th 12 noon Lunch Hour Concert - Town Centre 1.30 p.m.-5 p.m. ]ubilee Dimension Town Centre p.*. Concert College Theatre 2.19 7.30 p.m. Concert - Foruri Theatre Wednesday August 17th 12 noon Lunch Hour Concert - Town Centre 3.30 p.m. Concert Town Centre (weather -permitting) p.*. Concert -l Colege"'iheatre 2.19 7.30 p.m. Concert - Foruri Theatre Thursday August 18th 12 noon Lunch Hour Concert - Town Centre
Tuesday: Sri Lanka. Wednesday: U.S.S.R.
Friday August 19th 12 noon Lunch
Hour Concert
- Town 3.30 p.m. Aftemoon Concert - Town le1tre (weather permitting) 7.30 p.m. G-ala Concert - College Theatre 7.30 p.m. Gala Concert - Forum Theatre Saturday August 20th Centre
2.00 p.m. Grand Parade to Town Centre 2.30 p.m. Farewell Concert Town
- of Centre. presentation Pennants. Intemational
7.30 p.m. Concert
12 noon Lunch
Forum Theatre
Monday: Poland.
Farandole. 7.00 p.m. Folk Song and Music Concert
Forum Theatre
- Band Concert p.m. Brass Centre
9.00 p.m. Torchlight procession to Town
9.30 p.m. Closing Ceremony
Centre. Followed-by- Fireworks Display in ]ohn Wfiitehead
Notes on Concert programmes At these Theatre Concerts the followine groups witl give one haH of the Programme:
College Theatre
Monday: U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance
Company. Tuesday: Yugoslavia. Wednesday: Mexico. Thursday: "U.S.S.R. Folk Dance Company of Voronezh.
Both Ensembles.
Details of items to be performed will be
In the event of inclement weather all
concerts advertised to take place in the
Town Centre (with the exception of the
Evening Concerts in the To#n Centre on Saturday August l3th and Thursdav
August 18th and the Aftemoon Concerts Wed19q{ay August lZth and Friday 9n August 19th) will be held in the Colleee and Forum Theatres Stand Ticket " Holders A, B, C, only- admitted. We regret that in the event of inclement weather money cannot be refunded for Stand D and Cround Level seats. Should conditions prevent the Closine Ceremonv taking outside it will be"staged in ' -place the College Theatre only. The Lunch Hour concerts from Monday-Friday (Town Centre) will last tor approximately 90 minutes. Evening Concerts in Theatres will last for approxim ately 2t/z hours includine the interval. The exception is the Concert"on Saturday August 2Oth at the Forum Theatre which is timed to end at 9.15 p.m. so that the audience will have the opportunity of attending the Closing Leremony. The Festival Committee reserve the
right to alter the progranurle but assure
tfe,public-that changes will only be made
it absolutely necessary.
Sale of Tickets
Qpen Air Concerts Saturday August 13th (Aftemoon) Sunday August 14th Saturday August 20th (Aftemoon)
During Festival Week, tickets for the Open Air Concert(s) on that particular day may ONLY be obtained from a Kiosk in the Town Centre. This, of course, does not
Biltingham from Saturday May 7th or from the Forum Agencies.
apply to advance bookings.
Tickets for the College Theatre and Centre Concerts can be obtained from the Festival Office, MuniciPal Buildings, Toram Centre, Billingham from May 7th - Op". Daily from 10'00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. (Saiurdays and Sundays excepted) until the end of July. From 1st August ALL tickets will be obtainable from the Forum Theatre Box Office only'
Stand A
Adults €1.00, Children & O.A.P. 45p
Adults 50p, Children & O.A.P. 25p Stand C Adults 75p Children & O.A.P. 35p Stand D
Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20P Tiered Seating at Rear of Grcund kvel Seats
Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20P
Grcund trvel Seab Adults 25p Children & O.A.P. 15p Monday-Friday ( Lundttime and
Aftemoon) Stand A Adults 75p, Children & O.A.P. 30p
Stmd B Adutts 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20P Stand C Adults 50p, Children & O.A.P. 25p Stand D Adults 30p, Children & O.A.P. 15p Tiercd Seating at rrear of Ground Level Seats
Adults 30p, Ctrildren & O.A.P. 15p Ground trvel Seats Adults 20p, Children & O.A.P. 10p Saturday August 13th and Thursday August 18th (8.00 p.m. only)
Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20P
All tickets are bookable in advance except Stand D, Tiered Seating at rear of Ground Level Seats and Ground Level Seats, and Concerts marked (Weather
College Theatre Saturday August 13th Sunday August 14th
CEILI - f1.00 - Adults 50p,
- All parts of the Children & O.A.P. 25p. Theatre.
Monday August 15th to Thursday August 18th f,1..00,7W, 5W. Gala Performance Friday- August 19th
f,1,.50, f,1.20,9W.
On Monday and Tuesday nights at the College Theatre only, prices will be reduced to 50p, 3W, 2W,- for O.A.P. and Children if booked in advance. Party bookings for Sunday and Monday may be available. For further details contact the Festival Office.
Forum Theatre Saturday August 13th to Saturday August 20tr (Friday excepted) and Thursday August 11th (Pre-Festival concert) €1.5O
€1.10,80p. Friday August 19th - Gala Performance f,2.00, f,1..50, f,1..00. Tickets for the Forum Theatre Concerts obtainable from the Forum Theatre Box Office Open Daily 10.00 a.m.-8.00 p.m. (Sundays excepted) Tor.rm Centre,
Booking Arrangemmts Tor,,rryr
Telephone Bookings:
Stockton 558212
(College Theatre and
- until 1st August. Opm Air Concerts)
Stbckton 552563 - (BookingsallForum Theatre) from August 1st - bookings. Postal Bookings are acceptable. Enquiries: Festival Office, Municipal Buildings, Tcnvn Cmtre, Billingham. Tel. Stockton 5521.4L.
Supporting Events
Festival Club Membership is open to all persons over the age of 18 years. The Club will be situated in the Billingfram Arms Hotel and will be open from Friday, August 12th to Saturday August 20th from 9.00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. Members will dance to the music of "The Camival Steel Band". Cabaret items will be given by Festival participants. This centre is eqpecially desigred to give the public an opportunity to meet the festival performers who will all be Club Mernbers.
Monberstrip Fee: â&#x201A;Ź4.50. Application forms are available from the Festival Office. Members will be alloared to introduce a limited number of guests at a charge of â&#x201A;Ź1.00 per guest per visit.
International Art and Craft Exhibition This major Exhibition is held in the Forum and is open daily during Festival week. Its purpose is to demonstrate the very wide range and the richness of traditional folk art and craft of some of the countries represented at the Festival. The Exhibition has proved extremely popular in the past and this year it contains three important contributions. Folk Art and Craft of the Soviet Union Eighty paintings and drawings from all regions of the Soviet Union are on display together with many representative items of craft work in wood, metal, wool, string and jewellery. An especially interesting feature is the display of micro-portraits drawn on seeds
and the artist, Syadistryi, is present to talk about his work.
Billingham Fonrm
Traditional Craft Work from Poland This is a display of glass painting, paper cutting, artificial flower making, metal and hide work and embroidery.
for Lunches and High Teas from 12 noon-2.30 p.rn and 4 p.rn-5.30 p.m. and
Five craftsmen of national repute have brought their work from Poland and they will be practising their craft in the exhibition hall to give us a chance to see 'how it is done'.
English Art and Craft Two local artists, Kate and David Greaves, have been commissioned
after the Evening Performances you can enjoy a basket meal or a light snack and a drink in a pleasanf relaxed atnosphere. The Cafeteria is open for light refreshments from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. daily.
For further information or mquiries
as a
or 68.
Clcing Cereurony: Our visitors for this event are the Brodsarorth Colliery Welfare Band. Prior to the ceremony they will give a concert cn the Tcnwr Centre stage beginning at 8.00 p.m.
,The 14tr Billingham trtemational Folklore Festival will be held from August
Programme Summary Leaflet available tickets on sale frorn
from April 1st 1,978
How to get there
will be open
please ring Stockton 551381 ext. 67
result of a grant from Northem ArtsAssociation work in - towilldobesome ceramics. They working on this project each day at the Exhibition. Some of the work has been prepared prior to the Festival so that the forming processes can be fully demonstrated. A number of other local and regional craftsmen will also be present to display their work.
The Licensed Restaurant
Saturday August 13th
1.30 p.m.
Tswn Cmtre Camival Steel Band
Leernrard Islands
2.00 p.m.
Grand Parade of Folklore Grcups Route: Telstar - Lcnar Grange Averrue Marsh House Avenue - Causeraray - Toun Centre.
Yugoslavia Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin",
Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski. England Massed Morris Dancing by Boar's
2.30 p.m.
Opening Ceremony Assembly of groups in front of Municipal Building+ Tovvn Centre. Playing of National Anthems of countries taking part
in the Festivaf by Bilingham Silver Band. Raising of the flags of eadr country. Address of Welcome by Councillor J. A. Tatdrell (Chairman of the Festival Committee). Opening of the Festival by the Marchioness of l-ondonderry. 2.45 p.m.
Intemational C-oncert Greece Folk Ersemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou.
Italy Folk Ersemble "Canterini Peloritani", Messina Sicily. Director: Dr. Alessandro Lillo. Mexico Folk Ersemble of Guadalajara University. Director: Prof. Rafael Zamarripa' Polard Folk Ensemble "Krako,viacy", Cracorar.
U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid Fyodorovidr Nosiktrin. U.S.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovidr Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich
Artistic Director: Zbrgnie'tt
Pimkoruski. Spain Coros
y Danzas, Sitges
Director: Maria J. Sampelayo Sri Lanka C"ylo., National Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. $uitzerland Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu", Geneva. President: Bemarrd Guillet.
Head Morris Mery Bradford. Squire: David Illingworth; Shakespeare Morris Men, Stratford on Avon. Squire: Tony Parsons; Stockton Morris Men. Squire: Ken Ridrardson; Newcastle Morris Men. Squire: Tony Ingle. 7.30 p.m.
Ceili Billingham College Theatre Admission â&#x201A;Ź1.00 Danelarar Country Dance Band; Stockton E.F.D.S.S.; "Rocks of Castrel"; "Lammas Tyde"; Boar's Head Morris Men; Shakespeare Morris Men; Nearcastle Morris Men; Stockton Morris Men; English, Irish and Scottish Dancing for all. Bar Licence applied for.
7.30 p.m.
International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Admission Charges: f,1.50, â&#x201A;Ź1.10, 80p Folk Music, Song and Dance of Sri Lanka. The Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T.P. Amarasinghe. Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid Fyodorovich
Nosikhin. INTERVAL (20 mins)
Folk Music, Song and Dance of Mexico. Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University. Director: Prof. Rafael Zamaripa. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Poland. Folk Ensemble "Krakowiaqr", Cracow,
Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski. 8.00 p.m.
International Concert Town Centre (Weather Permitting) Admission Charges: ALL SEATS Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20p Switzerland Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu", Geneva. President: Bemard Guillet. Yugoslavia Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski. Spain Coros y Danzas, Sitges. Director: Maria J. Sampelayo U.S.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovich Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak.
Sunday August 14th
2.30 p.m.
Grand Parade Route: Technical College - Causeway -
Town Centre. 3.fi) p.m.
Afternoon Concert Town Centre U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid Fyodorovich
Nosikhin. Spain Coros y Danzas, Sitges Director: Maria J. Sampelayo Greece Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President; Nikos Triantafillou. Mexico Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University. Director: Prof. Rafael Zamarnpa. Poland Folk Ensemble "Krakowiacy", Cracow. Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski. U.S.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovich Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak. Switzertrand Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu",
Geneva. President: Bernard Guillet. Sri Lanka Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. Yugos-lavia Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski.
Italy Folk Ensemble "Canterini Peloritanis" Messina, Sicily. Director: - Lillo. D. Alessandro 7.30 p.m.
International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre
Folk Music, Song and Dance of Switzerland. Folk Ensemble',Le Feuillu,,,
Geneva. President: Bemard Guillet. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Poland. Folk Ensemble "Krakowiacy", Cracow. Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of the
U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance !,ompgny. Director: Leonid Fyodorovich
Nosikhin. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Mexico. Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University. Director: Prof. Rafael Zamarripa.
7.30 p.m.
International Concert of FoIk Music, Song and Dance
Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Greece. Folk Ensemble "Parthenon',, Athens President: Nikos Triantafillou. FolklVlusic, Song and Dance of ltaly. Folk Ensemble "Canterini peloritani,;, Messina, Sicily. Director: Alessandro Lillo. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain. Coros y Danzas, Sitges Director: Maria J. Simpelayo
Folk Music, Song and^Dance of the U..|-.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanich ' M'olchanov and Alexander petrovich Shostak.
Monday August 15th
12 noon
7.30 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
Lunch Hour Concert
International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance
International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance
Town Centre Greece Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou.
U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid Fyodorvich
Nosikhin. Yugoslavia Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski. U.S.S.R Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovich Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak.
Billingham College Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain. Coros y Danzas, Sitges. Folk Music, Song arid Dance of Greece. Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of U.S.S.R. Fok Song and Dance of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovich Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak.
Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Yugoslavia. Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Sri Lanka. Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Poland. Folk Ensemble "Krakowiacy", Cracow. Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski. (Below) Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Yugoslaaia.
Tuesday August 16th
12 noon
Open-Air Bam Dance in ttre Tor,tri
Torm Centre Italy Folk Ensemble "Canterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily. Director: Dr.
Square, led by Bob Hare and Stockton HoP.
Alessandro Lillo.
Sri Lanka C"yl*, National Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. Spain Coros y Darzag Sitges Director: Maria J. Sampelayo
Yugoslavia Folk Ersernble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski.
Festival |ubilee Dimension Tovn Centre on Tuesday, 16th Augus! from 1.30 to 6.00 p.m. An aftemoon"party of fun and games for all ages to celebrate the Silver jubilee. MC Tony Baynes (BBC Radio Cleveland).Knock-out competitions in hopscotdr, marbles, skipping quoits and croquet will be held throughout the aftemoon with prizes for the Festival Jubilee Champiors. Open to all. Enter immediately aftei the iunchtime concert. Lrvitation Skittles Championship, featuring the Festival Chairman's Team, Visiting Groups' Teams, Community Centre Team and others. Come and cheer your favourite. Music by the Northfield Sdrool Wind Band (Diiector, Mr. Alan Lester) lust back from a continental tour. Aunty Phil and her Little People with Uncle Mac telling the old story of Pundr and Judy. Stree_t Theatre. Extribition English Folk D ancnl.- 1 azz Band. Extribitioniof traditional craft work by visiting Polish Artists and ceramics by Kate and David Greaves. Party teas at modest prices.
The Partywill end with a Grand
Lundr Hour Concert
7.30 p.m.
trtemational Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingfuam College Theatre Admission Chaqges: 81.00, 7W, 5W.
Children & O.A.P. 50p,35p,25pn booked in advance Folk Music Song and Dance of Italy. Fotk Ensemble "Canterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily. Director: Dr. Alessandro Lillo. Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S. R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid Fyodorvich Nosikhin. INTERVAL (20 minutes) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Yugoslavia. Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski.
7.30 p.m.
Intemational Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Fonrm Theatre Admission Charges: 81..50, 81.1,0, 8W Folk Musig Song and Dance of Sri Lanka. Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T.
P. Amarasinghe.
INTERVAL (20 minutes) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Swiberland. Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu" Geneva. President: Bemard Guillet. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Mexico. Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University.
Director: Rafael Zamarripa.
Folk Ensemble "Canterini Peloritani", ltaly.
Wednesday August 17th
12 noon
Lundr Hour Concert Toun Centre
i1 i:::
!r !x
Swiberland Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu", Geneva. President: Bemard Guillet. U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid lyodorovich Nosikhin. Greece Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou. Mexico Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University. Director: Prof. Rafael
Zarnaripa. 3.30 p.m.
Aftemoon Concert To,vn Cmtre (Weather permitting) Italy Folk Ensemble "Canterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily. Director: Dr.
Alessandro Lillo. Poland Folk Ensemble "Krakoariary", Cracoar. Artisitic Director: Zbignie.u Pienkourski. U.S.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezl'r. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovidr
Molchanov and Alexander Petrovidr Shostak. 7.30 p.m.
lnternational Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Greece.
Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Poland. Folk Ensemble "Krakorruiary", Cracorar.
Artistic Director: Zbrgniew Pienkourski.
INTERVAL (20 minutes) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Mexico.
Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University Director: Prof. Rafael Zamarrrpa. 7.30 p.m.
60tr Anniversaly Concefr Fonrm Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S. R. Leningrad Folk Dance C Director: Leonid Fyodorovich Nosikhin.
INTERVAL (20 minutes) Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovidr Molctranov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak. (Belaw)
Leningrad Folk Dance Company, U.S.S.R.
Thursday August 18th
Lundr Hour Concert Torun Centre
Swiberland Folk Ensemble,,Le Feuillu,,, Geneva. Prebident: Bemard Guillet.
Spain Coros
y Danzas, Sitges
Director: Maiia ]. SampelXyo Sri Lanka Ceylon National "Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. Yugoslavia Folk Ensemble,,Koco Racin,,, Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski.
Intemational Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance C-o-llege
Folk Music, Song and Dance of Sri Lanka. Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T.
P. Amarasinghe. Folk Music, Song and Dance of ,,Koco Racin,,, _Yugoslavia. Folk- Ensemble Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski. INTERVAL (20 minutes) Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S. R. Leningrad Folk Dance Companv. Director: Leonid Fyodorovictr Nosildtin. ' 7.30 p.m.
Inbmational Concert of Folk
Music, Sons and Dance
Billingham Fo-nrm Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain.
Coros y Danzas,-Sitges. Folk Music, Song and Dance of poland, Folk Eruemble "Krako,via qt,,, Cracwt.
Artistic Director: Zbipglier^/ pienkorruski.
INTERVAL (20 midtes)
Folk Music, Song and Dance of Mexico. F4rsemble of Guadalafara University. Lolk Director: Prof. Rafael Zanrawipa.
Town Centre (Wealher permitting) Admission Chalges: eif SUafS Adults 40p Ctrildren & O.A.p. 20p Swioerland Folk Ensembld,,Le Feuillu-, Geneva. President: Bemard Guillet. Greece Folk Ensemble,,parthenon,,, Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou. Italy Folk Ensemble ,,Canterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily. Director: Dr. Alessandro Lillo
7.30 p.m.
8.00 p.m.
Intemational Open Air Concert
and Dance company of voronah,
Friday August 19th
12 noen
Lunch Hour Concert Town Centre Greece Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou. Spain Coros y Danzas, Sitges
Director: Maria J. Sampelayo Poland Folk Ensemble "Krakowiacy", Cracow. Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski U.S.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovich Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak. 3.30 p.m.
Afternoon Concert Town Centre (Weather permitting) Sri Lanka Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. Yugoslavia Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin", Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski.
ftaty fok Ensemble "Canterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily, Director: Dr. Alessandro Lillo. 7.30 p.m.
Gala International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre Admission Charges: 81,.50, f.1..20, %p Order of appearance and Interval (15 minutes) will be announced. Greece Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President: Nikos Triantafillou. Italy Folk Ensemble "Canterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily. Director: Dr. Alessandro Lillo. Mexico Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University. Director: Prof. Rafael
Poland Folk Ensemble "Krakowiary", Cracow. Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski. Spain Coros y Danzas, Sitges Director: Maria J. Sampelayo Sri Lanka Ceylon National Dancers. Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. Switzerland Folk Ensemble "Le Feuillu" Geneva. President: Bemard Guillet. U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company. Director: Leonid Fyodorovich
Nosikhin. U.S.S.R. Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovich Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak.
Yugoslavia F.olk Ensemble "Koco Racin" Skopje. President Blaze Sekulovski. 7.30 p.m.
Gala International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Admission, Charges f,2.0}, fL.50, f,7.00 Order of appearance and Interval (15 minutes) will be announced. Greece Folk Ensemble "Parthenon", Athens. President Nikos Triantafillou. Italy Folk Ensemble "Caterini Peloritani", Messina, Sicily. Director: Dr. Alessandro Lillo. Mexico Folk Ensemble of Guadalajara University. Director Prof. Rafael
Zamaripa. Poland Folk Ensemble "Krakowiacy", Cracow Artistic Director: Zbigniew Pienkowski. Spain Coros y Danzas, Sitges. Director: Maria ]. Sampelayo Sri Lanka Ceylon National Dancers.
Director: Dr. T. P. Amarasinghe. U.S.S.R. Leningrad Folk Dance Company, Leonid Fyodowich NosikhinU.S.S.R. Fglk Dance Company of Voronezh. Directors: Fyodor Ivanovic*r Molchanov and Alexander Petrovich Shostak.
Yugoslavia Folk Ensemble "Koco Racin" Skopje. President: Blaze Sekulovski.
Saturday August 2oth
2.00 p.m.
Grand Parade Route: Technical College - Causeraray Tcrvr.n
2.30 p.m.
Farewell International Concert
Items by all groups from abroad. Stockton E.F.D.S.S. Presentation of Pennanb Intemational Farandole. 7.00 p.m.
Folk Song and Music C-oncert Billingham Fomm Theatre Admission Charges: 81.50, 81.10, 8W. The Watersons
"Srlly Wizard" Gary and Vera Aspey (Finishing in time for the Closing Ceremony)
Town Centrre Band Concert Brodsarorth Colliery Welfare Band (Admission Free) 9.00 p.m.
Tordrlight Prccession Tedrnical College to Tornm Centre 9.30 p.m.
Clming Ceremony Brodsworth Colliery Welfare Band. Farsarell Speedr by the Chairman of the Festival Committee: Councillor ].A.
Hymn The day Thou gavest Lord is ended
1. The day Thou gavest Lord is ended The darkress falls at Thy behest. To Thee our moming hlmurs ascended Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
2. We thank Thee that Thv Ctrurdr unsleeping While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watdr is keeping And resb not nou/ W duy or night
3' As o'e. eac-h continent
and island, The da,lrr leads on another day The voice of prayer is never siie4_t Nor dies the strain of praise away.
4. The sun that bids us rest
is waking Our brethren 'neath the westem sky, And hour by hour fresh lips u." -Jti.rg Thy wondrous doinp heard on high.
5. So be it, Lord, Thy throne shall never Like_garttr's proud empiret pass away Ihf Kingdom stands and groars for ever Till all Thy creatures crrm Thy sway. Sunset and Loarering of the Flag. The irfitional Anthem
Mardr off follor,ved by Fireworks Display
Iohn Whitehead park
of the Folk Ensemble "Krakoutiacy,,,
Folk Ensemble
This is only the second group from Greece to attend at Billingham and we welcome the ensemble from a country which has a ridr, varied and interesting folk culture.
Their presentation will be of absolutely eiuthentic traditions. They have a repertoire of 150 dances from all parts of the country. Many of these have been leamt by '?arthenon" members achrally going out to villages to dance with the country people and at the same time study their coshrmes and collect their songs.
Some of the dances will be from Macedonia. This region, whidr has a most interesting folk culture,.is partly in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria as well as Greece. Our Yugoslavian ensemble is frorn Macedonia and will, nahrrally present a Macedonian Dance Suite. It will be interesting to see two different performing the folk dances of the same
The instrumental group providing accompaniment is made up of Clarinef Violin, Lute, Bouzouki, Santouri and Douli (drum).
"Parthenon" was founded in 1964 by its President, Nikos Triantafillou who will be directing the group at our Festival. He has been interested in the folk dance and music of his country and the Balkans generally since he was a drild. All the members of the group are High Sdrool and University studenb.
'Parthenoll'- Athens
Folk Ensemble
'Canterini Peloritani'- Messina, Sicily Fb
Cry, colourtul, lively, joytul group
makes.a +hird appearance it niUingfiam^ under its dynamic director Alessaridro Lillo. They first appeared here in 196g and rrl.'1970 came at very short notice when a group withflrear in |uly. There have been requests from Festival Supporters.for a retum visit and "Canterinfpeloritani,, have
indicated from time to time that they enioy coming to Billingham and would lik; to ;ee
us once more.
The dashing handsome men and beautiful qrlls presenthg the exciting folklore of their island ii an unforgeitable spectacle whidr we shall all enjoyince again. their theatre progammes the _In grgyp ls to perform part of a major -en Folklore Production titl ed,,Siiilia Cianci E Ridi". This folk play cum musical cum opera is the result of a great deal of research by thi" group and the folklore authorities at the universiW in the Sicilian countrysi{e_. The producticin depicts all aspects of the Iife of their island ttre laughter and tears; the traditions -of the farmers; the street vendors crying their
wares; serenades and love songs. It will also show the influence of the?ifferent conquerors of the island the Arabs, Normans and Spanish. -
Those who have not seen the group before will be interested in their-musical instmments. We have the familiar tambourines and accordeons used by so many folklore groups but the -(an Scacciapersieri iron instrument with a g]ate of steel whose vibrations give a very distictive sound) the Friscaluttti(a bamboo cane flute played by the shepherds) and
the Quartara (an earthernvare jug) are peculiar to Sicily.
Like all the ltalian groups whidr have come to Billinghanu "Canterini peloritani,, are sporuored by E.N.A.L. the Italian Workers organisation whidr promotes sport and culture.
"Canteini Peloitan{' beginning with the
Folk Ensemble of
This group made a tremendous impact on our audiences last year when it made a first visit to England to appear at Billingham. Because we were doubtful about its appearance until a very late date, the ensemble was given no long programmes and consequently we saw only a small part of its repertoire. This year the group will present a wide variety of items from all regions of Mexico.
Fribourg (Swiuerland) and Zakopane (Poland). They will then go on to Israel for
The group had its beginnings in 1960 at the School of Plastic Arts at Guadalaiara University. One of the initlal mernbers was Rafael Zamarripa, ncnar Professor of this Faorlty and Director of the Ensemble.
Having mastered the dances of their cnn"'n regrory ttre State of Jalisco, the group proceeded to leam the dances of other parb of their native land. They norar have six two hour programmes and present a performance of Mexican Folklore in a theatre in Guadalajara every Sunday night. The group has adrieved many ,distinctions and undertaken sixty five tours
in Mexico, U.S.A., South America, Canada and Europe. ln 1,970 the group represented their country in a programme given for the President of the U.S.A. and were then invited personally by the President to visit and perform in Califomia. On retuming from the Munidr Cultural Olympics n 1972 the group was honoured at a dinner by the President of Mexico and received a Gold Medal and Diploma for its performance in Germany. This year they are spending two months in Europe to take part in some of the great Sdroten Festivals of C.I.O.F.F. (Belgium); Gannat and-Biarritz (France);
Guadalajara University
two weeks of theatre performances. Festival supporters should note that the group gives a fuIl programme in the Forum Theatre at a pre-Festival concert on Thursday, August 11th. On Wednesday they give the second half of the prograrnme in the College Theatre and on Thursday the second half in the Forum Theatre.
One ol the Mexican company's many spectacuhr items.
Folk Ensemble
'Krakowiacy'- Cracow
There are many regular festival supporters who say that the fihest performance ever seen at Billingham was that given by this ersemble on ib first appearancejn the College Theatre when it was here at our 'L971 Festival. The gloup presenb ib programme in a unique fastrion. It will peiform for a full hour or more without i stop, break or announcernent The ensemble consists of a droir, dance group and instrumental group. But the dancers sing and the singers danc-e and the flo,v of song and dance is unintermpted and only punctuated by coshrme changes whidr zu1pass eadr other in their colourful brilliance. During this time we will have been taken to every part of Poland and been enridled by *re , beautiful folk traditions of thaf country whidr is greatly admired by all who come to this Festival.
"Krakorndacy" gave their first perfonnance in 1951 and since that time have presented 1500 concerts to over 3 million people. They are the most famous amateur ensemble in Poland and in great demand all over the world. \A/hen vo:u have seen them you wonder hoar amateirrs can achieve such standards. The quality of their performance is such that it eiceeds that of many companies who are household narnes in the world of the professional theatre. After appearing here the group goes to Birmingham and then to the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London for a series of
Artisitic Director and Choreographer
Zbignieut Pienowski.
"Krakor,viacy" grves the second half of the programme in the Forum Theatre on
Music Supenrisor & Conductor Lududg Wisrior,rzski.
Monday Evening.
Marian Dulinski.
A oigorous Polish item, with the mm prominmt.
Sri Lanka
It is a tradition of this festival that at least one ner / country appears eadr year. gives us great pleasure to present by arrangemmt with the Asian Artistes and Speakers Bureau, the Ceylon National
Ceylon National Dancers
It 1i.li:.1q1,':;;,1S":.ir.;;,L.1,111;:;i.l
Dancers. They will perform the Traditional Ritual Classical and Folk Dances of their
country and offer us a completely noar
folklore dimension. Sri Lanka l.norarn as Ceylon luo,.tttl 1972, is an independent country with a population of 12 million people. The
country became self-goveming n L947 when this ensemble came into being to perform at the Independence Celebrations. Since thm the group has danced all over the world. Ceylon's composite art of dance music and mime is older than eitherChristianity or Buddhism and has been described as-a
perfect art form. , We will see a prograrnme of ridr and varied folk dances including harvest dances by three of the island's lweliest girls.
Drummers are as important as dancers in Ceylon and this company boasts two staxs compared the world.
with the greatest around
Kandy Dancers descended from the court dancers of generations of patron kinp come from the highlands in nlagnificent costumes of brilliant white gleamingwittr a myrlad of shining suns of silver and pearl and hundreds of silver bells to dance stately court dances, ceremonial and ritual dances or bring iheir dranatic gifts to characterize birds, clouds,
elephants, the farmyard cock, the deadly cobra.
Mask Dances and Fire Dances come from the South and they are dances by an hereditary practitioner of the art whose family has been drivin$ off demons with devil masks (and curing patients with laug[rter) for cmturies. His flaming airtums prove his por,rrer over fire and demons.
It should be an interesting experience to see this group. They give the first half of
the programme in the Forum Theatre on Tuesday night
(Aboe) Drummer, men and woman in a Ceylonex ilance,
Folk Ensemble 'Le Feuillu'- Geneva
- Tht i" only the second time that a group from Switzerland has been present atiur' Festival the last occasion was n 1.969 when we-received that very good choir and dance group "L'Echo Romand" from
costume, from house to house singing of the retum of Spring. They pull a iart
bedecked with nera,,-foliage'taken from the
trees. Seated on the cart are a bov and girl in wedding dress.
This year's ensemble comes to us through Mr. Paul Pulh who is the Swiss representative at C. I.O.F.F.
The costume wom dates from the 19th Ce1tury and has been devised from prints and pictures preserved in the University Library at Geneva.
"Le Feuillu" was founded in 1956. The name (Feuilles means leaves) chosen for the group comes from a spring custom of tg- T"Sro.'- On the first Sunday of May the children of the Geneva area go in national
_ The group has appeared at many festivals in Switzerland, France, Itily, Be-lgium,_Spain, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Canada and the U.S.A. Their most recent trip abroad was to appear at the
:ad t*t$;:*;i?"t
li I
first lrtemational Folklore Festival to be held in Puerto Rico in January this year.
"Le Feuillu's" aim is to present at the highest possible level the folklore traditions of Geneva and the other Frendr speaking cantorLs of Switzerland. Musical accompaniment is provided by . eight musiciars playing two clarineb, a flute, a trumpet, an accondeon, a trombone, a double bass and a drum. Choreographers Jo Baerisrvyl.
Monette Perrier and
Leningrad Folk Dance Company
Many festival supporters will be a little having two groups from the U.S.S. R. this year. There have been occasions when other countries have sent us two groups in one year but this is
the dance Kalinka. The group gives the first half of the progr.mune in the Forum Theatre on Wednesday night and the second half in the College Theatre on Thursday evening.
puzz.led, by us
unuzual. 1977 is the 60th Anniversary of the foundation of the U.S.S. R. and a very special year of celebrations for the people of that country. This is why we have two groups in Billingham and why we have arranged a special concert of Russian Folklore in the Forum Theatre on Wednesday, August 17th. This concertwill take place i:r the presence of His
Excellenry Nikolai Lunkov, Soviet Ambassador to Britain and Madame Lunkova.
The ensemble from Leningrad was formed n L944 and is made up of students at technical schools and institutes and also youngworkers. There are over 100 people in the group and 40 of these will perform
at Billingham. The group has a wide experience of concerts and festivals abroad and was warmly received at the Munich and Montreal Olyrnpics.
Their programme consists of a wide variety of folk dances, some including mimes, others connected with the revolution. There are also songs, group choral items and a variety of instrumental pieces. One is a series of Variations on Russian Folk Themes given on a Xylophone. Some music of Tdraikovsky is featured and two popular items for our audiences will be the Song of the Volga Boatman and
{iiiii ilaiiili,
6ji; Sai-::
Y;'i niaf,:
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Folk Song and Dance Company of Voronezh
This ensemble is made up of young shrdents from the Tedrrical frshtutei in the tor,tn of Voronezh whidr is sihrated in the South of Russia. Members are aged mainly betrveen 15 and 18 years. They are training to become electricians, buitders
_Lelingrad, Central Asi4 Hungary, Bulgari4 The German Democratic Republic, Vietram, Laos, Cuba, Czechoslovaki4 Yugoslavi4 Denmark, Cyp*, Sweden and Japan.
The group was formed n 1957 and has wide experience of giving concerts and performing at festivals both at home and abroad. They have been to Moscow,
won the First Prize at the famous Festival of the Almond Blossom in 1.966 they
Agrigento, Sicily.
Their programme is varied and interesting. It includes dances from the
Voronezh Regron and the Ukraine; Folk Songs by the Vocal Group Irytjrl Balalaika and Accordeon items as well^as solo songs. The group gives the second half of the prograrrune h the College Theatre on Monday and in the Forum Theatre on Wednesday evening.
Folk Ensemble 'Koco Racin'- SkoPie
This ersemble comes to us this Year through rather unusual drannels' Every second year Her Majesty's Govemmentmakes i formal Cultural Agreementwith the Yugoslav Govemment. The Cultural exchanges (Ord:restras, Ballet or Operatic companies; Studenb etc.) betrveen th9 two cornt ies are drawn up in the form of a
prhted Agreement. When the last meeting. to formulate these exdranges took place in Belgrade in 1,975 the Yufoshvs as-ked lf ttrey could be represented at two Festivals in Britain tfri: UainUurgh Intemational Festival and
j r:
The Billingham lntemational Folklore Festival. We agreed to our Foreign Offices's suggestion that a Yugoslav SroxP could come here this year and this is the group drosen. Part of the region of Macedonia lies in Southem Yugoslavia and this is where "Koco Racin' come from so we should eniov their Macedonian dances which are ro ugoto* and exciting. The group will aslo [resent dances from other regions.and *" #ilt see a Croatian Suite accompanied bv a Tamburitza Orchestra which is ahnrays eirloyed by Billingham audiences, and
items not seen previously here from and Albania. The ensemble has been in existrence since 1945 and has awide festival experience having performed in Bulgari4 Swiuerland, Federal Republic of Cermar France, Czechoslovaki4 Hungary, and many other countries. The group gives the second half of the prograflrme in the College Theatre on Tuesday night.
Coros yDanzas (Singers and Dancers)
r: Spain's largest folklore organisation.
This group which is a brancL of the national association of folklore ensembles, comes from Sitges which is on the outskirts of Barcelona. This is the first time that we have had at Billingham a group from the Catalonian region. These dancers and musicians will present a completely new folklore tradition to our festival audiences. Spain has probably the richest folklore heritage of any country in the world. Regular patrons of this festival have seen the dynamic flamenco dancers of Andalusia and the gentle colourful items from Madrid, Valencia and Murcia. They have heard the pipes of Asturias and seln the high kicking steps of the Basques. Sitges offer us something new and _ different. The pyramid we see in the picfure is one of the unusual features of dance groups from this region. The men, on nc625isns, climb to great heights, and display outstanding acrobatic abillty. _ There are over 700 groups in Coros y Danzas and about 30 iravel abroad to fgstivgls each year. We are grateful to
their National Director, Maria Sampelayo and.the Spanish Goveinment for slnding us this ensemble. We extend a warm welcome to Miss Sampelayo who is visiting the Billingham Festival for the second time.
Coros y Danzas-Sitges
Several attempts were made in the 60's to get this famous group to appear at Biflineham but all were unsuccessful and then fi-re group 'retired'. Nor,nr they are back toge-thei again and performing and recording with great success once more.
The line up is mudr the same as before with Mike Waterson and sisters Norma and
They are undoubtedly the most accomplished group of traditional unaccompanied singers in the country.
Lal forming the back-bone of the glouP: Cousin John Harrison has been replaced by another legend of the British folk-revival, Martin Carthy who is norar married to Norma Waterson. He sings bass and supplies a firm root for the incredible harmonies that Mike, Lal and Norma
breathtaking complexities. the grorrp
what tremmdous enjoYment can be extracted from folk soirg without musical accompaniment but with simple four part voice harmonies. The Watersons aPPear at the Forum Theatre on SaturdaY, August 20th.
Waterson weave in fascinating and
The Boar's Head Morris Men from Bradford, Yorkshire, were formed n 1920 by a small number of enthusiasts, most of whom are still dancing with the side. The side takes its name from the crest of the city of Bradford. The City was given the crest when the last wild boar in the country was killed in nearby woods. The dances being performed come from wide repertoire of "Cotsvold Morris" dances originally collected from villages in Gloucestershire and Oxfotdshire. The origins of these dances are many hundreds of years old and thought to be connected with pre-drristian rituals. a
_ The group takes part in the Opening Ceremony and Concert and also performs at the Ceili on Sahrrday, August 13th.
Boars Head Morris Men - Bradford
Brodsworth Colliery Welfare Band
There is a great tradition of Brass Band Music in mining communities and it is with great pleazure that we welcome to the Festival, for the first time a Colliery
Welfare Band. Brodsworth is near Doncaster in Yorkshire and their Band is one of the most famous brass bands in England. It was formed at the beginning of this century under the title of the Woodlands Village Band and continued to grow, prosper and adrieve, in recent years, a series of outstanding successes. They have been placed second in the National Brass Band Championships; tn 1,975 they were Yorkshire Crampions; n 1.976 they won the City of Leicester Crampionship and theywere also victorious inthe 19r6177 Trans -Pennine Championship.
The Band will give a concert at 8.00 p.m. on Sahrrday, August 20th and provide the music for the Closing Ceremony. This is ]ubilee Year and this concert will have a traditional English and Royal flavour. Audience participation at this concert and the Closing Ceremony, has been so wonderful in recent years that we are going to have Community Sirgg in this year's Programme. We ask you all to join in.
iiti!!:l 'f!.i.
'Rocks of Gashel'
This group has three members - Frank Mattersory Ridr Burlinson ar.C Ken |ohnson. Frank has been on the folk scene for nearly 30 years and is well lorourn for
improved instrumentalist in recent years,
Irish dancing at the Festival's anrrual ceili. Ridr (Guitar and accordian) sings and accompanies the others. A greatly
"Rocks of Castrel" appears at the Ceili on Saturday, August 13th.
This group comes to us from Cramlington, Northumberland. The lead singer is Peter Desmond who also plays mandolin and bodhran and is a well known Irish Dancer. Other instrumentalists are Brian Maguire - and Tenor Banjo; Gary Hogg - GBanjo Guitar; Rob Hallett Lead Guitar; Barryz - music'is mainly Walker The - Fiddle. traditional with a sprinkling of own
his humour,,sonp, dancing ability and whistle playing. He is the caUer for the
his services are ncM/ mudr in dernand as a dance musician.
Ken johnson adds a County Durham element to what was mainly an Iristr duo.
composition. The music and songs are colleeted from all parts of the country and presented in a firm warm hearted style. The group performs at the Ceili in the !-ollege Theatre on Saturday, August 13th.
"Rocks of Cashel"
F En$land Stockton E.F.D.S.g.
Billingham New Silver Band
Danelaw Gountry Dance Band
We are all grateful to this, our local brandr of the E.F.D.S.S. for the continuous support which they have given
Having a good tovrn band is of great value to our Festival and this group has
This Band, aS is nor,r' traditional, will provide the dance music for the Ceili in the College Theatre on Saturday weiring August 13th. This is always attended by a capacity crorard of folk dancers from a area and is one of the most popular of the Festival Week.
to our Festival since it began in 1955. This year the group is working on a ne$/ production' for the Opening Ceremony. With Boar's Head Morris Men and other Morris Dancers they will present a massed Morris item on the first Saturday aftemoon. The group will oqganise the Ceili in the College Theatre that wening and represent England at the Farerarell Concert and Closing Ceremony on Saturday August
made an outstanding contribrtition to the Festival over the years. Once again they will participate in both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. On Saturday August 13th they will lead the Parade to the To,vn Centre. At the Opening Cerernony they will play the National Antrern of eadr country taking part in the Festival.
On Sahrrday, August 20th they will lead the Tordrliglrt Procession from the College and then after the Closing Ceremony lead the groups out of the Toun Centre to the Park for the Firerarorks Dtsplay.
Danelaar, led by Robert Wtiitehead, come from Alnwick in Northumberland but have a national reputation and play at folk dances all over the country. The
of their success is flararless timiirg and versatility. Tempo in folk dance is of vital importance and this group knoar what speed of music is required be it an Engli$ Scottish or Irish Dance for whidr they are playing. This has not been adrieved by drance.
Their expertise is the result of a great of hard work by the group and its very talented leader who is one of the finest folk dance musicians in the British lsles.
Gary and Vera Aspey
Gary & Vera Aspey had their first LP "From the North" released in 1975, whidr
Their sonp of "reakly" range from the time before coal and cotton, through the trdustrial Revolutiory to the present day.
proved to be the best selling debut LP on the Topic label. The fdllcnar-up to "From the North" is a live recording called "A Taste of Hotpot, with added flavouring" released November 1.976, also on Topic.
Their material consisb of songs, stories and humour from the North West and
further afield-
kutnrmentation includes guitar, concertina, piano accordian played by Vera, and Banjo which Gary plays to accompany Vera's Lancashire Clog Dance, but several songs are unaccompanied.
'Silly Wizard'
Silly Wizard was formed five years ago
have establis[red thernselves as one of "n*I the most accomplished Folk Bands in the Club and University circuit. They have performed in every part of Britain and also in France and Holland. [r addition to giving concerb and making records and broadcasts, dre group -and performed the music for two wrote productions at Liverpool's Everyman -Theatre "Under Nevr - Chris Bond's Management" directed by Alan Dossor and "ftolley's Wake" by"lohn Rodre. All the mernbers of the group sing and
a third can be N. B. Two Bouzoukis grouP. *re Greek in heard
Sillv Wizard appear at the Forum
Iheaire on SaturdaY, August 20th.
olav awide varieW of instrummts: 'Soi, Thr** and - Bom in Glasgoar brougtrt up in the Shetlands plays guitar, mandolio dulcimer and banjo. greur Martin, Hadden - Bom Aberdeen up in Blairgourie plays Electric Bass,
Harmoniurn Andy Ste,vart - Bom Blairgo,vrie- - . , Traditional Scob singer is responsible with |ohnny for introducing many of the Band's Scots songp, particularlY the Bums material. |ohnny Cunninglram - Bom Edinburgh, olavs Fiddle, mandolin and bouzouki. 'E,.1member of the Scottish National Youth Orchestra.
Phil Cunningham
PIaYs Accordeon,
keyboards, *'lti"tl"t and Flute. Scottish Crampion Accordeon Iuirior Classical three years running. bom in Gord6n Jones - The one outsider, Birkenhead of Welsh stock has a Merseyside background plays guitar, bouzouki and bodhran.
Shop Window CornPetition
The shop windo,rr competition will cover the periodof the Festival and all members of die public are invited to take part' Festival visitors can enter the competition by purchasing a festival orosramme. tncluded in the inside cover of 'tt tte there will be a number and ""p.ogtuttt nuirber equates with a prize displayed that in one of the shops in the Tcnarn Centre. If you are able to track dorsn in one of the rirany shop windou displays the particular number that appears in yo3r irrogramme, then you must go into the strop wittr your programme and number afte} filling in your name and address in the space indicated and request the prize. We wistr you luck.
Lucky No.
All prizes can be collected after 5 p.m. on the last day of the Festivaf Saturday 20th August 1977. A full list of shops taking part in the competition can be seen beloar. Shops Taking Part B. Bell, 37 West Precinct, Billingham
W. Boyes & Co. Ltd., West Precinct Billineham J. H. ber,vhurst Ltd., 41 Queen-qday, Billineham Fair Gle Wool ShoP, Torvn Centre, Billingham (frarles Hid, 25 West Precinct, Billinglram G. Hay, Toarn Centre, Billingham Mictra6l Gerard, West Precinc! Billinglam D. Miles (Bitlingham) Ltd', 110 Queensway, Billingfram Moss & Cimpbell Ltd., 10 West Precinct
Name. Adress
Rum6'elo,vs, West Precinct, Billingham Trp Top, Totn Square, Billingham trtiaibould's, Wes[ Precinct, Billinglum Lewis's, Town Centre, Billingham.