Welcome to March, the arrival of Autumn and the celebration of Easter and St Patricks Day.. It was nice to welcome back 6 lucky young men and their support staff from their first cruise to the Whitsundays and Hamilton Island. The bus trip back from Brisbane was full of stories about their adventure. Thanks to everyone for embracing our new rostering system. Lots of work has gone into developing this system through Sling by Phill and it is assisting in meeting our reporting and invoicing,
In This Issue QLD Women’s Week In the world of DisAbility NDIS Updates Community NEWS BigDog Photograph Gallery Management Updates Day Service
Rockhampton Safety Matters Staff Information March Events BigDog Newsletter Privacy Notice: Please note that as a subscriber to our BigDog Newsletter which supplies news and events relevant to this organisation, your email address or any other personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us and will not be disclosed to any other person, body or agency except where you have provided your consent or it is required or authorised by law. 2
Disability Law Queensland - Friends like You We launched our Stories of Strength video – a collation of inspiring stories from women who have children with disability, on 5 March at a gala event in South Brisbane. Parent to Parent QLD Planning Facilitator Beth Hawes recalled how there are often times when she had to call one or maybe a few of her friends, sometimes at night, where we are all texting each other to talk about the day’s problem and get the support that you need. “As we all know, if you’re not being supported then it’s hard for your kids to be supported.” Beth said. “And I’m so grateful for the women in my life that walk this journey with me.” 3
Disability Discrimination Act
Planning Forum over NDIS problems
25 years ago on the 1st March the DDA came into effect. It was Australia’s first piece of legislation to protect the rights of people with disability. A quarter of a century on, the DDA has been used by thousands to fight discrimination in areas including employment, education and access to goods and services.
Representatives from the ALP, the Greens and One Nation are expected to be at a forum organised to discuss problems with the NDIS.
Notwithstanding the successes and progress, people with disability in Australia still face challenges and barriers in almost every aspect of life. It is important that we acknowledge and try to progress the areas in which we have stagnated, and reflect on why we have seen such limited development in certain areas, such as eliminating disability discrimination in employment. No law is perfect. That is why we must always consider the possibility of law reform. The law is designed to reflect the society in which we live, but also to act as a mechanism for change in the hope that attitudinal and behavioural shifts will follow. As it stands, the purpose of the DDA is to prohibit unlawful discriminatory practices in areas of public life such as employment and education.
It is important that we acknowledge all that the DDA represents for Australians with disability. Equally as important, we need to explore where Australia should ideally be in another 25 years. When we reach that time, I hope to be in a position to reflect on the ongoing positive systemic outcomes that have been achieved through the Commission’s conciliation process or the court process.
Disability advocate Alyce Nelligan said she had received support from three senators to attend the forum, which was sparked by several reports about clients having their NDIS funding cut. "There are major issues with the scheme, and if it keeps going this way it's getting to crisis mode," she said. "You'll find that there are so many rules about what you can and can't spend the money on.
"I'm working with about five people trying to get their story heard. "We're looking at holding a forum to gauge how many people are having this experience." Calls for a forum were sparked last week when two Toowoomba residents reported losing about $100,000 from each of their plans. In both cases, the funding was cut because it wasn't spent last year, largely because the right service providers weren't available in Toowoomba at the time. Ms Nelligan is working with fellow advocate and former One Nation candidate Paul Wilson to establish the event within a few weeks. "We are organising a forum and we've also got support from different political parties. We want to get that dialogue opened," she said. To register for the forum, send an email to speedy_star_86@msn.com 4
Released 22nd February The latest NDIS Quarterly Report for the period 1st October to 31st December shows that the Scheme continues to grow, with 142,266 people with disability now receiving supports under the NDIS. Of this number 132,743 people had an approved NDIS plan and 9,523 children had been referred through the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach. NDIA CEO, Robert De Luca said the lifechanging NDIS continues to grow from strength to strength. "The number of Australians with disability now benefitting from the NDIS has grown significantly over the last 12 months with the numbers of providers registered to deliver services under the Scheme growing from 5,110 to 12,328 in the same period," Mr De Luca said. "These figures demonstrate the pace and successful progress of the NDIS, which will ultimately deliver reasonable and necessary supports to Australians with disability to help them achieve their goals, and increase their economic and social participation."
68% indicated that the NDIS had helped them with choice and control  62% indicated that the NDIS had helped them with social, community and civic participation "These results demonstrate that the NDIS is supporting Australians with disability to participate in the community, increase their independence and exercise greater choice and control," Mr De Luca said. 
The report also contains survey data illustrating that the NDIS continues to support participants to achieve their goals and encourage more community participation. Of the participants aged 25+ years who entered the Scheme in the first two quarters of 2016-17 and had their plan reviewed in the first two quarters of 2017-18: 
72% indicated that the NDIS had helped them with activities of daily living 5
The Commonwealth Games is almost upon us and promises to be huge for South East Queensland. So what’s that got to do with Toowoomba? Well the Queens Baton will travel through the city on 28th March on its way to the coast and there is an opportunity for First Nations people to be part of this historic event. A group has been working with the Toowoomba Regional Council to put aside Gallery Park on the corner of Ruthven St and Little St entirely for First Nations people to hold an art/ dance event prior to the baton arriving and escort the baton through the park and onto the Civic Centre grass. Once the Baton is on stage and welcomed to country by Conrad, Kyesha Stewart will sing the National Anthem in language and then a welcome dance by a combined dance troupe. The Baton arrives just after 5:00pm and you are invited to be at Gallery Park from 3:30pm to be a part of this exciting ‘One Mob’ event.
The 2018 Winter Paralympics is the 12th Paralympic Winter Games, and also more generally known as the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games, are an international multi-sport event for athletes with disabilities governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), that is currently taking place in Pyeongchang County, Gangwon Province, South Korea, from 9 to 18 March 2018. Athletes representing 49 National Paralympic Committees are participating in these Games, which mark the first time that South Korea has hosted the Winter Paralympics and the second Paralympics held in the country overall, after the 1988 Summer Paralympics in Seoul.
Volunteer Research Bullying in Volunteer Settings Mainstream and Me project has been created to meet the Federal Governments Information, Linkages and Capacity building (ILC) goals. The program is funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Parent to Parent Qld has the contract to deliver the program in Queensland. Eight young adults with an intellectual disability have been employed to co-design and deliver presentations to businesses and community organisations building awareness around the capacity of their ability to work in Mainstream. Topics covered include:
This is a chance to have this often expressed situation heard and researched and acknowledged. Are you a volunteer or volunteer manager? We would like your input to our research on dignity and respect in volunteer settings. Our team of researchers are seeking survey responses about your experience. Please consider taking the time to do this. If you are willing to help please click here to find out more and for the link to the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/BIVSOZ
What is an intellectual disability?
People first language
Disability Statistics in Australia
Myth busting
Benefits of disability employment
Job Customisation
All responses would be welcome by the lead researcher Dr Megan Paull for inclusion in this valuable research. Megan and her coresearcher Prof Maryam Omani are internationally respected leaders in the area of workplace bullying and employee rights and responsibility (including paid and unpaid employees).
Employment Case Study
Closing date 14th March 2018
Job customisation and the right supports have been identified as key elements to build successful outcomes. The engaging presentations delivered by the community educators captivate the audience and increase the opportunity for more awareness to empower change
To obtain a copy of WhatsUp in Disability magazine or to be an advertiser, please contact WhatsUp via: Office
4/33 Bell Street, Toowoomba
4632 6678.
say they could take double to meet demand.
BigDog is pleased to partner with OZHARVEST in stopping good food going to waste and getting it to people in need helps in many ways:
Nutritious food for charities by providing high quality food to agencies which may not have been previously available.
OZHARVEST was the first organisation in Australia to rescue perishable excess food. We now work with over 3,000 food donor businesses to collect quality surplus food and deliver it directly and free of charge, to over 1000 local charities. The demand for food relief continues to rise, with two million people relying on charitable organisations for food support each year. We are working hard to ensure a regular supply of nutritious food to many agencies, but many
Savings for charities as vital funds saved from grocery bills can be redirected to education, rehabilitation and other programs. Protecting the planet by ensuring good food gets eaten rather than going to landfill helps reduce the negative impact of food waste on the environment. Savings for food donors through reducing costs for excess food disposal and storage costs, and increasing the positive impact on the local community.
Broncos too good for Titans in Toowoomba More than 8000+ fans packed into Clive Berghofer Stadium to see the Broncos outplay and outscore their Queensland cousins, 38-10. Each team had their good share of seasoned NRL players with veteran Sam Thaiday leading out the Broncos whilst Kane Elgey led his Titans out. The Broncos meant business from the outset with James Roberts collecting two tries even before the Titans blinked. If the Saturday night game is any indication, the Titans have some work to do prior to Round 1 as they lacked aggression and seemed disorganised at times. The Titans will need to improve if they are to be a force come their Round 3 encounter against the St George-Illawarra Dragons on Sunday, 25th March in Toowoomba 9
Teal Ribbon Day - Morning Tea Wednesday 28th February, we held a morning tea fundraiser for research into Ovarian Cancer We raised $53.10 for ovarian cancer thank you to Sharon and the team for a lovely morning tea.
Get to know your NDIS participant
One of the most important parts of our role is to be familiar with your participants, their history, their hopes and dreams. The best way to get to know them is by talking to them and asking them questions. This can lead to some very informative discussions that will benefit both you and your participant. This will also show your participant that you care enough to ask the questions.
I am sure you are now all starting to settle in with Sling. Please remember that Sling is not the platform to call in sick. This call will need to be made primarily to the office; if the office is unattended, via the on-call phone.
Next time you are on shift, start the conversation, you never know where it might lead you to.
It is great to see most people embracing Sling, and acknowledging the benefits of this transition. I know that it can be frustrating at times, but we all need to keep our minds open to this time of change. Thanks for your support.
Thanks to everyone who has responded to the ‘Have your say’ questionnaire I sent a couple of weeks ago. We’ve received 11 responses so far containing some valuable feedback. Again I encourage you all to respond, any time you wish. The form will stay open and it will always remain completely anonymous. Some of the common items in feedback are communication, staff meetings and ongoing training. The management team have discussed this and resolved to schedule a monthly combined staff meeting and training session to supplement our existing communication channels (newsletter, staff memos and Sling newsfeed articles and announcements). Given the nature of our service, there is no day where everyone is available at the same time. To get around this we propose to run two one-hour sessions in the first week of each month (public holidays allowing), one AM and one PM to enable everyone to attend. Attendance to one session per month is compulsory for all staff and will be recorded to form part of performance appraisals. An email will be sent to all staff in the near future containing details of sessions. Please let me know about any topics you would like training on.
The Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services requires organisations delivering services funded under a service agreement or other specified arrangement to comply with various legislative, policy and/or contractual safeguards. Audits under the Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF) provide an opportunity for independent auditors to assess whether organisations have effectively implemented these safeguards, as appropriate to the type of services being delivered. BigDog has just received our audit report and we would like to share some of the comments from the auditors. “Participant feedback was consistently positive at each site and in several instances participants demonstrated sincere appreciation for the support provided by BigDog and the conduct of support workers and management in delivering support services.” “Interactions between support workers and participants demonstrated a respectful, supportive, and professional relationship.” Thank you to everyone who was involved in the audit (participants, family members, staff and management). Your assistance was greatly appreciated and your continued input is crucial to our success. 13
Congratulations Sharon Bopping Bunnies DISCO
Completing your Certificate IV This has been a great challenge and you should be very proud of your achievement, especially as you worked through it on your own both financially as well as being without a mentor for guidance.
World’s Greatest Shave Morning Tea Wednesday 21st March 10am - noon Crazy Hair Theme Gold coin donation Everyone is welcome
Senator Glenn Lazarus has been caught out publishing false information and promoting bigotry and division. Earlier today he posted a status complaining that Cadbury had folded to some imaginary pressure to "de-Easterize" Easter by removing the word from all their Easter chocolate packaging. He was swiftly corrected by many Facebook users. Yet, even in the face of a multitude of corrections, the senator asked for evidence (which were provided). The post was deleted and as yet, no apology has been forthcoming. Really put your foot in it right there, senator. Stop trying to appeal to the bigot vote. Facts will win out every time. Day Service Address YWCA Sports Complex 125 Robinson Street, North Rockhampton 4701 Post Office address PO Box 9777 Frenchville 4701 Coordinator Suzanne Smith 0438 724 306 Suzanne@bigdogsupport.com 15
First person to run a mile in under four minutes dies at 88 His time of three minutes 59.4 seconds, set at Iffley Road sports ground in Oxford on 6 May 1954, stood as a record for just 46 days but his place in athletics history was assured. Bannister also won gold over the same distance at the 1954 Commonwealth Games and later became a leading neurologist. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2011. A statement from his family said: "Sir Roger Bannister, died peacefully in Oxford on 3 March, aged 88, surrounded by his family who were as loved by him, as he was loved by
them. "He banked his treasure in the hearts of his friends." IAAF president Lord Coe, who ran a mile world record of 3:47.33 in 1981, said: "This is a day of intense sadness both for our nation and for all of us in athletics. "There is not a single athlete of my generation who was not inspired by Roger and his achievements both on and off the track."
Pay Day adjustment As Monday 2nd April is a public holiday, pays will be processed on Tuesday 3rd April. Time sheets will need to be in the office by Thursday 29th March.
In April Thursday the 12th is the Toowoomba Show and Thursday the 26th is ANZAC day Motor Vehicles A reminder that all fuel receipts should be returned with the car keys on the day that staff use that vehicle and fill it with fuel.
March 7th 11th 14th 19th 23rd 26th
Colletta C Clare W Brian S Phill J Brodie C Juliette S
Have a great day!
Andrew Muyumbe
Deeanne Griinke
Noelle Harper
Russell Mengel 17
Jamie’s Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen
Parks Week 10th - 18th March 2018
Designed to get people out and about enjoying their local parks and open spaces. Get together with friends and family and head to a fun Parks Week activity near you: • Magical Parks • Nature Play activities (Commonwealth Games theme) • Trail Yoga • Fitness classes • Parkrun • Kids activities
The fully equipped mobile kitchen classroom is now set up at Baillie Henderson Hospital, Tuke Annexe, Building 24 Carpark, on the corner of Willow and Boyce Streets. Sessions run until Wednesday 28th March with dates and times as follows: Monday 5, 12, 19 & 26 - 1pm, 4pm & 6.30pm Tuesday 6, 13, 20 & 27 - 9.30am, 12pm, 4pm & 6.30pm Wednesday 7, 14, 21 & 28 March - 9.30am, 1pm, 4pm & 6.30pm Thursday 1, 8, 15 & 22 - 1pm, 4pm & 6.30pm Friday 2, 9, 16 & 23 - 9.30am, 12pm, 4pm & 6.30pm Saturday 3, 10, 17 & 24 - 9am, 11.30am & 2pm
Suicide - The Ripple Effect BCC Cinemas Toowoomba Strand Wednesday 18th April 2018 6:30pm
This film is part of a global mission to help reduce the number of suicides and suicide attempts around the world. Through sharing stories of survival and recovery we are creating significant awareness of this health crisis, while helping people find the support they need to stay alive, heal 18
Queensland Women’s Week
Easter Friday
3rd – 11th March
Friday 30th March 2018 On this day, Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In different traditions, the date is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday or Easter Friday. It marks the start of the Easter long weekend, which includes Easter Monday on 2nd April. The day has been coined “Good Friday” because the word “good” means pious or holy.
Queensland Women’s Week recognises and celebrates the achievements of Queensland’s women and girls. Everyone has a role to play in creating a Queensland community that respects women, embraces gender equality, and promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of women and girls. This year Queensland Women's Week celebrations will be held from 3rd to 11th March with the theme 'Celebrate wellbeing. Everybody wins'.
Neighbour Day Sunday 25th March 2018 Neighbour Day is celebrated with the aim of fostering strong personal connections that last the whole year round. The aim of Neighbour Day is to build better relationships with the people who live around us, especially the elderly and vulnerable. Responsibility for Australia's Neighbour Day belongs to everyone; every person, in every community.
What’s on in March
Contact Us
2nd March Friday
Cruise returns to Brisbane
BigDog Support Services
14th March Wednesday
TDSPN Meeting
232 Ruthven Street Toowoomba QLD 4350
Mystery Bus Trip 15th March Thursday
One Community Networking Event
17th March Saturday
St Patricks Day
25th March Sunday
Neighbour Day
30th March Friday
Easter Friday
31st March Saturday
Daylight saving ends
2nd April Monday
Easter Monday
PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350 YWCA Sports Complex 125 Robinson Street North Rockhampton
(07) 4632 9559
1800 22 44 32 0427 408 698 (On Call) admin@bigdogsupport.com Visit us on the web at www.bigdogsupport.com 19
Hamilton Island
Wheelchair access
(Fully Booked)
For the ladies
Hamilton Island For the guys
Explore the world with us
Group Holidays BigDog Support Services run an extensive range of group holidays catering for travellers with different interests, skills and abilities.
We keep our groups small to provide the personal service, support and individualised attention that our travellers deserve. Smaller groups mean we can also respond to special interests or changing weather by altering our daily activities to suit the group