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Rosie’s Story Once upon a time there was a pretty pink turtle named Rosie, that lost the pretty in her life. As she went through life, she was flipped over on her back due to all the struggles that she faced. While she failed about trying to get back on her feet, she realized that no one was coming to save her. She needed to save herself. It was then that she became calm, stuck her neck out, used her head and flipped herself over. At that moment she realized she had the strength and pretty within her all along‌ And you do too!





Introduction If you have this book in your hands you are ready to Bring Pretty Back. In this book you will discover a lot about yourself. Take stock of your life where you are today, find peace in all your decisions, and move forward to a pretty life. I hope this book inspires you to take a stand for what brings you happiness. You will be encouraged to paint your pantry door lime green and color your hair sexy red if you have always wanted to be a little daring. You may quit a job that isn’t right for you or stay in a marriage you thought was over. Join me in the journey to Bring Pretty Back; it may not be easy, but I promise you, it’s worth it—because you’re worth it.

Words of Wisdom from Coco Chanel “I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little. If only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.” Coco Chanel Isn’t that just a perfect quote? I am going to copy this on pretty paper and frame it and put it on my nightstand so I will read it every morning when I wake up as a little reminder to be as pretty as possible for destiny! Thank you, Coco.

Big Have you ever had something big happen to you even though it cannot be seen by anyone else? I call that quietly big. You have heard about these things before. Someone makes a cake and something stirs in them when they realize they absolutely love baking. Someone takes a class in jewelry making, and they discover a talent they never knew they had. That happened to me the very day I wrote my first word on my blog that has now turned into this book. Have you had a quietly big moment in your life? It is amazing, isn’t it? Even if the only person in the world that knows about it is you.

Discontentment Isn’t Pretty If you are unhappy, it will show. In your face, appearance, home, weight, everything. I know some beautiful people—they are unhappy; they aren’t pretty. They don’t live pretty lives. There are times in our lives that we aren’t happy; that’s life. There are the tragedies, deaths, divorces, painful times. We don’t know how we will get through them, but somehow, we do. There are the periods of discontentment. Oh, discontentment has weighed me down. It’s that unhappy feeling, and you are ashamed of yourself because you know you should be thankful for what you have. I have V, my boys. We are all in good health and have a very good life. And yet something was missing. You can bleach your teeth and your hair; you can get Mani’s and Pedi’s, lose fifty pounds. But if you aren’t happy, it will show. Unfortunately, I am as fat as I was a month ago, I still have thin hair, my size sixteens are not falling off me. But I am happy, I am content. I am finding myself. I whisper this to you—I am a writer. I dreamt of someday writing a book, I whisper it because there is the self-doubt, the who-doyou-think-you-are that is in me, in us all. What is your whisper? I know it’s there. It’s the thing you think about but keep to yourself because of what people may think. It has crept up in your mind for years and years. It is what you were meant to do; it is your dream. Only you know what it is. I promise you this, when you whisper it out loud, that’s the foundation of bringing your pretty back.

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