Benefits of free webinar hosting

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Benefits of free webinar hosting

Gone are the days when people used to dress in their best suit and travel for hours to reach a venue for a corporate meeting. With the evolution of the internet and technology, modern day businesses began to communicate online. Even the hallmark of a business organization, the corporate meeting took an online avatar via video conferencing solutions.

Video conferencing has gained massive popularity in the last few decades. To the extent that now most companies choose to use free webinar hosting services for official communication, including meetings and seminars.

Another interesting off-shoot of video conferencing is the rising trend of tele-commuting or working from home. With the help of software applications people can now enjoy the convenience of working from home while being supervised or monitored like they would be at the office. Stay at home parents can now use video conferencing as a tool to keep their supervisors updated with their work while taking care of their family at the same time.

Consequently, though physical meetings are effective when it comes to getting work done, they can be time consuming and costly, especially when they are in far away locations. For a business development manager based in Asia, attending a meeting in the USA would be rather expensive. In such a situation, free webinar software is the perfect solution. Video conferencing is now vital to a plethora of industries such as the media. Broadcast media specifically uses this feature to cover live news and connect different individuals across borders so that they can air their views on television.

Large multinational corporations have also reaped the benefits of free webinar software. Because it has ensured real time audio visual communication between employees at different locations it has helped increase efficiency and productivity. With video conferencing, decisions are made faster, geographically disparate teams can work on the same project in tandem, and top level management can connect with employees at all times of the day.

Another innovative use for video conferencing has been in the banking, aviation and telecommunications sector who use free webinar software as a CRM tool to communicate with customers. Being able to interact with customers face-to-face, without travelling can help companies address concerns with speed and dexterity. In conclusion, video conferencing, if used to its full potential can benefit companies as illustrated in this article.

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