It is every parent’s priority to keep their child safe and know how to protect them in the house as well as out and what to do during an emergency.
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Kids always have the tendency to explore everything and in doing that, they often hurt themselves and sometimes the injuries can also be very serious and may lead to disabilities and even death at times. But restricting a child from playing and going out is not at all a good idea as this can hamper the development of the body and the mind. So, what are the things that parents should be aware of and what are the measures that they should take to ensure child safety? Let us discuss this in details in this piece of writing.
If you are leaving your child at home alone, then teach them about strangers and ask them to refuse anything from strangers like any gifts or rides.
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They should keep a safe distance from such people and not disclose any personal details to the unknown person. Make sure that the gates and doors are locked properly and your kids have your contact number and all emergency numbers. Teach your children to say no to anyone trying to touch their private body parts and tell someone if the person bothers them. Do not ignore your children if they have something to tell you. Teach them about appropriate and inappropriate secrets and make them understand that some secrets have to be shared with parents for their safety.
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Schools across the country have started to re-examine their security policies after certain incidents that happened with the kids at school. Some have installed cameras and have kept personnel at doors and hallways. But parents should also be careful about their kid’s safety. If you have faced any issues, then talk to the principal of the school. From checking the visitors at the door to
issuing of gate passes, you must be aware of the safety rules followed in the school. Talk to your child and teach them the specific steps that they should take in certain situations. Always carry a school safety hotline number that you may find helpful during a crisis.
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Walking is a healthy way to keep fit and it is fun time when going out with the family. But child safety is important and parents should teach them skills on the road that can serve them throughout their life. Teach them to look for traffic at intersections and driveways while they are crossing the road. They should also be aware of the drivers in parked cars and obey the traffic signals and signs. Ask them to walk carefully and not to run across the street.
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Kids love activities and it is good for their health and mental development. Some sports may also lead to injuries. But any activity can be accident free if parents help their child to follow certain kid’s safety rules. While playing cricket or baseball, make sure that the child is using a helmet to protect the face and ear. Warm up or cool down, make sure that your child is playing safe. If your child is prone to ankle or knee injuries, then cover them properly and always keep a first aid box ready for emergency purpose. Following some safety tips for children will not only help parents prevent accidental injuries, but will also teach the kids to follow certain
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rules that will be useful throughout their life. So, take the proactive steps to keep your kids safe at home as well as when they are out.
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