Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination
Version 5.2 November 2021
8.3 Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination Contents Preamble ............................................................................................................................. 3 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 3 Application........................................................................................................................ 3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 3 Requirement to be Fully Vaccinated ................................................................................ 4 Exemptions ...................................................................................................................... 4 Vaccination Information provided to BigDog .................................................................... 4 Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 5 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 5 Summary of Key Legal and Regulatory Considerations ................................................... 6 Supporting Documents ........................................................................................................ 7 Policies ............................................................................................................................. 7 Forms ............................................................................................................................... 7 Information Sheets ........................................................................................................... 7 Training ............................................................................................................................ 7 Legislation ........................................................................................................................ 7 Websites .......................................................................................................................... 7 Responsible Officers ............................................................................................................ 7 NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators ................................................................. 8 2.2 Risk Management ...................................................................................................... 8 Version Details ..................................................................................................................... 8
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Version 5.2 November 2021
Preamble Under the Public Health Act 2005 (QLD), the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services made an order declaring a public health emergency in relation to coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The public health emergency area specified in the order is for ‘all of Queensland’.
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to facilitate the protection of the health and safety of all people who attend any of BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) workplaces by requiring all such persons to be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19.
Application This policy applies to any visitors as well as all employees (permanent or casual), contractors, labour hire personnel, trainees or volunteers (Individual) who may be performing work at any BigDog workplaces in Australia. This policy applies with immediate effect, noting the interim arrangements as set out in this policy.
Definitions In this policy, the following terms have the meaning as set out below: Approved Vaccine means any COVID-19 vaccination that have been provisionally registered for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Fully Vaccinated means having obtained the manufacturer’s recommended dosage of any Approved Vaccine. For example, where a two-dose schedule is recommended by the manufacturer, a person will be considered Fully Vaccinated when they have received both doses of the vaccine. Recognised Contraindication means a reaction to an Approved Vaccine that is recognised by the manufacturer of that vaccine. Disability Support Services are described as: o assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living environment o group and centre-based activities that assist people with disability to access community, social and recreational activities in groups o assistance with daily personal activities – assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible o therapeutic supports to facilitate functional improvement aimed at adjustment, adaption, and building capacity for community participation. o other non-intensive supports including cooks and cleaners.
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Version 5.2 November 2021
Requirement to be Fully Vaccinated As of 15 December 2021, it will be a requirement of attending any BigDog worksite that all employees must be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19. As of 17 December 2021, it will be a requirement of attending any BigDog worksite that any individual must be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19. Individuals will be required to provide evidence acceptable to BigDog of being Fully Vaccinated. BigDog will accept for these purposes a copy of their Immunisation History Statement, or alternatively a copy of their COVID-19 Digital Certificate (both of which can be obtained through their MyGov account). These documents should be emailed to For assistance in obtaining this evidence, please contact one of the directors.
Exemptions BigDog understands that not all individuals will be able to receive an Approved Vaccine, including due to medical conditions for which there is a Recognised Contraindication to receiving any of the Approved Vaccines. Any individual who has such a medical condition is required to provide medical evidence satisfactory to Bigdog of the medical condition and the reason for which they are unable to receive any of the Approved Vaccines. Any medical certificate provided in this respect must be issued by a duly qualified medical practitioner with a current and valid registration and must clearly identify the medical condition and specify that the individual’s medical condition gives rise to a Recognised Contraindication in respect of all Approved Vaccines. BigDog reserves the right to contact the issuing medical practitioner to verify the authenticity of any such medical certificates. Any individual who is unable to become Fully Vaccinated for any other reason, including by reason of a sincerely held religious belief, religious practice or religious observance, must email prior to 19 November 2021. Requests for an exemption will be considered by BigDog on a case-by-case basis with due consideration to current Queensland Health directions. In order to ensure the health and safety at BigDog workplaces, individuals granted an exemption may be subject to conditions or restrictions related to their job, facility access and/or safety requirements (e.g. masking).
Vaccination Information provided to BigDog Any information provided to BigDog in accordance with this policy will be treated confidentially by BigDog, and will be used only for determining compliance with this policy, and to enable BigDog to undertake statistical analysis with respect to vaccine coverage amongst our workforce. Any individual who provides information to BigDog in accordance with this policy is expected to provide accurate and truthful information to BigDog. Failure to do so will be considered serious misconduct and may result in termination of employment.
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Version 5.2 November 2021
Procedure BigDog recognises that not all employees may be able to access an Approved Vaccine at present. Individuals are advised in the first instance to consult with their accredited health practitioner about any concerns they may have in relation to receiving an Approved Vaccine, including the process for obtaining an Approved Vaccine. Any Employee who is not currently Fully Vaccinated must by 19 November 2021 provide evidence to BigDog of confirmed bookings to become Fully Vaccinated. The appointment for the first dose of an Approved Vaccine must be prior to 19 November 2021, and the appointment for a second dose must be prior to 15 December 2021. BigDog will accept screenshots of an email or text message by way of evidencing an employee’s appointment to obtain an Approved Vaccine. Any employees who are unable to make a booking for an Approved Vaccine due to current access limitations can email for further information. BigDog will continue to monitor the advice from Queensland of Health and will inform all employees of any developments.
Summary Employees of BigDog who fail to comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. For all other individuals, compliance with this policy is a condition of accessing any BigDog worksites. BigDog reserves the right to refuse entrance to any individual who does not comply with this policy. BigDog will be continuously monitoring and assessing the operation of this policy in line with the latest information from Government and Health Authorities. BigDog may amend, withdraw, or replace this policy from time to time at its sole discretion.
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Version 5.2 November 2021
Summary of Key Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Employers have a duty to ensure health and safety of employees and other individuals The high transmissibility of Delta and the potential for significant adverse health outcomes presents a major risk for individuals in a workplace where there is personal contact Currently vaccination is the most effective control measure to manage that risk
Centred around the concept of lawful and reasonable directions Basis of lawful and reasonable is both WHS compliance and employer prerogative to manage the business effectively and to protect its legimate business interests Ensure compliance with industrial instruments Ensure compliance with Health Directives and Public Health Orders
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Consideration of the impact of the circumstances that may impact on "protected attributes" under antidiscrimination laws, such as disability, age, race or religion Flexibility with respect to persons who have a genuine contraindication to being administered an approved COVID 19 vaccine
Important aspect of any policy includes verification of vaccinations status or medical contraindication Compliance with applicable privacy laws needs to be considered Need systems and processes to ensure confidentiality of medical information, as with other employment circumstances involving medical information or conditions
Version 5.2 November 2021
Supporting Documents Policies 2.2 Risk Management 8.2 Response to a Pandemic Safety, Wellbeing, and Human Rights
Forms Risk Assessment Vaccinations Survey
Information Sheets Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19 Clifford Gouldson Lawyers – COVID-19 Workplace Vaccinations Disability Accommodation Services Direction (No.25) Queensland Human Rights Commission – Vaccination and your rights Risk Management Guidelines (Standards Australia AS ISO 31000:2018)
Training NGO ............................................ COVID-19 and Disability Services NGO ............................................ Keeping Safe at Work NGO ............................................ Vaccinations
Legislation COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 (QLD) Health and Wellbeing Queensland Act 2019 National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 Public Health Act 2005 (QLD)
Websites Australian Government ................ Australian Health ......................... Queensland Health ......................
Responsible Officers Steven Paull ............ Managing Director Courtney Carroll ....... Director Company Solicitor
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Version 5.2 November 2021
NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) is a registered NDIS provider and is required to apply the scheme’s practice standard and quality indicators. The standards have been developed to create an important benchmark to assess provider performance and ensure that high quality and safe supports and services are provided to NDIS participants. The four core modules are: 1.0 Rights and Responsibilities; 2.0 Governance and Operational Management; 3.0 The Provision of Supports; and 4.0 The Support Provision Environment.
2.2 Risk Management Risks to participants, workers and the provider are identified and managed Support delivery is linked to a risk management system which includes: o Incident Management o Work Health and Safety
Version Details Date
October 2021
5.0 New Policy
November 2021
5.1 Mandatory Vaccination introduced for QLD Disability Workers Interim and mandatory dates updated
November 2021
5.2 QHRC Vaccination and your rights Clifford Gouldson Lawyers –Workplace Vaccinations
8.3 Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination
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Version 5.2 November 2021