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NDIS Updates
Media Releases
Digital Payment Solutions
Media release 14th December 2020
The NDIA is seeking input and information on ways to improve how participants make claims and providers get paid. The Agency has issued a Request for Information (RFI) via the Australian Government’s Procurement Information System, AusTender, seeking information on potential Claim at Point Of Support (C-POS) solutions to accelerate and streamline payment processing for NDIS participants and providers. The aim of the RFI is to gather information to inform the Agency’s development of a C-POS solution, so that NDIS participants or providers can claim for services immediately. ‘We understand the process of claiming for participants can be challenging and complicated and we want to make it a smoother and quicker experience through better use of technology.’ NDIA CEO, Martin Hoffman said. ‘We are always looking for ways to make it easier for participants and providers when claiming. The information gathered through this RFI will hopefully help us to simplify that process.’ The RFI will ask for responses on design, cost estimates and payment options, and help identify a preferred solution design. This is an essential piece of the Digital Roadmap announced by Minister for the NDIS, Stuart Robert in June this year, which aims to improve the overall digital experience for NDIS participants and providers.
Individual Support Worker
Samantha Taylor PSM 22nd December 2020
Participants are receiving advice that the conditions of their NDIS provider’s registration with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) have been changed where support is provided by an individual support worker. It is emphasised that the personal supports their NDIS provider gives them in their home are of good quality and safe. The NDIS provider: • properly looks at risks they might face in their home checks the quality of the supports they provide to you • asks the participant how happy they are with those supports. To do this, a new condition has been added to the registration of NDIS providers. From 22nd December 2020, under a newlyintroduced registration condition, registered NDIS providers of Assistance with Daily Personal Activities must make sure that measures are in place to keep participants safe if they choose to receive personal support from only one individual support worker, and no other. This new condition will apply to all registered NDIS providers that deliver daily personal support to NDIS participants who live alone. Providers will need to work with participants to assess whether there are any things that might put them at risk in this circumstance. Agreements updated for all applicable cases.
Impact on people with disability
The Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Act 2020 was passed on 4th December 2020. The Act will implement NDIS worker screening in Queensland. From 1st February 2021, Queensland will start nationally consistent worker screening for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The new NDIS worker screening checks are part of national reforms to improve the safety and quality of services being delivered to NDIS participants. An NDIS worker screening clearance will be valid for five years rather than the current three year validity period. Application fees will be as follows: workers: $117 blue card application for paid workers: $127 This means on an annual basis the cost for the new five year card will be cheaper than the current three year yellow card. From commencement, new employees of NDIS registered providers will need to apply for a clearance at the Worker Screening website. Existing yellow card holders are able to continue to work for registered NDIS providers until their card expires or is cancelled. This Act will enhance safeguards for people with disability. It will introduce:
a no card-no start law to ensure people who need to be screened are checked before
NDIS worker screening application for paid
Joint NDIS worker screening application and
Volunteer application: Free.
they start working with people with disability a stronger framework for excluding people convicted of concerning offences
a stronger decision making framework that focuses on risk and considers a broader range of information
national daily monitoring of changes in criminal history
expanded screening requirements so more people need to be screened to work with people with disability.
Workers and volunteers will apply for a clearance through the Queensland online application process rather than the current process where the employer applies on their behalf.
NDIS Worker Screening Database
Employers will access the NDIS worker screening system through the NDIS Worker Screening Database (NWSD). They will use the NWSD to confirm they are proposing to engage the applicant. Employers will also receive notifications and communications about people they employ with clearances or exclusions from the NWSD.
Expansion of disqualifying and serious offences
The range of disqualifying and serious offences has been expanded and there is a new framework for dealing with charges and convictions for a serious offence.
Day Service with


Congratulations to the winner!
Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street North Toowoomba 4350
Sharon Price Phone: 4512 6020 dayservice@bigdogsupport.com.au
Our fundraiser for the AstroTurf area had a prize package worth in excess of $500. The winning entry was drawn at the Queens Park Market at 1:00 pm Sunday the 20th December 2020. The winning ticket was 365 and the winner was present and was also announced during the Tony Wigan Show on the following Monday on FM102.7.
The fundraising for the Astro Turf has been progressing well and will be a reality very soon.
I would like to thank all of the local businesses who donated to the prize and to all of those staff, participants, families and friends who pur-
BigDog Day Service Toowoomba

chased tickets in the raffle.