BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) has a defined structure that is implemented by the governing body to meet the financial, legislative, regulatory and contractual responsibilities, and to monitor and respond to quality and safeguarding matters associated with delivering supports to participants.
Defined Structure
BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd ACN 137 836 116 is a registered Company under the Corporations Act 2001, limited by shares, is a proprietary company and listed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with the date of commencement of registration the twenty-third day of June 2009 and is governed by the BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd Constitution as determined by ASIC.
BigDog systems of risk oversight, management and internal control comply with the Corporations Act 2001 and facilitate realisation of the Company’s business objectives whilst risks are recognised, monitored and wherever possible, mitigated.
BigDog is committed to complying with all applicable laws and requires that all employees act within the law at all times in the course of their duties for the company.
Our Values
Our values are the shared values that underpin our work as a company and our relationships with stakeholders. They are what we believe is the right way to do things and to deal with people, and what we believe about the way that, ideally, we ought to be organised. Our values determine our strategies and our operational principles.
Our Vision
Our vision is the starting point for any strategic framework, it is the idea held by BigDog and other stakeholders of what we will ultimately become. It is a highly inspirational concept that serves to guide the direction and growth of BigDog and is a source of motivation for management and other employees. It is long-term in nature, conceptual in character, general in its wording, and inherently flexible to allow for changing circumstances and unforeseen opportunities or threats.
The primary responsibilities of the Directors are those of strategic management and governance, and the day-to-day management of BigDog, including but not limited to:
Ensuring that the organisation remains a viable and effective organisation and to secure its long-term future for the benefit of the community.
Providing leadership in the development of BigDog purpose, strategic direction and priorities.
Acting in the best interests of all stakeholders, particularly service users, employees, volunteers and the community it serves.
Developing and monitoring an effective risk management framework associated with the ongoing operation of the organisation and the delivery of its purpose, strategic direction, and priorities.
Monitoring the development of all organisational policies including operational management delegation policies.
Monitoring and ensuring that the aims, goals and objectives as articulated in the Business and Strategic Plan are aligned with the organisational purpose, strategic direction and priorities of the organisation and that they are met on a regular and consistent basis to comply with quality assurance processes.
Monitoring performance in relation to operational management and ensuring that it is effective and accountable in all aspects, including financial accountability, legal compliance, and industrial relationships requirements. The Directors shall not delegate their responsibilities in relation to industrial relations concerning paid employees in the context of recruitment and termination of employment.
Maintaining BigDog awareness of and involvement with communities outside the organisation in relation to issues that affect the organisation. Ensure that BigDog Support Services is compliant with all relevant legislation and regulations.
The primary responsibilities of the Shareholders ensure that the company is well run and well managed. They do this by monitoring the performance of the company and raising their objections or giving their approval to the actions of the management of the company at yearly stakeholder meetings or in accordance with the Replaceable Rules.
Operations Staff
The primary responsibilities of operational staff are set out in their relevant job descriptions as per the Organisational Chart.
Financial Delegations
BigDog receives payment for services from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Plan Managers and NDIS Participants who self-manage and undertakes to meet performance targets specified in the Service Agreements, and to comply with reporting requirements. The Directors are to sign any contract on behalf of BigDog.
All BigDog financial records, recording and reporting meets Taxation and Service Agreement requirements and should meet all auditing requirements.
BigDog operates a cheque account in the name of the Company, a business investment account, a MasterCard and ComBiz account through the Commonwealth Bank.
All cheques require a directors’ signature with two signatures for Petty Cash. All new EFT transactions require a transaction code sent by text
BigDog will:
follow sound budget management practices and apply procedures which evaluate the capacity to meet needs in relation to resources available, prior to allocating resources use fair and standard guidelines for the allocation and distribution of resources implement and maintain a system of approval of financial transactions document delegations of authority for approving financial expenditure ensure safeguards are in place for internet banking use
Financial management security is maintained through:
Procedures for obtaining and documenting approval for expenditure
The receipting and reconciling of all money received by the company with banking records
Monitoring and checking of accounts and bank reconciliations by the Accounts Officer
A monthly finance report to the Directors
Monitoring of the budget by the Directors
Delegations of financial authority within BigDog are intended to ensure:
The efficiency and effectiveness of BigDog administrative processes
That the appropriate officers have been provided with the level of financial authority necessary to discharge their responsibilities
Internal Controls are effective
The Accounts Officer will:
process payments received and bank deposits as soon as practicable after receipt maintain appropriate records ensure all purchases have the necessary approval process payments either by cheque or electronic funds transfer have records of EFT payments authorised by the Directors ensure that cheques other than for wages/allowances/petty cash are crossed ‘not negotiable’ that documentation approving a cheque, or an electronic transfer is correct
The Accounts Officer is authorised to approve the regular payment of employee salaries and superannuation payments. The payroll is processed on a fortnightly basis. All employees are required to submit timesheets signed off by the due date. They are responsible for:
entering details onto the payroll system
processing the payroll, making payments to employees and issuing pay advice slips preparing the monthly statement of superannuation payments processing superannuation payments to employee’s accounts through a nominated Superannuation Clearing House
The Accounts Officer is authorised to approve PAYG, GST and other BAS related payments. They are also responsible for preparing the quarterly Business Activity Statements and Monthly PAYG Instalment Activity Statements and processing payments to the Australian Taxation Office.
All employees will:
ensure that they are aware of any legal requirements that apply to their areas of work and that they comply with them. report any breaches of legal requirement. where appropriate, suggest ways in which practices, systems and procedures could be improved so as to reduce the likelihood of a breach occurring.
Organisational Chart
BigDog has a visual representation of the structure of the organisation including position title and duties. A downloadable copy is available through the staff portal on our website.
The organisational structure of BigDog defines the governance and management of the company, as well as the arrangement of staff positions and accountability relationships. This structure is designed to support the company's strategic objectives of creating an effective and high-quality operating environment.
Responsible Officers
Board of Directors
Steven Paull Director
Courtney Carroll Director Company Solicitor Shareholders
Ann Paull ................. Secretary
Kyle Paull ................. Shareholder
Monique Paull .......... In House Lawyer Operational Staff
................................ Operations Manager Company Accountant
Joel Canning ............ Canning Tax and Advisory Company Lawyer
Lindsay Brown ......... Rees Law