Make the most of free web conference services

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Make the most of free web conference services

Presenting an idea to an audience gives you the privilege to motivate and inspire them. As much as this position is a privilege, it also brings along a number of responsibilities that a person needs to take care of. The most important of these is that your message is communicated in a way that it is engaging yet interesting at the same time. If you’ve attended a web conference you might have come across presenters who made mistakes that led to a bad outcome. To ensure your audience finds your presentation interesting here are some mistakes you should avoid.

1) Apologising One of the biggest mistakes most presenters make is starting with an apology. Telling your audience why you are late or how you did not get time to present this topic is a strict no, especially during free web meetings. Your audience has gathered to absorb knowledge from you in a limited time so instead of wasting precious time it’s best to get started.

2) Praising yourself The second most common way to start a presentation is by talking about yourself or your company. While it’s okay to say a line or two don’t start praising yourself, for example, talking about your expertise and qualifications on end will only make your audience cringe.

3) Poor structure Whether you are making a movie or hosting a web conferencing session, structure is the key. The saying “If you can’t convince them, confuse them” doesn’t apply here. Plan and structure your presentation in advance and not a day or two prior to the web conference. This will give you enough time to make sure your presentation is going in the right direction.

4) Boring slides Using visual aids to support your presentation is a good idea and is used by most presenters. But making your slides cluttered with too much text or using bright colors, irrelevant images or animation will distract the attention of your audience. Use minimal slides, with simple colors and text.

5) Bad jokes Humour is a good way to build a rapport with your audience. But nothing is more humiliating than being the only one laughing at your own joke. It’s not necessary that you and your audience will find the same joke funny. Stay away from lame jokes, remember it is professional meeting and people are here to learn.

To know more “free web conference services� click here : Free web conferencing

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