"Sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it'll be like when summer does come." - Olaf

Hi Everyone, we are almost in June and that means our bi-annual Performance Appraisals are upon us. These are all booked in now so make sure you keep an e when your time comes. Also, don't be worried about these, they are very easy c check in on how you are going and provide support to improve any areas neede
Also a gentle reminder about the training allowance included in your pay. It cov training, supplement costs of CPR/First Aid and occasional office meetings for Given the infrequency of office meetings and the low cost of CPR, receiving an $990.6 a year for these and an hour of NGO training every few weeks is a defini compared to getting paid only for sporadic office attendance.
On that note don't forget to regularly check into NGO regularly to continue to pskill there are some great resources on there.

Teresa Ryan, For being a go-getter with amazing rapport across staff and participants. You are always across the board on notes and engagement and your communication skills are exemplary.
Daniel Townsend, For showing a genuine eagerness to learn and improve your support techniques while always having a positive attitude.
Daniel Horne: you have been nominated for a staff shout out from your admin team for being a pillar of support for young people in the school environment! With your dedication, you not only ensures their safety but also provides invaluable emotional support.
Gloria Pula: you have been nominated for a staff shout out from your admin team for being a shining beacon of positivity! Who lights up every task she tackles, inspiring us all to give our best without hesitation.

This last month we had some very welcome visitors from Caremaster who wanted to discuss our partnership with them. Involved with this was a portion of the day where they allowed their photographers to capture some of the BigDog spirit. Here are some highlights

Community SILUpdates
FriendshipsbetweenNDISclientsandBigDogSupport Servicesworkersaretransformative,builtontrustand understanding.Thesebondscreateacomfortable environmentwhereclientsfeelateaselearningdaily livingskills,enhancingtheirindependenceandselfesteem.Byfosteringemotionalsupportandreducing isolation,theserelationshipshelpclientsimprovesocial skillsandintegrateintothecommunity.
Whilemaintainingprofessionalboundariesisessential, theseconnectionsexemplifythepowerofhuman connection,bringingjoyandstabilitytoclientsand rewardingBigDogsupportworkerswiththesatisfaction ofmakingapositiveimpact.These friendshipsunderscoretheenriching potentialoftheNDISframework andBigDog'scommitmentto compassionate,skill-buildingcare.
In the month of June BigDog is putting a spotlight on engaging in outdoor activities. Even though the weather is coolingdownitisstillimportanttogetoutintonatureand partakeinourhobbies.

We’vehadsomegreatfeedbackfromparticipantswhoare getting out and partaking in outdoor activities. Whether it's fishing, equine therapy, nature hikes, visiting the zoos and parks or heading down to the beach: BigDog loves to hear your stories and to support our participants to get involved.
Are you or someone you know a keen fisherman? Or looking for a way to connect with others over a new hobby. Join our weekly fishing group! Dive into nature, bondoverthethrillofthecatch, andmakememorieswith fellow enthusiasts. All skill levels are welcome. Cast your linewithus!

Home Visits.
I have had the pleasure of catching up with clients and their families over the last couple of months.

The Winter “Warm and Fuzzies”.

This has been part of our in-home visits to see how they are going and just as importantly to see how we ( BigDog) are going. With confidence, they all think we are doing a great job, some pass on individual praise to staff and others compliment the company as a whole.
The great part for me is that I get to come back to the office and sing the praises of what a great job our t t ff d i bi t ith

Supporting someone is not something that I would ever consider an ‘Easy Job’. I have been on both sides of the table and each comes with their trials and successes.
I want to thank everyone who takes the time, and the energy to remain consistent, not only for yourself but for BigDog and solely for our Participants.
It goes without saying that you are all very much appreciated. With appraisals just around the corner, it's a great time to reflect on the positives that you have all added individually and as a collective to people's lives.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Cudgee meeting, those of you who didn't attend had commitments through other shifts. Note that all of your input is valued and will go a long way in creating change.
forget to share yo stories! send them throu to me to have the highlights shared in the next Newsletter.” Billy

As we wrap up the month of May, it is safe to say we have had some great fun and created long-lasting memories together. The cooler weather this month has made our activities even more enjoyable, allowing us to spend plenty of time outdoors. One of our highlights from May was taking our cooking classes out into the community.

We practised our cooking skills on BBQs at various parks around Rockhampton, enjoying delicious meals cooked in the fresh air. It has been an awesome way to bond with one another and has also sparked the interest of some participants who wouldn’t normally like to participate in cooking. Our walks along different walking tracks have been another hit. The cooler temperature has made our afternoon strolls more comfortable and allowed us to explore new places with ease. Whilst on some of our walks we have spotted bush turkeys, flowers, animals, information stands and beef week paintings around East Street.
May also marked our first woodwork activity called ‘String art’. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and got hands-on with the wood and tools, creating some awesome works of art. This activity was great for testing out our fine motor skills as it included tool handling, cognitive engagement and using hand-eye coordination.
We celebrated Ian, Tarni and Brandon's birthday with some delicious cakes and happy birthday songs as well as honouring all of our amazing mums by creating some lovely and thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts.
As we look forward to June, we are excited for the adventures and activities that we have planned. We will be visiting the Rockhampton Show and watching a special performance at the Walter Reid Cultural Centre as well as continuing to follow our normal routine with our usual weekly activities.
If joining our Rockhampton Day the service group is something you are interested in, please give us a call on our Rockhampton Reception phone: 45734611 or alternatively, email us at r


This month at the Toowoomba day service, we’ve been prioritisng our health through engaging activities. Our healthy cooking classes and walking club have helped us achieve our goals of making better food choices and increasing our daily walking time by an extra five minutes. Additionally, our morning brain activities have become a popular and successful addition to the routine.
Exciting news for this month at the centre! We’re shaking things up with some fun new activities. Every second Thursday, instead of our usual bowling, we’ll be heading out for thrilling group outings. These adventures will give everyone a chance to experience something new and exciting. Get ready for a fantastic change of pace and loads of fun!
We have fantastic news to share! Azad is making incredible progress with his colour pronunciation through our UNO card game sessions. During each game, we all announce the colour and Azad is enthusiastically joining in and following along. It’s been truly wonderful to witness his improvement and celebrate these milestones together!
Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures from the Toowoomba day service group! "Do things at your own pace. Life's not a race."