The Northern Miner July 20-26, 2015

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One of The Largest Silver Discoveries of 2014 TSX.V: GRG

Aston Bay Holdings $3.99 • JULY 20-26, 2015 • VOL. 101, NO. 23 • SINCE 1915

Delves into Storm in Nunavut

Imperial Metals 3

Gets gov’t approval to restart Mount Polley


Taranis hopes to take Thor to the Max SITE VISIT


Pages 7-9

Techno logy Me tals

Western Lithium Lithium, eye stra Americas tegic m erger

Stars to re Largo in align for Brazil

July 20-2 6, 2015

VANCOU June 30, VER — On juniors ern Lith Wes ium (TSXtof direc WLC tors. ; : WLCDF) U S - O T C “The merg : ed comp will hold Americasand Lithium any lithium two of the leadi announce (TSX: LAC) developm ng ects in business d a strategic ent projthe lieve this world. 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Based Lithium for er, and panies’ plined a focus innovation on the closing on comthe offer prices execution,” and successfultechnical on June values at 50¢ project per share Lithium Ame 29, In May he added. ricas A view a 36% , which released 2014 Western prem of the crush represents a prefe will conti ium. West ing area asibility Lithium Valle ern Lithi at Largo at its King Chm elaunue to be led um north y lithium Resources’ prop by CEO s Maracas Americas skas , whil Jay The west of Winn erty, 100 km Menchen e Lith proje emuc Larg ium son, John executives vanadium eralized ct is spread over ca, Nev. keep o Resource BY SALMA TARIKH Tom Hodg mine in s (TSX lenses Mignacco Kanellitsas Bahia, Brazil V: LGO — name five min- vana ing its 2015 and Fran - through LARGO will join RESOURC ; US-O . 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Tasman ’s on top Norra Karr of Eu wish lis rope’s t

Silver Bear CEO Hill at home in Russia’s Far East LAKE CE





REVELSTOKE, B.C. — Taranis Resources (TSXV: TRO; USOTC: TNREF) is eyeing an option to buy 65% of FortyTwo Metals, a subsidiary of Roca Mines, in a move to secure the Max mill facility, 60 km southeast of Revelstoke, B.C. And if it all goes according to plan, Taranis could have its Thor deposit — a precious and base metal resource 16 km by road from the mill — into production within a year-and-a-half after striking the deal. “Aristotle said it best: ‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,’” John Gardiner, president and CEO of Taranis, tells The Northern Miner during a site visit to the properties. “The assets are pretty unviable on their own, but if you put the two together, it actually makes sense.” Under the deal, Taranis will pay


Scott Broughton (left), Roca Mines president and CEO, and John Gardiner, Taranis Resources president and CEO, tour the Max mill facility, 60 km southeast of Revelstoke, British Columbia. Roca $1.2 million along with 3 million stock warrants at 10¢ per share, exercisable for two years. Discovery Ventures (TSXV: DVN; US-OTC: DVTMF) — a Canadian junior explorer with a base and precious metal asset, 135 km from the Max mill — will

keep the remaining 35%. Gardiner says that Discovery entered into an option to acquire the mill, but when they defaulted on the option payments last year, Taranis saw it as a “fortuitous” opportunity to step in. “We had Roscoe Postle Associ-

ates assess the economics of the deposit alongside the existing cost data for the former Max moly mine,” he says, adding that he can’t discuss the results of the internal study. “But it looked very good, so we started talking with Roca.” See TARANIS, Page 2

Capstone gets positive Silver Wheaton circles EIA, mulls new plan the wagons against at Santo Domingo CRA offensive BY TRISH SAYWELL

With iron ore prices down by 31% in the last year, Capstone Mining (TSX: CS) is contemplating a different development plan for its 70%-owned Santo Domingo copper-iron project in Chile. Along with the announcement July 8 that the company has received approval of the project’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) after more than three years of work with local authorities and communities, Capstone’s president and CEO Darren Pylot said the company would undertake a feasibility study on a phased approach on the project’s copper portion at half the initially planned throughput rate, followed by iron “if and when it makes sense.” On a conference call, Pylot said that “we are fortunate with the Santo Domingo deposit to have two products — both copper and iron — so the advancement of the project does not solely depend on current or projected iron prices.” “We will run the study on a re-

TNM July 20 2015 Issue.indd 1

duced throughput of somewhere between 30,000 and 35,000 tonnes per day,” he said. “We wouldn’t initially need any of the magnetite processing facilities, magnetite concentrate pipeline or port for the iron, all of which was included in the feasibility study.” The updated feasibility study will pick up from an internal analysis of a phased approach the company has undertaken, and should be completed in the first quarter of next year, he said. Under the July 2014 feasibility study, the company examined the ddevelopment of two open-pit mines using conventional drilling, blasting, loading with diesel hydraulic shovels, and truck haulage; and a copper-iron concentrator designed to process a nominal 60,000 to 65,000 tonnes per day, using semi-autogenous grinding and ball milling, and conventional flotation with seawater, to produce a copper concentrate that would be stockpiled at the port. See CAPSTONE, Page 15

VANCOUVER — The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has taken the first shot in what is likely to become a protracted legal battle with streaming outfit Silver Wheaton (TSX: SLW; NYSE: SLW), and the results could affect the company’s entire business model. In fact, senior vice-president and chief financial officer Gary Brown went so far as to infer the action represents an attack on a tenet of Canadian tax law. On July 7 Silver Wheaton received a proposal letter from the CRA relating to income earned by its foreign subsidiaries outside of Canada. The crux of the dispute boils down to whether the company’s taxable income should increase by US$567 million for the 2005 to 2010 business years. Under preliminary estimates, that could put the company on the hook for US$150 million. “They’re challenging us under the transfer pricing provisions of the Canadian Income Tax Act,

which is very complex,” Brown explained during a conference call. “The CRA is essentially looking to recharacterize the income earned by our foreign subsidiaries to income earned by the Canadian parent company. We strongly disagree with that position. We believe in our business structure, which really operates under a tenet of Canadian tax law. There’s very little associated case law here and no precedent for this that we’re aware of.” Generally, a company is taxable in Canada on its income earned within the country, while non-Canadian income earned by foreign subsidiaries is not subject to Canadian income tax. The CRA is effectively seeking to tax, within Canada, income earned through the buying and selling of precious metals outside of Canada by foreign subsidiaries from mines located internationally. Silver Wheaton paid the Canadian governmernt regularly on

Over the course of his career, Graham Hill has worked in some remote and challenging locations. He helped build the Yatela and Sadiola gold mines in Mali for Anglo American (NASDAQ: AAUKY; LSE: AAL), developed and managed Oxus Resources’ Jerooy and Amantaytau gold and silver mines in Central Asia (in the mountains of the Kyrgyz Republic and the desert-like Kyzylkum Region of the Navoi Oblast in Uzbekistan); and most recently developed the Passendro gold project in the Central African Republic for Axmin (TSXV: ASM; US-OTC: AXMIF). So when he was invited in November 2014 to join Silver Bear Resources (TSX: SBR) as CEO to oversee the development of the company’s remote Mangazeisky silver property in Russia’s Far East, 400 km north of the capital city of Yakutsk in the Republic of Sakha, Hill jumped at the opportunity. “I felt the role fit my experience perfectly,” he says in a telephone interview from his new base in Moscow. “One of the challenges is to be able to perform this role in a remote location with challenging See SILVER BEAR, Page 3 PM40069240 – PAP Registration #09263


2015-07-15 6:49 PM

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