December 2021 Newsletter
Merry Christmas Everyone 1
Newsletter Editor’s Notes Mandatory Health Order Following an announcement from the Queensland Health Minister the following apply: • As of 15 December 2021, it will be a requirement of attending any BigDog worksite that all employees must be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19. • As of 17 December 2021, it will be a requirement of attending any BigDog worksite that any individual must be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19. Individuals will be required to provide evidence acceptable to BigDog of being Fully Vaccinated. BigDog will accept for these purposes a copy of their Immunisation History Statement, or alternatively a copy of their COVID-19 Digital Certificate (both of which can be obtained through their MyGov account). These documents should be emailed to For assistance in obtaining this evidence, please contact me. A copy of the Policy 8.3 Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination is available to read in the staff section on our website. or at this link bigdogsupport/docs/8.3_workplace_covid19_vaccination?fr=sYjQ2YjQ0MDE5OTM
In This Issue 2 Editor’s Notes 3 NDIS Toowoomba Market 4 Professional Development 5 CareMaster 6 Unite and Recover 7 Wendy Adams 8 Training for Epilepsy 9 NGO Training Infographic 10 Toowoomba Community
Before her time In sad news Wendy Adams passed away this week. Wendy worked with me at WhatsUp in Disability for 15 years, was a representative for Spinal Life and a member of the TRC Regional Access Committee.
11 Rockhampton Community 12 Safety Updates 13 Staff Updates 14 What’s happening in December
Wendy was only 51, I will miss her greatly. BigDog Newsletter Privacy Notice: Please note that as a subscriber to our BigDog Newsletter which supplies news and events relevant to this organisation, your email address or any other personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us and will not be disclosed to any other person, body or agency except where you have provided your consent or it is required or authorised by law. 2
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Updates Toowoomba Market Results Support Category
Participants per Provider
Daily Activities
Total Core
Social & Civic
Support Coordination
Capacity Total
Capital Total
All Categories
Capacity Building Daily Activities
Capital Assistive Technology Home Modifications
Some interesting figures, in particular the over supply of Support Coordinators. 3
Professional Development What certified training would you like to commence in 2022? Certificate III Individual Support Certificate IV Disability Existing Diploma of Community Services A traineeship allows you to become qualified for your job while studying for a relevant certificate or diploma. For Certificate III the User Choice program provides a public funding contribution towards the cost of training and assessment for eligible Queensland apprentices and trainees. You get paid, you learn on the job, and you get a qualification. Traineeships are also flexible – they can be completed full-time or part-time. BigDog supports an educational environment, and as such gives you every opportunity to learn and be trained to fulfil your required duties. We will employ you as a Permanent Part-time employee and we additionally support your traineeship through payment of your tuition fees an amount usually more than $1,000.
For the Certificate IV and Diploma BigDog offers to pay the training and registration costs. At the completion of your Certificate your pay rate will also rise, and you will have the opportunity to return to casual employment or stay permanent part-time. Signups will be between 10 am and noon on Monday 10 January 2022 through Aurora Training Institute and Busy at Work at Alexander Street and at the end of January in Rockhampton. Steven was invited to present Certificates to the Graduates at the Aurora Graduation night at Centenary Heights SHS on Thursday night, 25 November 2021. It was a proud night for all the attendees but especially for some of our own BigDog team members including Jayne, Michael, Nicholas and Vivian. There were over 70 graduates at the night including Certificate III in Hospitality, Certificate III in Business, Diploma in Business and Diploma of Community Services.
Graduates in Certificate III Individual Support at Aurora Graduation Night 25 November 2021 4
BigDog Support Services Magazine
CareMaster for Support Workers To install the CareMaster App go to the App Store and search for CareMaster. Find the CareMaster Worker App and install. When opened the first time it will ask for the BigDog PIN number and submit.
Enter your email address and password and log in. You will be able to see your shifts for the day. Click on the calendar and see all upcoming shifts. Tap on the first support to see the details. Tap on the map to bring up Google Maps to see where you have to go.
There will be support details and goals for your reference. You can also read notes from previous supports. You can add case notes by typing in, recording your voice or by taking a photo. You can end the support by pressing the finish button and have your participant sign your phone or record their voice confirming the support has finished. Travel details can also be added at this time. Training programs will be available this month
Once you arrive at the address you can press the start button to start your time record. 5
Our Community From 17 December 2021, restrictions will ease for many businesses and fully vaccinated Queenslanders. These new measures will help to unite families, support our business community and keep all of us safe. Non-essential leisure businesses - hospitality and entertainment venues - that are only allowed to permit entry to vaccinated staff and patrons, will no longer need to follow capacity restrictions. To manage the new measures these businesses will need to: • display the vaccination rules at the business premises • use best efforts to ask for evidence of vaccination from customers at the time of check-in (this is a legal requirement) through one of the following: the Check in Qld app an immunisation history statement a COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate if a customer cannot or refuses to provide evidence, ask the person to leave the premises if the person refuses to the leave the premises, call the police. Essential businesses can also voluntarily elect to adopt these measures if they believe it best suits their business needs and customer expectations. Queenslanders can now link their COVID-19 vaccination certificate to the Check In Qld app. This means customers can check in and show they are fully vaccinated, all through the app.
The Queensland Government has been working closely with industry bodies to deliver a range of resources including signage to support businesses to manage entry of patrons under the new measures. Signage for businesses indicating vaccination requirements is now available from the Business Queensland website. Frequently asked questions are available from the Queensland Health website which are being updated regularly to provide additional clarification.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Wendy Adams Wendy was a passionate advocate for disability, accessibility and driver safety topics at the state and local levels. While not inclusive, below are some of the programs Wendy was actively involved in. • SEAT – Spinal Education Awareness Team (1999 – 2021): educating students from Prep to Year 12 about the risks and associated dangers and how to prevent a spinal cord injury. • Peer Support Person – Spinal Life (2005-2021): gathering information and advocating for members of Spinal Life Australia Inc. • RYDA – Rotary Youth Driving Awareness (20132021): program developed by Rotary in conjunction with the Police, Ambulance and TK Driving school with Wendy as an educator to promote driver awareness through encouraging the youth who are entering the automobile driving population. • RADAC – Regional Access and Disability Advisory Committee Member (2013 – 2021). Gathering information from the community on how better to meet the needs of local people living with a disability. Sub Committee member to develop the 2018/29 Disability Action Week event. • Development of the 2014 Toowoomba CBD Accessibility Map What’s Up in Disability (2007 – 2017): Editor for 10 years assisting with the production of the magazine.
Nov/Dec Magazine WhatsUp in Disability Stories in this issue include: • Daryl Nicholson • Multicultural Australia • NDIS has no Shepherd • Future of jobs in Toowoomba
To obtain a copy of WhatsUp in Disability magazine or to be a sponsor, please contact WhatsUp via:
• Business Disability Awards
11-15 Alexander Street, Toowoomba
• Our Community Centre
• My Sydney 2000
Steven Paull President 7
Training for Mandatory "Epilepsy Management" to enhance quality and safeguard employers, employees, clients and representatives. Epilepsy is a condition affecting the brain that is more common among people with disability. It causes several types of seizures depending on what part of the brain is affected. People with intellectual disability and epilepsy are at increased risk of severe and uncontrolled seizures compared to other people with epilepsy.
Epilepsy •
Focal aware seizures – the person is aware of their surroundings but may not be able to talk or respond normally. Patients with intellectual disability may have trouble explaining their experience during a seizure.
Focal impaired awareness (previously called complex partial seizures) often involve the person appearing confused and engaging in unusual behaviours, such as fidgeting, mumbling or chewing.
Focal to bilateral tonic clonic seizures – start as focal seizures but are often indistinguishable from generalised tonic clonic seizures.
What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a common neurological condition characterised by abnormal or excessive brain activity that results in seizures. •
Generalised seizures impair consciousness. Generalised seizures include tonic clonic and absence seizures.
Tonic clonic seizures (previously called grand mal seizures) commonly involve falling, convulsing, screaming, tongue biting, or loss of bladder control.
Absence seizures (previously called petit mal seizures) are often mistaken for daydreaming or inattention. They are characterised by staring, unresponsiveness and suddenly stopping activity. Awareness is generally impaired for a very short time (often 2-10 seconds) and normal activity is resumed immediately.
Focal seizures start in a specific part of the brain and may or may not impair consciousness. There may be a variety of non-intentional movements or vocal sounds which may resemble behaviours associated with other disorders. The person is unlikely to be aware of them and distraction is unlikely to reduce or suppress them. 8
Seizure Triggers Triggers are specific situations that can either bring on a seizure or significantly increase the risk of a seizure. Common triggers include: •
Lack of sleep
Missed medication
Fever or other illness
Call an ambulance if: •
a seizure lasts 3 minutes or more
the person is unconscious
another seizure starts shortly after a previous seizure
the person has an injury
it is thought to be the person’s first seizure
the person also has diabetes or is pregnant
the person has breathing difficulties after the seizure
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Toowoomba Community Centre
Billy & Jess
BigDog Day Service Toowoomba Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street North Toowoomba 4350 Coordinators Billy Mills and Jess Wright Phone: 4512 6020 10
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Rockhampton Community Centre Christmas is such a special time!
SARAH & Michelle
Thanks Wayne for moving slightly to your left so we can all see the BigDog logo.
Christmas Parties Melbourne Cup Day
Friday 10 December 2021 Participants—The Yeppoon Lagoon Saturday 11 December 2021 Employees—BigDog Community Centre Look out for the posters...
BigDog Day Service Rockhampton BigDog Community Centre 170 East Street Rockhampton 4700 Coordinators Sarah Dillon and Michelle Schefe Phone: 4573 4611
Safety Updates
WorkCover Queensland NEWS Medical Fees Update
Human Rights Week
Effective 1 December 2021
The Queensland Human Rights Commission
WorkCover Queensland has reviewed and updated the tables of costs for medical treatment applicable for workers' compensation in Queensland. The changes are effective 1 December 2021 and reflect the maximum fees payable.
Human Rights Week begins 1 December, culminating on International Human Rights Day on 10 December.
The Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers, explanations, definitions, rules, and conditions for services provided by medical practitioners have been adopted. Fees have been indexed in line with CPI and wage index increases where appropriate.
One of the key principles that underpins human rights protections is the right to equality and non-discrimination. For everyone to belong, and to know that they belong, we need to actively work to eliminate discrimination and to promote equality in every aspect of our lives. This Human Rights Week, organisers are asking you to make equality your priority.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Staff Updates
Community Engagement Steph and Billy have been promoted to positions in our Community Engagement team. While Billy will still be active as the Day Service Coordinator he will be sharing his time doing Community Engagement with Steph as they both learn the intricacies of the role.
There will be regular visits to our houses for participant updates, general audits and inspections. New participant signups and information collection including NDIS Goals, support requirements and support worker matching. Steph will continue in her role with rostering and on-call while Courtney is on maternity leave.
Toowoomba Reception Welcome to Bodie who has taken over from Steph as our Ruthven Street receptionist just in time to learn the new CareMaster software program. Bodie is so very keen to learn everything about her new role and is undertaking training from Steph in the reception role, supporting rostering and managing the vehicles. She is also learning about how the NDIS works from the management side rather than the support worker.
Staff Birthdays
December 2021 1st 3rd 5th 8th 10th 11th 15th 16th 17th 18th 21st 23rd 24th
Jewell Greg W Wayne Ann Craig M Jeremy Mc Shari Charles Sarah D Wendy H Roberta Joseph Vincent
Have a great day!
Employee of the Month Michael Backman Well done Michael, graduating with your Certificate III last week and having a real sea change from being a chef to a support worker.
Already you have shown your cooking skills with us and your assistance at the Queens Park Market is greatly appreciated.
It’s a boy! Well not yet, but soon. Courtney will be on maternity leave from Monday 6 December as she is due sometime between the 13th and Christmas Day.
What’s happening in
International Day of People with Disability Friday 3rd December 2021 Celebrates and raises awareness of people with disability and equitable opportunities in all aspects of life. IDPwD is a United Nations observed day celebrated internationally. It aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability and celebrate their achievements and contributions. IDPwD is an opportunity for us to make positive changes to the lives of the 4.4 million Australians with disability. Each year the UN announces a theme to observe for International Day of People with Disability. The annual theme provides an overarching focus on how society can strive for inclusivity through the removal of physical, technological and attitudinal barriers for people with disability. This has been occurring since 1992 when the General Assembly announced 3 December as the International Day of Disabled Persons. The theme for IDPwD 2021 is:
‘Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world’.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Justice of the Peace This service is available at the Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street Toowoomba (please call first to make an appointment) The JPs in the Community Program is also available through major shopping centres, libraries, court houses and hospitals.
Contact Us BigDog Support Services
232 Ruthven Street Toowoomba QLD 4350 PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350
(07) 4632 9559 1800 22 44 32 15
BigDog Support Services Magazine