Bullseye Volume 2 - The JAD Sale Australia

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http://bigwigstudfarm.com Bullseye Volume 2

The JAD Sale There were two really positive aspects that came out of the JAD sale for me. The first is that the catalogue was interesting, accurate and well put together with a lot of information attractively presented- it is a standard set that needs to be met by the rest of the industry, even if in not as greater detail but the presentation was simply outstanding-well done to JAD.

Here is a picture of what was in my mind the best bull on show, JAD N8. The page is brim-full of data If anything too much, however it is presented in such a way that you can easily find what you're looking for and distill the data from what is sheer marketing "prettiness" to essential data. It is an exemplary presentation by JAD. The producers of the Scone Catalogue really ought to ask JAD for some guidance and assistance when it comes to compiling the catalogue. That perhaps brings me to my second point. I have for some time contended that this breed has a propensity to go "white" and in the face of resistance have advocated the breeding of black bulls to maintain the attractive colour balance. I have maintained that one day black Speckle Park bulls will be sold at a premium because they are sought after and that the breeding of excellent black bulls would become essential. The sale of JAD N8 was perhaps the turning point where black prejudice suffered defeat. What I really liked about this bull is that he demonstrated balance, his fore and hindquarters were well proportioned although his top line was marginally affected by a devil's grip, in my opinion that is likely to disappear as the bull matures.

The Structural Soundness table was difficult to digest for two reasons, it was not the commonly well used Lawsonsangus system and as to the application when one compares lot 3 to lot 5 the structural soundness is almost identical. In my view that questions the application of whatever system was used and perhaps it’s application because those two bulls are not similar. N 8 is a longer bull with a decent neck extension and a real balance between fore and hindquarters. N22 on the other hand fades towards his rear and on the photograph appears to have very straight back legs. On one view he has rotated front feet- they are not similar at all. Night Rider is an outstanding bull. Perhaps controversially there is a flag on the page that says " Let the Data do the Talking”. It Is my view that If you are predominantly looking at Data to choose your animals, instead of using it as a guide, you will end up in an unhappy place. Further if you have to rely on someone else’s so-called structural assessment on a score chart and an EBV of the animal's great grandsire that says the dams will have good milk - instead of keeping your own statistics you may end up in the same dead end. There is no substitute for getting out there and measuring your own animal performance.

A further questionable aspect is that at 19.6 months N8 weighs in at 712 kg which is on the upper side of heavy for a 20-monthold bull according to the catalogue. However according to the supplementary sheet 12.2 days later, he weighed in at 792 kg, 80 kg more at a weight increase of 6.6 kg per day. Perhaps one of the two figures is an error which regrettably erodes the veracity of the information. At 796 kg in 20 months (If that was his weight) his mature weight will be over 1.1 ton All of this is to the credit of the breed. If, as one ought to, you remove the top two sale bulls and the bottom two sale bulls, the sale averages just over $9000 which is a very credible sale performance indeed. The catalogue speaks of enormous effort, artistic talent, data collection and professional presentation. Trivia There were 5 Night Riders born in 2017 (N calves) including BigStar, Below Sea Level and Maungahina and BigWig

BigWig's Night Rider This Royal Flesh Calf out of Theta 42 with an immaculate Top-Line could only match 656kg at 550 days. I was unable to track down the other "Night Riders" on the internet.

MY CONCLUSION We should put our hands together for an excellent catalogue and commendable results produced by the JAD sale. I invite comment and raise a question of caution into getting carried away by statistical data. There is no substitute for scanning your own animals and watching how they perform in the paddock. By all means use data but it would be a catastrophe both from a cost as well as breed perspective, if the collection of data was made compulsory. There are many gold nuggets out there in the paddock doing a good job, they should not be excluded because some statistical fanatic believes that he/she can breed good animals on paper and that it will be reflected in the paddock. Finally, I will be monitoring the performance of an outstanding bull JAD N 8. In two weeks’, time I will be reviewing the Constitution and the call by the Board for incorporation of our current not-for-profit organisation as is governed by the Associations Act in Australia. It's dry matter but as we know even cattle need dry matter.

And remember-it's only one man's opinion! Martin Luitingh: www.bigwigstudfarm.com.au Mobile 0404077097.

Bullseye SPECKLE PARK blog and is only ONE MAN'S OPINION: I apologize for not pulling punches, I also celebrate a frank debate and will welcome civil and constructive feedback.

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