PSR2017 RaceBook [ENG]

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“I discovered a Pyrenees that I didn't know. To someone who loves mountains, this is the greatest(…)” Jordi Santacana

PSR2016 Race Photographer



WELCOME PSR2017 Welcome to the PSR2017. The PSR is the Pyrenees stage race, a unique experience in a unique environment. From now, you’ll find 7 days of running in the mountains. But also 7 days of adventure, friendship, coexistance, GR11, lonely lakes and mountain huts at more than 2500M, an every stage changing flora and fauna, giant granite blocks that you’ll have to jump on through, long ascents and descents, isards, marmots, horses and cows, abandoned villages, romanic churches, places to stay for a lifetime and, at the end, 7 days of emotions and unforgettable memories. During this 7 days you’ll cross the Pyrenees from Ribes de Freser to Salardú, going through Andorra, and staying in Queralbs, Puigcerdà, Encamp, Arinsal, Tavascan and Espot. But you’ll also cross villages like Dòrria, Vilallobent, Arans, Ordino-Segudet, Alins, Àreu, Estaón, Dorve, La Guingueta d’Àneu, Jou, Boldís Sobirà or Estaís, all along the regions of Ripollès, Cerdanya, Pallars Sobirà and Vall d’Aran.

We want this to be a full experience, so you’ll have an organization of more than 30 people at your disposal. They will be ready to help you with any need or problem you may have during PSR2017. PSR is a race for runners made by runners. Our main goal is the same as yours, to spend a great week doing what you like the most and, of course, to cross the finish line in Salardú!


This link will take you to a Google Map where you’ll be able to check all the locations you need to find during the race. Here you’ll find: -park zone in case you arrive to Ribes de Freser by your own car -train station in case you arrive to Ribes de Freser by train -every stage hotels’ location -facilities where we’ll have dinner when it’s not in the same hotel where we sleep (Encamp, Arinsal i Salardú) -every stage tracks (with check points and food stations) -Cremallera train stations for the first two days in Ribes de Freser and Queralbs -services you may find useful to know (laundries, sports shops, pharmacies, supermarkets,…)

ARRIVAL 02/09 RIBES DE FRESER You may arrive to Ribes de Freser on saturday 02/09 afternoon to be able to do the check-in PSR2017 as well as in the Hotel where we’ll be for the first two days. You can arrive to Ribes de Freser by train or by your own car.

In case you arrive by train, you can go walking to Hotel Sant Antoni.

In case you arrive by your own car and you want to park it all the week for free, Ribes de Freser Town Hall brings us some f r e e s p o t s i n To u r i s t Information’s park zone (at town’s entrance). Neither Ribes de Freser Town Hall or PSR organization is responsible of your car’s damages during PSR2017.

Check-in PSR2017 and bib deliveries will take place at Teatre Municipal de Ribes de Freser, 4 minutes away (walking) from Hotel Sant Antoni, from 4PM.

ACCOMODATION Here you have every stage accomodation's information. Day 0 and Stage 1 (02 and 03/09) RIBES DE FRESER Hotel Sant Antoni Carrer de Sant Quinti, 28 17534 Ribes de Freser (Girona) Tel. +34 972 72 70 18 Stage 2 (04/09) PUIGCERDÀ Campus Cerdanya Avinguda Ramon Condomines, 14 17520 Puigcerdà (Girona) Tel. +34 972 88 35 30

Stage (05/09) ENCAMP Hotel París Av. de Joan Martí, 2 AD200 Encamp (Andorra) Tel. +376 731 525 Stage 4 (06/09) ARINSAL Hotel Xalet Besolí Ctra. de l'Escladella, 13 AD400 Arinsal (Andorra) Tel. +376 836 336 Stage (07/09) TAVASCAN Hotel Llacs de Cardós Carrer Unic, 125577 Tavascan (Lleida) Tel. +34 973 62 31 78 Stage (08/09) ESPOT Hotel Saurat Plaça Sant Marti, 1 25597 Espot (Lleida) Tel. +34 973 62 41 62

Hotel Roya Carretera de Sant Maurici, 1 25597 Espot (Lleida) Tel. +34 973 62 40 40 Stage 7 (09/09) SALARDÚ Hotel Deth Pais Plaça Pica, 10 25598 Salardú (Lleida) Tel. +34 973 64 58 36 Hotel Montromies Carrer Major, 2 25598 Salardú (Lleida) Tel. +34 973 64 58 16

PSR2017 RUNNER’S LIVE TRACKING It will be possible to live track the runners and follow general race evolution at:

RESULTS After every stage it will be possible to check both stage and general results at:

STAGE PHOTO/VIDEO After every day’s dinner, some of the official photos as well as that journey’s video. All this content will be available the same day (or the day after) at our website and social media @pyrstagerun to share with whoever you want. Remember to tag us on the photos/videos you share in your social media, and please use the race hashtags #PSR2017 i #RunPyrenees! We all will make a bigger PSR!

FOOD/LIQUID STATIONS PSR2017 relies on sports nutrition professionals as Vitampleni (with Àstrid Barqué on ther frontside) and Vitamsport brand to design and plan its Food/Liquid stations. Therefore, this planification comprehends different types of food based on sports efficiency and runners’ health. The food/liquid station composition will depend on the effort done but also the one you’re immediatly going to do. Some of that food will be: fruit (melon, banana, orange,…), roasted nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts,…), quince, sandwiches, chocolate, vegetable drinks, isotonic drink, water and vegetable broth among others.

On Finish Line’s food/liquid station you’ll also find pasta and rice with vegetables, tuna, tomato, corn,…

MANDATORY EQUIPMENT We’ll check every day before start line the following mandatory equipment: Each runner must carry: -Trail running shoes with a tread that is suitable for running in alpine terrain -Technical gear for protection from the elements (water-proof and warm), with the basic rule that you will see no skin and enough to face bad weather conditions that may suddenly appear in high mountain terrain -Drinking containers and/or hydration packs with a minimum capacity of 1.5L (full at the start line) -Warm gloves, bandana and warm hat -Cup to get drinks at food-stations (due to ecoresponsibility no cups will be provided at food-stations for liquids) -Rescue blanket -Food reserve enough (minimum 500 calories at the start of each stage) in order to face unforeseen conditions and taking into account that the race takes place in conditions of semi-authonomy -Whistle (the bag’s whistle is valid if it works correctly) -Personal ID

Each team must carry: -GPS device with the track of the stage and a fully charged battery at the start of each stage -A mobile phone with charged battery at the start of each stage and switched on during the stage -First-aid kit to cure small injuries (adhesive elastic band enable making a bandage or a strapping) -Compass -Roadmap with the stage route and profile (the organization will hand this material to the runners at the check in) -Device for live tracking given by the organization And here the recommended but not mandatory equipment: -Trekking poles -Water purification tablets -SPOT or another system of satellite localization -Headlamp in good working condition with fully charged batteries (and spare batteries) -Sunscreen, sunglasses, and anti-chafing cream -Cash

MARKING/GPS/TRACKS You must follow all the track with your GPS device, which is mandatory at least for one of the team members. The route mainly follows GR11 which is marked with the long distance foot-paths classic red and white lines. In addition to this, the path will be marked with ribbons (whites with red “TUGA� text) and flags, more frequently in areas where the marks are

difficult to follow or where the race route deviates from the GR11. PSR organization will send you the tracks by e-mail. Participants are responsible for downloading the track, loading it to the GPS device and checking its proper functioning. Participants are also responsible for maintenance and battery charge of the GPS before each stage of the PSR 2017. It will be mandatory for each team to carry the roadmap for each stage (provided by the organization) and a compass to orientate and understand the map. Each day the organization will notify during the briefing the sections where the race route deviates from the GR11, in order to pay greater attention in these sections.

REGULATIONS We recommend you to read the PSR2017 Regulations you accepted at the moment of the registration again and ask the Organization for any doubt you may have:



Organització de les Nacions Unides la Ciència i la Cultura

Vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror, declarat Paisatge Cultural del Patrimoni Mundial per la UNESCO des de 2004






PROGRAM PSR2017 SATURDAY 02/09 PSR2017 welcome journey at Ribes de Freser. 4.00PM, Teatre Municipal (Ribes de Freser) Meeting point, check-in and bibs delivery 7.00PM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) PSR2017 presentation Conference about running efficiency and how to avoid injuries by Albert Carrère, from Clínica del Corredor Briefing Stage 1 PSR2017 8.30PM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Dinner

SUNDAY 03/09 The begining of PSR2017, with a first stage (Ribes de FreserQueralbs) which is NOT a warm up for the rest of the race! Its 34,3K, 2180M+ and 1890M- across Capçaleres del Ter i Freser Natural Park confirm it. You’ll climb Balandrau Peak (2585M), where you’ll have a great panoramic view. After a fast but intensive downhill to Coma de Vaca beautiful Mountain Hut, you’ll face to Núria by the impressive Camí d’Enginyers. Last downhill, from Núria to Queralbs by Camí Vell de Núria will lead the way to the end of this firt stage. Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

6.00AM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Breakfast 7.30AM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) End of the stage bag delivery 8.00AM, Plaça del Mercat (Ribes de Freser) Start of Stage 1 PSR2017 RIBES DE FRESER PLAÇA DEL MERCAT


4.30PM, Plaça de l’Ajuntament (Queralbs) Closing Stage 1 PSR2017 finish line The way back to Ribes de Freser from Queralbs will be done by Cremallera train. Organization will give you the tickets for this transfer. 7.00PM, Hotel San Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Conference about sports nutrition by Àstrid Barqué. She and her professional team, through Vitamsport brand, have designed PSR2017 food/liquid stations. 8.00PM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Dinner 8.30PM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Podiums Stage 1 PSR2017 Briefing Stage 2 PSR2017 Journey’s photo/video screening

MONDAY 04/09 PSR2017 secons stage journey will begin by taking the Cremallera train again. Now from Ribes de Freser to Queralbs, end of Stage 1, in order to take PSR2017 Stage 2 Start Line. This one will take us to Cerdanya’s capital, Puigcerdà, by a 99% GR11 path during the 37,4K, 1700M+ and 1700Mfrom Queralbs to it. We won’t go higher than 2000M and will be a “more runnable” stage, but it won’t be less impressive. We’ll go through Font de l’Home Mort, Collet de les Barraques, the beautiful little town of Dòrria or Coll de la Creu de Meians, ending with a long and funny downhill from

Coll Marcer (26,2K) to Vilallobent contemplating the Plana de la Cerdanya, before going up to Puigcerdà. Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

6.00AM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Breakfast 7.30AM, Hotel Sant Antoni (Ribes de Freser) Luggage delivery 7.45AM, Cremallera Station Ribes-Vila (Ribes de Freser) Train leaves from Ribes at 7.56AM and arrives to Queralbs at 8.10AM RIBES DE FRESER



8.30AM, Plaça de l’Ajuntament (Queralbs) Start of Stage 2 PSR2017





6.00PM, Plaça de Santa Maria (Puigcerdà) Closing Stage 2 PSR2017 finish line


7.30PM, Campus Cerdanya (Puigcerdà) Dinner 20.30h, Campus Cerdanya (Puigcerdà) Podiums Stage 2 PSR2017 Briefing Stage 3 PSR2017 Journey’s photo/video screening

TUESDAY 05/09 PSR2017 third journey. This stage will take us to Encamp, in the neighboring country of Andorra. PSR longest stage (amb 47,5K, 2600M+ and 2560M-) has two well-differentiated parts. The first one from Puigcerdà to Malniu Mountain Hut (17,4K), a non-technical long uphill. And a second one surpassing Portella d’Engorgs (2696M) and Coll de l’Illa (the entrance to Andorra at 2543M) with a more technical and high altitude path. The long downhill from 31K to Encamp by the astonishing Vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror (UNESCO World Heritage) will close a hard-to-forget stage. Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

5.00AM, Campus Cerdanya (Puigcerdà) Breakfast 6.00AM, Campus Cerdanya (Puigcerdà) Luggage delivery 7.00AM, Campus Cerdanya (Puigcerdà) Start of Stage 2 PSR2017 from the same Campus Cerdanya 6.30PM, Complex Esportiu (Encamp, AND) Closing Stage 3 PSR2017 finish line


8.30PM, Sala de Congressos (Encamp, AND) Podiums Stage 3 PSR2017 Briefing Stage 4 PSR2017 Journey’s photo/ video screening



WEDNESDAY 06/09 The forth and 100% andorran stage is the ADVENTURE STAGE. Why? Because it won’t have race marks. You will only be able to follow the track with your GPS device, the roadmaps given in first day check-in and GR11 own marks, which are easily visible all along the path (this is a 100% GR11 stage). This is PSR2017’s shortest stage, counting 20K, but with huge 1900M+ and 1700M-, and will take us from Encamp to Arinsal surpassing Coll d’Ordino and Coll de Les Cases (both above 1900M). Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

7.00AM, Hotel París (Encamp, AND) Breakfast 8.15AM, Hotel París (Encamp, AND) Luggage delivery 9.00AM, Complex Esportiu (Encamp, AND) Start of Stage 4 PSR2017 3.00PM, Vallnord Park Zone (Arinsal, AND) Closing Stage 4 PSR2017 finish line




7.00PM, Centre d'Interpretació del Comapedrosa -CIC(Arinsal, AND) Dinner


8.30PM, Centre d'Interpretació del Comapedrosa (Arinsal, AND) Podiums Stage 4 PSR2017 Briefing Stage 5 PSR2017 Journey’s photo/video screening

THURSDAY 07/09 PSR2017 fifth stage is one the most diverse stages, with a technical and high-altitude fisrt part and a “more runnable” and not that technical second one. Along its 41,5K, 2720M+ and 3065M-, we’ll leave Andorra through Valls del Comapedrosa Natural Park and its historical Comapedrosa Mountain Hut and also climbing the PSR ceiling (Portella de Baiau, at 2756M on 7,6K). A downhill with a hard begining followed by Estany and Pla de Baiau and Josep Maria Montfort Mountain Hut will lead us to Vallferrera Mountain Hut’s park zone (15K). There starts the second part going on with an easiest downhill. Once in Àreu, a Vertical KM to Coll de Tudela (2289M) will make you pray for the last and long downhill to Tavascan (always on GR11 path) to end this journey having fun! Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

6.00AM, Hotel Xalet Besolí (Arinsal, AND) Breakfast 7.30AM, Hotel Xalet Besolí (Arinsal, AND) Luggage delivery 8.00AM, Pàrking Vallnord (Arinsal, AND) Start of Stage 5 PSR2017 6.00PM, Zona municipal (Tavascan) Closing Stage 5 PSR2017 finish line



7.30PM, Hotel Llacs de Cardós (Tavascan) Dinner 8.30PM, Hotel Llacs de Cardós (Tavascan) Podiums Stage 5 PSR2017 Briefing Stage 6 PSR2017 Journey’s photo/video screening

FRIDAY 08/09 Sixth PSR2017’s stage goes 100% along GR11, crossing the last part of Pallars Sobirà region to start to face Vall d’Aran, during its 34,2K, 2530M+ and 2330M-. First 13K, climbing Coll de Jou by a foresty and non-technical path and the downhill to the little village of Estaón, will lead us to a vertical KM that -in just 4,3K- will take us from 1265M to 2228M of Coll de la Serra Plana. What follows from the Col, is PSR2017’s steepest downhill (but non technical): we’’l descent more than 1300M in less than 7K, to Guingueta d’Àneu’s 920M (24K of the stage), going through Dorve, a ruined little village with a beautiful romanic church already in Valls d’Àneu zone. After Guingueta d’Àneu’s food/liquid station, a last uphill through Jou and Estaís will take us to the end of the stage in Espot (main entrance to Aigüestortes i Estanys de Sant Maurici National Park). Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

6.00AM, Hotel Llacs de Cardós (Tavascan) Breakfast 7.30AM, Hotel Llacs de Cardós (Tavascan) Luggage delivery 8.00AM, Zona municipal (Tavascan) Start of Stage 6 PSR2017 5.00PM, Plaça CAP d’Espot (Espot) Closing Stage 6 PSR2017 finish line ESPOT PLAÇA CAP D’ESPOT

7.30PM, Hotel Saurat (Espot) Dinner 8.30PM, Hotel Saurat (Espot) Podiums Stage 6 PSR2017 Briefing Stage 7 PSR2017 Journey’s photo/video screening

SATURDAY 09/09 Seventh and last stage of PSR2017. We’ll reach the end of this adventure going along the periferal zone of Aigüestortes i Estanys de Sant Maurici National Park, crossing from Pallars Sobirà region to Vall d’Aran during the stage’s 33K, 2160M+ and 2220M-. We’ll leave Espot facing a 1300M uphill to Pinetó Peak (2648M) in 9,2K through a non technical terrain, really different of the following 9,3K. We get into the National Park, finding a more technical and spectacular terrain. Coll de Basiero (2737M) and Coll de l’Estany Glaçat (2586M) will be the highest points of this part, which will go through lakes, giant granite blocks, or the beautiful Mataró Mountain Hut, until Saboredo Mountain Hut, in Vall de Ruda zone. After the food/liquid station we’ll continue the descent, already in Vall d’Aran, to find the foresty path that will take us to Salardú, end of stage… and also PSR2017 end! Here you have all details:


Terreno Terreny

Forestry or tarmac road Pista o carretera

Hiking trail Camino Camí

Single trail Sendero Corriol

Technical and slow trail Camino técnico y lento Camí tècnic i lent

Map Key

Leyenda Llegenda

Start/Finish line Salida/Meta Sortida/Arribada


Control de paso Control de pas

Food/Liquid station

Avituallamiento sólido/líquido Avituallament sòlid/líquid

5.30AM, Hotel Saurat / Hotel Roya (Espot) Breakfast 7.00AM, Hotel Saurat (Espot) Luggage delivery 7.30AM, Plaça CAP d’Espot (Espot) Start of Stage 7 PSR2017 5.10PM, Zona Esportiva (Salardú) Closing Stage 7 PSR2017 finish line SALARDÚ



8.30PM, Zona Esportiva (Salardú) Dinner 9.30PM, Zona Esportiva (Salardú) Podiums Stage 7 PSR2017 Podiums PSR2017 Journey’s photo/video screening Closing PSR2017


SUNDAY 10/09 Runners who booked return ticket to Ribes de Freser, Barcelona or El Prat Airport (Barcelona) bus service, must be on time at the exact place that the organization will inform the day before. 7.30AM, Hotel Deth País / Hotel Montromies (Salardú) Breakfast 9.00AM, Zona Esportiva (Salardú) Bus leaving to Ribes de Freser/Barcelona/El Prat Airport (Barcelona)


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TUGA ACTIVE WEAR is our main sponsor, our travel mate from the R first minute. They fully believe and take part in this project from the moment they knew it. It’s really important for us to have the unconditional support of a reference brand in the custom WEAR ACTIVE technical sports clothing market.


BVSPORT, french reference brand creating progressive compression materials and owner of the well-known BOOSTER sleeves, has also chosen to support PSR from its first edition through its spanish division.


The PIRINEUS insitutional program, supports the PSR on its sport division.


Theses are PSR2017 partners that support PSR and bring it the possibility to fulfill any needs the runners may have before, during or after the race


Organització de les Nacions Unides la Ciència i la Cultura

Vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror, declarat Paisatge Cultural del Patrimoni Mundial per la UNESCO des de 2004

Town Hall’s support as well as other tourism development institution’s and Natural Parks managers’ is also key in PSR2017 existance.

If you want to live a new experience, going along the most incredible spots of the Pyrenees, through unique villages, know people and live a great adventure, make no mistake. The PSR is your race!

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