Making the world a smaller place with free online video conferencing

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Making the world a smaller place with free online video conferencing

â—? The power of modern technology can do wonders to increase the profitability of a business. Businesses use e-mail and telephones to connect with other businesses, clients and vendors alike. â—? However one of the most effective yet underrated tools to communicate and reach out to potential and existing customers is a web conferencing service.

â—? Web conferencing is essentially a term used to denote online collaborative platforms that provide communication services that include webinars (online seminars), web casts and even peer to peer virtual meetings. â—? With this technology businesses can host or attend business meetings using a computer and an internet service.

Saves on Travel Cost ● Before the advent of free online video conferencing in business, if you wanted to bring together a sales team spread out across the country or meet face-toface with a client in a different geographical location, you (or they) had to travel. ● With web conferencing, meeting attendees can log on to the meeting within a few minutes without wasting time at the airport or spending money on a ticket. ● Even if the business pays for a web conferencing service, it is typically less expensive than travel expenses.

Saves Time â—? Scheduling meetings typically takes more work than simply inviting or mandating attendees. If you are the host, you have to book a conference room, plan the agenda and in some cases order catering and more. â—? Web conferencing eliminates all of these booking needs, which means putting together a meeting is faster and easier than face-to-face meetings.

Increases Flexibility â—? It can be difficult to hold a meeting at short notice especially when the people you need to meet with are all from different geographical locations. â—? Web conferencing provides more flexibility in such a scenario as these people are just a mouse click away.

For more details on free video conferencing Visit :

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