Disability Information Services by People with Disability Toowoomba and Southern Queensland
Volume 3, Issue 100
Subscription $20 PA
Proudly supported and printed by ToowoombaWhatsUp Region in Disability
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Highlights March/April 2021
03 6 10 22 30 32
Celebrate 100 Issues
2016 Judy Antonio
WhatsUp Events
TRC Paul Myatt Community Centre
Cover Page Kim Stokes Protea Place International Women’s Day Event Photo by Matt Ryan
Steven Paull JP (Qual) President Page 2
Entertainment and Monthly Events WhatsUp in Disability is now in its 29th year of publication and this is our 100th edition. Our team has worked on this special edition to recount the major events for the magazine during these 29 years. “A presentation of events and happenings around Toowoomba which may be of interest to people with disabilities and their families.” And so with this simple description Michael Barber began our journey to create a relevant source of information for people with disability. WhatsUp In Disability (the magazine) produced by Australian Disability Media Association, a non-profit organisation, was first published in 1992 to give local people with disabilities and carers, information on a growing multitude of local disability services, local news and issues, with the purpose of not only supplying information to people with disabilities, but of giving choices to people and to give local services a specialist media outlet where they could give information on their services. WhatsUp in Disability is seen as the principle provider of this information for our readers. A special mention needs to be made to the small legion of volunteers who have contributed their valuable time and skills in presenting their personal stories and experiences,
reporting on local, national and world news and sharing their photographs. To our editors, proof readers, and office administration - thank you. Without you we would not be able to maintain the day to day operations of the magazine. Other disability organisations contribute articles, they also advertise their services, and use our magazine for reference or resource purposes. Thank you for your support. We are all local people either working in the disability sector, retired from it, or have a disability ourselves, we are aware of what is happening locally in the disability area, as there is no other project like this in this region. It is my pleasure to highlight the achievements of one of my favourite people, Kim Stokes during this special edition. Kim represents one of the major and significant changes in our community between the time of our first edition in 1992 and today, and that is the empowerment of women, their strength and their confidence in the valuable role they play in ensuring that we have a safe and caring community free from bullying, violence and prejudice. Please enjoy this record of our journey.
Steven Paull JP (Qual) President WhatsUp in Disability
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Kim Stokes
By Kim Stokes and Steven Paull
I first met Kim Stokes at the 2014 Toowoomba Business Disability Awards night at Weis Restaurant where I received an award in the category of Employment and Kim was introduced to me as one of the founding members of the awards. It was immediately apparent that Kim is passionate about her involvement in the disability sector. As an experienced speaker Kim is often called upon to MC major events and as an outspoken advocate, to represent the needs of others. Kim Stokes is happily married to her best friend Andy. She continues to enjoy a wonderful career in the media, marketing and engagement space. She is a highly sort after speaker, agent of change and inclusion advocate. Her greatest achievement has been to follow her heart and live with passion and purpose and not let money get in the way of a good cause. Kim’s Story I was born in Toowoomba in the early 70’s and I am the youngest of 4 girls (my sister Kerry, 2 years older than me, was still born).
I began my schooling at North Toowoomba State School but transitioned to Holy Name Primary School in Year 4 (age 9). Holy Name is Toowoomba’s second oldest Catholic Primary School and is built on top of a church. Holy Name was without question, the foundation for my ‘love of servant leadership’ in my life. The same year I began school at Holy Name my Father retired from working at the Toowoomba Railway due to an enlarged heart. My Dad also lived with Schizophrenia, (diagnosed in his 30’s). I didn’t really understand much about either of my Father’s conditions back then. He was just my Dad and for the most part of my life, I knew him as the constant calm in my life. Kind, gentle, incredibly observant, very wise and always the peacemaker. He passed in July 2016. My Dad was not my first introduction to disability, in actual fact it was one of my Dad’s brothers (Uncle Sid). Back then, Sid was referred to as ‘deaf and dumb’ (as he could not speak nor hear), a term I could never understand nor accept. Though that may have been part of Sid’s story, it certainly Page 4
wasn’t the most important part. Sid by that time was university educated, had travelled the world, was married to my wonderful Aunty Maureen (also with the same impairments) and had three daughters, none of whom lived with any disability and, Sid was a very happy man. I used to watch in awe as he and Dad communicated with their one-handed sign language, at lightning speed. These are just some of the personal family stories throughout my life that have shaped my choices to be a champion of inclusion, there are many more. So, meeting people who live with disability is not shocking to me, as people we are all unique, we all have things about us that differentiate us from the next person. The one thing we all have in common though is that we all want to ‘belong’ and I just don’t feel it should be an excruciatingly emotional, mental or physical challenge to do so. It’s not as common as you may expect that someone’s impairment is the reason they can’t join in.
Considering the incompressible change and challenge that Covid-19 has forced upon the Global community, now more than ever it’s time to take responsibility for more transformational rather than transactional leadership. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own world and become unconsciously ignorant…. until life changes and someone else’s life experience becomes your own. My encouragement to you in this 100th edition of WhatsUp in Disability is to acknowledge that our greatest disability is our limited thinking. You are amazing, you are capable, you are well able to do your part to make this incredible City Australia’s most Inclusive City.
Community Champion Community Positions ☺ Committee Member - Regional Access Disability Advisory Committee – Toowoomba Regional Council (2019 – current)
☺ Co-Founder Toowoomba Business Disability Awards (established 2012)
☺ Co-Founder & Board Director – Inclusion Access
☺ Advisory Lead – Project School Formal ☺ Committee Member – Protea Place Inc (newly appointed)
☺ Board Director – In Sight of Dreams ☺ Member Queensland Women in Media ☺ Alumni – Women in Business Awards ☺ Board Director – Down Syndrome Queensland Community Awards ☺ First Service Award – Aussie of the Month – Year 6 (and I still have it)
☺ First time significantly volunteering with Disability – After School Volunteering (age 15) for the Endeavour Foundation at Hamewith Toowoomba (a previous residential school for children with disabilities)
☺ Most recent Service Award – 2019 Semi Finalist Queensland Community Achievement Awards
☺ Most recent Reward – speaking to a Seniors Group this week about a new Dementia Choir Top to bottom: Bell Street Mall Disability Action Week 2019 with L-R Kim, Tasha Grundon, Steven and front Josh Marshall and Liz Schneidewin. Toowoomba Business Awards with L-R David Wallis, Kim and Paul Wilson. Community Services Breakfast 2021
WhatsUp in Disability
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1994 top NEWS Channel Tunnel Opened Nelson Mandella becomes president of South Africa Tonya Harding
1994 Entertainment Forest Gump Lion King Shawshank Redemption
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What’s On DISCOs Wesley Uniting Church Hall DISCO with DJ Pedro $3 entry The Toowoomba Unemployed Co-Op At the Foundry in Ruthven Street provided free fruit and vegetables for those in need. Also resources to assist in finding a job, increasing your skills, selling art and craft and providing volunteers to help our community. Bride of the Year Endeavour Foundation 1994 Bride of the Year entrant was Linda Wolski
S-Troup “That’s Entertainment II”
1995-96 Top NEWS OJ Simpson Trial Dolly the Sheep Cloned Atlanta Olympic Games
Entertainment Babe
Braveheart Independence Day
This was an important event for Toowoomba as it was the first time a concert had been held where all the actors have intellectual disabilities. It was a delightful and amusing show and was be performed at the Arts Theatre USQ on Saturday 15th July 1995. We welcomed David Gilbert and Quinn Stevens who volunteered their time to add their perspective to the stories. Both have Cerebral Palsy and are aware of the type of activities that interest people with physical disabilities.
WhatsUp in Disability
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1997 Top NEWS Princes Diana dies Hong Kong back to China Harry Potter published
Entertainment Titanic
The Full Monty Good Will Hunting
Whatsup! Is now on the internet and is accessible world wide. The name change removing the space and making the title a single word to allow easy access on the net. The editors point out that whilst the web pages appear to be very plain and basic at present, continue to watch this space for updates. A 23-year-old man charged with the murder of a woman at Toowoomba in 1997 allegedly told police that Satan had made him do it. Prosecutor Robbie Davies said Darren Bradley Maloney allegedly made the statement, one of several he made to police, relating to events of Septem-
ber 28, 1997.
WhatsUp in Disability
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2000-02 Top NEWS Joyous Y2K Sydney Olympic Games 911 Terrorist Attacks
Entertainment Gladiator
Castaway Shrek
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Recently five-time Olympian Natalie Cook spoke about what we as a region should do to attract the Olympics to Toowoomba. Just a note for those who weren’t around at the time, Natalie won gold in beach volleyball at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games and is now an ambassador for the 2032 Olympics bid. There’s much for us to do to ensure Toowoomba receives its share of the tourism, infrastructure and export opportunities that will come from the Olympics. 2032 is only 11 years away and major infrastructure takes time to develop.
2003-04 Top NEWS Space Shuttle Columbia Boxing Day Tsunami SARS in 32 countries
Entertainment Lord of the Rings
Love Actually Aviator
Disability Action Week (DAW) 2003 theme is ‘Setting the Pace for Change’. The inclusion of ‘Action’ in the name of the week acknowledges that all Queenslanders have a role in making communities more inclusive, supportive and equitable. TIDSA There is a critical shortage of safe, supported, short and long-term accommodation in the Toowoomba Region for people with disability whose ageing family members can no longer cope because of frailty or ill health. Formed in February 2002 TIDSA prime objective is to redress this issue.
WhatsUp in Disability
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Endo’s Nursery Closes
2005 Top NEWS Hurricane Katrina HMAS Toowoomba Tony Blair wins 3rd Term
Entertainment Brokeback Mountain
King Kong Star Wars Episode III
Imagine waking up on Saturday 13th August to see one of your work colleagues’ picture on the front page of The Chronicle and a report that the gates at Endo’s Nursery were closing ending an era for over 30 Endeavour clients. Dan Toombs, disability advocate for Toowoomba Community Legal Service, the Regional Disability Advocacy and DAGFORCE combined to invite Endeavour to address a public forum, which they declined. It was a major concern that workers had to read about the closure in the paper. People with disabilities have the same rights as any other employee.
WhatsUp in Disability
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2006 Top NEWS Saddam Hussein convicted Steve Irwin dies Beaconsfield Mine Collapse
Entertainment Cars
The DaVinci Code Casino Royale
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Toowoomba Mayor, Di Thorley, said the case for water recycling in Australia had been dealt a severe blow as a result of a poll in Toowoomba. Around 60% of residents had voted 'no' to a plan to draw 25% of the city's water from recycled effluent. Ms Thorley said Toowoomba may have to look at piping water from dams closer to the coast. "We'll be depending on the Premier [Peter Beattie] to provide that to this city," she said.
Property developer and 'no' campaigner Clive Berghofer says the vote shows residents are not stupid. He says the council should get on with finding a real solution to the water crisis.
2007-8 Top NEWS Kevin Rudd Prime Minister 1st iPhone sold Airbus A380 commences
Entertainment National Treasure
American Gangster Spiderman 3
Businessman Peter Taylor will be the first Toowoomba Regional Council mayor in south-east Queensland after winning the 2008 local government elections. The former Jondaryan mayor has 72% of the vote, with Ian Jones securing 17% and Snow Manners 11%. Councillor Taylor says he has a huge mandate but he wants to run an inclusive council. In 2008 the report on services revealed that around 279,300 people used disability services under the Commonwealth, State, Territory Disability Agreement (CSTDA) and that more than 11,000 outlets delivered services.
WhatsUp in Disability
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South & Greenwattle Toowoomba
10.00 am every Saturday $18 per session 3 games Sports Registration $50 (membership) Glenda (07) 4614 1136 Kathy (07) 4630 5221 Page 16
2009-10 Top NEWS Brothel opens in town US Airways Hudson River iPad introduced
Entertainment Michael Jackson dies at 50
Avatar Toy Story 3
2009 marked the 150th anniversary of Queensland as a colony, separate from New South Wales. The vision for the Q150 celebrations was ‘reflect on our past, imagine our future’. Toowoomba and Darling Downs Family History Society Inc. received funding to publish the first book to record the stories of a small number of the men and women buried in what is literally, the society’s ‘backyard’. WhatsUp in Disability was awarded the Inclusive Champions Award from Spinal Injuries Queensland in the Best Local Category for our work in promoting disability matters in the Toowoomba Region and representing our readers at local and state government events.
WhatsUp in Disability
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2011-12 Top NEWS Japan Tsunami Plain Packaging Cigarettes London Olympics
Entertainment Apollo 13
The Impossible Skyfall
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For the past 13 years our very own editor, Wendy Adams has tirelessly given of her time to do volunteering work for the Spinal Injuries Association, encompassing the SEAT and Member Networks programs. Wendy has also associated herself with a number of other community roles and with all of this experience, Wendy was able to qualify for a Diploma in Community Services Work through the Brisbane North Institute of TAFE. Skilling Queensland supplied her with a scholarship. Graduating was an achievement that Wendy never envisaged after becoming wheelchair bound in 1987 from a motor vehicle accident. If you want something, go and get it!
2013-14 Top NEWS Syria Civil War QLD Disability Plan Your Life Your Choice
Entertainment Man of Steel
Frozen Unbroken
Through the support of Parent 2 Parent, NDCO, Rosella Park Special School, WhatsUp in Disability and BigDog Support the first edition of the Transitional Guide for Students with a Disability was published and is available at no charge to schools throughout the state. The step-by-step guide can be used by the student, their teacher, parent or carer to make applications, seek relevant information in their journey towards graduation.
Including essential items including Medicare, Australian Tax File Number (TFN), banking, voting and Centrelink, the student can work through the guide through grade 10 to senior so that they are better prepared for life after school.
WhatsUp in Disability
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2015 Top NEWS 1st Woman Jockey wins Melbourne Cup Malcolm Turnbull Prime Minister
Entertainment Spectre The Hateful Eight Jurassic World
An initiative of the Toowoomba West Special School P & C, the Toowoomba Business Disability Awards were first held in 2012. Bigger and better in 2015 with keynote speaker Moira Kelly who, inspired by a video of Mother Theresa at the ripe age of 7, barged in from school and announced to her surprised mother, that one day, she too would work with the renowned Nun from Calcutta. Having the belief in the power to change the world for the better, her insight determination and positive attitude have made Moira an extraordinary role model. Her innovative thinking and leadership have supported some of the world’s most disadvantaged children.
WhatsUp in Disability
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2016 Top NEWS Tragic Loss of Judy Antonio Rio de Janeiro Olympics The Zika Virus
Entertainment Batman Vs Superman
Inferno La La Land
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WhatsUp dedicated an issue of the magazine to Judy Antonio for her work in our community. Judy had Motor Neurone Disease and struggled with her mobility but not her dedication to her community. Judy had stated that she would do as much as she could for the disabled and the disadvantaged while she was able. She loved her work at the Flexi-School and the Disability Advisory Committee to the Toowoomba Council, especially with the Community Plan committed to ensure that there would be access for everyone in the future. Judy was Patron of Sailability and Riding for the Disabled and she is deeply missed by all who knew her.
Global role for Toowoomba Mental Health Advocate
2017 Top NEWS #MeToo Movement Cardinal George Pell Same Sex Marriage
Entertainment Justice League
Star Wars Last Jedi Darkest Hour
Michael Burge OAM awoke one Saturday morning to some startling news. After more than 22 years in mental health helping veterans and members of the public alike, Michael has been appointed to the board of the World Federation for Mental Health for 2017-2019. The former Army Warrant-Officer, himself a sufferer of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression described it as a “Oh my God moment”. The next international meeting will be in New Delhi, India and Michael said “Even if I have to swim there, I’m going to get there”.
WhatsUp in Disability
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Warrina Services is a specialist support agency that has been providing individual support to people of the Darling Downs since 1986. We support people with a diverse range of needs and also provide mental health services to assist personal recovery.
(07) 4659 5662
We can help you to achieve positive outcomes in your life. These may be related to choice and independence, education or training, attending social activities, increasing skills, getting a job or contributing to your community. If you would like further information please visit our website
www.warrinaservices.org.au Or contact us Phone: 07-46 380 399 Email: warrinas@warrinas.com.au or visit our office at
172 Bridge Street Toowoomba Office hours Mon-Fri 9-5pm
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2018-19 Top NEWS Thai Cave Rescue Christchurch Shootings Brexit
Entertainment Aquaman
1917 Danger Close
What will it take to create a Toowoomba Community where everyone contributes, matters and belongs? Changing Lives, Changing Communities was about bringing together all parts of the community to co-create solutions to ensure people with disability are included in their community and can access what they need, like a place to call home, good health, transport, education and a job. The event focused on what we have achieved and what more we can do together. During the two days stories were told and determined how these stories changed the outcomes for people with disability and people everywhere.
WhatsUp in Disability
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2020-21 Top NEWS Australia on Fire
COVID-19 Entertainment The Dry
Tenet No Time to Die (Sometime)
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“I love a Sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains. But I’ve gotta tell ya mate, I like it better when it rains. The countryside is dying and there’s just no end in sight, and just to rub salt in the wounds, the bush has caught alight. The landscape is on fire from Brisbane to the Gong, and everybody’s asking “where the hell did we go wrong? But we can get through this one if we help each other out. Take care of your neighbour, that’s what Aussies are about. The rain is going to fall again, the good times will return. But living in Australia means at times it’s going to burn. So if you need a helping hand, just give a mate a call. We’re all hear to help you out and catch you when you fall. The RFS, the SES, the Firey’s, and Police, all put their lives upon the line to help to keep the peace. So hats off to these heroes and thanks for all you do.
NDIS in Brief New NDIS Minister On Tuesday 30 March 2021, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC was sworn in as Minister for Government Services and Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
More robust integrations will also make it easier for application developers to create new services. One such example is Weejah, which is an app that seeks to create an Uber-like experience for customers of the NDIS. According to a spokesperson for Services Australia, the NDIA issued a Request for Quote (RFQ) for an eInvoice solution on Friday 12 February, which closed on Friday 5 March. Responses have been received from potential Access Point partners providing their quotes. Evaluation and selection process has now commenced. Once the tender was settled the government would move to rapidly implement the capability and will then seek to legislate this as part of its legislative reform package.
Transformation Program will enable Services Australia to pay all NDIS invoices Digitalisation at Services Australia will enable the Federal Government to pay all NDIS invoices in the future, streamlining a system that currently requires hundreds of thousands of Australians to track and invoice the agency, then pay providers themselves. The new approach will be made possible through investments in systems integration, along with a digital invoicing system, which will also plug into a new Salesforce CRM. It will also help the government better track and understand how the program is meeting participant needs.
Currently about 50% of participants in the NDIS self-manage. This means they are provided with a plan for a certain monetary value, they then book the services, and invoice the NDIS. The NDIS then pays them the invoice and they, in turn, pay the service provider. “Importantly the agency doesn’t have any visibility on where the money’s flowing to, how much has been paid, what debt exists, and it’s an encumbrance upon self-manage participants,” said Robert. Once the new system is in place the NDIA will pay 100% of all invoices. “So, if you’re a participant you will still book the supports or services. If you’re selfmanaged, you will have choice and control, an invoice will be raised in the CRM. And then the agency will pay. That’s the big difference.” WhatsUp in Disability
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Local Stories
Going Places Toowoomba
Thomas Coyne
Mission Australia is a non-denominational, Christian community service organisation that has been helping people regain their independence for over 150 years. Independence is something we all strive for, but life rarely turns out as planned. We have learnt the reasons behind a loss of independence and the paths to regaining it are different for everyone.
Politicians and community members across Queensland have expressed their shock and sadness at the sudden death of former Greens candidate and activist Thomas Coyne. The 21-year-old was the only victim of a horror car crash near Allora early on Monday morning. Known for his passionate support of marriage equality, climate action and progressive politics, Thomas ran for the Greens in Toowoomba South at last year’s state election.
Going Places Toowoomba is a mobile support service for young people aged 16-25 years who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We provide specialised casemanagement support to young people who are sleeping rough, couch surfing or living at home. This includes working with young people and their families, where appropriate, to resolve the issues that are putting them at risk of homelessness. Through our service, we provide tenancy support, mediation and support for families, community engagement, practical support, transport, advocacy and outreach, and access to other services. We recently met Gypsy, a young mother of one, who at the time was struggling to find stable, safe accommodation. She was couch surfing with friends as a means to at least provide a roof over her sons head at night. Gypsy was struggling to find an affordable rental, and with little rental history, her applications were continually being knocked back. For young people with little resources and guidance this is an all too common occurrence when they are forced to find housing, and all too often, it is due to no fault of their own. Gypsy did not give up, after a referral to our service from the Housing Hub Toowoomba, she began to engage and together we worked to find her a unit that she could call home. Gypsy has also been linked to mental health supports and community groups for support. Gypsy is currently pregnant with her second baby and because of the continued support; she has received during her tenancy she is able to apply for a larger house with the confidence and strong rental history to move forward.
Federal Queensland Labor Senator Nita Green led a chorus of tributes for Mr Coyne from across the political spectrum. “You don’t meet people like Thomas very often. They leave an indelible mark on you,” she wrote on Twitter. “He was brave, bold and bright. This is just so very sad.” Toowoomba Councillor Megan O’Hara Sullivan said Thomas was an “activist in every sense of the word”. “One of my first requests as an elected official was from Thomas — he wanted council to recognise International Day Against Homophobia,” she wrote on Facebook. “We lit up the Victoria Street bridge in rainbow colours.” Former Toowoomba North Greens candidate and disability advocate Alyce Nelligan was one of the first to pay tribute to her close friend. “Thomas was a bright light in this world — he was relentlessly committed to doing good.”
WhatsUp in Disability
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in May
To spread the word about your next event contact WhatsUp on (07) 4632 9559 or email admin@whatsupindisability.org Page 30
in June
8am to 1pm 3rd Sunday every month Frogs Hollow Hume Street Toowoomba Supporting WhatsUp in Disability
WhatsUp in Disability
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mycommunity www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au
By Andrew Spradbrow Paul Myatt Community Centre Toowoomba Chronicle 10th April 2012 Toowoomba woman Shelley Myatt expressed her deep gratitude to local support groups BigDog Support Services and Parent to Parent today when she opened their new building named after her late husband Paul Myatt and daughter Imogen. Mr Myatt, 45, and Imogen, 18, died after a horrific car crash near Toogoolawah on January 21. The new building, located in Alexander St and named the Paul Myatt Community Centre and Imogen Myatt Training Room, will be used by the support services for their various programs. "One of the things I loved about my husband was his sense of community," she said. "It means a great deal to us that you have decided to include our daughter Imogen as well."
History Originally the home of the Willowburn Soccer Club, it was built over the old Toowoomba Dump but the club had to be relocated when noxious gas began to leak from under the football fields. Air testing monitors were installed but are no longer used as the ground has settled. After this the building was used for the Vietnam Veterans Club and after that was vacant for Page 32
some time until the 2011 floods when the community centre in Water Street was destroyed and TRC offered this building.
Community Originally operated jointly by Parent 2 Parent, Toowoomba Disability Service Providers Network and BigDog Support the centre provided a meeting place for a number of community groups including the Kings Lions Club, Toastmasters, Better Breathers, Toowoomba Disability Network and others. Improvements have seen the building carpeted, airconditioned and painted and a wheelchair accessible toilet constructed, sun sails and astro-turf installed.
New to Disability? First Points of Contact Centrelink Payments and Services
132 468
132 717
Disability Support Pension
132 717
Health Care Card
132 490
Family Assistance
136 150
Indigenous Call Centre
1800 136 380
Emergency Crisis Payment
132 850
NDIS General Enquiries
1800 800 110
NDIA Toowoomba Office
07 4592 4057
Local Area Coordinator
07 4646 2800
Medicare General Enquiries
132 011
Pharmaceutical Benefits
132 290
MyGov Help Desk
132 307
Queensland Government
Toowoomba Disability Information Office Open Monday to Friday (9:00am to 3.00pm) A question on disability or a service you require? Try us, most of our volunteers have a disability themselves and will be glad to assist you. If we can’t help, we will refer you elsewhere. JP services are also available
Child Safety
07 4699 4255
Disability Services
07 4615 3900
Toowoomba Hospital
07 4616 6000
Department Housing
07 4699 4400
Community Groups Carer Advisory Service
1800 242 636
Carer Respite
1800 059 059
Lifeline Darling Downs
1300 991 443
Relationships Australia
1300 364 277
There are a number of support groups for most disabilities available in this region. Contact WhatsUp in Disability on: Phone: 07 4632 9559 Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org
11-15 Alexander Street Toowoomba (07) 4632 9559 A volunteer disability service organisation run by people with a disability
WhatsUp in Disability
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WhatsUp Executive Team
PUBLISHER: Disability Media Association Inc (Australia) (DMAA) TELEPHONE: (07) 4632 9559 OFFICE:
Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street Toowoomba (open Monday to Friday 9:00am-3:00 pm)
POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 3621 Toowoomba QLD 4350 E-MAIL: admin@whatsupindisability.org MANAGEMENT BOARD: Steven Paull (President) Courtney Carroll (Editor) Kylie Gordon (Secretary) Ann Paull (Treasurer) ADMINISTRATION: Tasha Grundon, Dean Gill and Bec McDermott CONTRIBUTORS: Liz Schneidewin, Bronwyn Herbertson, Sharon Boyce, Aidan Wilcock , Steven Paull and many more. PUBLISHED January/March/May/July/September/November ABN: 72 821 350 911
PRINT POST APPROVED: PP 424022/ 1811 DISCLAIMER/INDEMNITY Articles and adverts reproduced on these pages are accepted and published in good faith. It is a condition of acceptance that advertisers and article writers accept full responsibility for their advertisements and articles, and will fully indemnify the producers in the event of any claims or legal proceedings against them. Articles published are not necessarily the view of the publishers. Advertisements are also accepted on the basis that they do not conflict with any discrimination laws or other laws currently in force. ADVERTISING
Although we are a volunteer and non profit organisation, we are not funded in any way, and have to cover costs of this publication by charging for advertising. WhatsUp reserves the right to adjust, resize or move advertisements when necessary to allow for editing
WhatsUp IS AVAILABLE FROM: 1) SUBSCRIPTION (In advance) $18 per year (includes postage). 2) A single edition of WhatsUp can be bought at the office and selected outlets. You may also subscribe by using the form on the outside cover. 3) Reference copies are held in the Tourist Office and Toowoomba Library. COPYRIGHT
Copyright Protected. All pages are subject to copyright law and may be copied only with the permission of DMAA. Copies are not to be used commercially or for profit or for personal financial gain. Permission may be granted to copy only if the purpose is to give it away to others for their personal interest but not to any other organisation or service. DISCLAIMER
All articles are accepted in good faith and are not necessarily the view of the Editorial team or Management. Articles are accepted on the understanding that in the event of any claims against WhatsUp, the writer of the article will take full responsibility and indemnify WhatsUp in the event of legislation against it. Articles are also accepted on the understanding that the contents do not breach any Disability laws or other legislation currently in use. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY/ COPYING
ANN PAULL Treasurer
Page 34
WhatsUp In Disability is provided as a Master Copy to individuals and organisations. We are environmental friendly, we do not print any more copies than is absolutely necessary. We prefer and encourage the practice of passing the magazine from person to person or copying the whole magazine to pass on to others. Permission is needed to copy (see Copyright above) When copying the magazine we require that the pages be marked ‘copy’.
WhatsUp Accommodation Annie’s House
Mobility Equipment Page
Support Services
Reben Mobility
Information Services
Anne’s Angels
Down Syndrome Support Group
Anuha Services (Gatton)
(Toowoomba and District)
BigDog Support Services
Epilepsy Queensland Inc.
Breakaway Toowoomba
Every Australian Counts
CPL (Choice Passion Life)
TASC National
Liberty Health Services
Toowoomba Disability Information
Quality Lifestyle Support
RAWR Support Services
Slow Starters Ten Pin Bowling
Wagtail Services
Toowoomba Sunset Superbowl
Warrina Services
Toowoomba Region
Akadia Training
ALLPLAN Management
BigDog Cleaning Services
Jakins Accounting
BigDog Lawn Mowing Services
NDSP Plan Managers
Cranbrook Press
Queens Park Market
Tony Wigan Show 102.7 FM
Toowoomba Clubhouse
Support Coordination Access Support Coordination
Other Services
Plan Management
Employment MAS Experience
Page 20
Uniting Care Community
www.whatsupindisability.org To contribute to the next edition please send your article to
WhatsUp In Disability
is proudly printed by the Community Development and Facilities Branch of the Toowoomba Regional Council
by the 20th February/April/June/August/October/December or reserve your advertising or story
WhatsUp in Disability
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WhatsUp In Disability PO Box 3621 Toowoomba Qld 4350 Phone: (07) 4632 9559 Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org
WhatsUp In Disability APPLICATION FOR SUBSCRIPTION 2021 ($20 per year including postage) NAME ADDRESS
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