WhatsUp Sept/Oct 2018 Magazine

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WhatsUp $5.50

in Disability

September/October 2018

Toowoomba and Southern Queensland

Volume 3, Issue 84

Subscription $33 PA

Business disABILITY Awards Disability Action Week Disability Information Services by People with Disability Proudly supported and printed by Toowoomba Region

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While I was away visiting the USA we again had a change in Prime Minister and I read in The New York Times “Australians joke that leadership challenges are a national sport, and gambling websites were giving odds and accepting bets. As each candidate entered the field, the odds on bookmaking sites fluctuated."

CONTENTS Cover Page Enjoying a Live to Ride Motorcycle experience during Disability Action Week

Its main coverage of the leadership battle focused on the anger incited in voters. "The frequent upheavals, experts said, have left foreign allies uncertain and voters angry when elected leaders are ousted in backroom coups and compared to previous 'spills', as they are known, this latest contest has been especially messy and unpredictable."



WhatsUp goes online



Business disABILITY Awards



Disability Action Week

On the 25th August, the newly appointed Prime Minister the Hon Scott Morrison MP announced his new Front Bench Ministers. This included the appointments of the Hon Paul Fletcher MP as Minister for Families and Social Services, and the Hon Sarah Henderson MP as Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services. Both were sworn in on 28th August, 2018.



Changing Lives



Jenny Macklin

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HELP Enterprises

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NDIS Quarterly Report

If a change of leadership occurs because the party thinks they will not do well in the next election, why change the ministers as well? Just when a Minister finds their feet in their portfolio they are changed. This disrupts lots of people, and when that portfolio includes venerable Australians then it is also irresponsible and harmful.

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NDIS Queensland

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World Mental Health Day

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Live to Ride

Farmers, can they take a trick? The worst drought in living history with livestock having to be destroyed and now needles being inserted into fruit and that fruit, some of the best in the world, having to be dumped. Support your local farmer, buy their fruit, pay a little extra for the local dairy farmers milk and donate to a registered charity that is actually doing something for the farmers.

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Bring Your Bag

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Fight Food Waste

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Readers’ Stories

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Rocky Mountaineer

Steven Paull

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Discovering Dyslexia

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Disability and Age Care Information Day

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Toowoomba Region

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What’s Happening

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Copyright and Disclaimer Notices

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Advertiser’s Index

JP (Qual) President

WhatsUp In Disability (the magazine) was first published in 1994 to give local people with disabilities and carers, information on a growing multitude of local disability services, local news and issues, with the purpose of not only supplying information to people with disabilities, but of giving choices to people and to give local services a specialist media outlet where they could give information on their services. To obtain a copy of WhatsUp in Disability magazine or to be an advertiser, please contact the WhatsUp office at 4/33 Bell Street, Toowoomba or call on 4632 6678. Page 2

Rear Cover Breaking Free Concert

WhatsUp WhatsUp trials an online format for the magazine Being able to present our magazine to the widest range of people is very important to everyone at WhatsUp. Although there are a number of different thoughts around whether printed media will last, a number of current trends show that there remains a firm following of the printed magazine. We have no intention at this time to change anything about our printed magazine and we again acknowledge the valuable support by Toowoomba Regional Council in covering the costs of printing through Snap Printing.

Goes online

But we would also like to make the magazine accessible to a greater range of readers by having access to the magazine online through our website. This also provides our advertisers with a larger market place to showcase their business and to share good news stories. It also allows links from articles or advertisements straight to the websites, allowing for further information. As an introduction offer we will be posting this September/ October online, free of charge to our readers, to share with their friends and associates and to send us feedback on how they feel about the magazine.

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

Journalist Workshops This workshop was jointly hosted by BigDog Support Services and was aimed at anyone interested in print or digital media production and any persons interested in regularly volunteering with Disability Media Association. The workshops assisted attendees to build their confidence and capacity to develop contextually appropriate articles for our publication streams in accordance with our managing members’ vision for providing disability focused informational and human-interest articles.

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Awards Night

Congratulations to our 2018 entrants, finalists and winners. As Mat Rogers said, "you are all winners". Taking home the big prizes on the night were: Social Inclusion Award GingerCloud Foundation Modified Rugby Program Outstanding Employer Award Angie's Domestic Duties (Winner) Dolly's Kitchen Authentic Asian Cuisine (Highly Commended) Outstanding Employee Award Hannah Xavier (Winner) Jade Gilchrist (Highly Commended) Outstanding Volunteer Award Chris O'Shea (Winner) Victor Woodhouse (Highly Commended) Innovation & Access Award Jobs By Jacobs (Winner) South Toowoomba AFC (Highly Commended) Business Engagement Award Ben & Co (Winner) Abbey Dodds (Highly Commended) Elissa Flanagan 'Aim High' Scholarship Joint winners: Rhiannon Graham and Neil Prince Judy Antonio Memorial Award Jazzy Lane Hair & Beauty Studio

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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Wellways Healthcall Toowoomba, Brisbane, Roma Mackay and Townsville Providing: 1. In home and out of home disability support and nursing services 2. Day Services 3. Providing respite services through Siena House in Toowoomba Please call 07 4638 7159 or 1300 363 898 99a Russell Street Toowoomba We look forward to discussing your support needs.

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Wendy Adams - Access Committee

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) invited the community to come along to the Disability Assistive Technology Expo at the Toowoomba Civic Precinct on Tuesday September 11 from 10.00am – 3.00pm. Chair of the Regional Access and Disability Advisory Committee Cr Joe Ramia said the Expo is part of Disability Action Week that runs from September 9 to 15. “The theme for this year’s event is “An all abilities Queensland: everybody has a role to play. “Disability Action Week aims to empower people with a disability, raising awareness of disability issues, and improving access and inclusion throughout the wider community. Councillor Joe Ramia opens the event Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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Changing Lives


What will it take to create a Toowoomba Community where everyone contributes, matters and belongs? Changing Lives, Changing Communities is about bringing together all parts of the community to co-create solutions to ensure people with disability are included in their community and can access what they need, like a place to call home, good health, transport, education and a job. This event will focus on what we have achieved and what more we can do together. During the two days we will discuss the stories we want to tell in our communities and how these stories can change the outcomes for people with disability and people everywhere. We will then work through a process to create the movement for change. This will be a handson session, drawing from the strength and wisdom in the room, to develop a vision and key actions for change. At the end of day one there will be a Community Marketplace where mainstream and community

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providers will be invited to showcase what they do and their inclusive services. We also welcome any social enterprises to be part of this exciting market place!

The NDIS Wellness Group aims to assist those in our community who require additional support, providing opportunities to increase their physical activity levels and biopsychosocial wellness.

Bring a friend, bring a colleague. Changing Lives, Changing Communities - Toowoomba is your opportunity to be part of a movement for change towards an inclusive Toowoomba by 2030.

Our goal is to build positive associates within each individual towards movement and activity for lifelong participation.

Wednesday 10th 9am - 4pm Marketplace

4pm - 6pm

Thursday 11th

9am - 4pm

City Golf Club 254 South Street Toowoomba Book at qcoss.org.au QCOSS, Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) and Anti -Discrimination Commission Queensland (ADCQ) are working together to drive social change! We want all people in Queensland to enjoy a high quality of life and have access to opportunities that make this possible such as quality education, accessible and affordable housing, transport, meaningful employment, quality health and a thriving, connected community.

As a participant of the NDIS, your sessions will be completely funded by the NDIS. It's important to make sure your NDIS plan has services covered under the "Improved Health and Wellbeing" category for your exercise physiology and fitness services to be covered. For more information, contact your NDIS Planner or call us on 4638 7645.

WhatsUp The Shadow Minister for Families and Social Affairs and one of the key NDIS architects, Jenny Macklin has announced her resignation from politics. Since the Scheme's historic journey from community campaign to law of the nation, a number of people have been credited as the prime instigator of the NDIS. When something so remarkable and unlikely occurs, everyone is looking for its hero. But while many have claimed this title, few could deny the pivotal role Jenny Macklin played in the Scheme's formation. As Disability Reform Minister at the time, Ms Macklin choked back tears as she concluded the Senate debate which saw the NDIS pass through the Upper House. She has since then worked tirelessly to help resolve the implementation problems which at times seem to plague the

Scheme. Those who have worked closely with her over the years credit the genuine dedication and empathy that she showed to people living with disability in Australia. Ms Macklin was a quiet worker. She did not seem to require the credit or the spotlight, instead focusing on getting the work done. Perhaps that is why many forget her name when considering the

Founding Fathers (and Mothers) of the Scheme. Yet here at DSC, we believe that she is as worthy of this title as anyone else. She has been a campaigner, an advocate and a legislator. We wish her the best in what she does next. (It is also worth noting that Ms Macklin served as Deputy to Opposition Leader Mark Latham, but nobody is perfect).



South & Greenwattle Toowoomba

10.00 am every Saturday $20 per session 3 games Sports Registration $32 (membership) Glenda (07) 4614 1136 Kathy (07) 4630 5221 Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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87-93 West Street Toowoomba 0420 906 186

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HELP opens in Toowoomba

Help Enterprises, a Queensland based not-for-profit organisation is pleased to announce the opening of a new employment and training office at 5 Bell Street, Toowoomba. Help Employment & Training is a division of Help Enterprises, celebrating 50 years’ experience supporting people with disability in 2018. The new office is in the heart of Toowoomba directly opposite Centrelink, with on-site car parking available and just a five minute walk from the local bus terminal. Help Employment and Training CEO, Greg Luck said “With this new office and three more in Gatton, Crows Nest and Oakey, we’ll be able to help even more people with disability gain and sustain life changing employment outcomes. In the last two years alone we have supported thousands of Queenslanders into employment.” “We pride ourselves on having a strong customer centric approach to achieve real employment outcomes for our participants that enrich their lives, by connecting and empowering them within their communities.” “We also provide employers with support to find talented staff, and access wage subsidies and incentives” said Mr Luck. The grand opening celebration took place on Monday 9 July, with Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor, Paul Antonio to open. Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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WhatsUp Quarterly Report NDIS now supporting close to 200,000 Australians with almost 1 in 3 accessing supports for the first time As at 30 June 2018, there were 183,965 Australians being supported by the NDIS, representing a 13 per cent growth on previous quarter 54,802 participants or almost 1 in 3 had not received State/Territory or Commonwealth support before the NDIS. 183,965 Australians are now benefitting from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), an increase of 13 per cent on the last quarter, according to the latest COAG NDIS Quarterly Report for 1 April 2018 to 30 June 2018. The Report shows the positive impact the NDIS is having on people’s lives and details the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) progress in implementing the world leading Scheme, including: 91% of parents/carers of NDIS participants aged 0 to before school consider the NDIS has helped with their child’s development 71% of participants aged 25 and over indicated the NDIS has helped them with Daily Living Activities. 88% of participants rate their experience with the NDIS as

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either ‘Good’ ‘Very Good’.


The provider market has experienced substantial growth with 16,755 registered providers, representing a 17% increase on last quarter. NDIA CEO Robert De Luca said the NDIS was gaining momentum as it continued to roll out across Australia. “The NDIS is now fully operational in New South Wales, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory with the first regions of Western Australia joining the NDIA administered Scheme on July 1 this year,” Mr De Luca said. “This means hundreds of thousands of Australians are now benefitting from the NDIS and its life changing support, right across the country’, Mr De Luca said. Mr De Luca said that while figures show NDIS participant satisfaction has increased this quarter – up from 84 to 88 per cent, further improvement work is under way to ensure a quality and consistent experience for people with disabilities and providers. “The results of the survey are very

encouraging, however, there is still room for improvement and we continue to work on a number of initiatives to further enhance the experience.” The report shows the NDIS continues to be delivered within budget as it has each year since it started in 2013. Of the 24,228 participants joining the Scheme this quarter, there was an increase in the diversity of the participants. Support coordination: 41% of participants received support coordination in their plan in the June quarter, compared with 37% in previous quarters combined.

WhatsUp Quarterly Report for Queensland The following are statistics discussed report:

the in

key this

Committed Payments

NDIS in Queensland Supports

$567.9 million has been paid to providers and participants: • $0.3m in 2015-16

Participants and Planning

• $110.5m in 2016-17

1,912 additional participants with plans this quarter.

• $456.8m in 2017-18

As at 30 June 2018, plans approved and ECEI referrals represent: • 59% of year to date bilateral estimate met (1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018) • 55% of scheme to date bilateral estimate met (1 April 2016 to 30 June 2018) Satisfaction rating has improved from 86% in the previous quarter to 89% of participants surveyed this quarter rating their satisfaction with the Agency's planning process as good or very good. This reflects the positive impact of the participant pathway reform on participant experience. As new pathway improvements continue to rollout, and participants engage with the Scheme for longer, positive outcomes across all domains are expected to grow.


Participant Profiles Disability Group


29% of participants entering in the quarter of 2017-18 Q4 have a primary disability group of Autism. A further 10% of participants entering in the quarter of 201718 Q4 have a primary disability group of Developmental Delay, compared to 5% in previous quarters. Of the 399 active participants identified as having an intellectual disability, 41 (10%), have Down syndrome. Participant Profiles by Level of Function • 35% of active participants had a relatively high level of function • 46% of active participants had a relatively moderate level of function • 19% had a relatively low level of function

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

Committed Supports As at 2017-18 Q4 the proportion of initial plan approvals with average annualised committed supports greater than $30,000 has slightly decreased since the previous quarter when participants with shared supported accommodation (SSA) supports are included. Providers and Markets 3,559 approved providers, 24% increase for the quarter.


80-90% of payments made by the NDIA are received by 25% of providers. 36% of service providers are individual/sole traders. 1.66 average number providers per participant


Therapeutic supports has the highest number of approved service providers, followed by household tasks and early intervention supports for early childhood As at 30 June 2018, 33% of providers have been active and 67% were yet to have evidence of activity. Of the overall stock of providers, 469 providers began delivering new supports in the quarter.

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Flexible Respite Options * Breakaway Guesthouse- Highfields. Offers short term respite to children and adults with a disability in a comfortable and relaxed environment which is fully staffed. * In-home and/or Community Access Support that is flexible and focused on meeting individual family needs. * Rural and Remote Offers respite support to people with disabilities and their families in rural and remote South West Queensland. * Vacation Care Respite support for children with disabilities and their families during school holidays.

27 Mort Street Toowoomba Telephone: (07) 4639 5100 Fax: (07) 4639 5079 Email: info@breakawaytmba.org

Employment Services Supporting people with a disability to gain and maintain employment that is valued by the client, the employer and the community. 3 Finchley Street PO Box 1715 Toowoomba QLD 4350 P: (07) 4688 3900 F: (07) 4688 3911 employment.toowoomba@uccommunity.org.au www.uccommunity.org.au/employmentservices

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WhatsUp By Michael Burge I have collated a detailed a history of World Mental Health Day to acknowledge the fantastic work that the World Federation of Mental Health has done for Mental Health across the world. The History World Mental Health Day was observed for the first time on 10th October 1992. It was started as an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health by the then Deputy Secretary General Richard Hunter. At the beginning, the Day had no specific theme. Its aims were general ones of promoting mental health advocacy and educating the public on relevant issues. In the first three years one of the central activities to mark the Day was a two-hour telecast broadcast globally through the US information agency satellite system from studios in Talahassee, Florida. WFMH Board members participated from the studio, with live telephone participation from Australia, Chile, England and Zambia and pretaped segments from Geneva, Atlanta and Mexico City. In the first such telecast we realized that we were indeed reaching far afield, because there was an unanticipated and unscheduled telephone call-in from Swaziland, where a group of WFMH members had gathered to view to the program. The First Theme

World Mental Health Day

tralia and in England. In many countries WFMH Board members were instrumental in arranging events. Within three years, the Day had become a valuable occasion for interested government departments, organizations and committed individuals to arrange programs to focus on aspects of mental health care.

come to us from around the world at varying rates throughout the entire year following the 10 October events.

In 1995 a broad range of international events was reported to the WFMH Secretariat from around the world, ranging from a month-long series of events in Egypt, to a conference held by the French Federation for Mental Health at the Ministry of Health, to a community celebration in the tiny Micronesian Islands in the Pacific. In the United Kingdom, where there was a large national program, we also noted the poignant event at the site of the old London mental hospital which gave us the word “bedlam,” where many volunteers, school children and young people with learning difficulties planted spring bulbs.

Imagine growing up in our world today. Imagine dealing with human rights violations, wars and violence in the home, schools and businesses on a regular basis. Young people are spending most of their day on the internet – experiencing cyber-crimes, cyber bullying, and playing violent video games. Suicide and substance abuse numbers have been steadily rising and LGBTQ youth are feeling alone and persecuted for being true to themselves. Young adults are at the age when serious mental illnesses can occur and yet they are taught little to nothing about mental health care.

Not a one-day event We would like to stress that WMHDAY isn’t simply a one-day event. The preparations go on for months beforehand and this is truly a long-term educational effort. In some countries the program stretches over several days, or a week, or even in some cases the whole month. And in some places preparations for the following year start almost as soon as the current year’s event is over. Reports

In 1994, at the suggestion of then Secretary General Eugene Brody, a theme for the Day was used for the first time. It was “Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services throughout the World.” Feedback reports were received from 27 countries soon after that campaign, with notable national campaigns in AusEmail: admin@whatsupindisability.org

Theme for 2018 World Mental Health Day 2018 will focus on Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World.

The World Federation for Mental Health will bring attention to the issues our youth and young adults are facing in our world today and begin the conversation around what they need in order to grow up healthy, happy and resilient. Let’s all use this year to emphasize the needs of our young people. It’s time to take a stand and demand more for the world’s young people – our future depends on it! #worldmentalhealthday

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Live to Ride

Motorcycle Tours By Mick Jackson I’m Mick Jackson, I'm in my 50's and have I’ve been a motorcycle riding enthusiast for over 35 years and I’m passionate about sharing the thrill and exhilaration of the motorcycle ride experience with other people. During the time I was working as a motorcycle tour operator we conducted passenger rides for a lot of people but by far the best experiences we're while conducting group rides at events for the “Make a Wish Foundation” Christmas Party, “Cancer Council” events where we took some very sick kids for rides and during “Disability Action Week” events where we took people of all ages with a range of disabilities and special needs for a ride. Our passengers with a disability found the experience very exciting and personally rewarding and it was a much needed diversion from their daily troubles. Being able to share those experiences with their loved ones and friends only heightened the thrill of their ride experience and gave them some great shared memories that they took away with them and could reminisce about together in the future. The only regret that came from this experience was that we couldn’t take everyone for a ride because the ride procedures and safety protocols and indeed the

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solo bikes themselves couldn’t deliver a safe ride experience for people with more severe disabilities and conditions. I’ve designed an innovative new disability friendly sidecar outfit that will allow unassisted access for a

passenger that uses a wheelchair or will allow a disabled passenger to travel with their carer if required. For more information and if you would like to follow our progress you can visit our website www.livetoridemotorcycletours.co m

WhatsUp Plastic Bag Ban Remember Your Bag As you may have witnessed the plastic bag is one factor over the past couple of weeks that has ruffled the feathers of consumers and environmental scientists alike. However, the 0.1 per cent of landfill waste estimated by MRA Consulting covers five billion single-use plastic bags used by Australians each year.

Most importantly the impact on the eco system and its marine life is an international issue that cannot be brushed aside.

by animals but tarnishing the beauty of the natural wonders this country and the world has to offer.

CleanUp Australia estimates thousands of marine animals and seabirds die every year across the globe because of plastic litter.

So always ensure when doing your grocery shop, no matter how large or small always remember the reusable bags that last much longer, break down easier and are recycled.

The very alarming fact which has a detrimental effect in the environment is that plastic bags can last up to 1000 years in the litter stream, not only being ingested

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

Alternatively, it’s great to use bags such as eco-friendly ones which are reusable and made from natural materials.

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Individual Lifestyle Support Service

07 4639 4026 Providing Disability Support and Assistance Increased Social & Community Participation Living and Lifestyle Skills and Support Accommodation Support Capacity Building

Warrina Services is a specialist support agency that has been providing individual support to people of the Darling Downs since 1986. We support people with a diverse range of needs and also provide mental health services to assist personal recovery. We can help you to achieve positive outcomes in your life. These may be related to choice and independence, education or training, attending social activities, increasing skills, getting a job or contributing to your community. If you would like further information please visit our website www.warrinaservices.org.au Or contact us Phone: 07-46 380 399 Email: warrinas@warrinas.com.au or visit our new office at 172 Bridge Street Toowoomba Office hours Mon-Fri 9-5pm

1800 777 723 www.p2pqld.org.au

112 Russell Street, Toowoomba

Rehabilitation for people who experience mental health issues.

To find out more:


Or Phone: (07) 4632 4688

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WhatsUp OzHarvest believes good food should not go to waste. Food is precious and should be valued not thrown away. Fight Food Waste offers practical and easy ways to help you save food, time and money. It’s time to take action! BigDog Support Services has joined this movement in Toowoomba and as the following summary shows, they have been able to provide and distribute 3,687 meals to local families who would otherwise struggle to provide sufficient food for their table. Be part of the solution and #fightfoodwaste in your Facebook or Linkedin social media. Your wallet and the planet will thank you!

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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WhatsUp Band Review By Beck McDermott Nightcore “I am not your Barbie Girl” is a song I really love its one of my favourites I listen to all of the time on YouTube on my phone I have found it the other day I love the beat of it you guys should listen to it and tell me if you love the song I recommended to anyone who loves music. Some of their other songs include; friends, freaks, solo, monsters, fight song, rockaybaby.

Venom My thoughts so far by Dean Gill When I heard that Sony might be starting something similar to Netflix's MCU shows like Daredevil, I was hopefully optimistic. Venom is one of my most anticipated movies coming this year on October starting Tom Hardy (Who I think is a great choice) and directed by Ruben Fleischer who is known for 2009's best comedy horror movie Zombieland. When the teaser went up, fans

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Readers’ Stories

reactions to it were (How should I put this....) rightfully negative to mixed but thankfully the trailer fixed all of that by showing what Venom will look like in the movie. The second (and possibly last) trailer shows a lot of action along with some comedy and horror in the vain of John Carpenter and David Cronenberg.

MS Life 60 years

An exert from Lincoln Hopper former CEO and other News items in MS Life “60” years magazine. “Celebrating a 60th anniversary is a significant milestone for anyone of us and probably more so for any organisation with such humble beginnings that saw a mob of families, united in their struggle, come together in 1958 to found the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Queensland so that no -one would face MS alone… Also here’s a surprise, Eminem did a song for the movie in his new album Kamikaze by announcing it on every social media. I like how Venom looks in the movie, it's a mix of the mainline comics and the Ultimate comics, though he doesn't have the white spider logo but I get the feeling once he sees Spidey (Who may or may not appear in this movie) he'll get the logo. But what concerns me about Venom is the ratting of the movie, is it going be R (MA-15+ over here in Australia) or a hard PG-13 (M over here in Australia), regardless I will go and see it (with some friends maybe). Venom is coming out on October 5th, stay tuned for my review.

In this our 60th year, we recommit to people living with MS and other progressive neurological diseases in Queensland, to be there when and how you need us; to meet you where you’re at; to be approachable and real; and to support and connect you. Locally…in 2017 we opened a new multipurpose “progressive Neurological Wellbeing Centre in Toowoomba in collaboration with 6 not for profit organisations along with two other health providers. To find out more about our Toowoomba Neurological Well Being Centre you can contact our Neurocare information line on 1800177591.



By Steven Paull If travelling on the Rocky Mountaineer train is not on your bucket list - it should be! The company was founded by the Armstrong Group in 1990, and is based in Vancouver, British Columbia. It ran its first train on May 27, 1990. It is the busiest privately owned passenger rail service in North America, having transported over one million passengers since 1990. Rocky Mountaineer has been awarded the "World's Leading Travel Experience by Train" at the World Travel Awards seven times for its GoldLeaf service and was recognised by National Geographic Magazine as one of the "World’s Best Journeys" in 2007. The Society of American Travel Writers, the world’s largest organisation of professional travel journalists and photographers, rated the Rocky Mountaineer as the world's top train ride in 2009. Rocky Mountaineer’s first route travels along Kicking Horse River, through the Spiral Tunnels, the location where the last spike on the Canadian Pacific Railway was driven, and various other landmarks from the early days of the National Railway. This route is famous for uniting the country and connecting British Columbia to Canada over 125 years ago. Rocky Mountaineer is the only passenger rail service that operated on this route. The double decker carriages even have a wheelchair elevator from the dining area to the glass roof seating area.

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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Down Syndrome Support Group Inc. (Toowoomba & District)

Offers people with Down Syndrome and their families an opportunity to make contact with, and to meet other people in a friendly and inviting environment. Contact: President Kara Wren Mobile: 0439 661 349

Quality Lifestyle Support Address: 108 Mort Street Toowoomba Telephone: (07) 4659 5476 Fax: (07) 4659 5452 Email: qlstoowoomba@bigpond.com

Enhancing the Lives of Individuals Respite care, Community Access and In Home Care are provided to people in innovative and flexible ways working within the principles and guidelines of the Disability Services Act. Director: John Hart ABN: 43 092 474 872

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We encourage client input and control over the service they request.

10 East St Gatton Supported Employment * In Home Support Community Access * Diversional Therapy Counselling * Accommodation Commercial and Domestic Recycling Services Secure Document Destruction We also produce a wide selection of jams, chutneys and pickles made fresh from locally sourced produce

Phone: 5462 3272 Email: admin@anuha.com.au


Discovering Dyslexia

Discovering Dyslexia Experiencing Mysteries and Exploring Solutions By Sharon Boyce We are often very aware of physical disabilities but find it quite a bit harder to understand disabilities like Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Intellectual Impairment, Speech language problems, Dyslexia and many other hidden disabilities.

Health Consumers Queensland Catching up with everybody at the Health Consumers Queensland. Giving them the canvas we created at the discovering Disability and diversity experiential awareness session at the Evolution of Engagement Forum. All the participants in the session added a hand print and comment about how they felt participating in all the activities and experiencing key physical and hidden disabilities. It certainly was an energising and engaging conference. I was so glad to be part of it. Thank you to everyone who made the event so worthwhile and also to everyone who participated so freely on the day.

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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WhatsUp Disability and Age Care Information Day By Alyssa storm On the 1st of June at the Hume Ridge Uniting Church there was an age care and disability expo held. The expo was opened by Mayor Paul Antonio and guests speakers David Janetzki member Toowoomba South, Mike Horan Chair, Darling Downs Hospital and Health Board and John McVeigh Federal Member for Toowoomba. There were lots of different organizations from both disability and age care. Some of the organizations include life without barriers which provide in home and community care as well as supported living houses for people with a disability and Brightside that is a age care and disability group where you can go socialize have morning tea and lunch enjoy entertainment and play lots of games also and

Information Day BigDog Support Services provide cleaning service, respite house, lawn mowing service, day program and in home support all for people with disability. There were lots of different people walking through the doors to get lots of information about disability and age care providers. It was a fantastic day for everyone involved.

Left - Right Mike Horan, Ruby Slipperz, David Janeski, Alyssa and Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio

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mycommunity www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au

Toowoomba Region


Community Directory

This e-newsletter is a combination of the former CHANGE Project Newsletter and the Sport and Rec Gazette merged into one fantastic newsletter, designed to give you the latest info and offerings in the world of sport, active recreation, healthy eating and positive mental wellbeing across the Toowoomba Region.

Proudly Sponsored by

Carnival of Flowers Since its inception in 1949, the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers has flourished and is now an iconic Queensland event. On October 21, 1950 the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers commenced with a street procession that stretched three miles in length. Led by a bullock team and watched by a crowd estimated to be 50,000 strong, it was a resounding success. The Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers has been honoured to receive the Gold Award for Major Festival and Event at both the Queensland Tourism Awards and Australian Tourism Awards (2016, 2017).

Shine Through Sport YWCA Australia in partnership with Council have developed the new Shine Through Sport program to create easy, fun and free ways to participate in sport. Perfect for beginners, this new program offers females 16 years and over the opportunity to come and have a go at a sport they may not have tried before. Shine Through Sport sessions are held once a week in onemonth blocks, starting with Touch Football in November

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

2018. All equipment is provided and no uniforms are needed. Free transport can also be arranged. Come along, have a go, meet new friends, and most importantly, have a lot of fun! Bookings are required. To join or find out more contact Liza on 07) 3230 3425 or liza.hood@yq.org.au. Other Activities

 Great City Adventure  FREE Family Movie Nights  Festival of Small Halls  My Health for Life  Community Organic Garden  Flourish Sessions (Positive Mental Wellbeing)

 Willows Health Walking Groups

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in September

WhatsUp Mental Health Week Breaking Free Concert Inspirational event for mental health week Toowoomba district residents are invited to an afternoon of entertainment, inspiration and collaboration for consumers, carers, friends and representatives of mental health services and support groups. Called the “Breaking Free” concert, the event urges everyone to break free from the stigma of mental illness and to celebrate the positives of mental health. This year’s award winning event will be held on Friday 12th October 2018 from 5.30pm – 9pm at the City Golf Club (South Street, Toowoomba). Toowoomba Mental Health Service Consumer Consultant Michael Burge OAM, who has organised the event for the past 16 years, said Breaking Free had become an inspirational event with entertainers and

in October

speakers talking candidly about mental illness. “I’m proud that this is the 17th anniversary of the event and am delighted that the Toowoomba community has embraced Breaking Free as a special forum for people from all walks of life.” “The Fancy Dress theme for this year is Military and I am asking everyone to come along dressed in Military Fancy Dress from WW1 through to current conflicts or use your imagination.”

“These acts have donated their time as part of their commitment to breaking down the barriers that surround mental illness.” “We encourage anyone interested to come along and enjoy the afternoon. Breaking Free is a gold coin donation and bookings are essential.” Anyone interested should phone Michael on mobile 0447 642 592.

“Our guest speaker is Ivan Frkovic QLD Mental Health Commissioner who is sponsored by Queensland Mental Health Commission.”

The event is sponsored by the Division of Mental Health Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service, Toowoomba Hospital Foundation and Mental Illness Fellowship of Queensland (MIFQ) Toowoomba Branch.

“The entertainment will have everyone up and dancing with a a variety of musicians; Denise Kimber & Band, Rainbow Choir, Belly Dancing; Tribal Drumming, RIGG’D Crew, FAD Cheer and Dance, Flash Dance activity, Military fancy dress, and more surprises.”

The event is supported by Yellow Bridge QLD, Warrina Services, MIFQ Personal Helpers and Mentors, RFQ, Lifeline, Fitzy’s Fibbers Magee, BigDog Support Services, Mental Health at Work, East Creek Community Centre, Breakaway Toowoomba, The Gap and WhatsUp in Disability.

Email: whatsupindisability@bigpond.com

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in October


New to disability?

First Points of Contact Centrelink Payments and Services

132 468


132 717

Disability Support Pension

132 717

Health Care Card

132 490

Family Assistance

136 150

Indigenous Call Centre Emergency Crisis Payment

1800 136 380 132 850

NDIS General Enquiries

1800 800 110

NDIA Toowoomba Office

07 4592 4057

Local Area Coordinator

07 4646 2800

Medicare General Enquiries

132 011

Pharmaceutical Benefits

132 290

MyGov Help Desk

132 307

Queensland Government

Toowoomba Disability Information Office

Child Safety

07 4699 4255

Disability Services

07 4615 3900

Toowoomba Hospital

07 4616 6000

Department Housing

07 4699 4400

Community Groups Carer Advisory Service

1800 242 636

Carer Respite

1800 059 059

Open 5 days

Lifeline Darling Downs

1300 991 443

(core times 10am to 1.00pm)

Relationships Australia

1300 364 277

A question on disability or a service you require? Try us, most of our Information Officers have a disability themselves and will be glad to assist you. If we can’t help, we will refer you elsewhere. Shop 4 / 33 Bell St Mall Toowoomba

There are a number of support groups for most disabilities available in this region. Contact WhatsUp in Disability on: Phone: 07 46326678 Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

(07) 4632 6678 A volunteer disability service organisation run by people with disabilities

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

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WhatsUp Executive Team

PUBLISHER: Disability Media Association Inc (Australia) (DMAA) TELEPHONE: (07) 4632 6678 OFFICE:

Shop 4 /33 Bell St Mall Toowoomba (Bell St Mall) (open Monday to Wednesday 10:00am-1:00 pm)

POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 3621 Toowoomba Qld 4350 E-MAIL: admin@whatsupindisability.org MANAGEMENT BOARD: Steven P aull (P resident) W endy Adams (Editor) Jeremy Scamp (Secretary) Ann Paull (Treasurer) ADMINISTRATION: Alyssa Storm, Bec M cDermott, Chloe Ellevsen and Sandra Wiseman REPORTERS / WRITERS: W endy Adams, Alyse N elligan, Bronw yn Herbertson, Sharon Boyce, Marrissa Moore, Steven Paull and many more. PUBLISHED: J anuary/ M arch/ M ay/ J uly/ September/ N ovember ABN: 72 821 350 911 PRINT POST APPROVED: P P 424022/ 1811


DISCLAIMER/INDEMNITY: Articles and adverts reproduced on these pages are accepted and published in good faith. It is a condition of acceptance that advertisers and article writers accept full responsibility for their advertisements and articles, and will fully indemnify the producers in the event of any claims or legal proceedings against them. Articles published are not necessarily the view of the publishers. Advertisements are also accepted on the basis that they do not conflict with any discrimination laws or other laws currently in force. ADVERTISING: Although we are a volunteer and non profit organisation, we are not funded in any way, and have to cover costs of this publication by charging for advertising. Please request a quote by ringing (07) 4632 6678 or by email. All new adverts must be received 4 weeks preceding month of publication.


WhatsUp reserves the right to adjust, resize or move advertisements when necessary to allow for editing WHATSUP IS AVAILABLE FROM: 1) SUBSCRIPTION (In advance) $33 per year (includes postage). 2) A single edition of WID can be bought at the WhatsUp office and selected outlets. You may also subscribe by using the form on the outside cover. 3) Reference copies are held in the Tourist Office and Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre.


COPYRIGHT: Copyright Protected. All pages are subject to copyright law and may be copied only with the permission of DMAA. Copies are not to be used commercially or for profit or for personal financial gain. Permission may be granted to copy only if the purpose is to give it away to others for their personal interest but not to any other organisation or service. DISCLAIMER: All articles are accepted in good faith and are not necessarily the view of the Editorial team or Management. Articles are accepted on the understanding that in the event of any claims against WhatsUp, the writer of the article will take full responsibility and indemnify WhatsUp in the event of legislation against it. Articles are also accepted on the understanding that the contents do not breach any Disability laws or other legislation currently in use. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY/ COPYING

ANN PAULL Treasurer

Page 30

WhatsUp In Disability is provided as a Master Copy to individuals and organisations. We are environmental friendly, we do not print any more copies than is absolutely necessary. We prefer and encourage the practice of passing the magazine from person to person or copying the whole magazine to pass on to others. Permission is needed to copy (see Copyright above) When copying the magazine we require that the pages be marked ‘copy’.

DMAA PO Box 3621, Toowoomba, QLD 4350


Advertiser Index

Accommodation / Respite

Holiday / Transport

BigDog Respite House



‘Regatta’ Noosa



Breakaway Toowoomba



Sunshine Coast Supported Holidays



Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre



Information Services

Support Services

Auslan Sign Language Course

P age 22

Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre

Page 10

Anuha Services (Gatton)



BigDog Support Services



Breakaway Toowoomba



(Toowoomba and District)



CPL (Choice Passion Life)



Epilepsy Queensland Inc.



Quality Lifestyle Support



Every Australian Counts



Salvation Army



Parent To Parent



Warrina Services



TASC National



Wellways Healthcall



Toowoomba Disability Information



Yellow Bridge



Recreation Slow Starters Tenpin Bowling



Support Coordination

Down Syndrome Support

Spyro Solutions



Toowoomba Sunset Superbowl



St Vincent de Paul



Toowoomba Region



BigDog Cleaning Services



BigDog Lawn Mowing Services




Other Services

Uniting Care Community Employment



Mobility Equipment MedTech Mobility Equipment



ParisiAnn Patisserie



Reben Mobility



Tony Wigan Show 4DDB



Toowoomba Clubhouse



Medical Scott Street Pharmacy

Page 14

Toowoomba Central Discount Drug Store


www.whatsupindisability.org To contribute to the next edition please send your article to

WhatsUp In Disability


is proudly printed by the Community Development and Facilities Branch of the Toowoomba Regional Council

by the 20th February/April/June/August/October/December or reserve a space

Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

Page 31

WhatsUp In Disability PO Box 3621 Toowoomba Qld 4350 Phone: (07) 4632 6678 Email: admin@whatsupindisability.org

WhatsUp In Disability APPLICATION FOR SUBSCRIPTION ($33 per year including postage) NAME ADDRESS

Post Code


E-MAIL $33





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