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Editor Notes
Editor Notes
Hi everyone and welcome to 2021.
2020 Milestones
COVID-19, COVID-19 and COVID-19 what else! New buildings that we have bought include our future Rockhampton office and community centre at 107 East Street Rockhampton CBD, a block of 3 by 3 bedroom SIL homes in Ibis Avenue Kawana and a 4 bedroom respite house in Vanity Street Rockville. The Paul Myatt Community Centre has received new safety fencing, a new paint job and a new sun sail. The front office has been updated and our accounts department now occupy that space.
Online Training
The response to our new online training program by staff has been very disappointing considering the number of requests for training last year and the efforts to get this operational. There are 58 staff who have still not logged in. Well done to those who have logged in and completed modules, with special mention to those who have completed the first 9 modules
Performance Appraisals
January / February is the time of the year when performance appraisals are conducted with each employee to determine their goals for the new year. This year the individual results of your training will have a major part in determining your pay rates and promotion or development. The original 9 modules must be completed by the time of your interview.
In This Issue

2 Editor Notes 3 10 years ago BigDog in 2011 4 December Training Infographics 5 Queens Park Market 6 Safety Updates 7 Staff Updates 8 NDIS Updates 10 Toowoomba Community 11 Rockhampton Community 12 People we lost in 2020 13 Community Partnerships 16 What’s happening in January
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