The ltiahmud Reda Folklore Ensemble - Calro Mahmud Reda, Founder, Director and Choreographer of his company, is regarded as.the pioneer of folkdance in the
Middle East. The troupe was founded in 1959 and has developed a vast repertolre of dances, diverse in rhythm,
form and atmosphere. There are 150 members of whom 40 will be present at Billingham. The colourful and attractive costumes have been minutely studied and stylised' yet retain local characteristics. The group is world famous, having visited over 40 countries. The dances include ltems from Luxor, @za, Sinai, Siwa Oasis and one features the story of the cotton harvest. Musical Director is Ali lsmul - Lead Dancer Fariola Fahmy.
Folklore Ensemble "La Clamada Nissalda" - Nice This very colourful, lively, attractive group makes its third appearance at the Festival, having been seen here in 1972 and 1966. They have performed at all the maior folklore festivals in the world and were in Japan earlier this year' Their dances depict the traditions, customs and festivals of their beautiful region on the shores of the Mediterranean. Men's dress is the sailor costume of the port and the girls wear the costume of a Nice Flower seller. They have a
large orchestra which includes the traditional Fife and Tabor of their area. lt was this group which brought the Farondole here in 1966 and they will lead this, now traditional Billingham item, on the second Saturday'
HONG KONG Chinese lnstrumental and Dance Group "Jing YIng"
This group comes to us by courtesy of theGovernmentof Hong Kong and arrangements were made through their London Office. "Jing Ying" means "creme de la creme" and the group is a combination of the best dancers and musicians in their region. Dances include the famous Lion Dance, a Sword Dance dating from the Ming Dynasty (1628-44), a Sunflower Dance where the girls use their fans a great deal and a Hand Drum Dance. A most unusual group of instruments will accompany these items and include the Ff-Lu and Yang-quin or Chinese Dulcimers which date from the 14th century. Dance Director is Mrs. Yim Ng Ka-man and Musical Producer - Mr. Aik Yeq-Goh.
Folklore Ensemble "Shalom"
There have been a number of lsraeli companies at Billingham since the Festival began in 1965 and older supporters will remember the impact made by the Haifa Group in 1966. "Shalom" are one of the country's leading ensembles and were noted for inclusion here after appearing on the Eurovision Song Contest programme when the event was staged in lsrael. Many people enjoyed their dance items between the songs, better than the songs
themselves. Some of their dances depict the joy and happiness of being free again in their own country with modern costumes appropriate to these items. Other have their origin in the Bible and the dress is biblical.
Gorl W Cori is an ancient town built in the foothills of the Trumpeters, Drummers and Flagwavers ol
of Rome. There are many old, historic buildings there. One local tradition carried on since the 16th Century is to make a special offering to the Madonna every two years in thanksgiving for being spared the ravages of a plague which decimated ,the Appennines, about 35 miles south
region. Out
of this custom grew this folk group del Rioni di Cori". lt is made up of Ensign,
Standard Bearer, Captain, Drummers, Trumpeters, Flagwavers wearing costume which dates from the second part of the 'l6th century, The group has appeared at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Cori stages each year a CIOFF Festival directed by Giovanni Pistilli, this group's teader.
Folklore Ensemble ol Lublin
This company is one of the most famous in poland and has an outstanding reputation there and throughout the
world. They will present a continuous programme of song, music and dance from the Lublin region and other parts of their country. Their folklore is spectacular, entertaining and
- they have i2
Orchestra consists of violins, accordeon, double bass, trumpet and clarinet. The group established its reputation under the direction of Wanda Kaniorowa, who died last year. Many of her young dancers went into ,,Slask" and
professional folklore ensembles. The
group is now directed by lgnacy Wachowiak.
Folklore Ensemble',Doina Trotusului" - Bacau. five years since we had a Romanian ensemble at
It is
Billingham and we are sure regular supporters of the will be looking forward to the appearance of this group which has not previously been to England. Their repertoire will consist of dance suites from many regions of their country - Moldavia, Oltenia Oas etc. lt includes the famous men's dance from Calusul (The Calus - litile festival
horse). Each dance has
its own
colourful costume,
delicately embroidered with beads, aprons and a variety of hats. The large orchestra is a major feature and includes
the Cymbalorf clarinets.
Panpipes, strings, accordeons
Folklore Ensemble ol Louga Louga is a town of 40,000 people situated 200 Km. north of Dakar, the capital of Senegal. ln a country famous for its enthusiasm for folklore, Louga is regarded as one o, the outstanding groups and has made several visitg to Europe and America. The dances, presented in a variety of costumes, will show many dlfferent aspocts of llfe -
- hunting - inlflaflon of youths lnto actult society - festivals etc. Accompaniment wlll be a varlety of drums. The group is on a long tour of CIOFF Fesilvals and will perform also in ltaly, France, Swltzerland and Belglum as well as at Bllllngham. sowlng, reaping
Dance Company
ol Dos Hcmrnor
Spaln has a wlde range of folklore tradltlons and thls ls the flrst tlme for a number of years that we have had a group whlch ls golng to present mainly flamenco dances and muEic for which Sevllle and Andalusla are famous. The men, dashlng and handsome, wear tho tradltlonal wlde,
black brimmed hats, black suits and red sashes. The beautiful ladies wear brightly coloured dresses with white spots and f lowing skirts. The group also presents a Goyesco suite which will see them in a different costume. Musical accompaniment is guitars, lutes, castanets and of course that exciting flamenco binging punctuated by the brilliant footwork and the rhythmic beat of leather heels on wooden boards.
Tuna ol the Universlty of Exlrsmadura
A Tuna is a group of strolling minstrels carrying on the ancient Spanish tradition of serenading the ladies. This grdup, from the medical faculty of their University, will sing on our stages, ln the club and in the streets, the love
songs of Spain to the ladies of Billingham and those visiting the to\/n for the Festival. Their tradltions are very old and they wear medieval dress:jackets, breeches, black '.stockings, capes, and sometimes a headdress. The cape is adorned with colourful ribbons presented to them by ladies with whom they have found favour. Musical accompaniment is by guitars, lutes, bandurrias, accordeons and tambourines. The group is seen here (Duquon de Badajozl
with the King of Spain's Sister
Folklore Ensembla 'Ilne Rwrc" - Ltubllana This group first appeared at Billingham in 1967 and this is their fourth visit to our festival. ln addition to presenting
dances from Slovenia, their home region, they will be showing to us the whole range of thelr country's folklore The famous Gipsy Suite from Vranje - "Sopsko Oro" the male horsman's dance from Serbia whlch was an out-
standing feature in the 1969 film David Bean made here for the B.B.C. - The quiet dances of Croatia - the virile, exciting, spectacular Macedonian suite. Their music is a
delight, varying f rom the rhythmic beating of Macedonian drum to the light, lilting rhythms of
the the
Tambu ritza Or,Ehestra.
Jean Sanlos Folk Dance Group
- Williamsburg - Viryinla Festival visitors should regard this ensemble as a bonus. Limited accommodation restricts us to inviting a maximum of eleryen groups a year. Jean Santos and her dancers are
stayi4g in the Consett area as guests of the Derwent Valley Folklore Group after appearing at the Broadstairs Festival and we have arranged for them to spend two days in Billingham during Festival week. "Reel Virginia" as the group iq better known, will presont dances dating from Colonial days to the present time and will specialise in Appalachian Mounlain Dancing and Clogging (or f latfooting).
Prlnted ln England by John Thornton (Prlntors) Ltd, Coach Roed, Wallsor,d, Tynâ‚Ź and Wâ‚Źar.