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Professional Competence

BigDog recognises that continuous improvement is the means by which increased quality is delivered to our participants. It is how, as an organisation we are judged by our peers. It is also the means in which the quality of team members output is measured. It is the responsibility of all parties to work collaboratively to implement the steps that will bring about productive change. This in turn will be the basis for the recognition of team member competency that leads to promotion or financial enhancement within the organisation BigDog provides people working in BigDog with induction, training, and development opportunities relevant to their roles.

I recognise that ongoing training and professional development are necessary to ensure my currency of knowledge and skills to ensure high standards of professional practice within the profession. I will actively seek opportunities to further my professional development. I will:

Recognise that practical experience, knowledge acquisition and understanding of the profession must be accompanied by ongoing professional development and qualifications

Undertake to develop and maintain a range of competencies needed to work effectively in the profession – either as a direct support practitioner or other

Undertake duties or tasks which are within my role or profession and for which I have the permission, training and skills to do so safely and effectively

Take full advantage of professional development opportunities

Initiate professional development appropriate to my current role or career objectives

Seek opportunities for support and mentoring from more experienced Disability


Actively seek advice and guidance on issues from others as needed, especially from people with a disability

Keep abreast of legislative changes that relate to my professional role

Contribute to the training and support of less experienced team members within the boundaries of my own experience, competence and professional role.

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