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JUNE 22-28,
Odds ‘n’ Sods
Breaks ground in Mali
$3.99 • JUNE 22-28, 2015 • VOL. 101, NO. 19 • SINCE 1915
Endeavour Mining rides strong performance at Agbaou
Remembering The Jolly Taxpayer
Sourcing Pe and the rsonnel for the Impend N ing War ext Upturn for Talent
end of the talent unemsuper cycle has ployed and left an abund But the ance of availa reality is in the minin there are ble, and that the qualified and skilled currently war g indus hundreds for talent is over. try across This is evidence of positi Canad over but ons unfille that this enough to sugge a! d low point fire” and st that the in the shoul war To under d be considered commodity cycle for talent is not is merel two-decade stand what indus as an oppor y a “cease tunity to “reload.” beginning pre-boom period try could do better, of the last leadin let’s g up to Canada’s commodity the year look at the upcycle. 1980, produ mining indus 2000 and try the and major cing a slash-and-b had been declin mines develdownsizing, not urn mentality ing in activity since that saw much fundi oped. thought ng for explo mines closin of long-t This impacted g ration all Enrollment erm workf orce plann areas of the sector and few ence progr s were down ing , and any in the minin was a pipe dream ams were schools remo g unive . closed. rsities, There wereved from the many were earth scicurric few lost to message other indus opportuniti ulum, and minin to es for g tries. It good choic society that all serve graduates, and e for a caree mining was d to send Worse a sunse a clear still, minin r. t indus mining try and g comp colleg not a anies The Canad Throughoutes and universities abandoned ian minin BY CHRIS STAFF their conne , and the 1990s we are industry g indus ORD ctions to , sustainabili students were a top 10 as try the is a pillar most producer forgot industry mental, of the nation social-licen important conce ty became the buzzw ten. employs of struggled important over 220,00 17 key metal rns ce, ord for the s and miner al economy: with concerns, political and commwere thought 0 worke nomic volati changing tion to rs. als, but be of workf environunity issues and the during demograph Yet the indus lity and . Yes by a lack try However, orce planning or this time there of skilled skills gaps, and ics, an aging workf has always was little, they were long-term balization one positive for decad talent. This article or no, menconsid that came es has been orce, ecowill review the availa portunitiesof the Canadian out of this eration for talent challenged how the bility of minin . overseas period was skills and commodity recruit and This was for highly g industry, which the glowhat the retain a cycle impac created of such high dema particularly attrac respected Canad industry ts upon a cyclically skilled workforce can ian minin job opthe benef nd in French-spe tive to French driven through do better to attrac The last Canadians g talent. it of their aking count metals upcyc industry. the peaks t, Latin ated an language who were and valley America le — also unpreceden skills. To ries and were in s known mining able ted dema One other as well. a lesser as the “Supe sector as degree this to realize notable one seriou nd for skilled r to develo restarting worked employees. Cycle” — cresly lackin p, build of the Univepositive durin in and g It g this depre in numb During So after exposed operate ers and two decad rsity of Toron tronomicalthis period, jobs mines. skills requirthe assume to minin ssing period was es were plenti g progr the ed about that the indus of an industry was fierce , signing bonus am. in ful, try declin to salarie was es happe , and were comm e, it anything s offere n aroun With those the recruiting d were but prepa is reasonable d 2000. on, comp asstrategy to boom years red for was “hire etition for what was behind us, the perce at any cost.” talent BOOM 200 0 ption today With the is that the improvemen growth in the minin t in metal prices Regional g indus in 2000 Mining try and Manager, Sales with it a came unpreceden Quebec demand Online for talent ted Reference & Ontario We are . looking No: 61678 for the manag Geop
Oban Mining makes splash with plan for five-firm combo The Nor thern Miner’s new sec tion ded to recr icated uiting in min ing
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The prima ence No: ry 61992 undergroun role of the Alimak Leader d install erectin is to mainta ations g work in and constr platforms, , performing blastin various uct scaling g rock tasks such and ensur loose rock, mining ing that as plans. drilling , loadin the drilling g and patterns follow the
11:37 AM
7 1:51 PM
YAMOUSSOUKRO, CÔTE D’IVOIRE — It’s easy to stay awake while travelling during the early morning hours in Côte d’Ivoire’s remote political city, Yamoussoukro. Formerly a small agricultural village, the capital is intriguingly desolate, with empty six-lane highways that appear to lead to nowhere. But off the main road network, 80 km south, there’s activity breaking the stillness at Endeavour Mining’s (TSX: EDV; USOTC: EDVMF) Agbaou gold mine. The company has reported the operation is exceeding its expectations, and The Northern Miner has travelled the 12,000 km from Vancouver to investigate why. “There were a lot of moving parts last year,” Doug Reddy, senior vice-president of business development, says while our van navigates past a few rusty bicycles piloted by onlookers eager to catch a glance. “A lot of improvements have been made, so it’s been nice to see the numbers reflect this.” He distributes the company’s first-quarter results between the passengers as reading material
Doug Reddy (pointing), vice-president of business development, and Kirk Woodman (far right), general manager of exploration, on a tour of Endeavour Mining’s Agbaou gold mine in Côte d’Ivoire. for the two-hour journey. The intermediate gold miner reported producing 123,744 oz. gold, up 17% compared with the 105,912 oz. gold in the first quarter of 2014. The gold came from its four operating mines across West Africa: Youda in Burkina Faso; Agbaou in
Great Panther defies low silver prices and eyes growth BY MATTHEW KEEVIL
VANCOUVER — Despite a rough three-year run in precious metal prices, Great Panther Silver (TSX: GPR; NYSE-MKT: GPL) is flying high on the back of a stellar first quarter and a pair of acquisitions that appear to cement a promising project pipeline. The company has ridden higher grades at its Mexican narrow-vein silver mines to record production levels, and hopes sustainable cash flow will help it internally fund its organic expansion plans. Great Panther operates several mines based around two main hubs, namely: the historic Guanajuato mine complex in Guanajuato state; and the Topia mine in Durango state. The company cranked out 987,900 equivalent oz. silver during the first quarter, which marks a 48% increase compared to the same period last year. Quarterly all-in sustaining costs dropped 39% year-on-year to US$14.47 per equivalent oz. silver. Not surprisingly, financial results
TNM Jun 22 2015 Issue.indd 1
followed suite, as revenues jumped 57% to US$20.3 million. The company reported adjusted earnings of US$3.7 million and US$4.8 million in operational cash flow. Much of the improvement is owed to the performance of the San Ignacio satellite operation at Guanajuato. Great Panther expedited development of the deposit after making an initial discovery in 2013, and hit commercial production at the site a year ago. San Ignacio accounted for 30% of the metal production at Guanajuato in the first quarter, which represents a 64% increase, compared to the fourth quarter of 2014. “Being able to make money at these commodity prices is something not many companies are doing right now. A lot of that success is thanks to San Ignacio, and how we were able to take it from discovery to production in three years,” president and CEO Robert Archer said in an interview. “One of the driving forces for us See GREAT PANTHER, Page 11
Côte d’Ivoire; Nzema in Ghana; and Tabakoto in Mali. Endeavour had an all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of US$946 per oz. gold, generated US$13million in after-tax net profit and raised its earnings before interSee ENDEAVOUR, Page 2
nomics on a bulk-tonSix years ago, John nage, low-grade target Burzynski, along with [like Malartic], for excolleagues Sean Roosen ample, if you don’t have and Robert Wares, won a large enough claim to The Northern Miner’s do it.” Mining Persons of the Consolidation is even Year award for their role more imperative in disin transforming Osisko mal capital markets, he Mining (TSX: OSK; USOTC: OSKFF) from a ju- BY TRISH SAYWELL says, with juniors trading at cents per share, nior — with seemingly and facing “massive dilumediocre assets, at 13¢ per share — into a multi-billion tion,” if they try to raise money. With this in mind, Burzynski, company on the brink of opening Canadian Malartic, a large, long- now chairman of Oban Mining (TSX: OBM), and president and life gold mine in Quebec. “The market didn’t start fol- CEO Jose Vizquerra, have put lowing Osisko until 2007, and we together a business deal that sees used that to our advantage, con- Oban teaming up with four other solidating our land positions and junior mining companies to credoing our work,” Burzynski says. ate a leading gold exploration “In 2003 and 2004, everyone was and development company with looking for high-grade under- assets in Ontario and Quebec, a ground mines, so when we went 6 million oz. gold global resource, back into the mining camps, $65 million in cash, a $122-million market capitalization and no there was no competition.” The mining executive is as much debt. The proposed transaction coma believer in consolidation today as he was a decade ago. “If every- bines Oban with Eagle Hill Exone is working on a land package ploration (TSXV: EAG), Temex the size of a postage stamp, noth- Resources (TSXV: TME), Ryan ing is going to get done,” he says. Gold (TSXV: RYG) and Corona “You can’t generate project eco- Gold (TSX: CRG). The deal is structured in a series of offers to each individual company, and Oban expects they will close by early August. The CEOs of all four companies support the takeover offers. “There was no doubt in our mind
West Kirkland CEO talks development plans at Hasbrouck BY MATTHEW KEEVIL
VANCOUVER — The path to production is coming into focus for West Kirkland Mining (TSXV: WKM; US-OTC: WKLDF) at its Hasbrouck gold project near the town of Tonopah, Nev. The company is hoping to use a two-stage development strategy that would see its smaller Three Hills deposit serve as a launching point, and a recent decision by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) appears to set the stage for initial permitting later this year. West Kirkland picked up the Hasbrouck package — which consists of Three Hills and the larger Hasbrouck deposit — just over a year ago from now-bankrupt producer Allied Nevada Gold (TSX: ANV; US-OTC: ANVGQ). The company paid US$19.5 million for a 75% controlling interest in the asset, and has the option to acquire the remaining stake through October 2016 for another US$10 million. On June 3 West Kirkland re-
leased a prefeasibility study (PFS) on Hasbrouck that crystallizes a development model it believes can capitalize on recent regulatory adjustments that should allow Three Hills to be permitted by year-end. The company’s strategy hinged on the BLM allowing the smaller deposit to be reviewed under an environmental assessment (EA), which is quicker than the more burdensome environmental impact statement (EIS) process. The gamble paid off in early May when the BLM announced it would allow Three Hills to proceed with only an EA. “The key change for us was breaking the project down into two development stages. Back when Allied Nevada had been looking at the mine, it had been modelled as an integrated scenario, but in reality it is two separate land positions and the impacts are quite different,” president and CEO R. Michael
See OBAN, Page 3 PM40069240 – PAP Registration #09263
15-06-17 5:12 PM