Free video conferencing to benefit the future of telemedicine

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The world that we all live in today is a result of development happening over decades and centuries. Technology is touching the world and offering its convenience with each passing second. Remarkable technological changes have graced our lives, irrespective of whether it is a layman’s life or that of a scientist.

Medical Science too, has been refurbished a lot. For example, let’s talk about a simple thermometer. The older design and functionality of the temperature checking device has gone away, to bring in a new style to the instrument. Conventional thermometers have taken an electronic avatar, which notifies body temperature with better precision and accuracy. However, many more developments have taken place in medical science both, big and small. One notable example of technology changing a field is how contemporary communication techniques have changed medical science. As much as innovation

has given its Midas touch to the medical field, there are still many places in the world where the best of technology has not yet reached. In these regions, casualties occur due to lack of medical facilities or delay in reaching the patient on time. Here, new communication platforms like video conferencing offer solutions to help patients get the best of medical facilities available to them.

Many a time, an ambulance or a doctor cannot reach out to the patient located at a distant place, simply because it is too far away to go there. In order to negate these drawbacks, ‘telemedicine’ is gradually, yet consistently gaining importance in the medical field. Telemedicine helps patients or medical personnel get in touch with expert doctors, with the help of free video conferencing for consultation purposes. In a very encouraging boost to telemedicine, a rural medical center in Ohio avoided transferring sick infants to a hospital 70 miles away, by using video conferencing services with experts. Teleconferencing not only connects with the medical experts, but also saves traveling costs. In the Ohio incident, had the infants been transferred to the hospital, it would have cost $10,000 per transfer. Besides saving huge costs, it is greatly useful for medical students to approach the medical authorities for academic as well as practical consultation.

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