
BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) works to ensure that each client has access to timely and appropriate support without interruption.
2.8.1 Day-to-day Operations
BigDog manages day-to-day operations in an efficient and effective way to avoid disruption and ensure continuity of supports.
Nearly all areas of management require at least some day-to-day attention.
Each day, BigDog runs programs or provides services and we work to make sure that the right people are in the right places at the right times to do the work. In addition, our Administration team carry out the everyday procedures (record keeping, attention to how well particular techniques are working, etc.) that make evaluation possible. They keep track of finances and make sure that the books are kept properly, that workers and bills get paid, that income gets to the bank, and that there's enough funds to keep operating.
Handling problems among staff, keeping current on what everyone's doing, maintaining a positive organisational climate, arranging or overseeing supervision, organising staff development, evaluating staff performance, and generally making sure that everyone's happy and focused on their job – all of these demand daily attention.
BigDog's relationship with the community we serve needs to be fostered constantly. We must continually keep BigDog’s profile high, inform the community of what we do and of the needs of the clients, make friends and allies, and communicate with the media if we're going to get the community support we need.
Somehow, in the midst of everything else, the floors have to get swept, equipment has to be maintained and repaired, paper and other supplies have to be ordered before they run out, errands have to be run...in short, life has to go on for BigDog.
An invisible maintenance task is that of maintaining the passion for the work and the belief in the vision and mission that drive BigDog. This is almost always the work of the Directors, and, though not always conscious, is among the most important of his day-to-day tasks.
2.8.2 Replacement of Absent Workers
BigDog ensures that in the event of worker absence or vacancy, a suitably qualified and experienced person performs the role.
To avoid cancelling programs or services when workers are sick or unavailable, a common strategy is for an off-duty worker to cover another's hours, and then have the other return the favour later.
We utilise Easy Employer to assist as it provides details of all the most suitable workers who are currently available to work with the client The software creates a Shift Swap feature and it can work between workers or generated by a coordinator. Any Shift Swap must be authorised by a supports coordinator.

2.8.3 Planned Supports

BigDog plans supports with each client to meet their specific needs and preferences. These needs and preferences are documented and provided to workers prior to commencing work with each client to ensure the client’s experience is consistent with their expressed preferences.
Where BigDog has responsibility for eligibility, entry and exit processes, these are consistently applied based on relative need, available resources and the purpose of the service.
BigDog continues to develop a diverse workforce so that client assessments, planning, service delivery and reviews benefit from expertise from a range of staff with varying life experiences.
2.8.4 Uninterrupted Supports
As much as possible, as per the Business Continuity Plan, BigDog will make arrangements to ensure that support is provided to the client without interruption throughout the period of the service agreement.
2.8.5 Alternate Arrangements
BigDog ensures that alternative arrangements are explained and agreed with the client where changes or interruptions are unavoidable.
BigDog will support a client’s access to information on which to base their decisions when they want to try new things or continue with options that may not have gone well in the past, including the benefits and risks, consequences and responsibilities to them and others.
BigDog has processes to communicate, interact effectively and respond to the individual’s decision to access and/or exit services.
Where BigDog is unable to provide services to a person due to ineligibility or lack of capacity, there are processes in place to refer the person to an appropriate alternative service.

Supporting Documents

2.0 Governance and Operational Management
3.0 Provision of Supports
8.2 Response to a Pandemic

CareMaster Shift Notes
Client Profile Kit
Person-Centred Description Supports Calculator

Business Continuity Plan
Human Services Quality Framework October 2021 Version 8
NDIS Practice Standards November 2021 Version 4
Service Information
NGO Training

PATH Planning
Person-Centred Active Support
Person-Centred Supports

Child Protection Reform and other Legislation Act 2022 (QLD)
Disability Services Act 2006 (QLD)
Disability Services and Inclusion Act 2023 (Cwth)
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cwth)
NDIS (Provider Registration and Practice Standards) Amendment Rules 2021

NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators

BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) is a registered NDIS provider and is required to apply the scheme’s practice standard and quality indicators.
The standards have been developed to create an important benchmark to assess provider performance and ensure that high quality and safe supports and services are provided to NDIS participants.
The four core modules are:
1.0 Rights and Responsibilities;
2.0 Governance and Operational Management;
3.0 The Provision of Supports; and
4.0 The Support Provision Environment.
The supplementary modules cover:
5.0 Specialist Support
5.1 High intensity daily personal activities.
5.3 Implementing behaviour support plans.
2 8 Continuity of Supports
Each participant has access to timely and appropriate support without interruption.
2.8.1 Day-to-day operations are managed in an efficient and effective way to avoid disruption and ensure continuity of supports.
2.8.2 In the event of worker absence or vacancy, a suitably qualified and/or experienced person performs the role.
2.8.3 Supports are planned with each participant to meet their specific needs and preferences. These needs and preferences are documented and provided to workers prior to commencing work with each participant to ensure the participant’s experience is consistent with their expressed preferences.
2.8.4 Arrangements are in place to ensure support is provided to the participant without interruption throughout the period of their service agreement. These arrangements are relevant and proportionate to the scope and complexity of supports delivered by the provider.
2.8.5 Where changes or interruptions are unavoidable, alternative arrangements are explained and agreed with the participant.

Human Services Quality Standards

The Human Services Quality Standards set a benchmark for the quality of service provision. Each Standard is supported by a set of performance indicators which outline what an organisation is required to demonstrate to meet that standard.
2 Service Access
Sound eligibility, entry and exit processes facilitate access to services on the basis of relative need and available resources.
2.1 Where BigDog has responsibility for eligibility, entry and exit processes, these are consistently applied based on relative need, available resources and the purpose of the service.
2.2 BigDog has processes to communicate, interact effectively and respond to the individual’s decision to access and/or exit services.
2.3 Where BigDog is unable to provide services to a person due to ineligibility or lack of capacity, there are processes in place to refer the person to an appropriate alternative service.
4 Safety, Wellbeing and Rights
4.4 People using services are enabled to access appropriate supports and advocacy.
Delegation of Authority

Version Details

This policy will be reviewed every twelve (12) months unless circumstances deem it necessary to review earlier. The review process will involve an analysis of the usefulness of the policy and to note any changes which are required to improve the policy.
If minor changes are made in wording or to clarify the intent, the version number will indicate this by adding a ‘point’ i.e. Version 1.0 indicates the original version and 1.1 with the first round of minor changes made. A significant change or intent of the policy will be indicated by a whole new number i.e. Version 2.0.
The following rules also apply in interpreting this policy:
• Headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.
• A singular word includes the plural and vice versa.
• A word that suggests one gender includes the other genders.
August 2017
January 2019
January 2020
January 2021
Included policy statements from existing policies
Added more information in the preamble relating to the HSQF
Changed the policies to procedures
Created an all-inclusive HSQF Policy to address each of the service standards indicators.
Change of Policy Name from Individual Needs to Responding to Individual Need
Included NDIS references
Returned supporting procedures to supporting policies
Updated Responsible Officers
Updated to new logo and style guide

January 2022
Removed HSQF Standards Indicators and Policy matched with NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators
Front cover updated to Standards colour identification
Supporting Policies updated
Updated Responsible Officers details
Changed ‘the director’ to ‘the directors’
Introduction of BigDog Training Portal and modules
Updated officers and training modules
2.8.6 Disaster Management removed and replaced with 2.9
Emergency and Disaster Management Policy
NDIS Practice Standards November 2021 Version 4
January 2023 6.0
Included Human Services Quality Standards and Child Protection Act and the term “Participant” is returned to “Client” to allow for policies to cover NDIS and Child Safety.