Options Sheffield Spring 2023

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A guide to care and independent living Sheffield OPTIONS Spring 2023 NHS continuing healthcare Leaving hospital What’s next? Healthcare services Choosing the right one Who’s eligible? SOCIAL CARE tips 10
This guide is intended to help you, your carer and your relatives understand how your local health services can help you after discharge from hospital. Also information to help you to live independently or access support and care services in your area. Welcome and introduction Contents Sheffield City Council - Where to get support 4-7 NHS continuing healthcare............................................................................................ 12-15 Personal budgets and direct payments ......................................................................... 16-19 NHS funded nursing care 19 Paying for your own care (self-funding) ....................................................................... 20-21 Help at home from a carer ............................................................................................ 22-25 Age UK Sheffield – Whether you need information, advice, someone to speak up for you, or high quality services, just ask us for help ................................................... 28-29 OCTAGON DESIGN & MARKETING LTD Sheffield Supporting people to make positive changes ................................................................... 11 The Care Quality Commission Social Care top tips 8 Help protect yourself against pneumonia ........................................................................... 9 To view this guide online as an interactive ebook visit: www.regionalcare.co.uk/options/sheffield/spring2023 Read online South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Where to get support

As you get older, or if you’ve had an illness or operation, you may find that you’re struggling with some of the daily tasks you used to do easily – like dressing, washing or getting out and about. This guide has lots of great advice on the support that’s available in Sheffield to help you stay healthy, and to live independently at home. And if you need a little extra help while you get better, or long term support, there’s advice on other options like moving to be nearer a relative, living in sheltered accommodation or extra care housing, and living in a care home.

Sheffield Directory

The first place to look is www.sheffielddirectory. org.uk. This is a website full of really useful information about services, groups and activities in Sheffield.

It’s the best source of advice on what you can do yourself, and how to get help from your community. And you’ll find many local services which aim to keep you independent, which anyone can access at any time, without the need for any type of assessment.

We’ve included some of the most popular solutions below – but you’ll find many more options in Sheffield Directory: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk.

Keeping healthy and well

If you’re looking to improve your health and


It can make a big difference to how you feel when you have a busy social life and stay active.

there’s something in Sheffield for you.

Local and national NHS websites give advice you can follow to help you:

• Rest and sleep better at night

• Eat a balanced diet, with lots of fruit and vegetables

• Be more active – safe exercise to keep you physically and mentally healthy.

To get started check out the NHS Choices website: www.nhs.uk, or find details of local health services and advice: www.southyorkshire.icb.nhs.uk.

Other local services to consider:

Get help to stop smoking: www.yorkshiresmokefree. nhs.uk. Call 0800 612 0011 (free from landlines), 0330 660 1166 (free from most mobiles).

Find out about the Live Lighter programme –aimed at helping you keep a healthy weight. www.livelightersheffield.com. Call (0114) 270 2043.

Get support to reduce your drinking from START (the Sheffield Treatment and Recovery Team: https://shsc.nhs.uk/services. Call (0114) 305 0500.

Get advice on coping with low mood, depression, anxiety and stress from the IAPT Team (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies): www.iaptsheffield. shsc.nhs.uk. Call (0114) 226 4380.

Sheffield Directory also has details of all the groups and services to help reduce loneliness and feeling isolated. Visit the website at: www.sheffielddirectory. org.uk.

Staying active and things to do

It can make a big difference to how you feel when you have a busy social life and stay active. Regular exercise is important, but you also stay active by visiting people, taking part in your community or volunteering.

Sheffield Directory lists hundreds of activities, classes and things to do: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk.

Editorial content supplied by: Sheffield City Council

A low-cost piece of equipment, or the help of a local group or service, can make all the difference.

Or get motivated to get moving at www.movemoresheffield.com – using their free app to keep you on track. Discover the wide variety of projects and causes you can support by volunteering. Visit the Volunteer Centre website: www.sheffieldvolunteercentre.org.uk or call them on (0114) 253 6649.

Getting out and about

Being able to get out and about means you can stay connected with friends and family, be independent and take part in your community and the city. Find tips to make travelling around Sheffield easier and cheaper: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk/transport. Get discounted travel from Travel South Yorkshire and help to plan your journeys: www.travelsouthyorkshire.com.

Learn about community transport help like the Shopper Bus Service, Community Car Scheme, Cityride Door-to-Door and the Mobility for Leisure Service. All available from Sheffield Community Transport: www.sheffieldct.co.uk. Call (0114) 276 6148.

Support in your home

Most of us want to live independently in our own home for as long as possible, but from time to time we may need some support and assistance.

A low-cost piece of equipment, or the help of a local group or service, can make all the difference.

How to get started…

To loan equipment to help make life easier contact the Community Equipment Service. Call (0114) 553 6449 or online www.medequip-uk.com/contact/rotherham. They have an online and printed independent living catalogue you can order.

Get peace of mind for you or someone you love from the City Wide Care Alarms Service. They can visit you at home to show how the equipment works – at no charge and no pressure to buy. The simple equipment makes it easy to raise the alarm if you fall or get into difficulty, and they can help with other problems like taking your medicines regularly. Full details: www.sheffield.gov.uk/carealarms. Call (0114) 242 0351.

Find help with cleaning and shopping, handypersons and gardeners: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk Find other trades like plumbers, carpenters and electricians that hold the government backed TrustMark from the website: www.trustmark.org.uk.

Make things easier for a bit by having your meals delivered. As well as a huge range of ready-meals available from your local supermarkets you can get delivered with your shopping, there are specialist companies that can deliver frozen meals:

• Oakhouse Foods. Web: www.oakhousefoods.co.uk. Call 0333 370 6700.

Editorial content supplied by: Sheffield City Council

This kind of help can make a real difference when getting better after an illness, a fall, or after an operation.

• Wiltshire Farm Foods. Web: www. wiltshirefarmfoods.com. Call 0800 077 3100. Or have a regular hot meal delivered to your home from Park Care Meals. Web: www.parkcaremeals. co.uk. Call (01709) 378 100.

Short term support in your home (also called reablement)

You may be referred to get short-term support to help you regain your independence at home from the Council’s Short Term Intervention Team (STIT), when you’re leaving hospital.

This kind of help can make a real difference when getting better after an illness, a fall, or after an operation.

The team will give you:

• information and advice about organisations near to you that can help you regain independence in your own home.

• the strength and ability to continue to live in your own home, like help with personal care (washing and getting dressed), preparing meals and medication.

• the confidence to live independently by providing the opportunity to talk through what you’re struggling with and, either learn new ways to do things or use equipment to support you.

• advice on how you can keep in touch with family and friends.

There are also other services and organisations that may be able to support and advise you if you think that this kind of support may help you to remain independent at home.

If you need long term support, the team will also talk to you about having an assessment of your needs. If you have eligible care and support needs we will help you to plan the support you need to live as independently as possible. This is called a Support Plan.

Unlike NHS health services, adult social care is not free. Most people pay for some or all of their support. If you need long term care and support, we’ll talk to you about your finances and work out what you can afford to pay towards the costs of your care and support, and what, if anything, we’ll contribute.

Your Support Plan can include equipment and services like home support, to help you to continue to live at home and regain your independence. The amount of support you need may reduce over time as you regain your ability to do things for yourself. We will work

with you to review the amount of support you need over time to stay independent in your home.

If you’re leaving hospital the ward staff will contact the First Contact Team. To contact the team direct visit the First Point Reception at Howden House in the city centre. Or call the team on (0114) 273 4908, or email asc.howdenhouse@sheffield.gov.uk.

Moving home

If you need more support than we can provide in your home, we will talk to you about your options.

Living closer to a relative or friend. The Sheffield Property Shop website explains how you can swap properties with another tenant – either to live closer to someone who help you or live in a more suitable home. Find out more: www.sheffieldpropertyshop. org.uk, call (0114) 293 0000. For options outside Sheffield try www.houseexchange.org.uk.

Medical priority rehousing. Our Health and Housing Team can help if you’re having problems moving around your home because of a health condition or disability. They can also help if you, or your carer, need to move closer, to make it easier for them to care for you.

You can apply for this support using the form on the council website: www.sheffield.gov.uk or call the team on (0114) 273 5522.

Sheltered housing. These housing schemes provide homes you can rent. You can be as independent as possible, while enjoying communal facilities like a laundry, kitchen, lounge and garden. Most schemes have a warden you can contact for help, and a link to the City Wide Care Alarms service for peace of mind. Often schemes arrange regular outings and activities. There are 30 schemes in Sheffield – for details visit: www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/housing/shelteredhousing or call (0114) 293 0000.

Extra care housing. These schemes are similar to sheltered housing, with yhomes you can buy with communal facilities, staff on site and support so you can live independently. For more details visit www.sheffield.gov.uk or call the First Contact Team on (0114) 273 4908.

Residential care. There are now lots of services and support that can help you to keep independent and delay having to move into a care home. We’ve described many of these services in this guide, but if there’s something else you need to help you stay in your home please do get in touch with our First Contact Team. Often they can tell you about new ways

6 Editorial content supplied by: Sheffield City Council

We won’t ask you to pay more towards the cost of your care than your financial assessment shows you can afford.

to solve your problems that mean you can maintain your independence.

If you need care and support that can only be provided in residential care you need to plan carefully how you will move into the care home, and how you will pay for the costs of your place in the home.

You’ll find details about all the homes in Sheffield on our directory: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk/ carehomes. Each home has details of the quality of the care they provide, their location and the types of care they provide.

Take time to decide where you will live. If possible visit a number of homes in the area. Ask each home about the daily routine, and the times that meals are served, bedtime and when relatives can visit you. Check when the residents get to talk to the management about the quality of care (usually called the resident’s committee), and when the home’s menu and activities are reviewed. You can get a useful checklist of how to help you compare different homes from our website: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk/carehomes. The checklist can help you to remember what questions to ask each home, to check the quality of their care and choose the home you want to live in.

Unlike NHS healthcare, residential care is not free. If you need help from Sheffield City Council to arrange or pay for your care we will talk to you about the

problems you are having. If we agree that you need residential or nursing care, we’ll talk to you about your finances. This is called a financial assessment.

Most people pay for some or all of their care and support in a home.

We’ll ask you about your income, including any benefits, pensions or earnings, and any savings or investments you have (often called your capital). We’ll use this information and national rules based on the Care Act 2014 to work out what you can afford to pay and what, if anything, we’ll contribute towards the cost of your care.

If you choose not to tell us about your finances, you will have to pay the total cost of your care.

If you have capital over £23,250 you must pay the total cost of your care. If you have capital of £14,250 to £23,250 your capital and income are used to work out what you will pay for your care. If your capital is less than £14,250 your income is used to work out what you will pay for your care.

We won’t ask you to pay more towards the cost of your care than your financial assessment shows you can afford.

We can provide more information and answer any questions you have during the financial assessment. You can also get more information from our guides. Visit the council website www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/ social-care/cost-of-care

It’s important you get good and impartial financial information and advice, so you have a better understanding of how your resources can be used more flexibly to fund a wider range of care options. The Money Helper service can provide free, impartial and independent financial information and advice about choosing the right care services and paying for the cost of care.

Visit www.moneyhelper.org.uk or call 0800 138 7777. You can also get lots of information and advice to help you manage your finances at www.sheffielddirectory. org.uk. However, choosing how to pay for your long-term care is a big decision. You should speak to a Regulated Financial Adviser before deciding which option is best for you. A Financial Adviser will be able to discuss how you can help make your money last and let you know about financial products specifically designed to help with paying care costs. There’s a list of Regulated Financial Advisers on the Financial Conduct Authority website: www.fca.org.uk.

7 Editorial content supplied by: Sheffield City Council

The Care Quality Commission is here to make sure health and adult social care services including hospitals, home and residential care as well as GPs in England provide people with safe, effective, high-quality care. We publish independent inspection reports and ratings about services – information you can use when you’re choosing care for yourself, or a loved one.

You can use our website to search for services you might be interested in by geographical area, or by specialism. For example, a care home that might offer specialist care for someone who has dementia. We also welcome your feedback on the care you have received – good or bad. We use this information to help inform our inspections and can alert authorities including local social services, if there are safeguarding concerns about care being provided.

You can visit our website at www.cqc.org.uk to find our inspection reports, or share an experience of care. You can also call us to share an experience of care on 03000 61 61 61. Here are some tips to help you choose your care.

Social care Top tips

1 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) registers all care homes and home care agencies. You can find out which ones support specific groups of people, such as people with a learning disability or those living with dementia.

2 CQC’s Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe always uses ‘The Mum Test’: is a care home safe, caring, effective, responsive to people’s needs and well-led? In other words, is it good enough for my Mum (or anyone else I love and care for)?


Look for care homes and home care agencies where the staff involve people who use services and their families and carers, and treat individuals with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect


Whether you are being cared for in your own home or in a residential setting, the staff looking after you need to be skilled, kind and supportive. They should also be capable and confident in dealing with your particular needs. You should always feel that their support is helping you to live the life you want to.

5 A care home will be a home for you or your loved one. Residents should be treated as individuals with their likes and dislikes taken into account. Think about whether a home is close enough to family, friends, and community facilities


Look at how well-led and managed a home is. What does it have in place to ensure that it delivers high quality care? Does it promote meaningful activity and connect the home with the community?


If you or a loved one needs help with day-today care, you can contact your local council’s social services department. They will ‘make an assessment of your needs’ and depending on circumstances, may be able to help you access financial help. For more advice visit Age UK’s website www.ageuk.org.uk/home-and-care.

7 If you would like to organise your care yourself, you can find a care worker or personal assistant through an agency Your local social services department should be able to provide details of approved agencies.

CQC’s ratings will identify services as: Outstanding H Good ● Requires improvement ● Inadequate

Safeguarding adults who receive social care is everybody’s business. If you are concerned about the safety of a loved one receiving care, contact the service provider in the first instance. You can also contact social services at your local council. If you feel a crime has been committed, contact the police.

You can share your safeguarding concerns with us on our website or contact our National Customer Services on 03000 616161.

Nor does

● This will help you make informed choices around your care. 9
10 The Care Quality Commission has not vetted the advertisers in this publication and accepts no liability for work done or goods supplied by any advertiser.
the Care Quality Commission endorse any of the products or services.

Help protect yourself against pneumonia

NHS South Yorkshire is encouraging people over 65 to take up the offer of a free pneumococcal vaccine (also known as the pneumonia vaccine) to help protect against serious and potentially fatal pneumococcal infections.

Pneumococcal infections are caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and can lead to pneumonia, blood poisoning (sepsis) and meningitis.

If you’re 65 or over, you should be offered a type of pneumococcal vaccine known as the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV). This one-off vaccination is very effective at protecting you against serious forms of pneumococcal infection.

Who is at risk of pneumococcal infection?

Anyone can get a pneumococcal infection but some people are at higher risk of serious illness, so it’s recommended they’re given the pneumococcal vaccination on the NHS.

These include:

• adults aged 65 or over

Pneumococcal vaccines do not contain any live organisms. They cannot cause the infections they protect against.

• children and adults with certain long-term health conditions, such as a serious heart or kidney condition

• babies

Side effects of the pneumococcal vaccine

Like most vaccines, the pneumococcal vaccine can sometimes cause mild side effects.

These include:

• a slightly raised temperature

• redness where the injection was given

• hardness or swelling where the injection was given

There are no serious side effects listed for the vaccine, apart from an extremely rare risk of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

Pneumococcal vaccines do not contain any live organisms. They cannot cause the infections they protect against.

Booster doses of pneumococcal vaccine

People aged 65 and over only need a single pneumococcal vaccination, it is not given annually like the flu jab. However, if your spleen does not work properly or you have a chronic kidney condition, you may need booster doses every 5 years. This is because your levels of antibodies against the infection decrease over time.

How do I get the vaccine?

If you are over 65 or under 65 and in one of the at-risk groups you should be contacted by your GP practice to arrange to have the vaccine. If you have not yet had the vaccine, or if you think you should have the booster please contact your practice.

Editorial content supplied by: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board


A direct service with a difference

Adswad a limited by guarantee, organisation and is registered with CQC to provide support for all vulnerable adults to live their lives as they choose within their own homes.

We have a staff team that will deliver services in accordance with Person Centre Plans, Support Practise Guidelines, Support Strategies and Risk Assessments.

The aims of the company, is to enable individuals (with support) to take more control over their lives, develop more skills and increase their independence.

The company prides itself on working to the outcomes of the Care Quality Commission Essential Standards when delivering services that promotes dignity / empowers human rights and aids independence to improve or to sustain a quality of life. Adswad will work with social services, families, guardians and service users with their own budgets in their best interest, to deliver person centred support services to meet the individual’s needs. We will support the service user to integrate within their own communities so equality is reached and staff would promote independent living skills. These skills depend on individual service users and could range from support within their own homes with personal care, home economic, paying bills, medication and anything that is identified within their assessment needs. We offer a meet and greet to assess what the client wants. Some services are to give clients opportunities to access leisure or social activities and a befriending service.

The staff team have enhanced CRB’s and are qualified workers with qualifications ranging from NVQ 2 to NVQ3 NVQ4 (RMA). Staff will have the on-going basic mandatory qualification and these will be up-dated as and when necessary.

One hourly rate for day / night or weekends time support, all bank holiday hours will be charged at double hourly rate

This service is registered and inspected by Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure a quality service is delivered and was last inspection was on 20/21/22 August 2018, the out come is listed on CQC web site.

The company registration number is 08008042

Tel: 0114 2467607 mobile: 07590 830616

E-mail: stevejen@talktalk.net

Recruiting staff starting at £10 rising to £11 per hour
Asda is our local relationships

Supporting people to make positive changes

SOAR is a community regeneration charity that provides services to improve a person’s health, well-being and employability.

Working in partnership with over 20 GP Surgeries and over 40 Community Partners, our social prescribing service is one of the largest in the city.

Our team consists of Social Prescribing Link Workers, Wellbeing Coaches, Welfare Coaches, Employment Coaches, Development and Volunteering teams.

Working in partnership with GP Surgeries and Community Partners, we have supported over 10,000 people since 2014.

The Social Prescribing Link Worker team triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to-

face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs. This service might be internal to SOAR, or external to a citywide partner.

What can SOAR offer?

• Encouragement to lead a healthy lifestyle and get involved with the local community

• Social cafes aimed at individuals with mildmoderate mental health issues, to meet others in a social setting

• Support accessing local services, and housing and benefits advice

• Getting people into employment or training

• Signposting to local Dementia memory cafes and carers support groups

For more information contact:

SOAR Health Team: 0114 213 4065

Website: www.soarcommunity.org.uk

Email: enquiries@soarcommunity.org.uk

SOAR receives a high number of referrals, so it is likely there will be a waiting time of a few weeks before someone gets in touch.

Editorial content supplied by: SOAR
We enable and support local people through partnership working, to improve the quality of life for North Sheffield residents.

NHS healthcarecontinuing

Where can NHS continuing healthcare be provided?

NHS continuing healthcare can be provided in a variety of settings outside hospital, such as in your own home or in a care home.

Am I eligible for NHS continuing healthcare?

NHS continuing healthcare is for adults. Children and young people may receive a “continuing care package” if they have needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone.

Find out more about the children and young people’s continuing care national framework on GOV.UK

Your eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare depends on your assessed needs, and not on any particular diagnosis or condition.

To be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you must be assessed by a team of healthcare professionals (a multidisciplinary team). The team will look at all your care needs and relate them to:

• what help you need

• how complex your needs are

• how intense your needs can be

• how unpredictable they are, including any risks to your health if the right care is not provided at the right time

Your eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare depends on your assessed needs, and not on any particular diagnosis or condition. If your needs change then your eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare may change.

You should be fully involved in the assessment process and kept informed, and have your views about your needs and support taken into account. Carers and family members should also be consulted where appropriate.

A decision about eligibility for a full assessment for NHS continuing healthcare should usually be made within 28 days of an initial assessment or request for a full assessment.

If you are not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you can be referred to your local council who can discuss with you whether you may be eligible for support from them.

If you still have some health needs then the NHS may pay for part of the package of support. This is sometimes known as a “joint package” of care.

Information and advice

The process involved in NHS continuing healthcare assessments can be complex. An organisation called Beacon gives free independent advice on NHS continuing healthcare.

Visit the Beacon website or call the free helpline on 0345 548 0300.

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS
Some people with long-term complex health needs qualify for free social care arranged and funded solely by the NHS. This is known as NHS continuing healthcare.

For most people, there’s an initial checklist assessment, which is used to decide if you need a full assessment.

NHS continuing healthcare assessments

Integrated care boards, known as ICBs (the NHS organisations that commission local health services), must assess you for NHS continuing healthcare if it seems that you may need it.

For most people, there’s an initial checklist assessment, which is used to decide if you need a full assessment. However, if you need care urgently – for example, if you’re terminally ill – your assessment may be fast-tracked.

Initial assessment for NHS continuing healthcare

The initial checklist assessment can be completed by a nurse, doctor, other healthcare professional or social worker. You should be told that you’re being assessed, and what the assessment involves.

Depending on the outcome of the checklist, you’ll either be told that you do not meet the criteria for a full assessment of NHS continuing healthcare and are therefore not eligible, or you’ll be referred for a full assessment of eligibility.

Being referred for a full assessment does not necessarily mean you’ll be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare. The purpose of the checklist is to enable anyone who might be eligible to have the opportunity for a full assessment.

The professional(s) completing the checklist should record in writing the reasons for their decision, and sign and date it. You should be given a copy of the completed checklist.

You can download a blank copy of the NHS continuing healthcare checklist from GOV.UK

Full assessment for NHS continuing healthcare

Full assessments for NHS continuing healthcare are undertaken by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) made up of a minimum of 2 professionals from different healthcare professions. The MDT should usually include both health and social care professionals who are already involved in your care.

You should be informed who is co-ordinating the NHS continuing healthcare assessment.

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

If you’re eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, the next stage is to arrange a care and support package that meets your assessed needs.

The team’s assessment will consider your needs under the following headings:

• breathing

• nutrition (food and drink)

• continence

• skin (including wounds and ulcers)

• mobility

• communication

• psychological and emotional needs

• cognition (understanding)

• behaviour

• drug therapies and medicine

• altered states of consciousness

• other significant care needs

These needs are given a weighting marked “priority”, “severe”, “high”, “moderate”, “low” or “no needs”.

If you have at least 1 priority need, or severe needs in at least 2 areas, you can usually expect to be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare.

You may also be eligible if you have a severe need in 1 area plus a number of other needs, or a number of high or moderate needs, depending on their nature, intensity, complexity or unpredictability.

In all cases, the overall need, and interactions between needs, will be taken into account, together with evidence from risk assessments, in deciding whether NHS continuing healthcare should be provided.

The assessment should take into account your views and the views of any carers you have. You should be given a copy of the decision documents, along with clear reasons for the decision.

You can download a blank copy of the NHS continuing healthcare decision support tool from GOV.UK

Fast-track assessment for NHS continuing healthcare

If your health is deteriorating quickly and you’re nearing the end of your life, you should be considered for the NHS continuing healthcare fast-track pathway, so that an appropriate care and support package can be put in place as soon as possible – usually within 48 hours.

Care and support planning

If you’re eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, the next stage is to arrange a care and support package that meets your assessed needs. Depending on your situation, different options could be suitable, including support in your own home and the option of a personal health budget.

If it’s agreed that a care home is the best option for you, there could be more than 1 local care home that’s suitable.

Your ICB should work collaboratively with you and consider your views when agreeing your care and support package and the setting where it will be provided. However, they can also take other factors into account, such as the cost and value for money of different options.

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

If your needs have changed, the review will also consider whether you’re still eligible for NHS continuing healthcare.

NHS continuing healthcare reviews

If you’re eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, your needs and support package will normally be reviewed within 3 months and thereafter at least annually. This review will consider whether your existing care and support package meets your assessed needs. If your needs have changed, the review will also consider whether you’re still eligible for NHS continuing healthcare.

Refunds for delays in NHS continuing healthcare funding

ICBs will normally make a decision about eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare within 28 days of getting a completed checklist or request for a full assessment, unless there are circumstances beyond its control.

If the ICB decides you’re eligible, but takes longer than 28 days to decide this and the delay is unjustifiable,

they should refund any care costs from the 29th day until the date of their decision.

If you’re not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare

If you’re not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, but you’re assessed as requiring nursing care in a care home (in other words, a care home that’s registered to provide nursing care) you’ll be eligible for NHS-funded nursing care.

This means that the NHS will pay a contribution towards the cost of your registered nursing care. NHS-funded nursing care is available irrespective of who is funding the rest of the care home fees.

Find out more about NHS continuing healthcare from NHS England.

Frequently asked questions about NHS continuing healthcare

Q I have a local authority support package that works well. I’m now eligible for NHS continuing healthcare – will my support package change?

If you’re concerned about changes to your care package because of a move to NHS continuing healthcare, your ICB should talk to you about ways that it can give you as much choice and control as possible. This could include the use of a personal health budget, with 1 option being a “direct payment for healthcare”.

Q Can I refuse an assessment for NHS continuing healthcare? If I refuse, will I be able to get services from my local authority? Consent is not needed for completion of assessments (CHC Checklists, Decision Support Tools (inclusive of FNC by default) and Fast Track), or collation and sharing of information with:

• Care Teams

• Health and Social Care Staff

But consent is needed to share personal information collected for, and as part of, assessments (Checklist, Decision Support Tool (inclusive of FNC by default) and Fast Track) with third parties, such as family, friends or representatives, at the beginning of the process.

There is a legal limit to the types of services that a Local Authority can provide. If you have any concerns about being assessed for NHS continuing healthcare, the ICB should explore your reasons for this, and try to address your concerns.

If someone lacks the mental capacity to consent to sharing of information with third parties (other than Care Teams or Health and Social Care Staff), the principles of the Mental Capacity Act will apply and a best interests decision may be needed.


My relative is in a care home and has become eligible for NHS continuing healthcare. The ICB says the fees charged by this care home are more than they would usually pay, and has proposed a move to a different care home. I think a move will have a negative effect on my relative. What can we do?

If there’s evidence that a move is likely to have a detrimental effect on your relative’s health or wellbeing, discuss this with the ICB. It will take your concerns into account when considering the most appropriate arrangements.

If the ICB decides to arrange an alternative placement, they should provide a reasonable choice of homes.

Q Is it possible to pay top-up fees for NHS continuing healthcare?

No, it is not possible to top up NHS continuing healthcare packages, like you can with local authority care packages.

The only way that NHS continuing healthcare packages can be topped up privately is if you pay for additional private services on top of the services you’re assessed as needing from the NHS. These private services should be provided by different staff and preferably in a different setting.

FAQ’s Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

Personal budgets and direct payments

You’ll be given a personal budget to spend if your local council decide you’re eligible for help with any social care and support you need. You can request an assessment from the council to establish your needs.

The money in your personal budget can be paid to you, to help you make more decisions about how it’s spent. This is known as a direct payment. What is a personal budget?

Your personal budget is the amount of money your local council will pay towards any social care and support you need.

The amount of money in your personal budget is decided by your local council after a needs assessment to work out:

• what kind of care and support you need

• how much it will cost

• how much you’re able to afford yourself

Carers and personal budgets

If you’re a carer, you may be entitled to receive a personal budget after having a carer’s assessment to see what might help make your life easier.

A carer’s assessment is free and anyone over 18 can ask for one.

Choosing how to receive your personal budget

You can ask the council to either:

• manage your personal budget for you

• pay the money to another organisation – such as a care provider

• pay the money directly to you or someone you choose – this is known as a direct payment

You can also choose a combination of these options. For example, the council could arrange some of your care but send you the rest of the money. This is often called a mixed package or “mix and match”.

If the council manages your money

The money in your personal budget will be spent for you by the council. They will arrange all your care and support based on your agreed care plan. They still need to check you’re happy with the care they’re arranging for you.

If your money is paid to another organisation

The organisation you choose, such as your care provider, will speak to the council and arrange the payments.

Sometimes other organisations charge you extra money to arrange payments from the council.

The benefits of direct payments

Direct payments give you more flexibility over how your care and support is arranged and provided. For example, you could choose to hire care workers or personal assistants who:

• are always the same people and available when you need them

• speak the same language as you

• have experience working with your care needs

• are a specific person that has been recommended to you

• can help you get to shops or social events

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS
If you’re a carer, you may be entitled to receive a personal budget after having a carer’s assessment to see what might help make your life easier.

You could also consider having someone else manage your direct payments, for example a friend or family member.

There are many ways you could choose to use the money. It’s your choice as long as you’re spending your personal budget on things that meet your agreed care plan.

Most councils will ask for evidence of how you’ve spent your money every 3 months.

When to consider other options

You may decide direct payments are not helpful if:

• you’re worried about managing money or the people you employ

• you spend a lot of time in hospital

• you would rather the council arranged your care

If you’re not confident about keeping records or managing the people who care for you, your local council should be able to provide support.

You could also consider having someone else manage your direct payments, for example a friend or family member. You’ll need to set up a trust for payments that are managed by someone else.

The Money Advice Service has information about setting up a trust.

How to apply for direct payments

You should be offered direct payments as an option after your needs assessment.

You can also ask your local council’s social services department about direct payments.

How direct payments work

If you choose direct payments, the council will send you the money in your personal budget by either:

• paying it directly into a bank, Post Office, building society or National Savings and Investments account

• sending you a pre-paid card

You can then choose how you spend the money on your own care and support, as long as it matches the care plan you’ve agreed with the council.

Signing a direct payment agreement

The council might ask you to sign a document called a direct payment agreement. This says:

• how the council want you to record your spending –for example, keeping receipts

There are many ways you could choose to use the money. It’s your choice as long as you’re spending your personal budget on things that meet your agreed care plan.

Most councils will ask for evidence of how you’ve spent your money every 3 months.

When to consider other options

You may decide direct payments are not helpful if:

To advertise in this publication please call the sales team on 01302 714528

• you’re worried about managing money or the people you employ

• you spend a lot of time in hospital

Every possible care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this publication is correct at the time of going to print. Whilst the publisher would be grateful to learn of any errors, it cannot accept any liability over and above the cost of the advertisement for loss there by caused. No reproduction by any method whatsoever of any part of this publication is permitted without prior written consent of the copyright owners.

• you would rather the council arranged your care

If you’re not confident about keeping records or managing the people who care for you, your local council should be able to provide support.

Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd. ©2023. Rossington Hall, Great North Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0HR. Tel: 01302 714528

You could also consider having someone else manage your direct payments, for example a friend or family member.

Options Sheffield is published by Octagon Design and Marketing Ltd with editorial contributions from Sheffield City Council, the CQC, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society and the NHS. The editorial contributors have not vetted the advertisers in this publication and accepts no liability for work done or goods supplied by any advertiser. Nor do the editorial contributors endorse any of the products or services.

You could also consider having someone else manage your direct payments, for example a friend or family member. You’ll need to set up a trust for payments that are managed by someone else.

The Money Advice Service has information about setting up a trust.

• sending you a pre-paid card

The council might ask you to sign a document called a

• how the council want you to record your spending –for example, keeping receipts

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A guide to care and independent living Sheffield OPTIONS Spring 2023 NHS continuing healthcare Leaving hospital What’s next? Healthcare services Choosing the right one Who’s eligible? SOCIAL CARE tips 10 OCTAGON DESIGN & MARKETING LTD Home for elderly people Small registered charity providing quality care in a warm and friendly atmosphere. With pleasant gardens and located close to local amenities. In house entertainment and outings provided at no extra cost. Visitors always welcome Telephone (0114) 266 3440 14 Taptonville Crescent, Sheffield, S10 5BP mail@taptonholme.net www.taptonholme.co.uk Registered Charity No. 515698

• your responsibilities as an employer - if you’re paying for a care worker

If you spend direct payments on something that isn’t agreed in your care plan, the council could take the money back or end the direct payments.

If you’re struggling to manage your money

Ask your local council for advice or call the Money Advice Service on 0800 138 7777.

If you want someone else to receive the direct payment

You could speak to the council and agree for the money to be sent to someone who will spend it for you. For example:

• a carer

• a friend or family member

• someone else who speaks up for you (an advocate)

You may need to write down how they will spend the money and which decisions they can make for you. This is known as a decision-making agreement.

Employing your own carer or personal assistant

If you decide to hire a carer or personal assistant yourself, it’s important to know the responsibilities you’ll have as an employer.

Although support from the council should be available, you may need to arrange:

• background checks or references

• tax

• National Insurance

• pension contributions

Read more about employing someone to work in your home on GOV.UK.

Disability Rights UK also have more information on getting a personal assistant.

If you don’t want to become an employer

You could choose to hire care workers through an agency instead. This removes the legal obligations of being an employer, but could:

• cost you more money

• remove some of the benefits - such as having the same person provide your care

How to research a care agency

When choosing an agency, decide what sort of service you’re looking for and the tasks you need help with. It’s a good idea to contact more than one agency, as they may offer different types of services.

You can find out about local home care agencies by:

• speaking to your local council’s social services department

• contacting the UK Homecare Association

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS
When choosing an agency, decide what sort of service you’re looking for and the tasks you need help with.

If you’re eligible for NHS-funded nursing care, the NHS will arrange and fund nursing care provided by registered nurses employed by the care home.

There are also organisations that inspect care agencies to see how well they are doing. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates all health and adult social care in England.

You might see a CQC inspection rating when you search online for care home agencies. Their 4 ratings are:

• Outstanding

• Good

• Requires improvement

• Inadequate

You could also search for care home agencies on the CQC website to see their full reports.

Telephone helplines

If you would like support to help you manage your personal budget or direct payments, speak to your council or call:

• the Disability Rights UK personal budgets helpline on 0330 995 0404

• the Age UK advice line on 0800 055 6112 (for older people)

NHS-funded nursing care

NHS-funded nursing care is when the NHS pays for the nursing care component of nursing home fees. The NHS pays a flat rate directly to the care home towards the cost of this nursing care.

Who is eligible for NHS-funded nursing care?

You may be eligible for NHS-funded nursing care if:

• you’re not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare but have been assessed as needing care from a registered nurse

• you live in a nursing home

How will my needs be assessed?

You should be assessed for NHS continuing healthcare before a decision is made about whether you are eligible for NHS-funded nursing care.

Most people don’t need a separate assessment for NHS-funded nursing care. However, if you do need an assessment or you haven’t already had one, your integrated care board (ICB) can arrange an assessment for you. .

Outcome of the assessment

If you’re eligible for NHS-funded nursing care, the NHS will arrange and fund nursing care provided

How to complain about personal budgets

It’s worth speaking to your council’s social services before making an official complaint to see if they can help.

You still have to the right to complain if you:

• have been told you’re not eligible to receive money towards your care and support

• don’t agree with the amount of money in your personal budget

You could either:

• speak to your social worker about being re-assessed

• call your local council social services and request a complaints form

Your council should also have a formal complaints procedure on its website.

If you’re not happy with the council’s response Contact your Local Government Ombudsman. They investigate all adult social care complaints.

• Age UK have a detailed fact sheet on personal budgets and direct payments in social care

• The Money Advice Service has a guide to direct payments

by registered nurses employed by the care home. Services provided by a registered nurse can include planning, supervising and monitoring nursing and healthcare tasks, as well as direct nursing care.

If you’re not eligible for NHS-funded nursing care and you don’t agree with the decision about your eligibility, ask your ICB to review the decision.

The cost of NHS-funded nursing care

NHS-funded nursing care is paid at the same rate across England. In May 2022, the rate was set at £209.19 a week (standard rate) and will be backdated to 1 April 2022.

If you moved into a care home before 1 October 2007, and you were on the previous high band, NHS-funded nursing care is paid at a higher rate. In May 2022, the higher rate was set at £287.78 a week and will be backdated to 1 April 2022. You’re entitled to continue on this rate unless:

• you no longer have nursing needs

• you no longer live in a care home that provides nursing

• your nursing needs have reduced and you’re no longer eligible for the high band, when you would change to the standard rate of £209.19 a week, or

• you become entitled to NHS continuing healthcare instead

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

Paying for your own care (self-funding)

You will not be entitled to help with the cost of care from your local council if:

• you have savings worth more than £23,250

• you own your own property (this only applies if you’re moving into a care home)

You can ask your council for a financial assessment (means test) to check if you qualify for any help with costs.

You can choose to pay for care yourself if you don’t want a financial assessment.

How to arrange your care as a self-funder

You can:

• arrange and pay for care yourself without involving the council

• ask the council to arrange and pay for your care (the council will then bill you, but not all councils offer this service and they may charge a fee)

Find out what care you need

Having a carer who lives with you costs from around £650 a week. But it can cost as much as £1,600 a week if you need a lot of care.

Paying for a care home

There are 2 types of care home:

• residential homes have staff that help with everyday tasks such as getting dressed and supply all your meals

• nursing homes also offer 24-hour nursing care

A room in a care home costs:

• £600 a week in a residential home

• £840 a week in a nursing home

The price will vary according to where you live and the type of care you need.

For example, serious health problems like dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can increase the cost.

Benefits can help with care costs

Even if you choose to pay for your care, your council can do an assessment to check what care you might need. This is called a needs assessment.

Even if you choose to pay for your care, your council can do an assessment to check what care you might need. This is called a needs assessment.

For example, it’ll tell you whether you need home help from a paid carer for 2 hours a day or 2 hours a week and precisely what they should help you with.

The needs assessment is free and anyone can ask for one.

How much will care cost?

Social care can be expensive. Knowing how much you’ll have to pay will help you budget.

Paying for carers at home

A typical hourly rate for a carer to come to your home is around £20, but this will vary depending on where you live.

You may be eligible for benefits, like Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment (PIP), which aren’t means-tested.

You can use them to pay towards the cost of your care.

Can I avoid selling my home?

You won’t have to sell your home to pay for help in your own home.

But you may have to sell your home to pay for a care home, unless your partner carries on living in it.

Sometimes selling your home to pay care home fees is the best option.

But there may be other ways to pay care home fees if you don’t want to sell your home straight away.

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

Contact your local council about 3 months before you think your savings will drop to below £23,250 and ask them to reassess your finances.

Releasing money from your home (equity release)

Equity release lets you take money that’s tied up in your home without selling it. It’s available if you’re over 55.

But you have to pay interest on the money you take out, which can be expensive.

The Money Advice Service has more information on equity release.

Renting out your home

You can rent out your home and use the income to help pay your care home fees.

A deferred payment scheme

A deferred payment scheme can be useful if you have savings less than £23,250 and all your money is tied up in your property.

The council pays for your care home and you repay it later when you choose to sell your home, or after your death.

Ask your council if you’re eligible for a deferred payment scheme.

You can get more information from:

• the Money Advice Service: deferred payment schemes

• Independent Age: guide to care home fees and your property

Get expert financial help

You can get unbiased expert advice from a specialist care fees adviser.

They’ll help you compare all your options before you decide what’s right for you.

Find a specialist care fees adviser in your area with:

• PayingForCare, a free information service for older people

• the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) on 0333 2020 454

Telephone help

Get advice on paying for care from:

• Age UK on freephone 0800 169 6565

• Independent Age on freephone 0800 319 6789

• the Money Advice Service on freephone 0800 138 7777

If your savings run out

If your savings fall below £23,250, your council might be able to help with the cost of care.

Contact your local council about 3 months before you think your savings will drop to below £23,250 and ask them to reassess your finances.

Councils provide funding from the date you contact them. You won’t be reimbursed if your savings are less than £23,250 before you contact them.

What you can get for free

You might be able to get some free help regardless of your income or if you’re paying for your care.

This can include:

• small bits of equipment or home adaptations that each cost less than £1,000

• NHS care, such as NHS continuing healthcare, NHSfunded nursing care and care after you have been discharged from hospital

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

Help at home from a carer

Having a carer come to visit you in your home can make a huge difference to your life, especially if you have difficulty walking or getting around. It can help you stay living independently in your own home.

This type of care is known as homecare or domiciliary care or sometimes home help.

Help at home from a paid carer costs around £20 an hour, but it varies according to where you live. Sometimes, the council will contribute to the cost.

Homecare is very flexible. You might need a carer for only an hour a week or for several hours a day. You might need a live-in carer.

It can be temporary – for example for a few weeks while you recover from an illness. Or it can be long term.

You might also consider home adaptations or household gadgets or equipment to make life easier.

When should I consider help at home from a paid carer?

You might want to consider care at home if:

Contact a charity such as the Royal Voluntary Service, the British Red Cross or your local Age UK to see whether they can help.

• you’re finding it difficult to cope with daily routines, such as washing, dressing and getting out and about

• you don’t want to move into a care home

• you can still get about your home and it’s safe for you to live in – or it can be adapted to make it safe

How can homecare help me?

A carer can visit you at home to help you with all kinds of things including:

• getting out of bed in the morning

• washing and dressing

• brushing your hair

• using the toilet

• preparing meals and drinks

• remembering to take your medicines

• doing your shopping

• collecting prescriptions or your pension

• getting out, for example to a lunch club

• getting settled in the evening and ready for bed

Home help

This is slightly different to homecare and means dayto-day domestic tasks that you may need a helping hand with such as:

• cleaning (including putting on clean bed sheets)

• doing the washing up

• doing the laundry

• gardening

You might want some home help instead of or as well as homecare.

Most councils don’t provide home help. Contact a charity such as the Royal Voluntary Service, the British Red Cross or your local Age UK to see whether they can help (they may not be free).

How to get help at home from a

paid carer

Your local council can arrange homecare for you if you’re eligible for it.

You can arrange your own homecare.

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If the council is paying for some or all of your homecare, they must give you a care and support plan.

How your council can help

If you want the council to help with homecare for you, start by asking them for a needs assessment. Your needs assessment will help the council to decide whether you’re eligible for care.

If you’re eligible, the council may recommend help at home from a paid carer. They will arrange the homecare for you.

If you’re not eligible for care, the council must still give you free advice about where you can get help in your community.

Even if you’re intending to make arrangements yourself with an agency or private carer, it’s still a good idea to have a needs assessment as it will help you to explain to the agency or carer what kind of help you need.

Paying for homecare

Depending on your circumstances, your local council may contribute to the cost of homecare or you may have to pay for it yourself.

If your needs assessment recommends home care, you may get help with the cost from the council. What you will contribute depends on your income and savings. The council will work this out in a financial assessment.

If the council is paying for some or all of your homecare, they must give you a care and support plan.

This sets out what your needs are, how they will be met and your personal budget (the amount the council thinks your care should cost).

You can choose to receive your personal budget as a direct payment each month. This gives you the control to employ someone you know to care for you at home rather than using a homecare agency, though you’ll then have responsibilities as an employer.

If you aren’t eligible for the council to contribute to your homecare costs, you will have to pay for it yourself.

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

Homecare agencies employ trained carers and arrange for them to visit you in your home.

Benefits that can help you with homecare

Check if you’re eligible for benefits. Some, such as Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payments, aren’t means tested and they can help you meet the costs of homecare.

Find out how to apply for:

• benefits for under-65s

• benefits for over-65s

How to choose a paid carer

If you’re arranging your own homecare, there are 2 main ways to do this:

• use a homecare agency

• employ your own carer

Homecare agencies

Homecare agencies employ trained carers and arrange for them to visit you in your home. You may not always have the same carer visiting your home, though the agency will try to match you with someone suitable.

How much do they cost?

It costs around £20 an hour for a carer to come to your home, but this will vary depending on where you live.

If you’re paying for yourself, the agency should be able

to give you a clear price list. They’ll send you a monthly bill for your homecare.

How to find a local agency

There are 4 main ways to do this:

• search the NHS website for local homecare services and agencies and a list of national homecare organisations and then contact the ones that interest you

• ask your council’s social services department for information on the homecare agencies in your area. They may have a directory of homecare agencies on their website

• contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC). All homecare agencies must register with the CQC. It can give you the latest inspection report on an agency

• ask the United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) for a list of approved homecare agencies in your area

What to expect from agency carers

Homecare agency carers should treat you in a respectful and dignified way. For example, they should always:

• knock and ring the front door bell and announce their arrival before coming into your home

• bring an identity card

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

Instead of using an agency, you can hire your own carer, sometimes called a private carer or personal assistant.

• know where your keys are kept if they’re not in your home

• keep any entry codes to your house confidential

• know what to do if they can’t get into your home

• know what to do if you’ve had an accident

Employing your own carer

Instead of using an agency, you can hire your own carer, sometimes called a private carer or personal assistant.

If you employ a carer, you have the legal responsibility of an employer. This includes arranging cover for their illness and holidays.

Which? Later Life Care has advice on employing a private carer.

How to complain about homecare

You have the right to complain if you’re not happy about the help at home you’re receiving. This might be because carers:

• arrive late and leave early

• don’t give your medicines to you properly

• leave your home untidy after visits

• give you poor care like dressing you wrongly

First complain to your local council or, if you’re paying

Questions to ask the agency

Here are some questions you may want to ask an agency before employing them:

• what charges, if any, will I be expected to pay?

• what services are charged as extras?

• have your carers looked after someone with similar needs to mine?

• how will you choose the most suitable carer for me?

• will the carer agree to visit in a specific time slot? And will they tell me if they’re delayed or running late?

• what sort of training do your carers get?

• if I’m paying for my own care, do you have a standard contract I can read before signing my own?

• if the council is contributing to my care can I see a copy of the contract they’ve signed with the agency?

• how can I contact your agency during the day, in an emergency or outside office hours?

for yourself, the agency. The council or agency should have a formal complaints procedure on their website. Try to be specific about what happened and include staff names and dates if you can.

If you’re not happy with the way the council or agency handles your complaint, ask the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman to investigate further. An ombudsman is an independent person who’s been appointed to look into complaints about organisations.

You can also tell the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which checks social care services in England.

Your local council must provide you with an independent advocate (someone to speak up for you) to help you make a complaint if you need one.

Further help

• the charity, Independent Age, has good advice on homecare

• the CQC has a good booklet on what to expect from a good homecare agency

• read how to organise homecare from Which? Later Life Care

• Age UK has information on all aspects of homecare

• if you need help with one-off jobs like changing a light bulb or moving furniture, the charity GoodGym has volunteers who will come round to help.

Editorial content supplied by: the NHS

If someone in your household is over-50, or if you’re a carer or family member of an older person in Sheffield, then Age UK Sheffield can help you. We’re a local charity that is dedicated to supporting older people in Sheffield to live with independence, dignity, and a sense of wellbeing. Whether you need information, advice, someone to speak up for you, or high quality services, just ask us for help.

You can call us in office hours on (0114) 250 2850.

In 2019/20, we supported 3,500 over-50s in Sheffield with recorded case work, many of whom were living with long-term health conditions. Our services are accredited for quality, delivered by carefully chosen and highly-trained staff.

Information and Advice (I&A)

Do you know all the benefits you could be claiming? As people’s circumstances change,

they may become eligible for additional support, such as Carer’s Allowance or Attendance Allowance. Around 70% of enquiries to our I&A service are for benefits checks. We will ask you some questions about your circumstances and give advice on whether we think you could get some extra help


– and we’ll also help you to complete the complex forms. In 2019/20 we helped older people in Sheffield to claim £3.24 million in benefits that they were entitled to, but hadn’t previously been claiming. In some cases this amounted to over £200 extra per week. We can provide advice on almost any older person’s issue, including care options, legal and consumer issues, and we have achieved the national Advice Quality Standard, which included a “mystery shopper” check.

Our I&A service is free (supported by Westfield Health). Just call us, and we’ll do what we can to help.

Independent Living Co-ordination (ILC)

As you get older, or your circumstances change, you might need a little extra support to help you to regain the independence you once had. Maybe you can’t do everything you’d like to after a recent hospital stay? Or maybe you’re finding it harder to get out and meet friends?

Our ILC service is a three-month package of support in which we will help you and your family members to achieve your independence needs – whether that be aids and adaptations to your home, increased benefits where eligible, or connecting you up to local activities and transport.

Our ILC service is a free support service targeted at people who can’t make it in to our office, people who have long-term health conditions, and people living with and beyond cancer. You don’t need to be referred to our ILC service. Just call us, tell us your needs, and if we think you need our ILC service, we’ll provide it to you, free of charge. The service is supported by Weston Park Cancer Charity, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Macmillan Cancer Support.

At Home with Age UK Sheffield

Do you need a little extra help around the home to put your loved ones’ minds at ease? As we get older, we can’t always keep on top of some simple tasks around the home. Our “At Home” service provide a flexible personal assistant to help you with the things you need. One week it may be doing your shopping, or taking you to the supermarket. Another is doing some cleaning or supporting you to cook a meal. Maybe you’d like to be taken out to visit a friend, or go to a nice coffee shop. The service is totally flexible and built to support your needs. Our “At Home” service always begins with a free initial assessment and care plan, and a benefits check. It’s a paid-for service, at £26 per hour – a small price to pay for the peace of mind that a family member is living well. Over the years, our hundreds of customers have told us they like that:

• We provide a full hour’s service, and don’t take time off for travelling

• We aim to provide the same support worker every time, as often as we can

• As a charity, we don’t make a profit. Any small surplus goes back into providing free services for older people in Sheffield

For more information on our “At Home” service, and a free initial assessment, care plan and benefits check, call (0114) 250 2850 now.

Wellbeing Centre

If your loved one is living with memory loss and dementia, and would benefit from a high quality day service with singing, dancing, arts, laughter, and husky dogs, our Wellbeing Centre is for you. We have centres at Norfolk Park, Hillsborough, and Ecclesall, with places available Monday to Friday, 10.00-3.30. The Wellbeing Centre is also a paid-for service, at £53.99 per day plus lunch, or £29.99 for a half-day session. You must see it to believe it – call us now to arrange a free introductory visit and benefits check.

If you live in Sheffield and are over 50, or you need advice and support for someone you know who is over 50, then we are here to help! Just give us a ring and we’ll take it from there. Call us on (0114) 250 2850.

Welcome to Sarah Care

Sarah Care provides support for adults enabling them to enjoy the benefits of living independently in the comfort of their own homes. Our office in Sheffield provides a wide range of care and support services, tailored to the individual needs of our service users depending on varying levels of frailty. Our support team of professional, friendly staff, are dedicated to providing support with dignity and respect. We’re passionate about understanding your needs and requirements and ensuring that we support you in the way you need and we understand that being in control of your own life is important.

• Personal care


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Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd. ©2023. Rossington Hall, Great North Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0HR. Tel: 01302 714528

Options Sheffield is published by Octagon Design and Marketing Ltd with editorial contributions from Sheffield City Council, the CQC, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society and the NHS. The editorial contributors have not vetted the advertisers in this publication and accepts no liability for work done or goods supplied by any advertiser. Nor do the editorial contributors endorse any of the products or services.

Services that we offer

• Assistance with medication

• Domestic household tasks

• Assistance with meals •

• Shopping collection •

• Short, medium or long term rehabilitation

• Social outings •

• Holiday accompaniment

• Carer respite

• Basic pet care • We are on the Sheffield city council recognised provider list for money management. To find out more about how Sarah Care can help with your home care and personal assistance, please contact us. SarahCare

Professional Care You Can Trust 01142 485658


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Wood Hill Grange

Wood Hill Grange is located in Sheffield and provides modern, purpose-built facilities for people who require care and support.

As an organisation we started over 12 years ago and have taken time to test and perfect our offering as we have grown and evolved, and part of our growth strategy, the organisation has embarked on an acquisition in England that has resulted in the creation of the Portland brand, part of Simply UK. We now support people throughout England and hold a Care Quality Commission registration, embarked on frameworks and portal visibility, and are caring for many people in Care home settings to live their best lives with our continued support.

Customers receive person-centred care, carefully designed around their individual residential, nursing, dementia, palliative and respite care needs. The centre has a team of dedicated nursing and healthcare staff who are committed to providing high-quality care.

Bedrooms are spacious with en-suite facilities and have access to communal living and dining areas, enhancing the sense of community at the centre. The home offers a varied social calendar for customers including bespoke social and pamper packages. Wood Hill Grange welcomes regular customer feedback to enhance it’s services and facilities and considers its customers partners in care. For more information about Wood Hill Grange’s services, events and to view their newsletters, please visit their website.

Our Core Values Positive

We always look for the positive in everything we do, say and support even in a less than positive situation, we seek to learn.


We believe in great care by great people, for great people. The way we care underpins our ethos and being.


We base our relationships on trust, honesty and transparency, regardless of how difficult this may be.


We work collaboratively with internal and external customers and each other for the greater good of our customers.

526 Grimesthorpe Road, Sheffield, S4 8LE tel: 0114 395 2100 e-mail: enquiries@portlanduk.co web: portlanduk.co

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