April 2020 Newsletter
Coronavirus What we can do to assist you during this event
Newsletter Steven’s Editor Notes Hi everyone, I hope this find you well. It's fair to say that the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic is unchartered territory for everyone and HSA is no different in this regard. I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the current state of play at BigDog. The health and safety of our employees and participants remains, as always, the primary consideration in everything we do at BigDog. As you would expect, BigDog is keeping up to date with all the latest information issued by the Australian and State Governments as well as their respective Health Departments. We are constantly assessing all information, recommendations and directives and their applicability to our services. Firstly, I wish to reassure you all that BigDog will continue to provide "essential" supports to many of our clients over the period of the pandemic, regardless of its duration. At present, BigDog will continue to provide a range of in-home and community participation supports and these supports will only be provided if BigDog deems that the support can be provided whilst complying with Government and Health Department advice on "essential" services, social distancing, infection control measures etc.
In This Issue 3 Coronavirus Update 4 NDIS Updates 5 NDIS ‌. 6 Community NEWS 7 Community Partnerships 8 Queensland Government 9 Employee Appraisals 10 Toowoomba Community Centre 11 Rockhampton Group Centre 12 Safety Matters 15 Admin Updates 16 April Events 18 BigDog Services
Please stay well and stay safe. Working together we can overcome this challenging time in our lives. BigDog Newsletter Privacy Notice: Please note that as a subscriber to our BigDog Newsletter which supplies news and events relevant to this organisation, your email address or any other personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us and will not be disclosed to any other person, body or agency except where you have provided your consent or it is required or authorised by law. 2
What we can do Additional services on offer for our NDIS participants BigDog has added to or expanded the following services for our participants and members of our community:
} Expanded community bus services for drop off and pick up from medical appointments and grocery shopping.
} Grocery shopping and delivery to your front door
} Debit card or direct payment services for grocery or medical items
} Home cleaning and sanitising } Lawn mowing and yard maintenance } Rubbish removal } Home supports including clothes washing, making beds, and general support
} Small 1:2 group activities at one of our community centres
} Short-term accommodation in one of our respite homes Rockhampton
Your safety is extremely important to us. To ensure our support staff work in the safest ways possible they have completed a training course in supporting people to stay infection free through Disability Services Consulting. If there is any way that BigDog can provide assistance during this period and beyond, please contact us to discuss your needs. Phone: 4632 9559 Free Call: 1800 22 44 36 Free Call: 1800 A BIG DOG
Updates NDIS Pandemic Plan and Payment Supports
The advance payment is part of the NDIS Pandemic Plan to ensure continuity of support to NDIS participants and the sustainability of disability service providers. This one-off payment is an advance (or prepayment) on payments for disability services which must be provided to NDIS participants to deliver reasonable and necessary supports approved in their plans. The advance payment has been calculated as approximately one-third of a provider’s cumulative payment claims processed via the NDIS myplace portal in the past three months (December 2019 – February 2020). This excludes a small percentage of claims, for example, plan management fees. The advance payment does not include:
• Plan managers
The increase in price limits is applicable to price controlled support items only. It does not apply to quotable supports. Support items with price limits listed under the following categories, with some exclusions, will have the 10 per cent increase applied to their price limits, from 25th March 2020: • Assistance with Daily Life (but not including Supported Independent Living) • Assistance with Social and Community Participation • Improved Health and Wellbeing (but not including personal training) • Improved Daily Living Skills. The price limit increases are being applied to existing support line items.
• Unregistered providers
The new price schedule also included:
The automatic advance payment will be made to certain registered NDIS providers.
Changes to the cancellation rules extending the period to 10 days
For more information: https://bit.ly/3drK04V BigDog has not accepted this offer as we are confident that we can continue to provide quality support without an advance. Editor 4
Introducing three new support coordination items under Core Supports. For more information: https://bit.ly/2xssYmr
Changes to undertake their review and discuss having a plan of up to 24 months. To ensure participant plans don’t end, on the day a plan is due to expire, it will be automatically be extended by 365 days. Participants who have plans that expire soon, do not need to do anything to have their plans automatically extended by 365 days. The NDIA is making some changes to the plan review process in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. If a participant has a scheduled plan review, the NDIA will contact them by phone or email
In addition, the NDIA will be making changes to NDIS systems over the weekend to make sure participants have the funding they need during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information: https://bit.ly/2xssYmr
Coles are updating shopping hours to allow emergency services and healthcare workers to shop early on Tuesday and Thursday. Changing the days for people with a disability and the elderly to shop to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Woolworths stores will be accessible Monday to Friday. For both Coles and Woolworths the hours have not changed: 7am to 8am. Entry to stores will be granted with a relevant government-issued Companion or Carer Card, disability permit, Pensioner Concession Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. 5
NEWS Boomerang Bags Co-founder visits Tania Potts spent the morning with members of Boomerang Bags Toowoomba sharing her inspirational story about how Boomerang Bags became a global, grassroots movement. “In 2012 we watched a documentary called “Bag It” which was about plastic pollution and we thought that it would be a simply a behaviour change, we knew what the problem was and people would simply get rid of the plastic, but it turn out to be that simple.” “So we focused on bags.” Tanya said. “Textile waste is a real problem, it is the second most polluting industry behind oil.”
“We wanted to use material that would be destined for landfill, to create bags and we wanted to create a conversation in changing behaviour, and it has just snowballed from there.” Local Toowoomba coordinator Christie Rheeder admits that she doesn’t sew, but she does love community, connection, conversation and bringing people together for something larger than ourselves. The group meet every 3rd Sunday of the month from noon until 3:00pm at the Paul Myatt Community Centre. Christie added “We have jobs for everyone, cutting, sewing, making cups of tea, having a chit-chat and just belonging.” “If you would like to get in touch with us, we have a Facebook group or if you go to the Boomerang Bags website you will find our details under Toowoomba.” https:// boomerangbags.org/ Search by community 6
Partnerships Manny’s Mowing Again
Mar/Apr Magazine
What an amazing country that we call home. In our previous newsletter I wrote about how Australia seemed to be on fire, how record low rainfall contributed to a continent-scale emergency that was watched by the world and sorrow was felt for those who lost their lives, families, homes, pets or livestock.
WhatsUp in Disability
And then it rained, and it rained some more. The rain put out the fires and filled the dams and rivers. But what is really significant is that after months of our yards being the home of weeds, the grass is growing and lawns needs mowing. And that is why Manny is really happy about things because he just loves to mow lawns especially on his ride on mower.
We have just purchased an additional Holden Colorado and a specially built trailer that can carry a ride on mower, 2 push mowers and all of our supporting equipment, for our second team. The Colorado sports the unique logo for BigDog Yard Maintenance.
Stories in this issue include: • Council Elections • Something about Bella • Manny’s mowing again • Coronavirus • Slow Starters Bowling Win • NDIS the final 20% • Boomerang Bags Co-founder • Stairs in a wheelchair
Steven Paull President
To obtain a copy of WhatsUp in Disability magazine or to be a sponsor, please contact WhatsUp via: Office
11-15 Alexander Street, Toowoomba
4632 6678
Health aaa
Asked Questions Should I wear a surgical mask?
What are the symptoms?
Most people will not benefit from wearing a surgical mask. Masks are of benefit to people who are sick so they don’t cough on others, and health care workers who have frequent, close contact with sick people.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to other colds and flus and include:
Surgical masks in the community are only helpful in preventing people who have coronavirus disease from spreading it to others. If you are well, you do not need to wear a surgical mask as there is little evidence supporting the widespread use of surgical masks in healthy people to prevent transmission in public.
• Cough
Should a participant wear a surgical mask?
• Fever • sore throat
• Tiredness • difficulty breathing. While coronavirus is of concern, it is important to remember that most people displaying these symptoms are likely suffering with a cold or other respiratory illness – not coronavirus.
If a participant is required to isolate, they should use a surgical mask in the following circumstances: • They need to leave their home for any reason and will be in public areas • They are visiting a medical facility • They have symptoms and other people are present in the same room as you.
What is social distancing? Social distancing includes ways to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. It means less contacts between you and other people. Don’t shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Wherever possible stay 1.5 metres apart and practice good hand hygiene, especially after being in public places.
Centre-based group activities BigDog has now closed all centre-based group activities until we are given the clearance to reopen. We are doing everything we can in keeping our community participants engaged BigDog Day Service Toowoomba
Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street North Toowoomba 4350 Coordinator Sharon Price Phone: 4512 6020 dayservice@bigdogsupport.com.au 10
BigDog Day Service Rockhampton
206 Murray Street, Allenstown, Rockhampton 4701 Coordinator Betty Cowan Phone: 4573 4611 ssmith@bigdogsupport.com.au sheit@bigdogsupport.com.au 11
CoVID-19 Safety in the Community Safe Practices Please implement your practices of safe hygiene by washing your hands as often as you can and disinfecting items you come into contact with. We encourage staff to abide by the social distancing regulations to avoid passing the virus to your fellow staff and participants as well as your own families. If you or your participant are unwell or believe you have come into contact with someone who may have the virus please let us know as soon as you find out as we will need to remove you from all shifts for the following two weeks.
Face Masks A limited supply of face masks is available to Toowoomba support staff to assist in reducing the spread of the virus. These will be available through the Paul Myatt Community Centre.
Motor Vehicles From the 3rd April 2020 all vehicle bookings will be cancelled. The community buses will continue to run between 9 am to 3 pm on week days so please encourage your participants to use the bus only for shopping or attending medical appointments. It is best practice to book the bus in advance to avoid missing out. Please encourage your participants to stay at home unless absolutely necessary. If you have a shift picking up participants from out of town such as Laidley, Kingsthorpe, Gracemere etc. a car will be made available to you but this will be the only exception. 12
Everyone at BigDog have undertaken this valuable and free training package that has been made available through Disability Services Consulting.
Staff updates
Administration Offices From the 3rd April 2020 the administration offices will be closed to all staff and participants. Staff and participants will still be able to contact the office via the business telephone on 4632 9559 or the on call numbers outside office hours of 8 am to 4 pm.
Shift changes and flexible hours We are currently experiencing a demand to provide more flexible hours and this will no longer be a 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday job which many of you are currently doing. The work we have is going to be all hours of the day/night including weekends. Everyone will need to be more flexible with their availability and help out their fellow staff and if anyone cannot do this then unfortunately we will have to replace them with those who are able to work these shifts.
March 6th 9th 10th 17th 21st 29th 30th
Adrian C Georgia G Mark R Chisato C Karen A Betty C Angus R Cailan K Sharon P
Have a great day!
To the staff who have stepped up and worked every weekend or filled sleepover shifts, most staff will be continuing in these shifts and we are very grateful to everyone for stepping up and supporting our clients particularly at the moment where everyone's anxiety levels are so high. To some of staff there is a possibility that they may be stood down and unfortunately that is the reality of what we are currently dealing with. Supporting letters that this has occurred will be provided to the relevant staff to assist them in claiming support through Centrelink.
Further Information If there is any uncertainty about your shifts or reduction in your shifts or even not having any work please ring us immediately for your options. As mentioned previously we are doing everything we can to keep you in your jobs but you will need to work with us. 13
I love a Sunburnt Panicked Country
Direct Contact with Participants
A poem by Julia Varga
We have become aware of the fact that staff and participants are contacting each other directly rather than communicating via the office. Please note this is against BigDog policy and must cease immediately. If a participant has your direct phone number you must advise them that you will be blocking them or deleting your number from their phone.
I love our panicked country A land of empty shelves Where everyone is hunting For toilet paper elves The Pasta aisle is empty The Oats and Wheat Bix gone What has happened to this country? When knives come out… forlorn… We are the lucky country Or so they used to say, But when Aussie takes on Aussie Over dunny paper, who will pay? The Virus has us running For hand sanitiser and masks But what about the Aussie way Looking out for each other I ask? Bring back my Aussie Homeland Where, when in fire or in flood We stand by one another We fight hand and hand in mud
There are NO exceptions to this.
Cancellations or No Shows If you attend a shift and the participant does not answer the door (regardless of whether they are home or not) or tells you to leave early you must notify the office or on call immediately. Claiming for hours you have not worked is a fraudulent act and will not be tolerated.
Supported Independent Living We will be making changes to minimise the risk of exposure to our participants. This may have some affect on supports provided by services other than BigDog. Again, these will be discussed with participants and decision makers in the first instance.
Stop heading to the shops And buying everything in sight Remember you’re an Aussie And keep your community tight
Important Numbers
Check on all your neighbours Hand out the toilet rolls Put some snags out on the barby And block out the panic trolls. 14
13 432 584
Community Recovery
1800 173 349
Business Support
1300 654 687
Services Australia
13 24 68
13 11 14
BigDog On Call
0427 408 698
The Fab Four have ‘come together’ to remind us that
CLEAN HANDS SAVE LIVES! Follow this link to watch this great video on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxOJ7hh3HI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0W_FDh5dVHsHvSxu8msA5inwwr0bb2Q JkPDjspG2KW7CM1DxcuZH8uTjc
Now every time that I wash my hands I have to sing “I gotta wash my hands”. Coming soon (perhaps):
Jimi Hendrix: All Along the Wash Basin Billie Eilish: Good Time To Wash Aerosmith: Wash This Way TLC: Some Scrubs Pink Floyd: A Bar of Soap On The Sink, Part I Backstreet Boys: I Wash It That Way
Justice of the Peace This service is available at the Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street Toowoomba (please call first to make an appointment) The JPs in the Community Program is also available through major shopping centres, libraries, court houses and hospitals.
Contact Us
Rolling Stones: (I Can't Get No) Sanitation
BigDog Support Services
Taylor Swift: You Need To Wash Up
232 Ruthven Street Toowoomba QLD 4350
Led Zeppelin: Whole Lotta Suds
PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350
Queens Park Market Has been cancelled for April
(07) 4632 9559 1800 22 44 32 0427 408 698 (On Call) www.bigdogsupport.com.au 15