1983 - 19th Billingham Festival Programme

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From all over the world people come to Billingham in August for the Billingham International Folklore Festival. Ths is a joyous occasion, becoming increasiingly knornm throughout the world and bringing pleasure and happiness not only to the audiences but also to the performers. One of the outstanding features of this Festrval is the way in which

dancers and singers from


many different cuitures live and work together - albeit lirr a very

brref period - buildrng up friendships and creating a better


of each others'

traditions and


When there is so much misunderstanding and mistrust rn the of friendship created here in Billlngham must make some contribution to world peace. Long may

world today, this spirit

this continue.

From Europe - East and West; from South Amenca; from Asia and from the Middle Easti the Festival Committee again brings to Billingham the excitement, the colour and the highest standards of international lolklore.

Oid frtendships will be renewed and new friends made and, as in


previous years, 1983 will prove to be an enjoyable and

highly successtul Festival for

everyone. I look forward to welcoming you to the Nlneteenth Billingham International Folklore Festival.

l*r I

r-r/_ a*l I

Maureen Taylor Chairman, festival Commitlee

Sir Ralph Carr-Ellison Chairman of Tyne Tees Television will open the Festival


Organised by the Festival Com-

mittee in conjunction


Stockton-on-Tees Borough Coun-

cil and alfiliated to CIOFF. (The International Council of Organisations of FolkloreJ


His Worship the Mayor of the




Councillor A. R. Pragnell, C.Eng.,M.I.Mun.E., F.R.S.H. Mrs. M. Taylor, M.B.E.

Director: Mr. P.T.

(Bilingham) Moss & Campbell Dwham Fuel Supplies Petro Fina Boots

Marks & Spencer Teesside Cars Ltd Radio Cleveland Radio Tees



Vice Chainran: Mr Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Northern Arts. The Visiting Arts Unit. National Westminster Bank



Councillor J.l. Cooke Councillor H.L. Davies Councillor Mrs. E. Dobinson Councillor K. Dobinson Councilor Mrs M.E. JacksonJ.P. Councillor J.A, Tatchell Councillor J. Vaughan County Councillor W.W. Emerson

Mr Mr Mr Mr


rE]rff.f,f, WII.L


rRoM AUGIIST lzth-lgth




Ghairnnan: County Councillor The Festivai Committee wish to acknowledge with gnatitude the financial support received from:



M.R. Bryan G.A, Bulmer R. Burton Miss E. Croot

Mr, I.R, Crowden Mr. A. Hanby Mrs. L. Love

Mr, F. Moutrey Mr, F. Simpson

Mr, E. Wood Press ollicer Mr. A. Cunningham

Eon.TreasurerMr. H. H, Wright Secretata Mrs. A. Watson


oN Itif,Y sth.

C.I.O.f.f . festivals Brochure This valnable book, which grives pictures and details of many of the festivals organised under the auspices of the International Council of Folklore Festivals may be bought from the Festival Shop in the Town Centre.

festival Workers If you are interested in working vohmtarily at the Billingham Festival please hand your name and address in at the Festival Offrce. We are especially interested in local young people who wonld be able to assist r.rs throughout the year, and especidly, in the period prior to the festival taking place.


SPECIAI. ANNOTINCEMEITT Since thls programme went to press, the gnoup from Colombia has had to withdraw from the festival. Their progrramme will be taken over by "Rancho

Folklorico De Fezendas" from Almeirim, Portugal.

GROIIPS BOLTNA Folk Song and Instrumental Group "Iros Awatinas"

COI.OMBIA Inca Folk Ballet Company-Ca1i. EGYPT The National Dance Company-Cairo


SAT l3th AUGIIST l.30pm Town Centre Caribbean Steel Band 2.00pm Parade to Town Centre 2.30pm

Town Gentre Opening Ceremony and International Con-


7.30pm Gollege Theatre


College theatre

Gala Concert. AII groups from

International Dance Evening with performances by Sweden,


Italy, Hungrary. Swedish, Italian and Hungarian

cert. All g[oups

from abroad,Northern Folk and Bil-

dancing for all. Licensed Bar (subject to Licence) Admrssion t2.00.


lingham Silver Band ?,30pmuntil Nlidnight, College



Spain, Egrypt

{RANCE Folk Dance Group "Roudelet" Felibren de Chateau Gombert" Folklore Ensemble "Bihari Janos"



ITAI,Y Folklore Ensemble "Valle dei templi" - Agrigento, Sicily. POI.AND Folklore Ensemble of the Academy of Physical Education -

Ceilidhe with the Danelaw, Country Dance Band, Mike Walton, Frank Matterson and Richie Burlison. Poland & France. English, Irrsh & Scottish

Dancing for all, Licensed Bar (subject io Licence) Admission



SPTIN Combined Tuna (Song and Instrumental Group) of the Universities of Badajoz, Leon, Madrid, Salamanca. SRI I.ANI(A Folklore Ensemble of the Pulasthi

7.30pm Fotrrm Theatre Bolivia,

Art Circle - Kotte SWEDEN Folk Dance Group and Choir "Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag" Stockholm. u.s.s.R. Folklore Ensemble "Vesna' -

Kirovograd (IIkraine). WEST INDIES Caribbean Steel Band (Club only).


Hungary - Ita1y, U,S.S,R,

Company (Children's Youth and Fringe Acti'rities). The undermentioned make


AUGIIST 2.3hm Parade to Toum Centre 3.00pm Town Centre All groups from abroad. ?.30pm College Theatre Sweden, Colombra-Sri Lanka, Poland. Speclal Evening organised in co-ordination with the British Red Cross Society. Tickets S2 I0 11.80 [1.80, 01,40 from Box Office. ?.30pm fonun Theatre Bolivia, Hungary - italy, U.S.S.R.

occasional appearances.

Billingham Choral Society, Bilingham Silver Band, Billingham Synthonia Choir, Danelaw Country Dance Band, Loftus Long Sward Dancers,

Mike Walton, Frank Matterson and Richie Northern Folk.

Northnmbrian Traditional Cleveland Police Band

MONDAY TSth f,UGT'ST Children's Day l0.30am Opening of Children's

"Uncle Biff' Club

at College

Theatre. Concert with Swedish Group Admission by membership card 60p.

f2.00 urtil 2.30pm

- Sri



TIIESDf,Y l6th


3.00pm Town Centre

Spain, Colombia, France, Poland,

7,30pm College

Bolivia, France





Competitions, Entertainment in

all parts of the Toum Centre featuring Sri Lanka and Poland. 3.00pm Afternoon Concert flrr all members of the public, Italy, U.S.S.R., Egrypt, Hungary.


SATIIRDAY z0th AUGUST 2.00pm Parade to Torm Centre 2.30pm Town Centre




WEI'NESDf,Y l?th f,UGIIST 12.00 Town Centre

Sweden, France, Colombia,


N.T.G.P. Presentation of Pennants. International Farandole, ?.00pm Towrr Centre

All seats il.00 Concert by Loftus Sword Dan-

cers, Leeds Sword Dancers, Leeds Community Arts Company, N.T.G.P.

8,00pm Community


?.30pm Fonrm Theatre Spain, Egrypt-Sri Lanka, Poland.

ENGI.AND Leeds Community Arts

Z.30pm Forun Theatre

?.30pm Fonrm Theatre Gala Concert. Al1 groups from

with The


Billingham Silver

Band, Billingham Choral Society, Billingham Synthonia Choir. 8,45pm Procession to Tovm Centre - Cleveland County P.B. 9.00pm Closing Ceremony



3.00pm Town Centre Spain, Egrypt, Italy, Poland. Z.30pm CoIIege Theatre Spain, Egrypt - Ita1y, Poland. Z.30pm Fonrm Theatre Sweden, Colombia France,

Followed by Fireworks Dispiay in John Whitehead Park.

Hungary (2nd Prognamme), THURSDAY ISth AUGUST 3.00pm Town Centre Bolivia, France, Sri Lanka,


?,30pm College Theatre Itaiy, Sri Lanka Bolivia, Hungary,


fonun Theatre


(2nd Programme)



TRIDf,Y Tgth f,UGI'Sf, 3.00pm Town Centre Sweden, Egypt Bolivia, U.S.S.R.

Billingham Silver




T}IDEnATTSTEM Billingham Fornn Opens Saturday Augrust l3th at 10. a.m. Open Daily 10.30 a.m. - ?.30 p.m

Saturday Augrust 2fth, ODen f030 a.m.- 4.30 p.m.

This combination of local, reg-

t I

ional and international works in a variety of traditional crafts adds a special touch to the Festival. For a whole week there will be an opportunity to observe, to ask


and to share

in demorstrations of such activities as leather work, ceramics, wood-



on the Folklore of Korea is the l00th Anniversary of the first officiai treaty between Her Majesty's Government and Korea. To mark the centenary a series of events is being held throughout the United Kingdom


NORTHERN ARTS For several years, assisted by a grrant from Northern Arts, the

Festival Committee has been able to commission work by locai artists and craftspeople. There will be a display of this work - by now a very interesting collection - within the main hall,

frank Nelsonis

this year's com-

mrssioned craftsman,




a lot of


recently both on television and in the press for his very amusingr moving sculphrres and clocks,

We await with interest to


what he wiil produce as his comment on the Festival.

festival Clttb Held in the Forum nightly from Friday l2th Augrust to Saturday 20th Augnrst inclusive 9.00 p.m. to

2.00 a.m. Music,

dancing, cabaret, visiting grroups, refteshments - and an alternative 'quiet corner'. The Club fee is S5.00 and

membership is granted on personal application on1y, Members may sign in a limited number of bona-fide guests at Management discretion at S2,00. There will be no casual admissions.

is excellently qualified to answer querles concerning the construction or playing

of the Pipes, 3.



l0.45pm by courtesy and

with the enthusiastrc support of C[ve Emmerson the manaqer: a music session open to

all folk rnstrumentalists led by the Northumbrian

Ttresday, l6th Augrust

Pipers and the Collingwood Session

Wednesday,l?th August Thursday, l8th Augrust on the steps of the insrde of the Forum between 6.30pm and 7.30pm traditional music of the

Dave McQuade,

Men. 4.

Northumbrian Srnall Pipes played by Dave McQuade, Bill Jones and Dave Bailey. In addition, a

widely-known and respected pipes-maker who has his own weekly

llresday, l6th Augrust Thusday, lZth Augrust Billingham Arms Lounge between 8pm and

penny whistles from Ron Angel, Jack Keane, Nick Hargh, Paul Archer, and the penny whistles from Ayresome lunior School and dances from the Cleveland Clog Dancers.

Company. Last year the Jindo


singing, They will spend some time teaching these skills and folk games and dances to groups of

fiddles, piccolo

Korea and in 1979 we welcomed a section of the National Dance

spinnning, basket-weaving, the

making of doIls, puppets and toys, mat qrass weaving, and

before the Open Arr Concert, and will include traditional music on


Therr skills include weaving,

This year we are privileged to have a group of sx Hungarian craftspeople sent to us by the Institute of Culture in Budapest.

workshop at Preston Hall,


between 1,30pm-3pm

relationship with

Island Farmer's Dance Company took part in the festival. To mark the centenary we are showing a film on Korean Folklore (it features the National Dance Company) from T\resday Friday inclusive. The film can be seen at 10.30 each morning in the

cawing, embroidery and so on,


rn the "weli" or sunken area of the Tovm Centre

and in Korea.

Billingham Festival has had


Thursday, lSth Augrust


very good


ItrIednesday, I ?th

Illednesday, I ?th August in the afternoon between 4,30pm and 6.30pm in the Forum an AJternoon Barn

Dance wrth music by the Castlegate Ceilidh Band. No experience necessary as expert Caller Mike Walton wrll gnride young and old through each dance. Entrance Fee 30p. Refreshments avaiiable.

Progamme SATI'RDAY T3thAUGIIST 10.30 a.m.


Billingharn fonun



Openingof GraftFair

by I)r

Laszlo Demus Counsellor at the Eungadan Ernbassy, London.

1.30 Town Gentre, Caribean Steel Band lf,est Indies.

2.00 p.m. Grard Parade of Folklore Groupe led by Billin-

gham Silver Band Route: Telstar, Marsh House Avenue - Causeway - Tovrn Centre,

2.30 p.n. to midrright Ceilidh in College Theatre Danelaw Coun-

try Dance Band, Mike

Walton, Frank Matterson and Richie Buriison. Poland - Folklore Ensemble of the Acadmey of Physical Education - Warsaw france Polk Dance Group "Roudelet Felibren de Chateau Gornbert" -

Marseilles English,



Scottish Dancing for dl. 2.30 Opening Ceremony, Licensed Bar (Subject to Assembly of Groups in front of Licence). Admission 02.00 Municipal Buildings, Town Centre Address of welcome by 7.30 p.m. International Goncert

folk Mnaic,

ard Dance Biningham Eorom Theatre Bolivia - Folk Song and InstruFestival by Sir Ralph Carr-Ellt- mental Group "Los Awatinas" son, Chairman of Tyne Tees Eungarry - Folklore Ensemble County Councillor Mrs. M. Tayior M.B.E., J.P. (Chairman of the Festivai Committee). Opening of the



l0.3ll a"n. - ?.30 p.n. Craft

inBillinghamFotm 2.30 p.m.

Gnnd Parade




Centre Route: Technical College - Causeway - Tovrrn Centre 3.00 p.m. International Concert

All grroups from abroad ?.30 p.m. International Concert folk Music, Song and Dance Special Evening organised in co-

International Concert - Bolivia

Folk Song and

Instrumental Group "Los Awatinas" Colonrbia Inca Folk Ballet Company - Caii Egrypt The National Dance Company - Cairo france -Folk Dance


- Folklore Ensemble "Valle dei Templi" - Agrigento, Sicily U.S.S.R.- Folklore Ensemble Group "Roudelet Felibren de "Vesna" - Kirovogrrad (Ukraine) Chateau Gombert" - Marseilles Eungary - Folklore Ensemble 9.00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. festival "Bihari Janos" - Budapest ltaly - Club in Billingham fonun Folklore Ensemble "Valle der Musrc, Cabaret, Dancing with the Templi" - Agrigento, Sicily Carrbbean Steel Band and an Poland - Folkiore Ensemble of appearance by the visiting goup the Acadbmy of Physical Educa- from Spain - the Combined Tuna tion, Warsaw Spain - Combined of the Universities of Badajoz,

lege Theatre Sweden

Dance Group and

- folk


all parts of the


featuring the Groups from Sri Lanka and Poland.


3.00 p.m. Town Centre noon Concert


Inca Folk Ballet

Company - Gdi

U.S.S.R. - Folklore "Vesna" - Kirovograd (Ukraine

the Pulasthi Art Circle - Kotte Poland


Folklore Ensemble of

the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw 2.30 p.m. International Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance

Billingham Forum

Italy - Polklore Ensemble "V

dei Templi" - Agrigento, Sicily



Bolivia - Folk Song and Insrumental Group "Los Awatinas" Eungary - Folklore Ensemble "Bihan Janos" - Budapest

INTERVAL (20 minutes)

Leon, Madrid, Salamanca.

Salamanca. Sri Lanka - Folklore Ensemble of ihe Pulasthi Art Circle - Kotte Sweden - Folk Dance


Italy - Folklore Ensemble "Val1e Templi" - Agrigento, Sicily dei This eveningrs concert has been U.S.S.R.Ensemble very kindly sponsored by The "Vesna" - Foiklore(Ukraine) Nationd Westrninster Bank Ple in Billingham. Otrr thanks and appreciation

"Dalaforeningens Folkdanslag" Stockholm U.S.S.R. - Folklore Ensemble "Vesna" - Kirovogrrad (Ukraine) U.K. "Northern Folk,

appearance by the group

"Dalaforeningens Folkdanstag" -




National Dance Com-

pany - Cairo Eurgary -

Ensemble "Bihari



?.30 p.m. International Dance

Evening Biilingham Col Theatre. Performances Hungarian dancing




2.00 a.m. Festival

Club in Billingham fonrm Music, Cabaret, Dancing with the Caribbean Steel Band supported


Motivation Disco and an

appearance by the visiting group from Egypt.


(Subject Licence) Admission 02.00. 7.30 p.m. International Concert


folk Music, Song ard Dance

Billingham Forum Theatre Spain - Combined T\rna of the Universities of Badajoz, Leon, Madrid, Salamanca Egypt - The National Dance Company - Cairo INTERVAL (20 minutes)



e[oups from Sweden, ItalY and Hungary. Swedish, Italian and


9.00 p.m.


aged 5 - ll years, Appearance grroup from Sweden. 11.30 a.m. Roseberry

children during the afternoon 12.00 noon - 2.30 p.m. Centre Games, Entertainment

of the Universities of Badaioz, Leon, Madrid, Choir

Bilf Club for chi

ordination with the British Red Cross Society. Billinqham Col-



10.30 a.m. Uncle

College Theatre

Sweden. Further activities

Sri Lanka - Foiklore Ensemble of

INTERVAL (20 minutes)

in Billingham Forum


"Bihari Janos" - Budapest


MONDAY ISthAUGT'ST 10.30 a.m. - 2.30 pm. Craft

TI'ESDAY. I6th AUGUST Sri Larka - Folklore Ensemble of the Pulasthi Art Circle- Kotte



Folklore Ensemble of

10.30 a.m. - ?.30 p.m. Craft in Billingham Forum f


0.30 a.m. College Theatre

the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw 9,00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. festival Club in Billingham Forum. Music, Cabaret, Dancing with the Carib-

Uncle Biff Club. Appearance by gnoup from Sri Lanka. 10.30 a.m. Fonun Theatre film on the Folklore ofKorea. 11.30 a.ur. Roseberry Libraxlr,

bean Steel Band supported by Motivation Disco and an appearance by the vrsiting group from

Billingham, Appearance by the group from Srl Lanka, Further activities for children during the



1.30 p.m.


Activities in

3.00 p.m. fringe

area of Town Centre. Traditionai music on fiddles, piccolo and penny whistles by Ron Angel, Jack Keane, Nick Haigh, Paul Archer and the penny whistles from Ayresome Junior School and dances from the Cleveland CIog Dancers, 'We11'

3.00 p.m. Town Centre Afternoon Concert Spain - Combrned Ttna of the Universities of

Badajoz, Leon,


Salamanca Colombia - Inca Folk

Ballet Company - Cali, franrce Folk Dance Group "Roudelet Felibren de Chateau Gombert" Marseilles Poland - Folklore Ensemble of the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw. 6.15 p.m. - ?.15 p.m. On the steps of and inside of the Forumrtraditional music of the Northumbrian Small Pipes piayed by Dave McQuade, Bill Jones and Dave Bal1ey.

?.30 p.m. International Concert of folk Music, Song and Dance

Billlngham College Theatres

Bolivia - Folk Song and Instrumental Group "Los Awatinas" france - Folk Dance Group "Roudelet Felibren de Chateau Gombert" - Marseilles INTERVAL (20 minutes)

2.30 p.m. Colom,bia - Inca Folk Ballet Company - Cali, U.S.S.R. -

Folklore Ensemble


Kirovograd (Ukraine) ?.30 p.m. International Concert of folk Music, Song and Dance Brlllngham Forum Theatres Spain - Combined Tuna of the


of Badajoz,


Madrid, Salamanca Egrypt - The National Dance Company - Cairo

INTERVAL (20 minutes)

Sri Lanka - Foiklore Ensemble of the Pulasthi Art Crrcle - Kotte

- Folklore Ensemble of the Academy of Physrcal Education - Warsaw Poland

8.00 p.m. - f0.45 p.m. fringe Activities Lounge in the Billin-

gham Arts Music Session open to

all folk instrumentallsts and led by the Northumbrian Pipers and the Col[ngwood Session Men. 9.00 p.m. - 2.00 a.m. festival

Club in Brllingham Forum. Music, Cabaret, Dancing with the Carib-

bean Steel Band supported by Motivation Disco and an appearance by the group from Spain.

lDaily Progrramme



a.m,2.30p.m. Craft



6.15.p.m. - 7.15p.m. OnthestePs

10.30 a.m. 2.30 p.m,

of and inside the Forum. Tradi-

Billingham Fonrm

f0.30 a.m. College Theatre tional music of the Northumbrian Uncle BiII Clnb Performance by Small Pipes played by Dave the g"roup from Hungary film on McQuade, Bili Jones and Dave Bailey. the Folklore ofKorea. 11.30 a.m. Roseberry Library, ?,30 p.m. Intetrrational Concert Biiiingham. Appearance by the of folk Music, Song and Dance group from Hungary. Further Billingham College Theatres activities from children during Spain - Combined Tuna of the Universisites of Badajoz, Leon, the afternoon. 12.00 noon Lunchtirne Concert Madrid, Salamanca EgrYPt - The Town Gentre Sweden


Folk Dance Group and Choir "Dalaforeningens Polkdanslag" Stockholm france - Folk Dance

Group "Roudelet Felibren de

Chateau Gombert" - Marseilles Colombia - Inca Folk Ballet Company - Cali Eungary - Folklore

Ensemble "Bihari Budapest

1.30 p.m.



3.00 p.m. fringe

Activities in 'Well' area of Torm


Centre Traditional Music on fiddIes, piccolo and penny whistles by Ron Angel, Jack Keane, Nick



Haiqh, Paul Archer and the


penny whistles from Ayresome Schooi and dances from the


Cleveland Clog Dancers.

Town Gentre Spain - Combined T\rna of the Universisites of


Badajoz, Leon,


Salamanca, ESyTt - The National



Dance Company - Cairo ltdy Folklore Ensemble "Valle dei Templi" - Agnigento, Sicily

Poland I


I !




INTERVAIJ (20 minutes)


- Folklore Ensemble "Valle

dei Templi" - Agrrigento, SicilY Poland

- Folklore Ersemble of

the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw ?.30 p.m. Internationd Consert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billingham Forum Theatres Sweden - Folk Dance GrouP and "Dalalforeningens Choir Folkdanslag" - Stockholm Colom' bia - Inca Folk Baliet ComPanY Cali INTERVAIJ (20 minutes)

3.00 p.m. Afternoon Concert


National Dance ComPanY - Cairo

- Folklore Ensemble of

the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw 4.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Aftermoon Barn Dance The Billingham Forum with music from the Castlegate Ceilidh Band. No experi-

ence necessary as caller Mike Walton will gulde young and old through each dance. Entrance fee 30p Refreshments available.

france - Folk Dance


"Roudelet Felibren de Chateau Gombert" - Marseilles Eungralf ' Folkiore Ensemble "Bihari Janos" - Budapest

9.00 p.m.


2.00 a.m.


Glub in Billingham Forum. Music, Cabaret, Dancing with the Caribbean Steel Band zuPPorted bY Motivation Disco and an appearanie by the visiting gnouP from Italy,

Craft fair in

10,30 a.m. College Theatre Uncle BiffGlub Performance bY the group from France. Film on the Folklore of Korea. 11.30 a.m. Roaeberry lribrarry, Billingham. Appearance bY the group from France. Further

Bolivia - Folk Song and Instrumental Group "Los Awati Eungary - Folklore Ensemb "Bihari Janos" - BudaPest ?.30 p.m. Interrrational of folk Music, Song and

Billingham Forum Theatres



Folk Dance GrouP and

activities from children during


the afternoon.


1.30 p.m. - 3.p.m. Fringe activities in the Well' area of the Town Centre Traditional music




Inca Folk Ballet Com-

pany - Cali INTERVAL(ZO minutes)

on fiddles, piccolo and pennY whistles by Ron Angel, Jack

france - Folk

Keane, Nick Haigh, Paul Archer and the penny whistles from Ayresome School and dances

Polklore Ersemble

from the Cleveland CIog Dancers.

3.00 p.m. Afternoon Concert Town Centre Bolivia - Folk Song

and Instrumental GrouP "Iros Awatinas" france - Polk Dance Group "Roudelet Felibren de

Chateau Gombert" - Marseilles Sd Lanka - Foiklore Ensemble of the Pulasthi Art Circle - Kotte U,S.S.R. - Folklore Ensemble "Vesna" - Kirovogrrad (ukraine) 6.15p.m. - 2.15p.m. OnthestePs of and inside the Forum Traditional music of the Northumbria

Small Pipes played bY Dave McQuade, Bill Jones and Dave Bailey. ?.30 p.m.

Intenationd Goncert of Folk Mnsic, Song and Dance Billingham College Theatres


- Folklore Ensemble "Valle dei Templi" - Agnigento, SicilY Sri Lan&a - Folklore Ensemble of the PulasthiArt Circle - Kotte INTERVAIT (20 minutes)


"Roudelet Felibren de C Gombert" - Marseilles U.S.S.R. "Vesna"

Kirovocrrad (Ukraine) 8.00 p.m. - 10.45 P.m.

Activities Lounge in the Billingham Arts. Music session oPen all folk instrumentalists and by the Northumbrian PiPers the Collinqwood Session Men.

9.00 p.m. - 2.00 a.m. Club in Billinqrham Forum

Cabaret, Dancing with the Cari bean Steel Band supported Motivation Disco and an appearance by the grroup from Colombia,

Daily Proqrramme SATT'RDAY, zfth AUGIIST

TRIDAY, TgthAUGIIST 10.30 a.m. I.30 p.m.

Craft fatu in


10.30 a.m. College Theatre Uncle BiffClub Performance by the gnoup from Colombia. 10.30 a,m. EiLn on the folklore

ofKorea. 11.30 a.m. Roseberry Librarry, Billingham. Appearance by the gnoup from Colombia. Further activities from children during the afternoon.

3.00 p.m. Afternoon Goncert Town Centre Sweden - Folk

Dance Group and

Choir "Dalairreningens Folkdansiag" Stockholm ECyDt - The National Dance Company - Cairo BoliviaFolk Song and Instrumental Group "Los Awatinas" U.S.S.R. -

Folklore Ensemble


?.30 p.m. Gala International Concert of folk Music, Song and Dance Biliingham College Theatres Order ofappearance to

announced Bolivia



Song and Instrumental Group

"Los Awatinas" Colonrbia - Inca Folk Bailet Company - CaliEgrypt - The National Dance Company Cairo france - Folk Dance

Group "Roudelet Felibren de Chateau Gombert"





Folklore Ersemble

"Bihari Janos" - Janos" - Budapest Italy - Folklore Ensemble "Valle dei Templi" - Agnigento, Sicily


- Folklore Ensemble of

the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw Spain - Combined


of the Universities


Badajoz, Leon, Madrid, Salmanca Sweden - Folk Dance Group and





Stockholm Sri

Lanka - Folklore Ensemble



Pulasthi Art Circle - Kotte U.S.S.R.


Folklore Ensemble "Vesna"

Kirovognad (Ukaine)


a.m.4.30p.m. Craft


8.00 p.m. Community SinginS

BiUinghanr Forum 2.00 p.m. Grand Pande to Town Centre

with the Bilinghanr

bean Steel Band supported by

Route: Technical College


Motivation Disco and an appearance by the group from Sri Lanka

Causeway - Tovm Centre

Cabaret, Dancing with the Carib-

?.30 p.m. Gala Intenationd Concert of Folk Music, Song and Dance Billinqham College Theatres Order ofappearance to be announced Bolivia - Folk Song and Instrumental Group "Los Awatinas" Colombia - Inca Folk Ballet Company - Cali Egrypt - The National Dance Company Cairo france - Folk Dance

Group "Roudelet Pelibren de Chateau Gombert"





Folklore Ensemble

10.35 a.m. Tpwn Centre Uncle Biff Club - Eancy Dress Com-


2.30 p.m. Town Centre


International Concert Items by all gnoups from abroad and the Northumbrian Traditional Group Presentation of Pennants, International Farandole. ?.00 p.m. Town Gentre Concert by Loftus Sword Dancers, Leeds Community Arts Company and Northumbrian Traditionai Group.

8.45 p.m. Procession to Town Centre led by Cleveland County Police Band.

9.00 p.m. Glosing Ceremony

Billingham Silver

Band Farewell Speech by the Chairman of the Festival Committee:

County Councillor Mrs, Hymn,

Sunset and Lowering of the Flag.

The Natronal Anthem March off

Fireworks Display Whitehead Park.


dei Templi" - Agrigento, Sicily



The day Thou gavest Lord is ended

Folklore Ensemble of

the Academy of Physical Education - Warsaw Spain - Combined


of the Universities


Badajoz, Leon, Madrid, Salmanca Sweden - Folk Dance Group and "Dalaforeningens Choir

Fokdanslag" - Stockholm Sri Lanka- Folklore Ensemble of the Pulasthi Art Circle - Kotte U.S.S.R.


Folkiore Ensemble "Vesna"


The day Thou gavest Lord is ended The darkness falls at Thy behest To Thee our morning hymns ascended Thy praise shall sanctify our rest We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping While earth rolls onward rnto hght Through all the world her watch rs keeping And rests not now by day or night

Kirovognad (Ukraine)

9.00 p.m.

- 2.00 a,m. Eestival Club in Billingharn Fonun

As o'er each contrnent and island The dawn leads on another day

Music, Cabaret, Dancing with the Caribbean Steel Band supported

The voice ofprayer is never silent Nor dies the strain of praise away

appearance by the grroup from

The sun that bids us rest is wakirJ Our brethren 'neath the western sky


Motivation Disco and an

Sir Lanka.

And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on hrgh be it, Lord, Thy throne shall never Like earth's proud empires, pass away Thy Kingdom stands and grows for ever Till al1 Thy creatures own Thy sway So


Taylor, M.B.E. j.P.

"Bihari Janos" - Janos" - Budapest



Band and Billtngharn Choral

Italy - Folklore Ensemble "Valle

Kirovo grrad (lJkraine)


9.00 p.m. - 2.00 a.m.. Festival CIub in Biliingham Forum Music,



BOLIVIA Folk Song & Instnrmental Group "Los Awatinas" Bolivian music has been popularised at this festival by the appearance of several grroups in the last 10 years, "Los Awatinas"

have performed in England on several occasions in the past but thrs is their first visrt to the Billingham Festival, In March they

played and sang at the Round

House Theatre rn London where they gave a complete evenrng to a capacity audience. This concert was very well recelved by the press and we are certain that

their music will be

greatly enjoyed here. The theme music from the "Fhght of the Condor" progiramme has increased the

number of devotees to these unusual rythms and sounds from the Andes. The members of the group are direct descendants of the Aymara Indians who lived in the Bohvian Andes. The instruments they

play include pan pipes, a wide

range of flutes and bamboo

pipes, side drum, charango (an armadille sheIl gmitar) and various forms of percussion, Their music has tremendous depth and

takes us from the earliest family

and group rituals, through later pagan and religious festivals to the absorption of the music of the

Spanish conquerors who reoccupied the South American continent for many centuries. They integrated with the Indian population and their influence is shown in the folklore of the whole

region. This mlxture of South American, Indlan, and Spanish tradrtions will also be seen in the Colombian group s programme. The grroup's costume is the traditional dress of the Indians of the Andes.


folk Ballet Company - CaIi This is the second Qrroup to appear at Billingham from the Inca

city of Cah in Colombia, The previous ensemble, which was very popular and attractive, came from the Universrty. Thrs Company rs from the Colombian Institute of Ballet.

It comprises

36 dancers and 8 musicians who wrll present a programme of traditional music and dance from the various regions of Colombra and the surrounding countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Puerto

Rico, Urugnray and Venezuela.

Their repertoire ranqes from Indian dance and music, Spamsh Boleros and Polkas to lullabies and peasant melodies,

Accompanying the dancers will be a team of 8 musrcians who form the group "Cantar Latino"

(Latin American Song),


mutual arm of this alliance is to present a true portrait ofthe culture of Colombra and the surrounding region, and also ofLatin

American song. The range of instruments of the musicians is

extensive and will be used according to the regional presentations - From the Andean range; gmitar, mandolin, flute, bass drum and tambourine. From the Atlantic Coast: bag pipes, flute, drums and maracas. From the Pacrfic Coast: wooden xylophone and clarinet. From the Eastern Plarns; harp, gn:itars and mandolin, The whole ensemble is under the

leadershrp of Glorra Castro de Gonzales who is Director of the School ofDance and Folk Ballet at the Institute for the Arts rn Cah,

EGYI,T. The National Dance Company - Cairo

We are indeed privileged


have this famous company making a special journey from Cairo to perform at our Festivai. There are tvvo main folklore companies in Egypt, this one and the Mahmud Reda troupe who came to us in I981. The visit of the latter grroup added a wonderful new dimension to our Festival of that year and we are certain that the Natlonal Company will thrill and excite us all this Augnrst. The group is particularly suitable

for a festival such as ours. They are a large iively happy group of people who really enjoy what

they are doing, Their dances, based on the middie eastern traditions are light, entertaining and often exciting, The gnoup has

large extrovert orchestra which gives a most attractive sound. a

The beautitul girls rn de1ightfuI costumes are a major attraction

and the dance styles and techniques are similar to the 'beliy' dancers which we associate with thls region, The whole programme is colourful, and dynamic; the presentation

will, we are certain, appeal to all our supporters.

told us that Brllingham was the best organised festival or event they had ever attended. "lt takes

We thank Dr. Ibrahim Fawzy of the British" she said, "to show the the Cultural Department at the world how a festival should be London Embassy who has made arrangJed", She was also fu]I of the ensemble's vlsit possible. it prarse for our recePtive, was, throuqh hrm, that Mahmud Reda came here in 1981. Both he, the Ambassador and the members of the 'Reda' company

appreciative audiences.

We see from these comments how we have become a success-

thoroughly enjoyed their visit to' fuI event, wrth status, througthout Biilinarham in that year. Farima the worid. AII - committee, workFahdy, their leading dancer (Her ers and audiences have PlaYed mother comes from Liverpooi their part in building our great and her father was Dr. FawzY's reputation - long maY they conProfessor at Cairo University) tinue with the good work.


folk Dance Group "Roudelet Felibren" - Chateau Gombert (Marseilles) This gnoup comes to us from the beautiful region of Provence in the south of France. Previous visitors from this part of the country have been from Nice but you will

see only a slight similarity bet-

ween this company and


Ciamada Nissarda".



This ensemble presents a wide range ofdances from the whole of their area. Their traditional programme is executedto a high standard and they have been trained to achieve an excellence in their footwork which would be envied by a ballet company.

is the home of the Farandole which has been a feature of our Festival for many Provence

years. "Roudelet Felibren" present the dance in a classical style which has never been seen here.

They will also show us ritual

dances linked to farming and the sea. Other items recall the military struggle for domination of the Mediterranean and see sword dances which remind us of


the battles with Moors and Turks which saved Chrrstendom from Islam in the l6th and 17th centuries. The group also has popuI


Iar dances from the'ITth 18th, and l9th centuries, in its repertoire and one, knovm as the jig, or English dance, has its origins in this country, having been brought to this part of the Mediterranean by the Engiish sailors.

Musical accompaniment is the traditional pipe and drum. The pipe


played with the left hand,

while the drum, slung from the shoulder is played with the right. Military drums and flutes supplement the traditional instruments in some items.

The group has tive


which will be worn according to the items being danced. One feature is the beautiful lace headress of the ladies in the traditional cos-

tume of the l9th century orange selIer. Everybody, especially the children, will love "The Horse Skirts" which will be a feature,

particularly in the parades, The 10 cavaliers are representinghvo armies in battle; this tradition of mock warfare is found ln folklore throughout the world.

folklore Ensemble "Bihari Janos" - Budapest 1t

is almost I0 years since we first

tried to get thls ensemble to

come to Billingham and we are extremely pleased that we are finally to have the opportunlty to see this famous company. Our thanks for their presence here qo

to Eva Benko, the CIOFF representative for her country, who has organised their visit and the interesting Hungarian contrrbution to the craft exhrbition,

Hungary is probably the most dance conscious country in the

world and the depth of their folk

iradition has resulted in


people having a deep, insatiable, hardly explainable love for folk dancing, There are many ensembles, ali with their supporters, and this has resulted in a tremendously hlgh standard of performance. The athletrc dexterity and stamina of the men, espe-

clalIy, has

to be seen to



There has been a considerable

in the attitude to folk dance and its presentation on the stage in the last 20 years, Those change

who saw the group


from Godollo tn 1965 will recognise that the 'Bihari' ensemble have a completely different out-

look, The Hungarian


people to-day want to see the folk art presented rn its originai context and perform the dances for their own enjoyment, They feel that the stage dances become

stronqer and more


and, at the same trme, the folk dances become a part of the ltfe of urban youth, This famous group was formed in 1954 and has made many visits to festivals outside their country.

Their repertoire includes dances from every reqlon of Hungary,

Artistic Director -Ferenc Novak Choreogrraphers Jotan Foltin -

Annamaria Newoirth Mttsical Director -Zoltan Haraszti

ITALY Folklore Ensemble,,Valle Dei There have been many Italian Their repertoire of song and ensembies at this Festival since dance is wide and varied. The the first gnoup came to us from tarantella, the oldest Sicilian Bergamo in 1967. All have proved dance, will be the best known popular and successful because item. Other dances to be perof the spontaneous galety and formed are a Mazurka and La dash which is a feature of their Fasola, a dance of the vineyard. performances, The singers and Regn-rlar patrons of the Festival dancers enjoy what they are will remember their signature doing and have the ability to com- tune "Canto Della Valle" - the

municate their happiness to us

Groups from the south, and Sicily

in particular, have proved very attractive and this Company from Agnigento is returning by the special reguest of many of our supporters. The enthuslasm, for

these particular Sicilians is, we think, because of the interesting and disciplined presentation of their prognamme. It contains all the lively activity of any Siciiian


Agrigento. The orchestra is made up of a variety of instruments - the shrill Sici-

lian Pipe which many wilt remember, drum, jew's harp,

song and dance company, but the

accordion, gruitar, mandoline and the quartara - the earthenware jug which is blown into and used as a contrabass, The performer on the latter instrument throws it high into the air occasionally,


friends in the group.

quiet moods and contrasts give

unusual atmosphere and

catching it to the acclaim of his

to their entertainment. There is no doubt tLlat this is due to the ability of their director, Dr, Aurelio Patti, a lawyer by profession. He brings some of the order and dlscipline of his calling to the spirit and fire of the young people

again. Mrs. Patti, who is of French origin and speaks fluent English, told us that they love to come to this Festival. I am sure our larqe




in hls gnoup, with delightful


Song of the Valley whlch tells of

the beauty of the davm

"Valle dei Tempii" were to be invited here


audiences share these senti-


Folklore Ensemble of The Academy of Physical Education \llarsaw

It is not surprising to find our Polish friends sending us this ensemble from their Physical Educatton College in Warsaw. Dance has long been recognised as an integral part of the educa-

tion of children and patrons with pupils in schoolwill knowthat it is a main feature of the physical

activity prog[amme in our primary schools. Unfortunately, it usually becomes a girl's only subject in the secondary school and the tendency rs to concentrate on contemporary dance and ignore

our folk tradltions. It is sad that none of our physical education colleges think of teaching our folk dance to a high standard. A company, such as this from Warsaw, would be of immense value inthis country in helping to pass on our very interesting and extensrve dance traditions to future generations.

The company has a two hour proqramme during which they show the dance of the whole country wrth its diverse moods due attention has been paid to and rhythms. The dignified and preserving traditions, while not

sliding step of the Polonaise gives ignoring the taste of the contemway all of a sudden to the defiant porary audience. and' sprtghtly chase of the Oberek to slow doum alterwards Artistic Directors and to a tender and affectionate Choreogrraphers: Dr. Czeslaw though lively Kujawy tune and Sroka and Dr Ryszard Teperek end up in the gay ga1lop of the Vocal Directorr Zbigniew Krakowiak, They liken their pre- Paszklewicz sentation to a colour film which Managers: Tadeusz Stanisruns fast before the spectator, zewski and Adam Pietron.

unfolding the entire story of Polish Folklore,

The beauty of the performance is

heightened by the onginal costumes made by folk artisans and by the spontaneity of the folklore loving youth. Their spectacle has been composed with dash, but

SPAIN The Combined Trura of the Universities of Badajoz, Leon, Madrid Sdamanca T\rnas are a feature of University life in Spain They are gnoups of

students who perpetuate the Spanish tradition of serenading the ladies. On Saturday nights and holidays they put on their interesting, distingmished costumes and go round the town playing and singring to the girIs. This is what they will do at the festival. They are giving performances from the stage but they will appear also in the club and informally around Billingham.

Their costume dates from the 15th Century and consists of a dress jacket, breeches, black stockings, cape and sometimes a

hat which we would associate with the popular dress of the Elizabethan period. The coloured ribbons indicate the


number of ladies with whom they have found favour. The tradition is that girls who are impressed by a member of the T\rna's singing, playing, attitude and appearance, give him a coloured ribbon which he attaches to his cape, One can imagine there will be a strong run on ribbon at our shops during the Festival period.


The cobured sash, which the stu-

dents wear, indicates the faculty to which the young man belongs. In I981 we had a small Tuna here

ftom the Medical School at Badajoz University which was led by Feliciano Ramos. We asked him to organise a larger group for

our Festival in




recruited this Tuna at ihe Annual Ttna Convention which was held in Seville last year.

AII members of the gnoup sing and play a musical instrument gnritars, lutes, bandurrias and

occasionally accordions. A feature is the tambourine player who combines his skill with an athletic dextenty which rs both entertaining and amusing. Tunas are official bodies of the University, recognised by the authorities. To obtain member-



student must serve an

apprenticeship, during which he is knoram as a'novato'(Novice) as opposed to the title of a ful1y fledged member who is called a

'tuno'. During this period he

accompanies the Tuna to all its functions, rehearsing with them on Saturday afternoons and then serenading the ladies with them on Saturday nights. At the Annual Convention ofTunas, the Novatos

go through an initiation cere-

mony, whichisakinto Baptism, as

it includes bathing in the public fountains of the town where the meeting is being held. This makes them a "Paradillo". At the beginning of their next term the Paradillos are examined publicly in their faculty by a panel of Unr

versity dignitarieb which includes the Dean. If the

examinee is successful the costr:me, cloak and 'Beca' (the sash which denotes his faculty) are presented to him to be retained until he obtains his degree and Ieaves the University.

The grroup from Badajoz, which

will lead this combined Thna

at Billingrham, are from the Medical

School and wear the traditional yellow sash; chemistry students

wear blue; langmage students red.



Pulasthi Dance Ensemble - Kotte This group returns here after a

three year gap to be our only

Asian representative at


year's festival, On their prevlous vrsit in 1980 they were very well

received and we are sure that their return to Brllingham will be welcomed.

The ensemble has a number of

distinguishrng features,


ornate metal fittings which are

part of the men's costume; the extremely hrgh quality of the drummers who are the marn accompanists;



magicai qualities of the fire eater

who fascinated us all when he was last here,

The dances in the group's repertoire have two distinct styles. The Kandyan dance orrginated and developed in the h111 country; the Iow country dance had its origrns in the south. Whrle the dances of the hrll country are closely associated with a single dance ritual, the dances ofthe south are connected with a variety of exotic ceremonies and fertrlity cults which according to tradition have

been handed down from preBuddhrst iimes, A special feature is the masked dances, peculiar to

ihe southern part of the


The dancers are made to wear masks to identify the characters which they are expected to play usually in ceremonres and rituals associated with exorcism,

There is an oriental atmosphere

created by the performance

which rea11y interests us from the West who have a different outlook and attitude to life. These

tradltions. The mysteries of the east still exist and strll lascinate us, The fire eater in the progamme is one of them. How does he do it? We don't know. He was very closely scrutinised by our back stage staff every time he performed in 1980. Always, the

procedure was the same - a very brief meditation in a corner alone, belore hrs stage entry and then the magical performance,

people are steeped in a long

Group Director

religious tradition which siill governs their way of life, conduct and

Mudunkothge, lecturer in Dance at Ananda College in Colombo.




Ttris Dance Group and Choir from Stockholm made a very successftrl first appearance here in 1978. They are remembered flcr their entertaining and amusing danciniT which added to the high quality of the singing, gave us a most unusual prognamme. Regular patrons will not have forgotten the beautifirl blonde conductor of the choir who added so much to the group's presentation with her professional expertise. The province of Dalarna in Middle Sweden, is unique in that the old customs of the peasantry have

tleen preserved to a grreater extent than in any other part of the country. The traditionalpeas-

ant's costumes were


entirely discarded and the folk music is still cherished. Indeed Dalarna is so well knorm that its young men and women have become representatives of Sweden abroad and the stiff legged Dala-horse has replaced the Swedish lion as the national sym-

bol With limited farmland, many from

Dalarna had to seek a living in Stockholm. In their spare time they met in the capital for entertainment and to exchange news ftom their home villages. In 1902 they formed an association, the Dalaforeningen, and in 1906 a iclk dance gnoup and fiddiers sec-

Festival and they are to be congratulated on their achievement in keeping up their traditions over such a long period.

tion, The choir came into being in 1920 and has become well knoum for its performances in Stoclrtrolm. The grroup has been pre-

been seen at festivals in the U.S.A., Austria, France and

senting its programme outside

Sweden since 1937. This probably makes our Swedish group the

oldest group of any country to have performed at the Billingham

In recent years the ensemble has

Romania. Their' repertoire conin the main of songs and dances from Dalarna and some items from other parts of Sweden and Scandinavia.




Folklore Ensemble "Vesna" - Kirovogrrad - Ilkraine The first group from the U.S.S.R.

whrch attended this Pestival in 1974 came for four days

only from

Kiev in the Ukraine. It is a pleasure to welcome this company which will present a prog"ramme showing the traditions of their republic, which of course differ completely from the group which came here last year from Moldavia, and the ensembies which have come to Biilingham from Georgia and Russia.

will follow familiar pattern. There are three sections in the group - an "Vesna's" prognamme


orchestra, a vocal group and a dance group. The whole ensemble will be featured in "Spring has come" and "Wedding Monday". There wili be a variety of folk from the choral group; folk by the orchestra whrch lncludes a cymbalom, with which our regmlar patrons are familiar, and also an instrument called the sopilka, Included in the Dance section of the programme are the songrs


"Kirovograd Polka" and also a

folk Dance "Moldavenyajka" which will remindus of that wonderful ensemble from Moldavian

Kishlnev which came to us last year from the U,S.S.R,

Vesna is attached to the Kirovog-

rad Town Recreation Centre, It was founded rn 1972. Members came from ali walks of iife. The gnoup has appeared wtth distinc-

Every country's folk traditions tion in Bulgaria, Poland and Holhave song, dance and music land. linked to Spring and Weddings, Musical Director A,A, Bersan

"Weddlng Monday" is a scene Dance Director V,l. GolinnY from the Ukraiman Wedding Orchestra Director MikilaY Monday the bridegroom Rite, On

goes to his bride's parents, gtves them presents and asks them to dinner cooked by their daughter,

The finale wrll be the

famous "Gopak" which features the whole

company and is regarded by many as the most excrtrng folk dance of all,


new name with new material.

WEST INDIES The Caribbean Steel Band has become a regular feahrre of this festival having appeared nightly in the club for many years. Once again they can be heard before the Opening Ceremony in the Toum Centre and from the l2th to

the 20th in the Festival which

rs in


the Forum

At this year's Festival the Company hope to develop the work in

the Children's Club wrth many new characters, qames and stories. Their workshop team have an exciting project, based

on the traditional morality play called the "Castle of Perseverance" for the Youth Workshops.

Following in the tradition of tak-

ENGLAIVD Leeds Community Arts Company is a new name for an established team of performers, writers and musicians, The former

"Leeds Polytechnic



Theatre Company" made their

final apperance, under that

name, during last year's Festival as many of the company had completed their courses. However, most of the company decicided to reform under this

ing Theatre into new


Leeds Community Arts Co. will again be touring the local clubs with a new musical comedy presentation on the theme of leisure.

Pinally watch out



adapted version of Ben Johnson's "Volpone" which is an intrignring farcical comedy, the whole presentation taking place on the

back of

a lorry.




played at various venues around Cleveiand during Festival Week.

This company represents the United Kingdom at the Opening Ceremony and Concert on Saturday, Augnrst l3th, On the Thursday of Pestival week they travel to Holland for the Festival of Salland near Arnhem. This will be their fifth trip abroad in as many years. They are in gneat demand and if they had the necessary

financial support would be

attending many more festivals in other countries. They have had to refuse invitatiors to Puerto Rico twice and Bulgaria in the Iast two

three groups - English (Stockton Morris Men) Scots (Newton Ayc-

liffe Pipe Band) Irish (St. Leonard's Irish Dancers,

Silksworth, Sunderland). The Welsh were not left out deliberately. Unforhrnateiy there are no Welsh folklore groups in this part of the country and it is necessary for the ensemble to meet


larly to rehearse and perform. Northern Folk performed in Gan-

nat, France with distinction last year. In 1981 they became the

first folklore group lrom



British isles to win the Golden Axe at the Festival of Zakopane, Poland. This interesting trophy

The group was formed in 1979 by

can be seen at the foot ofthe staircase in the Art Gallery which is

our Festival Director, The aim was to create a company which could sustain a Iong, entertaining pro gramme of folklore from these islands, To do this, he combined

immediately behind the festival platform,





CEOR.trT SOCIETY This mixed choir made its debut at last year's Festival when they provided the choral accompaniment needed by London Folk for their "Nelson" presentation. They also sang at the Closing Cere-

mony. We bring them back to repeat their appearance at the Festival's finale. This year they

Mike or "Nipper" Walton as he is affectionately known has been a member of Stockton Morris Men and Stockton E.F D.S S. for manY years. He is a well known caller at

Ceilidhs and

will act in

this capacity at the Ceilidh onthe first Saturday in the College Theatres.

wlth the Billingham Silver Band.




will lead the Community Singing

Much of the success and the enjoyment of its full complement of 30 members can be attributed to its present Musical Drrector, Vaughan Evans, under whose baton the band has matured to its present position.

The versatility of the band is displayed by the variation of engagements undertakeni these include CIub entertain-

ment and a unique Wedding Sewice, as well as the more tradrtional outdoor concerts and marches. A regnrlar part of the annual programme is the prestigious Billingham International Folklore Festival, which the band is proud to have been associated with since its inception.

Frank Matterson, folk singer, and whistle player, dancer, raconteur is the complete folklorist, He will sing to Richie's accordion accompaniment at the Ceilidh in the College on the first Saturday. Richie, who

is Musical Director of Northern Polk, has produced some wonderful folk musical arrangements for that company in recent years.

THE LOFI'US DANCERS The Loftus Dancers perform a traditional long sword dance which is particular to the North of


Its origins are


known and its manner of performance has been passed dovm from team to team. It is a Winter Solstice. celebration for the return of the sun. The sacrifice of the "Old Woman" at the end of the dance dramatises this idea of regeneration. The present team came together in 1950 and is well

known for its "Rolls Royce" action. at This band goes from strength to It has successfully competed Eisand Teesside the Llangollen strength and it is encouraging to and has entertained see them striving to improve their teddfod as far apart as France, audiences very high standards. Austria, Belgium, Norwayandthe U.S.A.

This group comes to us from the Northumberland Coastal area near Whrtley Bay. They are led by Joe Bennett who is the chief musician and directs the group's activities.

There are three sections. The Royal Earsdon Sword Dancers, which is one of England's oldest Ql'roups, come from the village ofEarsdon. They obtained their 'Royal' trtle after performing in 1907 for King Edward VII at Alnwich Castle. Their leader is David Pearson whose father danced in the team for manY years before him.

We will hear, and join


traditional 'Geordie' songs sung by the Shiremoor Marrers; their

repetoire includes such favourites as 'Cushy Butterfield' and 'Keep your feet still

Geordie Hinny'. Doris Hawkes is a traditional clog dancer and winner of the Championship Belt in three successive years.

The group, as a whole, is weil knourn throughout the region and have been to Georgia, USA with the Friendship Exchange Groups from the Newcastle area.

Thisweek in Biltingham Younll see I I of the best reasons in the world why. Now in its lgth spectacular year the Billingham Internatianal Folklore Festival has attracted thousands of the best folklore grroupslfrom all over the world'to our own doorstep. This year grcups lrom 1l vastly different countries witl be here to entertain us with their excellence,

So Durham Fuel Supplies are pleased and proud to support the Festival again in 1983, Our best wishes to the Fesiival.

Durham Fuel Supplies, We think excellence and senrice worth supporting. Durham Fuel SuPPlies Ltd

Reqstered Office Stotfold Seaton Seaham Co. Durham

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