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Professional Boundaries
from Code of Practice
BigDog recognises the fundamental rights of individuals to develop and maintain relationships. Relationships take many forms, and the appropriateness of these relationships will often determine successful outcomes for participants and harmonious working environments for others. BigDog team members will undertake roles that will forge relationships at a variety of levels. It must always be considered that in the above relationships that participants and their families are the most likely to be vulnerable in any exchange. Therefore, the responsibility is for BigDog to ensure that our team members retain the participant and their family as the focal point.
I will acknowledge the recognition of the relationship type being either:
Paid relationship in regard to paid workers
Friendships between any individuals that are based upon an equality of input
I will: Maintain a standard of Do No Harm Be conscious of my obligatory or contractual responsibilities
Maintain relationships with the people I support directly or indirectly and all other team members that is respectful, based on trust, acknowledges cultural differences and maintains professional boundaries
Recognise that my roles and relationships, at times will be complex and dilemmas will be encountered. That it will be necessary for all to be empowered to come forth and discuss these dilemmas
Ensure that openness and honesty are the foundation to constructive relationships. It is therefore important that this is expressed as a fundamental part of the infrastructure and internal relationships of BigDog
Ensure that any gift or item for sale offered by any participant is approved through BigDog
Ensure that all electronic or social media contact is approved in writing by BigDog
Ensure that all approved social media respects the privacy principles
Ensure that all phone or text contact with any participant, family or carer is directed through BigDog and that I will not contact a participant directly without permission
Seek permission to attend participant birthdays or other events outside of direct support times
Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator