Free video conferencing in the healthcare industry

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The emergence of technology has eliminated geographical obstacles in the service sector. Video conferencing is the latest tool employed by the service sector to communicate efficiently across long distances. The ease and convenience of video conferencing is the main reason for its popularity. It has made the provision of services a little less location dependent and has been beneficial to a number of industries across the globe.

One of the major beneficiaries of this technological boon has been the healthcare industry. Here is how this digital technology has had a positive impact on the health care industry.

 Access to world-class medical facilities More and more doctors are now connecting with each other over video conferencing. Several service providers offer video conferencing. Apart from allowing doctors in different locations to connect, this service has shown great advantages in developing countries where people residing in rural locations can now consult doctors via video conferencing and receive medical consultation from specialists at a reduced cost.

 Reduces travel costs One of the major benefits of video conferencing is that it reduces travel costs. Doctors can now consult each other via video conferencing in case of emergencies. Video conferencing is instantaneous and real time and hence it reduces the time and money spent on travel for both medical professionals and patients.

 Continuing education made easier A lot of doctors are using free video conferencing to enroll in continuing education programmes. This is easier for them as they do not have to compromise on their work schedules. They can work and study at the same time without having to leave their current place of employment and residence.

 Better team work Video conferencing results in better coordination among teams. Through video conferencing medical teams can share insights and best practices, thus allowing better functioning of the medical sector. It is also used to train new employees. Induction sessions with doctors located in far flung areas can be conducted easily through free video conferencing.

 Competitive Advantage Besides the improvement in quality of care, free video conferencing allows hospitals and other medical institutions to take decisions on products, services and policies faster. This allows them the time to strategize their marketing plan and think about ways to improve business.

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