1 minute read

Confidentiality, Privacy and Responsibility for Personal Information

BigDog has effective information management systems that maintain appropriate controls of privacy and confidentiality for stakeholders

I will safeguard and respect the confidentiality and privacy of people with a disability by adhering to current applicable privacy legislation.

I will:

Protect personal information about the people I may support directly or indirectly

Ensure privacy and safety in participant’s physical environment

Ensure that the release and sharing of personal information occurs only with the full involvement and permission of the person and with their clear understanding of the nature of the information to be released

Ensure that disclosure of information is relevant to the purpose for which it is required and the extent of release of information is no more than necessary to accomplish this purpose

Acknowledge that confidentiality agreements with people may need to be broken in the event of overriding considerations such as legal imperatives or imminent harm to others

Document professional work appropriately to ensure accountability and meet legal or organisational requirements

Recognise people’s rights to access documented information about themselves and ensure that information is documented in a manner that is sensitive and comprehensive

Use appropriate data and information recording methods and maintain these throughout to ensure that services are continued Information gained through any exchange of

BigDog is to be held in the strictest confidence, as not to compromise an individual. At times information may be drawn upon by legal processes. At all other times requested information will only be given with the written consent of the individual

Ensure that all social media respects the privacy principles

Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator

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