
BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) ensures that all workers are competent in relation to their role, hold relevant qualification, and have relevant expertise and experience to provide person-centred supports in order to meet each client’s support needs.
BigDog is an equal opportunity employer, giving clear recognition to those disadvantaged by race, gender, disability or any other marginalising factor. Human Resource objectives must be to level the playing field for any applicant for positions required by BigDog. This is to be achieved through a clear recognition of the role and the skills required to complete the tasks.
BigDog ensures that working conditions for workers comply with relevant legislation and that they are comparable with industry standards. BigDog will apply the following principles to all aspects of its relationship with personnel:

Fairness and equity.
Respect for individuals, their privacy and confidentiality.
Accountability for actions and performance.
Support and encouragement for professional development.
Understanding and workplace flexibility for personal needs.
Promotion of a healthy and supporting workplace culture.
BigDog has a Recruitment Selection Procedure which ensures that the best applicants are employed for support positions.
6.1 Human Resource Management Systems
BigDog has robust human resource management systems that are consistent with regulatory requirements, industrial relations legislation, work health and safety legislation and relevant agreements or awards.
BigDog ensures that:

Human resources are managed to ensure that adequate numbers of appropriately skilled and trained workers are available for the delivery of services to clients using services. Buildings and the physical environment where services are delivered are safe.
Risks associated with employees’ rights and workplace health and safety are managed effectively and in accordance with legislation.
BigDog has processes for human resource management in place that include support of: Non-discriminatory human resource practices.
The application of equal employment opportunity principles. The elimination of bullying and harassment.
The consistent application of the SCHADS award.
Safe work practices
Safe work environment

BigDog ensures compliance to legislative and regulatory requirements for selecting, training and management of staff, including checks such as Working with Children and the NDIS Worker Screening.
6.12 Payroll
6.13 Domestic and Family Violence
6.2 Recruitment and Selection
BigDog has transparent and accountable recruitment and selection processes that ensure people working in BigDog possess the knowledge, skills and experience required to fulfil their roles.
BigDog has recruitment and selection processes that include:

Position descriptions for all roles.
Processes for advertising or promoting available positions.
Merit-based selection and recruitment processes.
Processes for appealing recruitment and selection decisions
Processes for staff leave and backfill arrangements that ensure continuity of service delivery.
6.2.1 Interview
6.3 Induction, Training and Development
BigDog provides people working in BigDog with induction, training and development opportunities relevant to their roles including:

Induction processes that address mandatory requirements and the knowledge necessary to fulfil a role within the organisation.
Qualifying periods and review processes.
Identifying and responding to the learning needs of people working in the service.
Processes for communicating organisational requirements (e.g. administrative duties, timesheets and record keeping) as well as role specific requirements to staff
Processes for staff to identify, apply for and attend/participate in learning and development opportunities.
6.3.1 Induction
6.3.2 Probation
6.3.3 Trainees
6.3.4 Volunteers

6.4 Support, Supervision and Feedback

BigDog provides ongoing support, supervision, feedback and fair disciplinary processes for people working in BigDog including:

Supervision processes for people working in BigDog.
Performance management processes
Debriefing processes for staff
Strategies to promote and encourage staff/volunteer retention.
Monitoring processes for sub-contracted/brokered staff.
Processes to support volunteers to do their jobs well and safely.
Demonstrated adherence to current industrial legislative requirements in regard to disciplinary processes, including discipline for specific breaches of conduct, demotion and dismissal.
6.5 Employee Grievances and Disputes
BigDog ensures that people working in BigDog have access to fair and effective systems for dealing with grievances and disputes including:

Making staff aware of their right to raise grievances and to have disputes resolved
Making staff aware of their right to access support when involved in grievances and/or disputes.
Ensuring stakeholders are informed of the outcomes of grievances and/or disputes where appropriate
How BigDog will maintain and respect people’s right to privacy and confidentiality in managing grievances and disputes
Access to worker assistance programs that provide counselling and/or other services
Processes for engaging external grievance investigation companies who can provide an objective investigation into grievances if required.
6.5.1 Termination
6.5.2 Misconduct
6.5.3 Abandonment of Employment


BigDog has robust processes in place for attracting, recruiting and selecting workers. All applicants have access to fair, transparent and equitable process that reflect equal opportunity.
BigDog recruitment, human resources, and worker screening practices align with legislative and regulatory requirements.
BigDog workplace is free from discrimination and harassment and follow robust processes and practices to reduce the likelihood of this occurring.
BigDog practices comply with all employment-related legislation, including the Human Rights Act 2019.

Employment Interview Checklist
Employment Numeracy and Literacy
Employment Reference Check
Interview Summary Form

NGO Training

CareMaster Worker App Code of Practice
Compulsory Items
Feedback, Compliments and Complaints
Introduction to Disability Support Part 1
Introduction to Disability Support Part 2
Meet the Management Team
NDIS Code of Conduct
NGO Training Service Information

Disability Services and Inclusion Act 2023 (Cwth)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwth)
Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth)
Taxation Administration Act 2001 (Cwth)
Vocational Education and Training Act 2012 (Cwth)
Safe Work Australia Act 2008 (Cwth)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cwth)

Human Services Quality Standards

The Standards set a benchmark for the quality of service provision. Each Standard is supported by a set of performance indicators which outline what BigDog is required to demonstrate to meet that standard.
6 Human Resources
Effective human resource management systems, including recruitment, induction and supervisory processes, result in quality service provision.
6.1 BigDog has human resource management systems that are consistent with regulatory requirements, industrial relations legislation, work health and safety legislation and relevant agreements or awards.
6.2 BigDog has transparent and accountable recruitment and selection processes that ensure people working in the organisation possess the knowledge, skills and experience required to fulfil their roles.
6.3 BigDog provides people working in the organisation with induction, training and development opportunities relevant to their roles.
6.4 BigDog provides ongoing support, supervision, feedback and fair disciplinary processes for people working in the organisation.
6.5 BigDog ensures that people working in the organisation have access to fair and effective systems for dealing with grievances and disputes.
Delegation of Authority
Steven Paull Director
Courtney Carroll Director
Authorise review and implementation
Authorise review and implementation
David Burrett Operations Manager
Monique Paull HR Manager Lawyer
Joel Canning Accountant

Ensure information dissemination
Ensure compliance by employees
Taxation compliance

Version Details

This policy will be reviewed every twelve (12) months unless circumstances deem it necessary to review earlier. The review process will involve an analysis of the usefulness of the policy and to note any changes which are required to improve the policy. If minor changes are made in wording or to clarify the intent, the version number will indicate this by adding a ‘point’ i.e. Version 1.0 indicates the original version and 1.1 with the first round of minor changes made. A significant change or intent of the policy will be indicated by a whole new number i.e. Version 2.0.
The following rules also apply in interpreting this policy:
• Headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.
• A singular word includes the plural and vice versa.
• A word that suggests one gender includes the other genders.
HSQS Indicators replace Service Standard Indicators
Training sub-heading added to Supporting Documents April

Deleted information about giving the applicant a copy of Information about BigDog kit
Removed reference to the NDCO Factsheets
Deleted ‘full-time or part-time’
January 2017
January 2019
January 2020
January 2021
HSQS Indicators within policy statements
to new logo and style guide
HSQF Standards Indicators and Policy matched with NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators
Front cover updated to Standards colour identification
Supporting Policies updated
Updated Responsible Officers details
Changed ‘the director’ to ‘the directors’
Introduction of BigDog Training Portal and modules

Created 6.0 Human Resources Policy separate to 2.7 Human Resource Management under NDIS Service Standards April 2024
Disability Services Act 1986 replaced with Disability Services and Inclusion Act 2023 and policy review process included.