Now in our 15th year, BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) is proud to be a family business providing quality support while maintaining our family and community values.
BigDog is focused on providing high-quality service and client satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. We specialise in all types of disability support services and community activities.
With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us.
What flexibility really means and why it’s important is that it makes BigDog more robust, more adaptable, more competitive and better prepared for whatever opportunities and challenges the future might bring.
BigDog has a unique culture of innovation and we lead the way in innovative thinking and creative problem solving in the way that we provide our support and adapt to changing environments.
Justice of the Peace (Qualified)
NDIS Standards
Business Development
Courtney Carroll
Company Lawyer
NDIS Contracts
Asset Management
BigDog has a shared understanding with our clients and their families on the outcome of a particular support need or request and we are responsive to changing circumstances
David Burrett
Operations Manager
Human Resources
The NDIS is the new way of providing individualised support for people with disability, their families and carers. It empowers people with disability to choose and achieve their goals so they can have a better life.
Participants can choose who they wish to work with, and their NDIS plan identifies what outcomes they wish to achieve, and the supports they will use.
BigDog is an important part of the NDIS, delivering service supports to our participants and assisting them to reach their goals.
Becoming an NDIS service provider means that BigDog is a part of a vibrant new disability market place and we look forward to a future where dreams can really come true.
A Service Agreement is a formal agreement between you and BigDog. They help to ensure there is a shared understanding of:
} expectations of what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered; and
} the respective responsibilities and obligations of BigDog and you and how to resolve any problems that may arise.
If changes to a Service Agreement are required those changes will be made using a Service Agreement Amendment detailing the changes, signed, and dated by the Parties, and will come into effect on the agreed date.
Service bookings are used to set aside funding for BigDog to provide a support or service. Each service booking sets out the specific supports or support domains agreed to be provided and the length of time that agreement is applicable within your current plan dates. Service bookings are not the same as ‘service agreements’.
The NDIA sets the prices that BigDog can charge for supports to make sure they provide value for money for participants.
Changes to prices are updated to respond to market trends and changes in costs and are generally identified through an Annual Price Review undertaken by the NDIA in the lead up to new financial year, with any new prices outlined in an updated price guide, effective 1st July each year.
The provision of supports for participants in the NDIS is subject to regulation by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission through the provisions of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and its subordinate legislation.
The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits set out the pricing arrangements and price limits that the NDIA has determined will apply to the provision of supports for participants in the NDIS.
This applies to all NDIS providers, registered and unregistered, and all persons employed or otherwise engaged by an NDIS provider.
A person covered by the Code must:
• act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making in accordance with applicable laws and conventions
• respect the privacy of people with disability
• provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill
• act with integrity, honesty and transparency
• promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of supports and services provided to people with disability
• take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against, and exploitation, neglect and abuse of, people with disability
• take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct
Anyone can raise a complaint with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission about providers or workers who breach the NDIS Code of Conduct
To find out more about the NDIS Code of Conduct or to report a breach:
• go to www.ndiscommission.gov.au
• email feedback@ndiscommission.gov.au
• call 1800 035 544
The NDIS Practice Standards specify the quality standards to be met by registered NDIS providers to provide supports and services to NDIS participants.
Together with the NDIS Code of Conduct, the NDIS Practice Standards build your awareness of what quality service provision you should expect from BigDog as a registered NDIS provider.
The Standards cover:
• rights of participants and responsibilities of providers
• governance and operational management
• the delivery of supports, and
• the environment in which supports are delivered.
BigDog has effective planning processes to prepare, prevent, manage and respond to emergency and disaster situations whilst mitigating risks to and ensuring continuity of supports that are critical to the health, safety and wellbeing of NDIS participants.
The measures include:
a) Preparing for, and responding to, the emergency or disaster;
b) Making changes to participant supports;
c) Adapting, and rapidly responding, to changes to participant supports and to other interruptions;
d) Communicating changes to participant supports to workers and to participants and their support networks.
Our monthly newsletter allows BigDog to stay in touch with you regularly and we can keep you up to date on new services and products we are offering. How will you know what we can do for you unless we tell you?
We write about NDIS and industry trends or things that will help you in better understanding your NDIS journey.
We also write about inspirational people such as Brendan Hall, Gold Medal Swimmer as well as stories about local people and their experiences with the NDIS.
Make sure that you receive your copy!
Our website includes a number of key areas including information about BigDog and biographies of our management team, NDIS information.
We also have What’s On and links to our Facebook page, photos, short movies, and links to important internet sites.
Information booklets including this Service Information booklet and Transition Guides are available to download.
There is a staff page with access to our reporting forms and policies and procedures and a page for applications for support workers.
The NDIS is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers. .
This is the agency that undertakes the planning and approves the funding
Established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.
The NDIA imposes price controls to ensure that participants receive value for money in the supports that they receive.
If you want to learn new things, try different experiences, meet new people, have fun and push your own boundaries, we’re here to work with you and do whatever we can so you can achieve your goals.
Recreation and leisure activities are a critical dimension of the quality of life for all people, including those with disabilities. Community access is an important part of the life of a person with a disability, as it provides access to recreation tasks, social opportunities and enables an individual to develop skills and competencies.
While not all people need support to participate in community access and leisure activities, others may not have any access to these opportunities unless support, rehabilitation and training is provided.
Community access is probably something most people take for granted. After all, most people access their community in various ways: be it through work, hobbies or activities. People do this to give themselves a sense of belonging, an increase in self-esteem and feel they are valued. In addition, community access also promotes physical activities and a return to a normal routine.
These supports enable you to engage in community, social or recreational activities. If arranged in advance BigDog may charge up to four hours for each plan period to document proposed supports and expected outcomes. Price limits vary according to your support needs and the day of the week the support is provided.
Core Hours 8:30 am 3:00 pm
After School 3:00 pm 6:00 pm
Bus Pickups from 8:00 am
Bus drop offs from 3:00 pm
(Most centre-based activities are included)
Our Community Centres provide a safe, welcoming and fun place for you to share your experiences and build friendships. We offer Group and Centre-Based activities 5 days a week, Monday to Friday.
Our activities are worker-facilitated and/or selfdirected designed to promote socialisation and enable capacity building.
Participants are welcome to undertake activities independently within the space, participate in facilitated workshops or a combination of both.
We have a Library and Quiet Room, TV and Movies area, Activities area, Board and Electronic Games, Art and Craft, Music lessons, Kitchen and social meals area.
Being flexible and able to meet participant’s individual needs is important to us so please contact us if you require something a little different or require assistance with transport.
Each month we conduct a fundraising morning tea event and donate to a worthy cause.
BigDog will endeavour to run all local group activities and special group activities as they are published on our website or in our brochures or advertising.
NB When the above support item is delivered to more than one person at the same time it is divided by the number of people in the group.
Future planning with PATH is for people who want to set goals and identify steps to reach those goals. PATH is a globally recognised visual person-centred planning and goal setting tool utilising a combination of graphics, colours and words it is perfect for people who are wanting to plan major life transitions, have difficulty communicating verbally or expressing themselves, people with mental health challenges, and for NDIS review planning. A PATH planning session costs $300 and generally takes between 2 to 4 hours.
Our lawn maintenance work is undertaken by a Yard Team of two. A team leader is assigned to your home and BigDog will make every effort to maintain the same team leader. Lawn maintenance times are scheduled in an order that requires the least amount of drive time for each team. BigDog will make every effort to accommodate your requested time however these times are not guaranteed.
Our Responsibilities
BigDog agrees to provide lawn maintenance services that include the following:
} Provide all labour, equipment and supplies required to perform the services and undertake to properly maintain all equipment so that work is performed in a timely and professional standard;
} Grass clippings to be deposited in the outdoor Council provided wheelie bin.
} Be respectful while in your property.
Their only purpose while on your property is yard maintenance.
Your Responsibilities
} Grant permission and facilitate entry for the team to access the property on scheduled or otherwise agreed days during regular business hours or any additional mutually agreed upon time.
} Provide for use by the team in the performance of this agreement any specified
supplies and equipment. (i.e. weed killer or fertiliser)
} Remove or store any clutter from the yard (i.e. toys, furniture, pet waste rubbish etc.) The team will not remove clutter in order to mow.
} Not offer any cash, gifts or rewards to the team
} Inform BigDog of any incident where an accident, breakage, damage to property or theft has occurred due to any act of the team within 24 hours.
Call us for special requests (i.e. house inspections or rubbish removal) so we can schedule the time needed to complete these tasks.
Our cleaners work in teams of two or more depending on the size of the job. Cleaning jobs are scheduled in an order that requires the least amount of drive time for each team. BigDog will make every effort to accommodate your requested time however these times are not guaranteed.
BigDog agrees to provide cleaning services that include the following:
} Provide all labour, standard equipment and standard supplies required to perform the services agreed to
} Vacuuming of carpets, dusting, and polish-
ing of furniture; cleaning of wood floors, kitchen appliances, bath tubs and shower stalls, toilets, sinks and all sink fixtures;
} Removal of rubbish from the interior rubbish containers and deposited in the outdoor Council provided wheelie bins.
} Be respectful while in your home. They will not smoke, eat or drink while in your home, nor do they watch TV or play the radio.
Their only purpose while in your home is to clean.
} Give the Clean Team access to the inside of your house during regular business hours and any additional mutually agreed upon times.
} Remove or store any clutter. The Clean Team will not remove clutter in order to clean.
} Not to offer any cash, gifts or rewards to the Clean Team
} Inform BigDog of any incident where an accident, breakage, damage to property or theft has occurred due to any act of the Clean Team within 24 hours.
} Pets should be secured and that you pick up after them.
Call us for special requests (i.e. after construction, refrigerator cleaning, inside of oven, inside windows, garage, extra rooms) so we can schedule the time needed to complete these tasks.
Each 24 hour period includes assistance with daily personal activities, accommodation, food and negotiated activities for periods up to 14 days each time.
Join us in sculpting a healthier, more active lifestyle tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.
• Sate-of-the-art Facilities
• Sauna
• Individual Fitness Assessments
• Low Impact Gym Classes
• Hydrotherapy (Undercover mineral pool)
• HydroFIT
• Group Fitness Classes
• Gentle Flow Classes
• Qigong, Yin Yoga and Moving Meditation
Where Every Body Counts!
WhatsUp In Disability (the magazine) was first published in 1994 to give local people with disabilities and carers, information on a growing multitude of local disability services, local news and issues, with the purpose of not only supplying information to people with disabilities, but of giving choices to people and to give local services a specialist media outlet where they could give information on their services.
You are invited to be a part of this exciting magazine as a reporter.
Once a month we operate a sausage sizzle trailer at the markets to raise funds for improvements to our Community Centre.
You will generally be able to access funding through the NDIS for transport assistance if you cannot use public transport without substantial difficulty due to your disability. Funding takes into account any relevant taxi subsidy scheme, and it does not cover transport assistance for carers to transport their family member with a disability for everyday commitments.
If your plan includes funding for transport supports this funding may be used to meet BigDog transport charges, otherwise it will be charged as an out of pocket expense to you.
The time that a support worker spends traveling from home to the workplace and from the workplace to home cannot be claimed but where a support worker travels from your support to another, up to a maximum of 30 minutes of time can be claimed against the next support at the hourly rate for the relevant support item and when they collect a BigDog vehicle from one of our Centres, up to 30 minutes of transport time will be claimed.
Providing community access supports may involve a support worker accompanying you on a community outing and/or transporting you from your home to the community.
In these situations, the support workers time can be claimed at the hourly rate for the relevant support item for the total time the worker provides support to you, including time spent accompanying and/or transporting you.
Where a support worker is transporting two or more participants on the same trip, the support worker will be claimed at the appropriate group rate for the relevant support.
As part of BigDog commitment to promoting your inclusion in community activities we often undertake outings and outside activities and transport may be provided through a third party or utilising public transport.
Although we have a fleet of over 40 vehicles, they are at a premium and if you wish to have a car for your individual use or to travel on one of our Community Buses, it is essential that you book through one of our Centres.
If BigDog incurs costs, in addition to the cost of a worker’s time, when accompanying and/or transporting you in the community, you will be responsible for those costs.
There is a travel charge of $1.00 per kilometre and any direct costs (parking, tolls etc) .
The BigDog Community Bus is available to pick you up from home and drop you off in the community for appointments or shopping and later collect you from the community and return you home for $10.00 per day.
The Community Driver’s time will be claimed at the group rate for the relevant support.
BigDog reserves the right to charge for transport provided to you by our support work-
ers, or for other expenses related to your travel. This is because legally BigDog must pay staff for any travel expenses they may have in providing transport to you, or for other expenses they may have providing service to you.
Travel expenses where a support worker uses their own car to drive you somewhere is negotiated with the support worker and approved by BigDog,
BigDog will invoice you for these services or expenses separately.
BigDog support workers may be required to drive your vehicle when you are unable to do so. In these cases an additional agreement is made to ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy and fully insured, and that the support worker is qualified and capable of safely transporting you in your vehicle.
The NDIS price guide prescribes the cancellation rules that apply to all service providers irrespective of service, location, customer base and needs and NDIS service providers are bound by a price cap.
If the participant was booked into a program delivered in a small group, the program will go ahead with one less paying attendant, which is unlikely to be viable if there are frequent cancellations
BigDog understands and respects the right of participants to cancel services from time to time. We understand and respect that life situations and circumstances can change at any time and without any prior notice.
BigDog is legally bound and required, under Industrial Legislation and Law to pay its workers if we are not given reasonable prior notice.
Where BigDog has a short-notice cancellation (or no show) we are able to recover 100% of the fee associated with the activity.
From 1st July 2020 a cancellation is a short notice cancellation if you have given:
} less than two (2) clear business days’ notice for personal care and community access supports and centre based day service that is less than 8 hours continuous duration and worth less than $1000
} less than five (5) clear business days’ notice for short term accommodation, special events or continuous support of 8 or more hours
} If a service runs overtime due to participant responsibility, charges will be for 30 minute increments for every 30 minutes or part thereof.
Where BigDog cancels or is unable to deliver a scheduled service no fee will be charged. In the case of extenuating circumstances, such as an emergency or other urgent situations, BigDog will consider these and may waive or amend the fee.
BigDog and a participant agree to give each other twenty-eight (28) days’ written notice if they require a Service Agreement to end. If BigDog or the participant seriously breaches the Agreement or the support is financially at risk the requirement of notice will be waived.
BigDog listens to people and takes on feedback as a source of ideas for improving services and other activities. It includes the way BigDog responds to complaints from people using services and their right to have complaints fairly assessed and acted upon. BigDog Feedback and Complaints Management Policy is available by contacting us for a copy.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544 or TTY 133 677 or visit www.ndiscommission.gov.au to complete a complaint contact form.
The National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) provides people with disability with access to effective disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights enabling community participation.
Advocacy for people with disability can be defined as speaking, acting or writing with minimal conflict of interest on behalf of the interests of a disadvantaged person or group, in order to promote, protect and defend the welfare of and justice for either the person or group.
Email: disabilityadvocacy@dss.gov.au
The Disability Advocacy Finder is a webbased application that has been developed to assist people with disabilities, carers and their families, to search for Commonwealth and state and territory government funded disability advocacy agencies.
https://disabilityadvocacyfinder.dss.gov.au/ disability/ndap/
The collection of information shall be with the expressed permission of yourself or your guardian. Information shall only be in relation to the needs of BigDog with respect to the program or services being provided to you.
You have the right to access and amend personal information held by BigDog under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (QLD).
BigDog will allow access to any retained information of yours at any convenient time for the you or your guardian. As information may be retained in a variety of mediums BigDog will reserve the right to time frame access, the maximum period for the time frames is 7 days.
All statutory bodies will supply BigDog with appropriate documentation prior to access to information being granted.
Any notifiable data breech will be investigated by a Director and if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner at http://privacy.gov.au/
Under the NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 BigDog is required to take all reasonable steps to prevent all forms of harm of people with disability, record, respond to, and manage incidents in accordance with our incident management system and procedures and notify the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission of ‘reportable incidents’ within specific timeframes set by the Commission.
All workers are aware of, trained in, and comply with the required procedures in relation to incident management and participants can access information on how the incident was managed .
1800 A BIGDOG (1800 22 44 36)
3 Clifford Street
Toowoomba Queensland 4350
PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350
07 4632 9559
Paul Myatt Community Centre
11-15 Alexander Street
Toowoomba Queensland 4350
07 4512 6020
On Call Toowoomba 0427 408 698
Scottvale Health Club
271 Richardson Road
Kawana Queensland 4700
07 4573 4611
07 4928 1588
This service is available at the BigDog Administration Centre (please make an appointment)
The JPs in the Community Program is also available through major shopping centres, libraries, court houses and hospitals.
Copyright materials published in this booklet are protected by copyright law. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever.