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錄 目






Group Profile



Brand Speciality








Chen, Jun-Liang


Tai, Sheng-I



Extreme service•Extreme service Extreme service•Extreme service

從華西街到台北 101• 美食版圖 • 三店特色



空中龍宮 • 堅持品質 • 講究器皿 • 極致服務


28 34

Space Features Extreme service•Extreme service Extreme service•Extreme service


Our Consultants Lin, Bing-Chang•Gi, Yoshiyuki

阿章師 • 魏喜之 米村倉泰 • 和上昌實


Space Characteristics Extreme service•Extreme service Extreme service•Extreme service

十大菜色 • 餐飲項目


Introduction To Innovation Extreme service•Extreme service Extreme service•Extreme service

大廳 • 包廂 • 宴會廳 • 酒櫃 • 景觀特色


Brand Story

Yonemura Masayasu•Kawakami, Masami


Social Feedback


子 引

引 子 Introduc tion

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高島嶼建築、最高環境友善綠建築。其多節式的 外觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中



廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮

101 下過如此的 解。出生於台灣美食之都台南的周文保董事長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅 持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的 光 」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙 卻又充滿霸氣,一直以來,堅持用極致的服務態 度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北萬華區碼頭邊的路燈 下,灰灰暗暗的小麵攤子,是此刻頂鮮 101 的「源」,周文保背著




Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or among environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique shape of the building with many squares piled on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wen-pao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101 has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with

05 ̶


Group Profile

簡介 集團

集 團 簡 介 G r o up P r o f i l e

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004

Taipei 101, the construction of which

年 完 工 啟 用。為世界最 高島 嶼 建

started in 1999, was completed in

築、最 高 環 境 友 善 綠 建 築。其 多

2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or


財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」

among environmentally friendly green buildings. The

廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有

on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese


unique shape of the building with many squares piled

看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮 101 下過如此

traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky,



長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅持」。 他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建

立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中 的光

」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文



致的服務態度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一 位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北

wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurant s. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wenpao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his


veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not


of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of

樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高

beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101

, 扛

built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation

灣,寫台灣 美食不斷成長的新故事!台北 101 大

the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to


has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of

「源」, 周文保背著 此刻頂鮮 101 的


觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰 的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中 廳與世界最高中式海鮮

廳。 「來台灣,如果沒

有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體 豪邁的替頂鮮 101 下過如此的



人素有的「勤奮」與「堅持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的

光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與 團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的光


的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙



ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with the determination to raise the reputation of his family, worked at this place, carrying the name of the restaurant on his shoulders. Here, a success story in Taiwan, The Island of Gourmet, was just about to begin….

07 ̶


Brand Speciality



|頂鮮餐廳| 台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。


Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among


buildings constructed in island regions, or among


shape of the building with many squares piled on top

攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最

environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique

灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」

of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional


advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the


廳。 「來台

國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮 101 下過如此的



鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人

的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的光 」。

idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding

品 牌 特 色 B r a n d S p e c ia li t y

|晶宴會館| 台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。


Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among


buildings constructed in island regions, or among


shape of the building with many squares piled on top

攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最

environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique

灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」

of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional


advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the


廳。 「來台

國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮 101 下過如此的



鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人

的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的光 」。

idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding

09 ̶



序 董事長

董 事 長 序 Prefaces

讀書的時 候、我常望著那一池池的鹽滷,夕陽 西下時,大人帶著斗笠,用擔子扛著鹽, 的 在田埂中走著,那畫面倒影 在田中的景象,常 常美的讓我發呆,父親 就是 樣日出而作、日 落而息的含辛茹苦,扛著 一家九口的生計,而 我、一點兒無法想像,未來我也要和他們一樣 扛著鹽,一輩子 的在田裏工作著!

I was brought up in a very different environment from

十 四 歲 那 年、我 決 定 放 棄 讀 書,也 減 輕 父 親 的負擔,離 開 家,往 城 裏去,我 選 擇了到 當 時 台南最有名、生意也最好的鑽石樓當徒工,徒 工 是 什 麼 概 念?現 在 的 孩子已 無 法 想 像,簡 單說,就 是 別人不 做 的,我 都 得 做,每天與 廚 …為伍!可是我卻在那忙 餘,菜渣、污水、

little child.

what many other kids were brought up in. Whereas others let water flow to rice fields, my father taught me to let seawater flow to our “field”. Whereas their fields turned green with ears of rice, our “field” turned white, producing salt. This might be one of the reasons why I have often found myself being different from others in ways of thinking, ever since I was a

When I was a student, I would often spend my time enjoying the exquisite view of salt pans at dusk; you could see some adults in bamboo hats, carrying salt on poles on their shoulders, walking along

錄、辛苦的環境中,看到比鹽田還美的未來與 希望。

the footpaths among the salt pans; you could even

從此我愛上了 飲 個行業,二十二歲退伍時 我想,如果我要在 行業中發展,未來我要如 何超越現在 些行業裏的人?

day after day from sunrise until sunset, in order to

「去日本」,千年之前,日本人也到 們大唐來 學習的呀! 理念是堅持讓我決定、往比我們 更先進的地方去學習。父親是反對的,他是覺 得我不安份?還是捨不得我走遠門?年少輕狂 的我,也顧不得他的想法,毅然決然的遠赴東 瀛,一去五年。

At the age of 14, I gave up school and moved out to

see the beautiful scenery upside down, reflected on the water of the salt pans. My father worked very hard support his family. On the other hand, I could never imagine myself working in the salt pans in the future.

the city so that I could reduce financial burden on my parents, and I started to work as an apprentice at Diamond Pavilion, the most famous restaurant in Tainan. Young people today cannot imagine what it was like to work as an apprentice in those days: in short, apprentices did things that others would not do; they spent most of their time with kitchen waste, food residue, sewage, and garbage! Even in such harsh conditions, I would always look to the “future”

頂鮮 101 董事長

and “hope”, which appeared to me even brighter than the salt pans. Since then, I have been attracted to food industry, and at the age of 22, when I finished my military service, I came to


Li, Jih-tung






Suppose Taiwan is on a gourmet map surrounded on all sides by the sea, then we will see that it should form a capital of gourmet food which has adsorbed all kinds of variety of cuisine. Here you can find outstandingly unique deliciousness, owing to Taiwan’s geographic advantage, including the Central Mountains producing fine vegetables and the Pacific Ocean providing with fresh seafood. Those abundant sources of fresh food material create attractive diversity along with genuine local dishes. Here we can enjoy high quality food material as well as skillful work of chefs, which are not in the least inferior to cuisines of various countries in the world.Food has a universal value. One’s sense of taste is usually cultivated by the familiar flavor of his hometown, or by a sense of yearning for his home, where his heart and soul belong. The flavor and the smell of one’s home

如果台灣是一張四面向海的美食 地圖,那麼 座海洋 之島,一定有著海 納百川的各色菜系而形成獨一無二 自成格局的味 道之都。生長在 裡能找到無可取代的 好風味,因為台灣 地理環境優 越,擁 有中央山脈完整 山系的質地,也是 太平洋完 全海質的 海鮮廚房。樂山 樂海、山鮮 海富的美味無盡 藏,造 就多樣 性 魅力與 地 道小吃特色,與世界大菜等量齊觀,更是享美味、品好 料的絶佳手藝。而以食為天性的普世價值,味 覺感質 來自對 家鄉熟 悉的味感,是 靈魂的歸屬,是幸福的體 現,思郷 病是 對 故 鄉思香最美的召喚,以食感惜 情的 心境,對話生活的飲食人文,豐富多元的地方特色,美 食,不啻是「食」的本身, 「美」更是箇中道理,不容小 的料理藝術在習慣飲食的背後人文與人生之間的意 義更值得我們 味,


Tai, Sheng-i

名 人 推 薦 Re c o mm e n d

Suppose Taiwan is on a gourmet map surrounded on all sides by the sea, then we will see that it should form a capital of gourmet food which has adsorbed all kinds of variety of cuisine. Here you can find outstandingly unique deliciousness, owing to Taiwan’s geographic advantage, including the Central Mountains producing fine vegetables and the Pacific Ocean providing with fresh seafood. Those abundant sources of fresh food material create attractive diversity along with genuine local dishes. Here we can enjoy high quality food material as well as skillful work of chefs, which are not in the least inferior to cuisines of various countries in the world.Food has a universal value. One’s sense of taste is usually cultivated by the familiar flavor of his hometown, or by a sense of yearning for his home, where his heart and soul belong. The flavor and the smell of one’s home

如果台灣是一張四面向海的美食 地圖,那麼 座海洋 之島,一定有著海 納百川的各色菜系而形成獨一無二 自成格局的味 道之都。生長在 裡能找到無可取代的 好風味,因為台灣 地理環境優 越,擁 有中央山脈完整 山系的質地,也是 太平洋完 全海質的 海鮮廚房。樂山 樂海、山鮮 海富的美味無盡 藏,造 就多樣 性 魅力與 地 道小吃特色,與世界大菜等量齊觀,更是享美味、品好 料的絶佳手藝。而以食為天性的普世價值,味 覺感質 來自對 家鄉熟 悉的味感,是 靈魂的歸屬,是幸福的體 現,思郷 病是 對 故 鄉思香最美的召喚,以食感惜 情的 心境,對話生活的飲食人文,豐富多元的地方特色,美 食,不啻是「食」的本身, 「美」更是箇中道理,不容小 的料理藝術在習慣飲食的背後人文與人生之間的意 義更值得我們 味,



Chen, Jun-liang



Brand Story

故事 品牌

品 牌 故 事 Brand Stor y

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高島嶼建築、最高環境友善綠建築。其多節式的 外觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中



廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮

101 下過如此的 解。出生於台灣美食之都台南的周文保董事長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅 持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的 光 」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙 卻又充滿霸氣,一直以來,堅持用極致的服務態 度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北萬華區碼頭邊的路燈 下,灰灰暗暗的小麵攤子,是此刻頂鮮 101 的「源」,周文保背著




Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or among environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique shape of the building with many squares piled on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wen-pao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101 has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with

15 ̶


品 牌 故 事

Brand Stor y




品 牌 故 事

Brand Stor y




Int ro duc t ion

介紹 創新

創 新 介 紹 I n t r o d u c t i o n t o I nn ov a t i o n

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高島嶼建築、最高環境友善綠建築。其多節式的 外觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中



廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮

101 下過如此的 解。出生於台灣美食之都台南的周文保董事長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅 持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的 光 」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙 卻又充滿霸氣,一直以來,堅持用極致的服務態 度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北萬華區碼頭邊的路燈 下,灰灰暗暗的小麵攤子,是此刻頂鮮 101 的「源」,周文保背著




Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or among environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique shape of the building with many squares piled on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wen-pao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101 has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with

21 ̶


創 新 介 紹

I n t r o d u c t i o n t o I nn ov a t i o n




Cha rac ter ist ics

特色 空間

空 間 特 色 Space Charac teristics

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高島嶼建築、最高環境友善綠建築。其多節式的 外觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中



廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮

101 下過如此的 解。出生於台灣美食之都台南的周文保董事長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅 持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的 光 」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙 卻又充滿霸氣,一直以來,堅持用極致的服務態 度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北萬華區碼頭邊的路燈 下,灰灰暗暗的小麵攤子,是此刻頂鮮 101 的「源」,周文保背著




Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or among environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique shape of the building with many squares piled on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wen-pao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101 has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with

25 ̶


空 間 特 色

Space Charac teristics




空 間 特 色

Space Charac teristics




Space Features

料理 頂鮮

頂 鮮 料 理 Space Features

| 台南擔仔麵 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock. The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.

31 ̶


| 香酥鮮蝦捲併花枝 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 上湯鮮露蒸龍蝦 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 鮮露龍膽麻油盅 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 山藥鮭魚卵海膽 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup

鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

Space Features


頂 鮮 料 理

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 綠葉裹蒸粽飄香 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 蟹肉焗烤白菜膽 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

33 ̶


| 香酥鮮蝦捲併花枝 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 上湯鮮露蒸龍蝦 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 鮮露龍膽麻油盅 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 山藥鮭魚卵海膽 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup

鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

Space Features


頂 鮮 料 理

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 綠葉裹蒸粽飄香 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

| 蟹肉焗烤白菜膽 | King Crab Meat with Green Peas in Soup


鮮甜的帝王蟹肉, 羹於鮮美如雪的雞汁中, 名符其實的帝皇享宴。

A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.The fresh and sweet “king” crab with tasty and nutritious chicken soup is literally a royal-class banquet dish.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white, and chicken stock.A laskan king crab meat, green peas, egg white,

35 ̶


Our Consultants

介紹 團隊

團 隊 介 紹 O u r C o n s ul t a n t s

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高島嶼建築、最高環境友善綠建築。其多節式的 外觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中



廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮

101 下過如此的 解。出生於台灣美食之都台南的周文保董事長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅 持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的 光 」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙 卻又充滿霸氣,一直以來,堅持用極致的服務態 度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北萬華區碼頭邊的路燈 下,灰灰暗暗的小麵攤子,是此刻頂鮮 101 的「源」,周文保背著




Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or among environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique shape of the building with many squares piled on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wen-pao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101 has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with

37 ̶


日本義大利料理鐵人,京都義式料理研究會顧問,義大利 飲文化海外宣傳大使,為京都與義大利



,24 歲時

進入義大利料理學校學習。33 歲於京都首次改造傳統「町 家」成義大利

廳,43 歲成立京都義大利料理研究會,開

始推 廣義 大 利的「 Slow Food」慢 食

飲 文化,更以義式

料理 坐 上日本 料理 鐵 人首席。更以義式 料理 坐 上日本 料 理鐵人首席。

林炳彰 Lin, Bing-Chang

An Iron Chef of Italian cuisine in Japan. The consultant of Kyoto Italian Food Society. Due to his achievement in promoting Italian food in Japan, he was granted Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; he has been actively working as an important mediator between Kyoto and Italy.Born in a family of doctors, he once made his way as a clinical nutrition manager; however he shifted to culinary arts, and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and

日本義大利料理鐵人,京都義式料理研究會顧問,義大利 飲文化海外宣傳大使,為京都與義大利



,24 歲時

進入義大利料理學校學習。33 歲於京都首次改造傳統「町 家」成義大利

廳,43 歲成立京都義大利料理研究會,開

始推 廣義 大 利的「 Slow Food」慢 食

飲 文化,更以義式

料理 坐 上日本 料理 鐵 人首席。更以義式 料理 坐 上日本 料 理鐵人首席。

河上昌實 Kawakami, Masami

An Iron Chef of Italian cuisine in Japan. The consultant of Kyoto Italian Food Society. Due to his achievement in promoting Italian food in Japan, he was granted Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; he has been actively working as an important mediator between Kyoto and Italy.Born in a family of doctors, he once made his way as a clinical nutrition manager; however he shifted to culinary arts, and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and

團 隊 介 紹


O u r C o n s ul t a n t s




,24 歲時

進入義大利料理學校學習。33 歲於京都首次改造傳統「町 家」成義大利

廳,43 歲成立京都義大利料理研究會,開

始推 廣義 大 利的「 Slow Food」慢 食

飲 文化,更以義式

料理 坐 上日本 料理 鐵 人首席。更以義式 料理 坐 上日本 料 理鐵人首席。

魏禧之 Gi, Yoshiyuki

An Iron Chef of Italian cuisine in Japan. The consultant of Kyoto Italian Food Society. Due to his achievement in promoting Italian food in Japan, he was granted Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; he has been actively working as an important mediator between Kyoto and Italy.Born in a family of doctors, he once made his way as a clinical nutrition manager; however he shifted to culinary arts, and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and

日本義大利料理鐵人,京都義式料理研究會顧問,義大利 飲文化海外宣傳大使,為京都與義大利



,24 歲時

進入義大利料理學校學習。33 歲於京都首次改造傳統「町 家」成義大利

廳,43 歲成立京都義大利料理研究會,開

始推 廣義 大 利的「 Slow Food」慢 食

飲 文化,更以義式

料理 坐 上日本 料理 鐵 人首席。更以義式 料理 坐 上日本 料 理鐵人首席。

米村昌泰 Yonemura Masayasu

An Iron Chef of Italian cuisine in Japan. The consultant of Kyoto Italian Food Society. Due to his achievement in promoting Italian food in Japan, he was granted Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; he has been actively working as an important mediator between Kyoto and Italy.Born in a family of doctors, he once made his way as a clinical nutrition manager; however he shifted to culinary arts, and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and entered an Italian culinary school at the age of 24. and

39 ̶


S o cial Feedback

回饋 社會

社 會 回 饋 S o c ia l F e e d b a c k

台北 101 大樓,建於 1999 年,2004 年完工啟用。為世界最高島嶼建築、最高環境友善綠建築。其多節式的 外觀,象徵著中國傳統,發財、升官、節節攀升頂峰的吉祥意象。 「頂鮮 101」為世界占地最廣的空中



廳。 「來台灣,如果沒有來過頂鮮 101,等於沒有看透台灣!」國際媒體豪邁的替頂鮮

101 下過如此的 解。出生於台灣美食之都台南的周文保董事長,血液中充滿了台南人素有的「勤奮」與「堅 持」。他說:「頂鮮 101 的光亮不是建立在財富,而是建立在個人的勇氣與團隊的智慧,方得有在雲頂中的 光 」。在周文保的帶領下,頂鮮 101 的企業文化包含了謙 卻又充滿霸氣,一直以來,堅持用極致的服務態 度與頂級的海鮮料理,隨時滿足每一位客人的味蕾為其經營的宗旨。半世紀前,於台北萬華區碼頭邊的路燈 下,灰灰暗暗的小麵攤子,是此刻頂鮮 101 的「源」,周文保背著




Taipei 101, the construction of which started in 1999, was completed in 2004. It is the tallest among buildings constructed in island regions, or among environmentally friendly green buildings. The unique shape of the building with many squares piled on top of one another has its origin in the Chinese traditional idea of regarding the figure as lucky, wealthy and advancing.Ding Xian 101 prides itself on being the largest among skyscraper restaurants, as well as being the highest among Chinese seafood restaurants. “A visit to Taiwan is not complete without a visit to Ding Xian 101!” remarked some overseas media.Born in Tainan, which is called the Gourmet City of Taiwan, Chairman Chou, Wen-pao has diligence and persistence, known as Tainan people’s characteristics, throbbing ceaselessly in his veins. He says “The brilliance of Ding Xian 101 is not built on wealth; rather, it is built on the foundation of the courage of the individuals and the wisdom of the team; because of those, Ding Xian 101 is able to beam out a light as if above the clouds”Ding Xian 101 has always stuck to the motto “Modest, yet full of ambition”; under the leadership of Chairman Chou, they have tried their best to provide every single customer with scrupulous and considerate service as well as the choicest seafood since the establishment up until now.It all started with a small noodle stall under a streetlight near a wharf in Wanhua, Taipei. Chou, Wen-pao, who left his hometown with

43 ̶



Issuer|Li, Jih-tung


Project Leader・Chief Writer|Louis Liang


Chief Editor| Stella Hu


Branding Strategy| Chen, Jun-liang


Taiwan Culinary History Writing|Louis Liang


Interview・Text Writing| Chelsa Pan


Executive Consultant|Randy Chen


Proofreading|Wang, Chia-hsin


English Translation・Proofreading|Theresa Lin・Harumi Hirano


Japanese Translation・Proofreading|Harumi Hirano


Layout Planning|FREEiMAGE DESIGN


Visual Design|Wan, Xiang-Xin


Photographer| Yu, Sung-hun; Li, Cheng-yang; Shen, Sung-ching; Chou, Chen-ho; Chang, Hsin-chiu; Yun, Ssu-ying; Cheng, Ding


Issue Company|Dingxian101 CO Taiwan Inc. 發行者|頂鮮 101 股份有限公司

Address| 86F, No.7, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei 110,

地址|台北市信義區信義路五段 7 號 86 樓

Taiwan (R.O.C.)






Publisher| Share Dishes Corp.

地址|新北市新店區中正路 503-5 號 4 樓

Address|4F. No.503-5, Zhongzheng Rd., Xindian Dist.,

出版日期|2020 年

初版一刷 定價|NT$

New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Publication Date|2020 年

1st Edition 1st print 元





All rights reserved


Tainan Tan-tsu Mien Taipei

台北市萬華區華西街 31 號|+886-2-23208899

No.31, Huaxi St., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-2-23208899


Tainan Tan-tsu Mien Taichung

台中市南屯區大墩路 676 號( 公益路口 )|+886-4-23208899

No.676, Dadun Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 40861, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-4-23208899


Taipei 101 Ding Xian Manila


City of Dreams Manila, Aseana Ave. corner Roxas Blvd., Brgy. Tambo, Paranaque City 1701, Philippines +63-917-322-3101

高雄|台南擔仔麵 高雄市苓雅區光華一路 249 號|+886-7-2296899

Tainan Tan-tsu Mien Kaohsiung No.249, Guanghua 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-7-2296899

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