1978 - 14th Billingham Festival Programme

Page 1

the fourteenth



FESTIVAL l2th- I9th qAugust 1978 I--

Programme 30p


Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival

August 12th-19th 1978. Festival Committee

Chainnan: Councillor J. A. Tatchell Festival Director: Mr P. T. Conroy Councillor H. L. Davies Councillor Mrs M. J. Kemp Councillor Mrs W. Pixton Councillor Mrs M. Platts Councillor W. E. Reveley

Organised by the Festival Gommittee in coniunction with Stockton on Tees Borough Gouncil.


Councillor K. Shaw Councillor Mrs M. P. Tatchell Councillor C. Wilson Councillor W. ]. Winn County Councillor Mrs A. Collins County Councillor Mrs M. Taylor, MBE

Mr J. Armstrong

Mr K. L. Bates Mr M. R. Bryan Mr I. R. Crowden Mr A. Hanby Mr L. Jobson Mrs E. Keenan Mr J. Maloney Mr F. Moutrey



Mr K. Sidney Mr F. Simpson Mr G. Lambelle Press Officer Mr H. H. Wright- Hon Treasurer Mrs A. Watson - Secretary Mr J. R. Tate -Stockton on Tees

Borough Council

The Festival Committee wish to acknowledge with gratitude the support of Northern Arts, the Visiting Arts Unit, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., B.T.P. Tioxide Ltd., Scottish and Newcastle Breweries, Northumbria Tourist Board, English Tourist Board.



The Festival will be opened bY Lord Donaldson of Kingsbridge, OBE, Mini of State at the Department of Education and Science, Minister for the Arts.


Foreword Billingham is now known worldwide for its Festival. I am often asked why it developed so successfully in this small town. It is partly because the Theatres and Town Centre are so suitable as venues. But it was due also to the people of the town who not only entered into the spirit of Folklore, but were also prepired to work hard to achieve it and io welcome and look after all our visitors.

]im Tatchell

International Groups have been the mainstay of the Festival right from the first event. Over the years our visitors from all over the World have shown us a steadily extending vision of the World's unrivalled display of music Folklore - ancostume. With this dancing and experience has come the opportunity to meet people from many nations and to, see the slmilarities between peoples and cultures which lie beneath the apparent differences.

Folklore in music, dancing and costume has always been the special feature of our Festival. Many regular visitors have become very knowledgeable merely from attending concerts. Others have been privileged to attend the Dance Coursb

ind to enjoy training from the Groups

themselves. This year, after a false start last year, we are offering a Children's Dance Course which should encourage

interest in perfoiming folkdancing and help the development of local Groups. Folklore is also found in the great variety of Crafts which flourish locally and abroad. This year our Craft Exhibition and Demonstrations include an even wider range of Folk Arts from manY countries. Festival week is the highlight of the year for most Billingham folk and for


more and more people from other parts of the country and from abroad. It is a time of enjoyment and exhilarating hard work for the hundreds of voluntary helpers who contribute to its success. 'fheir dedication is matched by the confidence and support of Stockton on Tees Borough Council, Northem Arts and Local Industry who provide cash and other material support. Led and co-ordinated by the ability and enthusiasm of Philip Conroy, I am sure the 14th Festival will delight our audiences and help to promote Intemational understanding. Welcome to everyone - GrouPs, a good Audience and Helpers. Have week!

|im Tatchell

Chairman, Festival Committee

"The Festival Scene" Billingham Town Centre

Groups and Artistes

taking part



Austria Folkore Ensemble of. Ltnz joseph Hirz Director

Folklore Ensemble 'Arniko' Hanuman Dass Director





Folklore Ensemble'Kopaniciar'

Myjava, Slovakia Director


Stefan Vachula




Seignosse, Landes

- Lamarque A.

Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo' - Las Palmas, Canary Islands Francisco Monzano Santana Director

Folklore Ensemble'Bela Bartok' Budapest


Timar Sandor


Folk Dance Group & Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslug' Stockholm Mats Gronberg Director





Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa' Banjaluka



Vaso Popovic


West Indies

Turkey Folklore Ensemble 'Tufak' Kemal Beytas Director

U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti' Terdzholi, Georgia Leonid Pachulia Director




Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young Provo, Utah University Director -Don Allen



Folklore Ensemble'Lous Pastous




France Director




Caribbean Steel Band (Festival Club only)

England Bands:

Billingham Silver Band Conductor - V. Evans Brodsworth Colliery Welfare Band K. R. )ohnson Musical Director Dance Band Danelaw Country Leader Robert Whitehead Savoy Jazz Men & Carol Clegg (Festival Club only) Stockton Hop and Bob Hare Folk Song


Dance Groups

Benfieldside Folk Dance Group Malcolm Doughty Leader


Blue Anchor

Stockton E.F.D.S.S. Harry Lockey



Scotland Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band Pipe Major

Members of Yugoslavian Ensemble 'Veselin Maslesa'


A. Hutchinson

Members of the Folklore Ensemble "Impereti' Georgia, U.S.S.

Summary of Programme Saturday August 12th pm Town Centre Caribbean Steel Band 2.00 pm Parade to Town Centre. 2.30 pm Town Centre Opening Ceremony and International Concert. All groups from abroad. Benfieldside Folk Dance Group, Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band, Billingham Silver Band. 1.30


. 7.30 pm 8.00



Danelaw Country Dance Band, Benfieldside Folk Dance Groqp, 'Blue Anchor', 'Lous Pastous Seignossais' France, English, Irish and Scottish Dancing for all. Licensed Bar (subject to Licence). Admission â‚Ź1.20. Forum Theatre Spain; Czechoslovakia;

U.S.A.; U.S.S.R. Town Centre (weather permitting)


Sunday August 13th 2.30 pm Parade to Town Centre 3.00 pm Town Centre All groups from abroad except U.S.A.


College Theatre

Yugoslavia; U.S.S.R. 7.30


Czechoslovakia. Forum Theatre Austria; France;



College Theatre

Austria; U.S.A. 7.30


Czechoslovakia. Forum Theatre











U.S.S.R. College Theatre France; Hungary; Forum Theatre Austria; Turkey;










Town Centre (weather permitting) Austria; Turkey; Nepal; U.S.A. College Theatre Austria; Yugoslavia;

U.S.A. Forum Theatre France; Turkey;




College Theatre


Forum Theatre Gala Concert. All groups from


Czechoslovakia. Town Centre

(weather permitting) 'The Extra Dimension' ending with an Intemational Barn Dance (4pm-6pm) featuring

Gala Concert. All groups from abroad.


Saturday August 19th 2.00 pm Parade to Town Centre. 2.30 pm Town Centre All groups from abroad and Stockton E.F.D.S.S. Presentation of Pennants. 8.00







Thursday August 17th 12 noon Town Centre U.S.S.R.; Spain; Hungary; 1.45



Yugoslavia; U.S.S.R.; Spain;


College Theatre

Hungary. Sweden; Turkey; Forum Theatre Spain; Nepa| Yugoslavia;

Friday August 18th 12 noon Town Centre Sweden; Hungary; Spain; Turkey. 3.30 pm Town Centre (weather permitting) Nepaf France; Austria; U.S.S.R.


Wednesday August 16th 12 noon Town Centre





Austria; Turkey; Ftance; 7.30




Sweden; Hungary; Yugoslavia.

Benfieldside; Yugoslavia; Austria; Sweden; Hungary.





Tuesday August 15th 12 noon Town Centre

pm- College Theatre

midnight Ceili

Sweden; Yugoslavia; Nepal; and Stockton Hop (Admission

Monday August 1.4th 12 noon Town Centre Sweden; U.S.A.; Austria;

Intemational Farandole. Town Centre Brass Band Concert by Brodsworth C.W. Band (Admission Free).

Torchlight Procession to Town Centre.

Town Centre Closing Ceremony with Brodsworth Colliery Welfare Band, followed by Fireworks Display in ]ohn Whitehead Park.

Notes on Concert Programmes At these Theatre Concerts the following groups will give one half of the programme: College Theatre Tuesday: U.S.S.R. Folk Ensemble


Terdzholi, Georgia.

Thursday: -Hungary. Folk Ensemble 'Bela Bartok' Budapest.


Forum Theatre Tuesday: U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University Provo, Utah. Wednesday: U.S.S.R. Folk Ensemble



Terdzholi, Georgia.

Details of items to be performed will be announced.

:, :. -::

If inclement weather prevents the start of an open air event, the event will then be held in the College and Forum Theatres excepting the Closing Ceremony which will be staged in the College Theatre only. Other exceptions are those concerts to be staged on Saturday August 19th at 8.00 pm and those at 3.30 pm on Wednesday August 16th and Friday August 18th; also 'The Extra Dimension' on Thursday August 17th these events cannot be

Members of the Czechoslakian Ensemble 'Kopa

How to get there


tran sferred.

The Lunch Hour concerts from Monday-Friday (Town Centre) will last for approximately 90 minutes. Evening Concerts in Theaires will last 21/z hours including the interval.

for approximately

Air Concert scheduled to be held on Thursday evening last year has been deleted from this programme. The Open

The Festival Committee reserve the right to alter the programme but assure the pu that changes will only be made if absolutely necessa



Adult Child/OAP



Stand Srand Stand Stand

and Sunday


f.f 0.50 0.75 0.40 o.25





Ground Weekday Open- air

Stand Stand Stand Stand


0.25 0.35 0.20 0.15


0.40 0.50 0.30 0.20


D Ground

0.20 0.25 0.1 5 0 10

College Theatre Sun-Thurs (incl.)

Balcony 1.00 Front Stalls 0.75 Rear Stalls 0.75


Centre Stalls 0.50 *Sunday to Tuesday only


College Theatre Friday (Gala)

Balcony Front Stalls Rear Stalls Centre Stalls

0.40* 0.40*

1.50 1.20 1.20 1.00

Forum Theatre Sat-Thurs

Circle/Stalls Circle/Stalls



Forum Theatre Friday (Gala)

Circle/Stalls Circle/Stalls Balcony

2.25 1.75 1.00





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Booking Arrangements Seats may be booked in advance for: a// Forum and College Theatre concerts; Stands A, B & C at lunch-time concerts; Stands A, B & C at Saturday and Sunday afiernoon concerts-

Tickets will be on sale from 6th May but between 6th May and 20th May, the GALA Concert tickets will only be sold to persons who purchase tickets for any other two performances.

If inclement weather prevents the start of a pre-booked open-air concert, that concert will be staged in a theatre and a performance is guaranteed for ticke.t holders. Forum Theatre Concerts

Tickets may be obtained from the Forum Theatre Box Office. Town Centre, Billingham, (Te[. Stockton 552663) or from Forum agencies. The Box Office is open every day except Sunday from 10 a.m. till 8p.m. Note: From 17th to 29th July the Forum Box Offices clores at 6.00 p.m. College Theatre and Town Centre Concerts

From Saturday May 6th until end of July, tickets on sale at the Festival Office, Municipal Buildings, Town Centre, Billingham, daily except Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. till 5p.m. (Tel. Sto3kton 558212). From August 1st tickets must be obtained from the Forum Theatre Box Office.

On the day of a concert, tickets are sold for Town Centre Concerts only at the ticket kiosk in the Town Centre. Postal Bookings will be considered after personal bookings on 6th May. Telephone Bookings will.be accepted from

A member of the U.S.A. Folk

8th May.

Group of Brigham Young University



Supporting Events

Vrith 'live'music




',ri;r,*irt. i;!,* clirk!

until membership is granted on personal application only. Members may sign in a lirnited number of bonafide guests at [1.50 per visit, but there will be no other casual admissions.

Club Programme

A fine example of 'Metal Relief work'

Caribbean Steel Band. Every evening Hop. Friday, August-11th - Stockton Savoy Jazz Saturday, August 12th Men; Turkey. Sunday, August 13th - Stockton HoP; Austria.

from the U.S.S.R.

Festival Club The club takes on a new look this year, which should please festival regulars. There'll be two new grouPs appearing at The Billingham Arms our usual venue Hop, led by Hotel Ballroom. Stockton

will appear on the oPening Friday night, August 11th, and then on altemate nights. The Savoy Jazzrten, with Carol Clegg, will appear on Saturday, August 12th, and then on altemate nights. In addition the Caribbean Steel Band will perform every night. These 'regulars'will be augmented by singing and dancing from our visiting groups from abroad (see Club Programme) In short a much stronger festival flavour is being injected into the club,

One of our local sculptors at work.

Bob Hare,

Monday, August 14th

SavoY lazz

Tuesday, August 15th Sweden. Spain.

Stockton Ho

Wednesday, August 16th - SavoY I Men; Czechoslovakia. Stockton Thursday, August \7th France.

A demonstration of 'Bead work' being carried out by one of our local experts.


Friday, August 18th - SavoY Jazz U.S.A. Saturday, August 19th - Stockton Stockton E.F.D.S.S.

countries, deomonstrating their traditional skills and displaying their work. From Czechoslovakia come three of that country's finest craftsmen who, working in textiles, woodcrafts and metal, will show us how they achieve the high standard of work for which they are

justly famous. The Ministry of Culture of the State of Georgia, U.S.S.R. is sending us an Exhibition of Georgian decorative and applied arts consisting of ceramic work, metal relief work, examples of

woodwork, gold and silver ware and the famous'Kecha' felt carpets. There will be an interesting display of traditional Peruvian crafts including their famous tin ware.

One of our local craftsmen carrying out detailed metalwork.

With the assistance of a grant from Northern Arts, Julia Hills and Barbara

A wood and siiver Winb vessel from the U.S.S.R.

International Art and Craft Exhibitions Billingham Forum

Open daily

10 am-8 pm during -Festival Week.

This is now a well-established and popular part of the Festival. Craftsmen and artists from our own region will work with their colleagues from other

Some fine examples of Peruvian Tin ware.

Peacock have been commissioned to make (and demonstrate how they do it) some of their beautiful dolls. Two very different styles but both visually exciting. All this and a number of local and regional craftsmen too! tn the Billingham Art Gallery there will be an extension of the Exhibition. Mexico is sending an Exhibition of Popular Arts specially collected for the Billingham Festival. Included is a rich variety of textiles, costuines, pottery, lacquer work and glass. From Peru a very interesting collection of contemporary paintings. We are pleased too, to have from Cuba 40 Iithographs.



Children's Activities Special events have been arranged for children so that they too can be further involved in the Festival.

Children's Folk Dance Course. This will be held in the college from August 14th-18th. AII places have been taken. Library Programmes. Dancers and musicians, in national dress, will give a demonstration of their country's folklore traditions or tell a story from their own country on dates stated below, between 10 and 11 a.m. Roseberr), Library

Monday Tuesday

Bedale Library

Yugoslavia Sweden


Wednesday Nepal




Turkey U.S.A. U.S.A. Craftsmen from exhibition

Festival Trail. Once again you can follow the popular Festival Trail. Booklets available from Roseberry Library, Bedale

Lilbrary, Community Centre, The Forum and the Festival Office.. PaintingiPhotographic Competition Subject "My view of the 1978 Festival". There are 4 Classes Under 5's;5-7 - years. years;8-10 years; 11-16

'Extra Dimension' This is a Fun Event, free and for all the family, which takes place in the Town Centre on the Thursday afternoon of Festival Week. Entertainment includes: Street Theatre by the Dovecot Outreach Team; Auntie Phil and Uncle Mac telling the story of Punch and Judy; Bands; Festival International Invitation Skittles Championships; Open Championships in skipping, hopscotch and quoits (enter on the day); Master of Ceremonies will be Tony Baynes of Radio Cleveland.

The final item of the event will be the open-air International Barn Dance which will take place in the Town Centre between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm. This will be led by Bob Hare with Stockton Hop and will feature dancers from the visiting groups and young people from our own

Children's Dance Course. Come and Join the Fun.

Films Film programmes will take place in the Billingham Art Gallery, daily during Festival Week, at 11 am and 3 pm. Shows will include Festival Films, international films including cultural, travelogue and art and craft items. Full details will be available from the Art Gallery in the near future.

We look forward to your continued patronage throughout the summer months. There will be a 'European Evening' traditional Food and Wines, with entertainment, in the Forum Resta on August 16th, between 8.30 pm and midnight, with late bars until 11.30 pn A'Cheese and Wine Evening', w you can enjoy tasting many wines and cheeses, from the various countries w are performing during the Festival W will be held in the Forum Restaurant

August 17th from 10 pm to midnight.

Billingham Forum The Licensed Restaurant will be open from 12th to 15th August, inclusive, from 12 noon until 11 pm. 10 am to 6 pm Cafeteria Snack Bar5.30 pm to 9.30 pm

Lounge Bar: Lunchtime 11.30 am to 3 pm - p to 10.30 pm Evening -7 Cocktail Bar: Evening p^ to 10.30 pm -7

Snacks are always available in the Bar during licensing hours and in the Cafeteria.

A variety of wines and spirits


stocked for your selection. Should you and a group of friends wish to attend for a meal, telephone the Centre and book a table for the evening you will be pleasantly surprised.


Members of the Spanish Ensemble 'Roque Nublo'

Saturday August 12th

1.30 pm Town Centre

Caribbean Steel Band


West Indies.

2.fi) pm

Grand Parade of Folklore Groups Route: Telstar - Low Grange Avenue Marsh House Avenue - Causeway Town Centre.

2.30 pm


Opening Ceremony


Assembly of groups in front of Municipal Buildings, Town Ceritre. Playing of National Anthems of countries taking part in the Festival, by Billingham Silver Band. Raising of the flags of each country. Address of Welcome by Councillor ]. A. Tatchell (Chairman of the Festival Committee). Opening of the Festival by Lord Donaldson of Kingsbridge, OBE. Minister of State, Dept. of Education and Science. The Minister with responsibilities for the Arts. 2.45 pm

International Concert Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble

'Kopanicial Slovakia. - Myjava, France Folklore Ensemble 'Lous Pastous Seignossais', Seignosse, Landes. Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok' Budapest.

-Nepal Folklore Ensemble'Amiko'

Katrnandu. Folklore Spain Ensemble'Roque Nublo' Las Palmas, Canary Islands. -Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslug' -


Turkey Folklore Ensemble


Ankara. U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University Provo, Utah. U.S.S.R. Folklore -Ensemble'Impereti' Terdzholi, Georgia. Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'

A member of Folklore Ensemble 'Imperetil, U.S.S.R.




Billingham College Theatre Admission f,1.20 Danelaw Country Dance Band; Benfieldside Folk Dance Group; Blue Anchor;'Lous Pastous Seignossais' France; English, Irish and Scottish Dancing for all. Licensed Bar (subject to Licence).

7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Admission Charges: f,1,.75, 81.25, 80p Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo' Folk Music, Song and Dance of Czechoslovakia Folk Ensemble 'Kopaniciar' NTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti'. 8.00 pm

International Concert


Town Centre (weather permitting) Admission Charges: ALL SEATS

Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20p. -

England Benfieldside Folk Dance Group; Billingham Silver Band. Scotland Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band.

England Benfieldside Folk Dance Group. Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'.

Austria Folklore Ensemble of Ltnz. Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag'.

Hungary Folk Ensemble'Bela Bartok'. l


Sunday August 13th

2.30 pm

Grand Parade

Route: Technical College - Causeway -

Town Centre. 3.00 pm

Afternoon Concert Town Centre A1l groups from abroad excePt U.S.A. 7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'.

Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti" INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of SPain Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo'. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Czechoslavkia Folklore Ensemble 'Kopaniciar'. 7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Austria Folklore Ensemble ol Linz. Folk Music, Song and Dance of France Folklore Ensemble'Lous Pastous Seignossais'.

INTERVAL (20 mins)

Folk Music, Song and Dance of NePal Folklore Ensemble'Arniko'. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok'.

A member of the Folklore Ensemble 'Amiko' from Nepal'

Monday August 14th


noon x;

Lunch Hour Concert


Town Centre


Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag'. U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University. Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok'.

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7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre Folk music, Song and Dance of Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Nepal Folklore Ensemble'Arniko'. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble 'Kopaniciar'. Members of the Swedish Group 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag'. 7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag'.

Folk Music, Song and Dance of Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok'. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo'.


Folk Music, Song and Dance of Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'.


/-l _:ft

Tuesday August 1sth



Lunch Hour Concert Town Centre Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Turkey Folklore Ensemble 'Tufak'.

France Folklore Ensemble 'Lous Pastous Seignossais'. U.S-.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti'.

7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of France Folklore Ensemble 'Lous Pastous Seignossais'.

Folk Music, Song and Dance of Hungary Folklore Ensemble'Bela Bartok'. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti'.

7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of A Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Folklore Ensemble'Tufak'. INTERVAL (20 mins) Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University.

Girls of the Hungarian Ensemble'Bela Bartok'

Wednesday August 16th

12 noon

7.30 pm

Lunch Hour Concert

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance

Town Centre Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'.

U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti'. Spain Folklore Ensemble 'Roque Nublo'. Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble


Folk Music, Song and Dance of Turkey Folklore Ensemble'Tufak'. INTERVAL (20 mins)

Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of France

Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti'.

Folklore Ensemble 'Lous Pastous


3.30 pm

Afternoon Concert Town Centre (weather permitting) Admission Charges: ALL SEATS Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20p Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz Turkey Folklore Ensemble 'Tufak'. Nepal Folklore Ensemble 'Arniko'. U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University.

7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'.

INTERVAL (20 mins)

Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo'. Folk Music, Song and Dance of the U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University.






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Men of the Folklore Ensemble of Linz, from Austria. _rr

Thursday August 17th

12 noon

1.45 pm

7.30 pm

Lunch Hour Concert

'The Extra Dimension'

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance

Town Centre

Town Centre (weather permitting)

U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti' Spain Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo' Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok' Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble 'Kopaniciar'.

Admission Free 'The Extra Dimension' ending with an Intemational Bam Dance (4 pm-6 pm) featuring Sweden; Yugoslavia; Nepal; and Stockton Hop.

Billing{ram College Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Folk Dance Group and Choir


'Dalaf oreningens Folkdanslag'.

Folk Music, Song and Dance of Tu Folklore Ensemble'Tufak'. INTERVAL (20 mins)

Folk Music, Song and Dance of H Folk Ensemble 'Bela Bartok'. 7.30 pm

International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Folk Music, Song and Dance of Nepal Folklore Ensemble'Arniko'. Folk Music, Song and Dance of Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa'.

INTERVAL (20 mins)

Folk Music, Song and Dance of Spain 'Roque Nublo'. Folk music, Song and Dance of Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble 'Kopaniciar'.

Musicians of the Czechoslovakian Ensemble 'Kopaniciar

Friday August 18th

Ili t '

t2 noon

Lunch Hour Concert

Turkey Folklore Ensemble 'Tufak',

Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag'. Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok'. Spain Folklore Ensemble 'Roque Nublo'. Turkey Folklore Ensemble 'Tufak'. 3.30 pm

Ankara. U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti', Terdzholi, Georgia. Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa', Banjaluka.

Afternoon Concert

7.30 pm

Admission Charges: ALL SEATS Adults 40p, Children & O.A.P. 20p. Nepal Folklore Ensemble 'Arniko'. France Folklore Ensemble 'Lous Pastous Seignossais'.

Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti'. 7.30 pm

Gala International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance


Billingham College Theatre Admission Charges: fl.50, f1.20, f,l.00 Order of appearance and Interval (15 minutes) will be announced. Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble 'Kopaniciar', Myjava, Slovakia. France Folklore Ensemble'Lous Pastous Seignossais' Seignosse, Landes. Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok Budapest. Nepal Folklore Ensemble 'Arniko',

Katmandu. Spain Folklore Ensemble 'Roque Nublo', Las Palmas, Canary lslands. Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir



Town Centre

Town Centre (weather permitting)


'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag',

Gala International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatre Admission Charges: f2.25, f,1.75, f1.00 Order of appearance and Interval (15 minutes) will be announced.

Austria Folklore Ensemble of Linz. Czechoslovakia Folklore Ensemble 'Kopaniciar', Myjava, Slovakia. France Folklore Ensemble 'Lous Pastous Seignossais', Seignosse, Landes.

Hungary Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok', Budapest.

Nepal Folklore Ensemble 'Arniko', Katmandu. Spain Folklore Ensemble'Roque Nublo', Las Palmas, Canary Islands. Sweden Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag', Stockholm.

Turkey Folklore Ensemble 'Tsfak', Ankara. U.S.A. Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. U.S.S.R. Folklore Ensemble'Impereti', Terdzholi, Georgia. Yugoslavia Folklore Ensemble'Veselin Maslesa', Banjaluka.

A delightful member of the Turkish Ensemble'Tufak'

19 t,

Saturday August 19th

2.00 pm


Grand Parade

The day Thou gavest Lord is ended

Route: Technical College - Causeway Town Centre. 2.30 pm

Farewell International Concert Items by all groups from abroad.

Stockton E.F.D.S.S. Presentation of Pennants. International Farandole.

8.fi) pm

Town Centre Band Concert Brodsworth Colliery Welfare Band (Admission free).

The day Thou gavest Lord is ended The darkness falls at Thy behest. To Thee our morning hymns ascended Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.

We thank Thee that They Church unsleeping, While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keeping And rests not now by day or night.

9.fi) pm

As o'er each continent and island, The dawn leads on another day The voice of prayer is never silent Nor dies the strain of praise away.

Torchlight Procession

The sun that bids us rest is waking

Technical College to Town Centre. 9.30 pm

Closing Ceremony Brbdsworth Colliery Welfare Band. Farewell Speech by the Chairman of the Festival Committee: Councillor J. A. Tatchell.

Sunset and Lowering of the Flag. The National Anthem.

March off followed by john Whitehead Fireworks Display Park.


Our'brethren'neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making The wondrous doings heard on high. So be it, Lord, Thy throne shall never Like earth's proud empires, pass away Thy Kingdom stands and grows for ever Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.

1979 Festival The 15th Billingham International Folklore Festival will be held from August 11th-18th, 1979. The Programme Summary Leaflet will available from Apdl 2nd. Ticket sales will begin on Saturday May 5th.

It is with sadness that we rePort the death of Arthur Smith, Conductor of the North Vancouver Youth Band, during last winter. Arthuls appearance and attitude. on stage belied his years; he was over 70. He was a wonderful character and a great musician. He told us that his two visits to Billingham were amongst the high spots in his long career as a

musician. We offer our sympathy to


family, and the young people in the Band.




Folklore Ensemble of Linz

This is only the fifth time in 14 years that Austria has been represented at Billingham. Regular patrons of the festival will wonder why as the country has most interesting folk traditions and is especailly conscious of the need to preserve its national dress. There is a special folklore association which devotes

itself entirely to the encouragement of the wearing of national costume and visitors to Austria are quickly aware of how

successful are the efforts of this society. Probably more people wear national dress regularly in Austria (in many cases every day) than in any other country in Europe. One has found in the past that it is difficult to persuade folklore groups to leave Austria in the summer months. This is because of the great number of tourists who visit the country and wish to see the folklore traditions while they are there.

We are very pleased then to welcome this small ensemble from Linz which comes to us by arrangement with Ferdinand Sams who is the Austrian representafive at CIOFF. Austria is famous for its Schuhplatter dancing; its brass band music; its yodellers and its folk songs. Although there are only 25 persons in this ensemble they will present all these aspects of Austrian folklore. There is a small section of the Iocal brass band; a dance group which will present a series of schuhplatter items including the famous Mill Wheel; a yodeller; a folk singer and a small instrumental ensemble made up of Harp, Chopping Board, Guitar, Zlther and Double Bass. The whole combined is a refreshing, interesting, traditional, highly skilled and entertaining programme.

I'm sure a special Billingham Welcome will be reserved for the older gentlemen in the group (ages 61, 66 and 71 years) to who we are especially grateful for making this long joumey to our Festival. 2')



Folklore Ensemble 'l(opaniciar' - MYiava, Slovakia reminds us that Slovakia has a long border with Hungary and Bratislava, t main city of Slovakia is quite close to Budapest. This ensemble was founded in 1955 and is centred in a factory club in Mviava. The group specialises in items

fr5m Vyiava town and the villages

around ii but include in their repertoi dances and songs from the whole of Slovakia. The grouP takes Part in every festival"of c-onsequence in Czecl and has travelled abroad to festivals in Austria, G.D.R., Hungary; Poland, Ireland, France, Greeci, Holland and

Belgium. They have been awarded two state prizes' for their outstanding contribut io the country's folklore. The orchestra's intruments include Cymbalom which was not heard at Billingham last Year.

Artistic Director Choreographers Branisova.


Stefan Vachula'

fan Hojstric and

Kosik' - Marian Milan Miklas' Musical Director First Violinist Jan HluchY. Katarina Mistress Wardrobe


Regular visitors to the festival will kno# that there are two distinct folklore traditions in Czechoslovakia' The traditional song and dance of the Czechs

who live in BoLemia and Moravia is quite different to that of the Slovaks who live in the eastem Part of the RePublic' The last Slovak grouP to come here

was'Carnica' from Kosice and patrons

will probably recall that there was some simihrity in'their Programme to that of

the danies we have seen from Southern Poland which, of course, is adjacent to the Slovak border. 'Kopaniciar' include in their ,.onri-.tt" this Year a Verbunk iRelruitine Danc-e) which has often been danced he"re by Hungarian groups' This





'Lous Pastous Seignossais' - Seignosse, Landes

The province of Landes is in South West France. The coastal area is very marshy and stilts are commonplace

There are a number of folklore groups in the province and the male members all perform their dances on stilts. The groups are in big demand at Festivals but it was felt that the repertoire of such an ensemble would be too limited to warrant an invitation to this Festival. lnMay 1977



amongst the population. It is a pastoral region and this group from Seignosse are shepherds who wear stilts in the ordinary course of everyday life.


our Director attended the Committee meeting of CIOFF held in Confolens in France. (Mr Conroy is the Treasurer of this International Federation of Organisers of Folklore Festivals). The President who is also the Director of the Confolens Festival arranged a special concert of folklore groups from the South Western Region and'Lous Pastous Seignossais' gave a brilliant breathtaking show which resulted in them being booked at once to appear here this year. The group has a wide repertoire and variety of costumes. The men perform intricate patterns at great speed with amazing dexterity. The music provided by accordions is of high quality and very pleasant to listen to. The dances vary considerably and the timing is wonderful. One sees the men on stilts jumping over the girls at ground level and other acrobatic feats with, at one time, four boys on a single pair of stilts. The group's presentation is fust class and the items flow into one another with a continuity which indicates expertise and thorough preparation. The items where crossed poles are used

will remind our audiences of our own

The group has wide intemational experience and in 1977 they represented France at the first CIOFF Festival in

Morris dancing bringing home to us once again that this type of dance is common to many countries of Westem and Central

Puerto Rico.








The Bela Bartok Ensemble was formed 20 years ago and is sponsored by the

Hungarian Chemical Workers Union. Its specific aim was to bring the folk art of the villages, which was rapidly dying out, within the reach of young people in towns and cities. At first they thought that this could only be done on the stage and they arranged concert versions of the dances achieving much success. However in recent years a new demand has arisen among youth. They want to see the folk art in its original context and also perform the dances for their own pleasure. 'Bela Bartok' now has present folk dance from two aims - toalso to restore it to its the stage and original function. They feel the stage dances become stronger and more authentic and, at the same time, the folk dance becomes a part of the life of urban

youth. The ensemble's achievements have eamed it many Hungarian and foreign festival prizes and it has made numerous guest performances abroad. France, Italy, Belgium, Austria, German Democratic Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Tunisia and Czechoslovakia have all been visited. This is the group's first appearance in Britain. The repertoire includes dances from all regions of Hungary including Romanian dances from Bihar. This region is on the eastem border of Hungary and living there is a small Romanian ethnic group whose dances have much in commonwith the Hungarians amongst whom they live.

Folklore Ensemble 'Bela Bartok' - Budapest

The ensemble has 65 members, 35 of whom will come to Billingham. They practise for three hours, three times each week. Most of the costumes are original folk costumes made in the villages. The musical accompaniment is by a small string orchestra, but some special old instrument such as Hungarian bagpipes are also included.

Sandor Timar Musical Director - Marta Viragvolgyi or Bela Halmos. Varga. Dance Director - Zoltan Erzsebet Nagy. Assistant Agnes Gyapai. Administrator

Artistic Director



Folklore Ensemble'Arniko' - Katmandu

This is the first time a group from Nepal has come to Billingham and it will provide this year's 'touch of the Orient' so admirably presented in recent years by our visitors from Ceylon and Japan. Most of us will know very tittle aboui the country excepting that Mount Everest is situated there and that Nepal is the land of the Ghurkha, that famous warrior who has played such a great part in many of our military campaigns during this cenfury. The group is the dance ensemble of the

In its short period of existence the ensemble has made several successful tours abroad.[n1974 the group gave a series of performances in Japan and in

Arniko Cultural Society set up in

Katmandu in 1,972 to preserve the classical dances and music of the country. Since then it has added to its repertoire many folk dances and songs from different parts of Nepal. The programme then is a mixture of classical dances mainly associated with

Hinduism and Bhuddism plus folk

dances associated with the everyday life of the people.



The musical accompaniment is interesting and there is r.o doubt that this year's unusual instruments will be found in this ensemble. Dhemes are drums of various shapes-and sizes which produce sounds of different pitches. Together with the Bhujya, a large metal cymbal they make very exciting music for festive occasions. The repertoire includei a Dheme Dance performed by the farmers in the Katmandu Valley during harvest time. Other interesting instruments are the Ponga a typical long pipe and Bains which are flutes of different sizes.

1975 they presented programmes in England and Scotland . ln 1976 they went to Hong Kong to give a series of concerts for the Brigade of Ghurkas. Last year they toured in ltaly performing at folklore


The aim of the Arniko Cultural Society is to promote cultural understanding between Nepal and other countries of the world and one feels that we will know a

little more about this distant land after the visit of this ensemble to our festival.



Hanuman Dass


Folklore Ensemble 'Roque Nublo'- Las Palmas, Canary lslands

It seems a long time since this group made its first sensational appearance at the 1966 Festival. The contribution they made that year and in subsequent visits in1967 and1969 had a great deal to do

with establishing the 'festival spirit' for which Billingham has become famous. In those early years they brought with them the brilliant weather for which their home land is so well known. Their laughter, gaiety, friendliness and 'joie de vivre' appealed to all and gave our festival that unique atmosphere which is not experienced elsewhere.

Unfortunately they have not been able to return since then. Many of our supporters who have not seen them on stage will remember them from the David Bean film made for BBC Television in






1969. They were featured very

prominently in this documentary which shows some fine shots of the grouP in Stockton Market. 'Roque Nublo' differ, to an extent, from most of the other groups which have come here from Spain. They are an independent organisation and receive no subsidies. They present the traditional folk song, dance and music of their island as entertainment to the many thousands of tourists who visit Las Palmas each winter to get away from the rigorous climate of Northern Europe. They are not

however professionals. Some of them work as waiters in the hotels, as cobble cab drivers etc., and sing and dance in the evening. The traditional costume of the Canary Islands is very colourful and'Roque Nublo' has beautiful girls and handsomt men to match their splendid national dress. We welcome them back and trust that the many new members of this enjoy their visit as much as the 'old timers' of 12 years ago. Director


Francisco Manzano Santana


Folk Dance Group and Choir 'Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag' - Stockholm

Because of limited opportunities on the land many people in the province had to seek seasonal work in Stockholm. In their spare time they used to meet together for entertainment and to exchange news from their home villages. In 1902 they formed a folk dance group. During the period of unemployment after World War I more people moved from Dalama to Stockholm so the association became, stronger. [n1920 the choir was formed. The fiddlers section was organised in 1940 the fiddle is the traditional instrument for folk music in Swelen and is indeed, popular throughout


This group, our first from Sweden, is probably the oldest ever to appear at the Billingham Festival it had its 75th Anniversary celebrations last year. They have been performing publicly since 1920

The province of Dalama in Middle Sweden is unique in that the old customs of the peasantry have been preserved to a greater extent than in any other part of

the country. The traditional dress was never entirely discarded and the folk music was cherished.

and making concert tours inside and outside Sweden since 1937. Countries visited include Finland, Norway, Germany, Austria, U.S.A. and Romania. The major international folklore event in Sweden is held every second year at Rattvik in the Dalarna province. The Dalaforeningens is always represented at this festival. The group's repertoire of dances, songs and music is mostly from Dalama but they include items from other parts of Sweden.



Mats Gronberg


ln August 1977, immediately after our Festival, the Annual General Assembly oI CIOFF was held in Istanbul. The night before the Conference began the Turkish Minister of Tourism gave a reception at a hotel on the shores of the Bosphorus. The folklore group which provided the entertainment was'Tufak', the official group of the Ministry of Tourism. Our Festival Director sat next to Mr Kemal Baytas, the Deputy Minister, at dinner and from that meeting began the discussions which have brought this ensemble to Billingham this year.

Folklore Ensemble 'Tufak'- Ankara

Regular Festival supporters

will recall

the famous Sword and Shield Dances from Bursa. Another dance in the military tradition is that from Kars in the Caucasus region. Here a cossack type costume is worn not dissimilar to the dress of the Georgians. From South Anatolia comes the well known and popular spoon dance which is performed in old but beautiful cosfumes. We also hope to see the dance fuomBlaziz which is very spectacular with each dancer carrying two candles.

The most prominent instruments will be the Drum and the Zurna PiPe - athe lat with a very harsh tone. Playing is very difficult difficult and requires many yea

of training. You breath through the no and blow through the mouth more or at the same time. 'Tufak' is an abbreviation which the Tourism and Research Centre. We sure that their ensemble will make an outstanding contribution to this year's Festival.



Kemal Beytas t{.*,;'

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Folk Dance Group of Brigham Young University - Provo, Utah

To regular supporters of the festival at Billingham, there is little new that one can say about this ensemble of dynamic young people from the American West. It is a privilege for us to have them with us once again and we know their wide repertoire including new items will delight our- audiences on this their-fourth

We are impressed by their brilliant

appearance here.

The group was formed in 1956 by Mary Bee Jensen, Associate Professor of Physical Education at the University. Most of the members are taking Dance as the main part of a P.E. Degree and herein lies the secret of the group's standards which are better than most professional companies. European folk dance has always been a main part of the course

and the group is well known in the USA for its international concerts. The programme we see, has been developed since the students first came to international festivals in Europe in 1964. It is a stage programme of American ethnic dances combined with the 'fad dances' of the 1900-1940 period. The group is making its 14th tour of Europe and Israel this year. Billingham is the last stop on the 6 week visit.

Unfortunately Mary Bee Jensen will not be able to make the trip and that familiar voice calling Exhibition Square Dance will be greatly missed. She is however

coming to Billingham to see the last few davs of the Festival before going to the CIOFF Conference in Bulgaria.

Many tributes have been paid to this outstanding group at Billingham and even'rvhere else they have performed.

performances, their pleasant disposition, their politeness and their goodwill. There is however something else which was best summarised in the words of Madame Heanine Guerpillon, a Director with French National Television. She said "There is something in these young people which makes them show great

enthusiasm for iife. They set a great example for all the world. We haven't seen anything like this for many years. They have left a message of hope for all of us. . . a message that should be taken to the whole world." Director


Don Allen.


Folklore Ensemble 'lmpereti' - Terdzholi, Georgia

The folklore traditions of the Soviet Republic of Georgia are probably better known in Britain than those of any other region of the U.S.S.R. This is due to the appearance here of the Georgian State Ensemble which will have been seen by many of us in the theatre and on television. The spectacular dancing, exciting music and unusual but beautiful singing is an experience one does not

The group consists of collective farmers, teachers, engineers, doctors etc. There are almost 100 members, 40 ol whom will be participating at this Festival.

Georgia is called the republic of dancing and singing. The harmonious disposition of its mountains and plains and the enchanting beauty of its Black Sea coast are well known. The courageous, hospitable and industrious people who live here express all the variety of their life in their songs and dances. So the songs and dances of the 'Impereti' Ensemble are varied in their


We are grateful to the Minister of Culture in Moscow for sending us this outstanding amateur song and dance ensemble from the Terdzholi Regional House of Culture. A Georgian group in Billingham will add a new dimension to our Festival which I'm sure we will long

and historical, lyrical origins - heroic ritual and everyday. and working, Lrvariably popular with their audiences


l .{ ,il

..1 .:1 ::l : .i, r .-J


are the Mountain Dance, Wedding Dance, Ossetian Dance, Fishermen's Dance and the'Svelzhi' folk dance. The Choral group demonstrates a level of musical culture. Their reper includes Georgian Folk Songs; folk from the nations of the U.S.S.R. and items by Soviet composers. For its work in spreading musical culture and in aesthetic education and cultural services to the population, the group was awarded, in-1E77, the Gold Medal of the USSR Workers Festival of Amateur Arts. The ensemble's leader is Leonid Pachulia, a pize winner at amateur art festivals in the U.S.S.R. The Choreographer is Elgudzha G


Yugoslavia and Spain have probably been represented at Billingham more

often than any other European countries and this is not really surprising as the two countries have rich folklore traditions

which have been well preserved. This is the first Yugoslav group to come to us from Bosnia, one of the six states which make up this federal republic. This region was considerably influenced by Moslem traditions during the long period when it was occupied by Arab invaders. Some of the costumes and dances depict this eastern influence on the folk culture. Like all Yugoslav groups this ensemble will present dances from other parts of the country as well as its own area. They have particularly beautiful costumes which are original and of great

ethnographic value. Dances which are new and of special interest are the wedding feast dances from Kosovo and the humorous dance from Baranja. The latter tells of two sisters who run away from home to have a good time but soon find themselves fighting over the same man. Popular items seen before will be a Macedonian Suite and the old Bosnian Dance from Glamoc which is performed without music to the sound of jewels on the costume and the rhythm of the steps. Veselin Maslesa was formed in 1948 and has given over 1,000 performances to more than a million spectators. They have w'ide international experience har"ing appeared at most of the major festivals in Europe.

Folklore Ensemble 'Veselin Maslesa' - Banjaluka, Bosnia

Most of the dances have been arranged by the Artistic Director Vaso Popovic assisted by choreographers Ekrem Cizmic and Mile Miloslavljevic.


Danelaw Gountry Dance Band This outstanding group of folk musicians from Alnwick in Northumberland have provided the dance music for the Ceili, on the first Saturday night, since it began n1973. t ed by Robert Whitehead, an outstanding accordionist, they are equally at home playing for English, Irish and Scottish Dancing. Their impeccable performances have made an outstanding contribution to what has become one of the most popular events of Festival Week.

Brodsworth Golliery Welfare Band

They play a big part in the festival this year. Starting on Friday August 11th they play every other evening for the folk dancing in the Festival Club. They will play at, and organise, the Intemational

Billingham New Silver Band. The Band' name is still the same, althoughn1974 the 'new' was dropped from the name.

bu,oDu,,ceon-rhursday.intherown,.#;:fl#tiXl"tjl"r:*?::ITff"T" Centre and Bob Hare will direct the conductor' vaughan Evans' He has Children's Dance Course. brought them from virtually nothing to

Billingham SilVef Band The Billingham Si-lver Band was originally formed in 1940. It started out as the No. 3 Platoon (Stockton) Home Guard Band, until 1945, when it changed it's name to the Malleable Club and Institute Band. The Band remained under the name of the Malleable C&I until 1966

when the Bandroom was changed to Billingham, the Band then became

very highly acclaimed Band. They are mainlv a contest Band, and have had some pleasing results in the past two years.

The Band has been leading the pa and playing the National Anthems for different countries in the Folklore Festi since it first started n 1965. Every year the Band turns out to represent Billingham in their annual Folklore Festival.

This well known Brass Band from Yorkshire returns to play at the Closing Cerernony and give the band concert which precedes it. It is intended to make the Community Singing section of this concert a much more prominent feature and all are asked to come along and join

in once again.

Musical Director


K. R. johnson

Stockton Hop

& Bob Hare

Some of the members of 'stockton

Hop' were at one time part of the

Teesside Fettlers. Bob Hare danced for many years with the Stockton Blue & Golds. Together they have become one of

the most popular groups in the country and are in great demhnd for Ceilis and Bam Dances.

Brodsworth Colliery Welfare


Benfieldside Folk Dance Group

The Benfieldside Folk Dance Group was founded by Malcolm Doughty in 1965 to continue a long established interest throughout north west Durham (now known as Derwentside) in English Folk Dance, Music and Song. Although the Group specialises in local traditions they include in their broad repertoire examples from all facets of English folk dancing; the men perform the ceremonial sword and morris dances and are joined by the ladies for 'country dancing'. The group's musicians play concertinas, accordions, fiddles and piano. 'Benfieldside' has represented England at Festivals in almost every country in Europe as well as playing an active role in the United Kingdom as official representatives of the English Folk Dance & Song Society; the work of the group, over the last decade was a major factor in the formation of the Durham Country District of the Society.


1971. and 1977

two large

international festivals were organised under the auspices of Derwentside District Council when'Benfieldside' worked in partnership with their local authority with Malcolm Doughty as festival director.

Benfieldside Folk Dance Group


England The SavoY Jazzmen The Band, which runs a successful at the *""kI;a;"daY night Jazz Clubformed in iiJ'niirt u"t"ll Du"rham, was Clive trumPeter 1972bY i"U."u* Mraei", after reiuming to this country from"Australia, who is now the only originat member. Trombonist Reg Wall joined in JulY \972 and since then the established includes: Eric Clegg' clarinet Terry "".t*."f I"a ,ft" sax; Gordon Smith, Piano;B-row1' Arnold H;;";, banio and guitar;vocalist Carol ;;;;tu Rtiden, diums' C-i"[g, *if" of Eric, comPletes the line-uP. style The gand plays in the traditional

.f ii;; ouri., iouis

Stockton E-F.D.S-S' This grouP has taken Part in g'"ry, festival since 1965 and we are please.o. tnls that they can participate once agaln ,"u, *tii.tl is very special for them' [t is ii" zstn Anniveriary of their foundation u"a *" congratulate them on this their rituer i"bileJ. To celebrate, the Morris f.4"" *" travelling to Israel to participate m ttre fel Aviv F6stival and the Country Ourl.i S".tion go to the Festival of on Oosterbeck in Belgium, returrung Thursday August 17th in time to aPPear ui tnu fut"*""U Concert and Closing CeremonY at Billingham' Leader


Harry LockeY


and Duke Ellington' .ry|lt". her likeness and attlmry ln portrays Carol song tb Bessie Smith' ln a leading Northem NewsPaPers'IoP Readers Poll Ihe Savoy were voted of the oopularity stakes for their vaneo feeling''. Most ;;;;;"'*;" PlaYed with [o"Tttitrl musicians and several the with ;il;.;;t are regular guestsregularty on Band who are als-o featured Networks' Radio BBC Northern With the band playing in a university.., wltn town a strong attachment has grown regular and ihe student p"opulation .on.erts are ptiyed at the colleges'




Blue Anchor This Folk Song and Instrumental Group i. o"" of the riost popular in Teesside' ii"v pluv and sing a[ the Ceili on SaturaaY August 12th

Newton AYcliffe Pipe Band

Formed in 1960, this band is a of ttre Scottish Pipe Band Association ;;il; to the North East Branch of the Assodation' The Band takes Part

."g"fu.fY in comPetitionl?"d


^, of ;;";;11" rated irade 3 ChamPions li".tft iltt England which,-in effect' the resi

uEst PiPe Band in had success in Scotland at the Cowal (DYlg""l "tt"ury Lr',r*ir"i where they obtained second


ti ine



place. has The Drum Major, Jeff Richardson'

ih"lg"'tt Pt"tt Major' award two years running' affair The Band is very much a familY in daughters two son"and *iifr u iutt "., the drum section and Pipe Sergeant, Arthur Middleton and son Tony rn the


Pipe CorPs. The band's qreatest honour was to I visit ttre Ou""n awiy after her Jubilee last June' Hartlepool The Band takes Part in the OPening on Parade, CeremonY and Concert 12th' August SaturdaY

The Caribbeans



at the Festival Club every night.

A Full list of shops taking part in the competition organiied by the Billingham & District Traders Association are listed

Lucky Numbers Gompetition The Lucky Number ComPetition


cover the period of the Festival and all members of the public are invited to take part. - Festival visitors can enter the competition by purchasing a Festival Programme. Included on the opposite cover of this Programme there is a number, and that number may equate with a prize displayed in one of the shops in the Town Centre either in the window or inside the shoP. If you are able to track down in one of the many shops the particular number that appears in your programme, then you must go into the shoP with Your programme and number after filling in your name and address in the sPace indicated and request your Prize. Lucky No.

Name... Address

Astroqaut, West Precinct Beatties, 72 QueenswaY. Bells,37 Queensway. Billingham Photographic, Town Centre. Boyes, 12 West Precinct. Charles Hird, 25 West Precict. Crawfords, West Precinct. Dewhursts, 41 QueenswaY. Eleanor Myra, QueenswaY. Fair Isle, 80 QueenswaY. Finlays, 59 QueenswaY. Gerards, West Precinct. Gilson Audio, 76a QueenswaY. Harrisons, Town Square. Kardarama, 130 QueenswaY. Leeds Permanent Building SocietY, 57 Queensway.

Levey's, 9 West Precinct. Lewis's, Town Square.

Malins,2L Town Square. Marshall Wayne, 53 QueenswaY. Maynards, QueenswaY. Mehhennets, 4 Town Square. Miles, 110 QueenswaY. Moss & Campbell, 1 West Precinct. Newbould, West Precinct. Newsfayre, Town Centre.

Northern Rock, 51 QueenswaY.

Queensway Chemist, 27 West Precinct.

All prizes can be collected after 5.00 pm on the last day of the Festival, Saturday, 19th August 1978.

Roys, Town Square. Rumbelows, 23 West Precinct. Tip Top, 1 Town Square' Wayne Marshall, 29 West Precinct. Wn'itfi"ta & Lindsey, East Precinct.

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