American Bicyclist November/December 2009

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Nov/Dec 2009

League of American Bicyclists

ALSO: 2010 Tourfinder and Ride Guide Cedar Rapids Cycling Crests After the Flood

Working for a Bicycle-Friendly America





Exercise is Medicine is a new program striving to make physical activity and exercise a standard part of medical treatment in the United States.





A Midwestern community devastated by flood finds opportunity to include bicycles in rebuilding.

Your resource for where to find your perfect ride or tour. For a complete 2010 Almanac, visit

DEPARTMENTS Is Your Community

Bicycle Friendly?

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2........................... VIEWPOINT 3........................... CHAIR’S PERSPECTIVE 4........................... LEAGUE NEWS & NOTES 8........................... THINK BIKE 26.......................... BICYCLE FRIENDLY AMERICA WORKSTAND 28.......................... GIVING

Cover shot:

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VIEWPOINT Serving You Better I’ve just been looking at the initial results of our annual membership survey, and I want to say thank you on behalf of the League staff and board. Thank you to the more than 1,500 of you that responded this year — in the previous four years we’ve been happy to break the 1,100 barrier; obviously, the cold hard cash prize for the lucky survey-taker is more of an incentive than our previous prizes of fancy lights or GPS units! Thank you for sticking with us through these tough economic times when we are all looking at our household budgets and deciding what is really important. We really appreciate your continued support. And ... thank you for the vote of confidence in what we are doing! Two-thirds, 69.6 percent, of respondents say the value they get from League membership is either very good or excellent; 93 percent of you are satisfied or very satisfied as League members; and 87 percent believe we effectively represent the interests of cyclists — less than two percent don’t believe this and 11 percent aren’t sure. Two of these numbers, in particular, are ones that I watch carefully. One of my performance goals for the year was to get the satisfaction level above 90 percent, as it had fallen below that in prior years — so I am definitely pleased that we’re at 93 percent. Plus, we halved the percent of folks that were somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied to around six percent, which is good to see. The other number that makes me happy is that 11 percent of you aren’t sure if we effectively represent the interests of cyclists. Why does that make me happy? Because soon after I took over this position, that figure was 19 percent! Imagine that. One in five members didn’t know or weren’t sure if we were sticking up for them or not! Of course, I won’t be truly happy till that number is zero, but we can see solid progress in the right direction. One reason I believe that we’re improved on that measure is American Bicyclist magazine. We increased the frequency to six times a year and have worked hard to improve the quality, value and variety of the contents, while also telling the League’s story. More than four out of five of you read every issue — and we won’t rest until that number is 100 percent!

2 American Bicyclist

THE LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BICYCLISTS The League of American Bicyclists, founded in 1880 as the League of American Wheelmen, promotes bicycling for fun, THE LEAGUE OF AMERICANand BICYCLISTS fitness and transportation, works through advocacy and The League of American Bicyclists, foundedThe in 1880 as the education for a bicycle-friendly America. League represents League of American Wheelmen, promotes bicyclingWith for fun, the interests of the nation’s 57 million bicyclists. a current fitness and transportation, works through and25,000 membership of 300,000 and affiliated cyclists, advocacy including education for bicycle-friendly America. League represents individuals anda 700 organizations, theThe League works to bring the interests of the nation’s 57 million bicyclists. With a current better bicycling to your community. Contact League officers, membership of 300,000 affiliated cyclists,Bicyclists, including 1612 40,000 directors or staff at League of American K Street, individuals and Washington, 600 organizations, League works to bring NW, Suite 800, DC the 20006-2850, 202-822-1333; better bicycling to your community. Contact League officers,, fax: 202-822-1334. directors or staff at League of American Bicyclists, 1612 K Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20006-2850. Phone: BOARD OF DIRECTORS 202-822-1333; e-mail:, fax: Harry Brull, 202-822-1334. Secretary, Region 5 (AR, AZ, CO, IA, KS, LA, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, TX, UT, WI, WY) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gary Brustin,, At Large John Allen,, Region 1 (CT, MA, ME, Amanda Eichstaedt,, NH, NY, RI, VT) Chair, Region 6 (AK, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA) Harry Brull,, Region 5 (AR, AZ, CO, Lisa Falvy,, At Large IA, KS, LA, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, TX, UT, WI, WY) Bill Hoffman,, Region 2 GaryDE, Brustin,, At Large (DC, MD, NJ, PA, WV) Jeffrey, Region AmandaLynne, Eichstaedt,, Re- 3 (AL, GA,CA, KY,HI, MS, PR,WA) SC, TN, VA) gionFL, 6 (AK, ID, NC, NV, OR, Mike Nix,, At Large Lisa Falvy,, At Large Rob Sadowsky,, Region 4 (IL, IN,, MI, OH) Mike Greehan, At Large John Siemiatkoski,, Ellen Jones, Region 2 (DC, DE, MD, Region 1 (CT,, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT) NJ, PA, WV) Eric Swanson,, AtMartha LargeRoskowski,, At Large Hans Van Naerssen,, Jim Sheehan,, Region 4 (IL, IN, MI, OH) At Large DonYoung, Sparks,, Region (AL, FL, GA, Tim, At3 Large KY, MS, NC, PR, SC, TN, VA) Phyllis Harmon,, Director Emeritus W. Preston Tyree,, At Large STAFF PaulClarke Wessel,–, At Large Andy President Elizabeth Kiker – Vice President Phyllis Harmon, Director Emeritus, Meghan Cahill – Director of Communications Alison Dewey – BFC Program Specialist STAFF Walter Finch – Advocacy Director Andy Clarke – Executive Director Darren Flusche – Policy Analyst Dana Dudley – Staff Accountant Lorna Green – Director of Operations Lou Elin Dwyer – Advocacy Coordinator Anna Kelso – Policy Analyst Walter Finch – Advocacy Director Michelle Moody – Membership Director Lora Golann – Membership Assistant Bill Nesper – Director, Bicycle Friendly Community Program Todd McDonald – Program Coordinator Jeff Peel – BFC Program Specialist Bill Nesper – Program Manager Lisa Reitz – Membership and Events Assistant Elizabeth Preston – Director of Communications Sharon Thorne – Administrative Assistant Marthea Wilson – Deputy Executive Director Preston Tyree – Education Director LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BICYCLISTS MAGAZINE AMERICAN BICYCLIST MAGAZINE Editor: Elizabeth Preston Editor: Meghan Cahill Art Director: Studio D Design Art Director: Studio D Design Editor Emeritus: Phyllis W. Harmon Editor Emeritus: Phyllis W. Harmon American Bicyclist magazine (ISSN 0747-0371) is published six times American Bicyclist magazine (ISSN 0747-0371) is published six times yearly by the League of American Bicyclists, Inc. © 2007 League of yearly by the League of American Bicyclists, Inc. © 2009 League of American Bicyclists. Reproduction in whole or in part without permisAmerican Bicyclists. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission sion is prohibited. Article queries should be addressed to the editor at is prohibited. Article queries should be addressed to meghan@bikeleague. Your submission of manuscripts, photographs, org. Your submission of manuscripts, photographs, or artwork, is your or artwork, is your warranty that the material in no way infringes on warranty that the material in no way infringes on the rights of others the rights of others and that the material may be published without adand that the material may be published without additional approval. ditional approval. Opinions expressed by writers are their own and do not Opinions expressed by writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect necessarily reflect the policies of the League. the policies of the League.


Chair, League of American Bicyclists

Has it Been 10 Years? Really?


en years ago I went to the first National Bike Summit, and I had no idea of the great advances that were in-store for bicyclists — advancements that were the result of bicycle advocates like me and my two buddies trekking all the way to Washington, D.C. from across the United States. There we were, three bicycle advocates on a mission. And that’s all it takes! The Summit enables cyclists like you and me to lobby in D.C. for our rights: ensuring bicycling is included in transportation, climate, health care, natural resources and other critical pieces of legislation that will shape our future. But honestly, the Summit is also a time to network with cyclists and advocates from all over our country and have a GREAT time! The night before my first Summit, I stumbled into Michelle’s Nightcap Café jetlagged, dressed inappropriately for the cold weather and exhausted. But music could be heard. Within minutes we were ensconced in the bar, eating burgers, enjoying a drink and belting out Motown tunes with our new group of friends. We returned again to Michelle’s throughout that first Summit, this time wearing our suits, completely exalted after a day on Capitol Hill. I was hooked. Michelle’s is no longer open. But the Bike Summit lives on. The venue has changed and the numbers have grown. In 2000, 160 of us walked the

halls and brought a unified message to D.C. for bicycling, and in 2009, 650 advocates attended the Summit. The goal this year, with the help of our retail, advocacy and industry partners, is 1,000 participants. Stephanie Vance from AdVanced Consulting is still on board helping the newbies learn the lingo for Capitol Hill and reminding the veterans about the importance of following-up with their Senators after their meetings. I hope that you will consider joining us for the 10th annual National Bike Summit this March. You will work hard, meet some amazing people, have lots of fun and, most importantly, contribute to getting more people on bikes more often with the appropriate infrastructure and laws behind them!

Eichstaedt and friends discovered Michelle’s Nightcap Café in Washington, D.C. during the first Summit in 2000.

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IS FOR VOLUNTEER Gail Ryba is the 2009 Recipient of the Phyllis Harmon Volunteer Award The League is pleased to announce that Dr. Gail Ryba is our 2009 recipient of the Phyllis Harmon Volunteer of the Year Award for her years of dedicated volunteerism in the bicycle advocacy arena. Ryba, who has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from California Institute of Technology, first came to New Mexico to work for Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque. She co-founded the Sandia Bicycle Commuters Group; founded Albuquerque’s first bicycle advocacy group, the Greater Albuquerque Spokes People (GASP) — that later became BIKEABQ; was appointed by the mayor to serve a three-year term on the Greater Albuquerque Bicycling Advisory Committee (GABAC); chaired GABAC in 1998; and served as the Mayor’s Community Bicycle Liaison in 1999. She also represented GABAC on the Public Involvement Committee of the Urban Transportation Planning and Policy Board. Upon moving to Santa Fe, Ryba founded the Bicycle Coalition of New Mexico (BCNM) in 2001. Their mission is “to increase the number of bicyclists in New Mexico by promoting cycling, providing safety education, and advocating for the rights of cyclists.” After years of hard work, Ryba was awarded a grant from New Mexico DOT with matching grants from the McCune Foundation and REI to be used for statewide bicycle education, which allowed the BCNM to hire New Mexico’s first ever Bicycle Education Coordinator. From 2007 to 2008, Gail was a member of the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Bicycle, Pedestrian and Equestrian (BPE) Committee. Gail also served as the Energy Issues Chair for the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club and most recently was Executive Director of the New Mexico Coalition for Clean and Affordable Energy. Ryba is a League Cycling Instructor and has been a bicycle commuter since 1984.

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League Welcomes New Board Member JEFFREY LYNNE, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA The League is excited to introduce Jeffrey Lynne to the League of American Bicyclists Board of Directors. Lynne is a native South Floridian and currently lives in Boca Raton, Fla. Lynne is a Shareholder in the national law firm Akerman Senterfitt, where he practices land use law as part of the firm’s Green & Sustainable Development Practice Group. Lynne also serves as the Executive Director of the South Florida Bike Coalition and is an active member of the Florida Bicycle Association, the U.S. Green Building Council and the Urban Land Institute. Lynne was recently recognized by the Florida Bicycle Association as its 2008 Citizen Advocate for the Year for his pro bono litigation work on behalf of the League and the Boca Raton Bicycle Club to secure the state’s legal obligation to include multi-modal transportation facilities in all of Florida’s state roadway reconstruction projects. In his spare time, Lynne teaches bicycle education as a League Cycling Instructor.

MOVE YOUR CLUB to the FRONT of the PACK WITH CLUB LEADERSHIP TRAINING The League is reaching out to bike club leaders and volunteers with our new Club Leadership Training in Boca Raton, Fla. this January 22-24, 2010.

CLUB LEADERSHIP TRAINING will teach you: • how to run your club more smoothly and effectively

• how to make the most of your club’s resources and volunteers

TOPICS WILL INCLUDE • club leader transitions • reaching new members • budgeting • insurance • managing membership • organizing rides and volun• •

teers marketing local issues

For more information, contact the League at 202-822-1333,

Club Update NOMINATE YOUR CLUB FOR CLUB NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR! E-mail bikeleague@ two of your club’s most recent issues by January 31, 2010.








IS YOUR CLUB CLUB OF THE YEAR? Nominate your favorite club by January 1, 2010. See for rules and details about both of these awards.

American Bicyclist





National Bike Summit 2010 Building on 10 Years of Progress


icycling has come a long way since the League’s first National Bike Summit 10 years ago when we only had 160 attendees and little movement on Capital Hill. Since then, the Bike Summit has contributed to bicycle improvements nationwide. The number of bicycle advocates has grown and our message is more effective. The number of people riding is growing in almost every community in the nation — according to the American Community Survey (ACS), the number of people riding has grown by 36 percent since the first 2005 ACS. But we need more people on bikes more often, and the reasons just keep on growing.

John Burke, Trek President, encourages the crowd at the 2007 National Bike Summit’s Opening Plenary.

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“I encourage everyone who cares about furthering bicycling and making our world a better place to bike to go to the Summit. There is nowhere else in the world you can make contacts with this many bike industry professionals, advocacy groups, advocates and U.S. government representatives. Go make a difference.” - Peter Wolf, Director, Alabama’s Magnificent Bicycling Adventure Obesity and health care are on the rise while climate change, air quality, energy independence and traffic congestion are plaguing our nation and its communities — both large and small. Incorporating bicycling into our nation’s economic development and quality of life issues is the solution. Due to our passionate Summit attendees, we have effectively implemented the Safe

Routes to School and Bicycle Commuter Tax programs, established a National Bike Caucus that now has 218 members, and have visited more than 350 Congressional offices in both 2008 and 2009. In 2010, Congress and our Federal agencies will be setting national targets and goals for 2020 and will continue efforts to pass critical legislation that will shape our nation’s policy in the

Left: Andreas Rohl, Director of the City of Copenhagen’s Bicycle Program Office, enlightened us all at the 2009 National Bike Summit. He shared how Denmark became a country of cyclists – 35 percent of Copenhageners bike to work.


ANNA KELSO, League Policy Analyst, Mountain Biker

areas of transportation, climate, health care and natural resources for the next 20 years. Now is the time to make a big impact on the national Transportation Bill. Bicycling will help promote a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle for all of us, and bicycling must have a key spot in this bill. We need delegates from every Congressional district at the National Bike Summit — we need you. Together we can make the case that greater federal investment in active transportation encourages bicycling and helps us reach America’s national priorities. Attend the 2010 National Bike Summit and let your voice be heard on Capitol Hill! Be part of the solution and register today at www. Panel and Workshop Themes • Transportation Authorization – Issues and Goals • Recreation and Tourism • Access to State and Local Advocacy Resources • Youth and the Future of Bicycling • Building Progressive Cities • Transit and Bike Sharing • Principles of Livable Communities • Industry Initiatives • Distracted Driving • Social Media

Kelso racing at the Greenbrier Challenge in Maryland. photo by ExtraFunky.

I remember getting my first bicycle on my fifth Christmas — a red Schwinn — but it wasn’t until I was 13 and living in Miami that I have significant bike-riding memories. I was always catching air off grassy knolls with my pink and white BMX bike. This could be where my love of mountain biking began. I did not start riding a bike regularly until I went to the University of Georgia. I used my bike as my primary way to get around and was running cross-country and doing triathlons — but using Wal-Mart mountain bikes for races! In 2002 I began riding competitively with UGA and other teams. After college I moved to Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina and got my first real mountain bike. I taught myself how to navigate over logs and down rock slabs — ramming into things until I got over them. After the summer, I pursued a Master in Science in Forest Resources at Penn State and raced on and off road at the collegiate and amateur level. Currently, I am only concentrating on mountain biking. Ironically, I never really wanted to get into mountain biking. But that one summer — living in the woods with my mountain bike — was complete saturation and self-discovery. It’s always a little surprising that the things that look intimidating and scary are not nearly as complicated as they seem.

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Bicycle Commuting is on the Rise Investments Make a Difference by Darren Flusche and Anna Kelso Your hunch is correct. Your eyes do not deceive you. There are more cyclists on their way to work than ever before — during rush hour, rolling bikes into office buildings, and riding with work uniforms and dress clothes folded or stuffed into shoulder bags and panniers. The U.S. Census Bureau has confirmed what we already knew: the number of bicycle commuters has steadily increased in recent years. According to the Bureau’s 2008 American Community Survey (ACS), released in September, 0.55 percent of Americans use a bicycle as their primary means of getting to work. The share of bicycle commuters increased 43 percent since 2000 and jumped 14 percent between 2007 and 2008. The Advocacy Advance team took the ACS data and looked at bike commuting trends for the 70 largest U.S. cities and the 50 states. A clear pattern emerged — probicycling policies make a difference. In 2008, the average bicycle

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commuter share for the 70 largest U.S. cities was 0.93 percent, having grown by nearly 50 percent since 2000. Of this group, 27 cities have been designated by the League of American Bicyclists as Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFCs) for their pro-bicycling policies. The BFCs on the list saw even higher levels of bicycle commuting over the past eight years. In 2008, the large BFCs had an average of 1.5 percent bicycle commuters — nearly three times the national average. Not only are bicycle commuter levels higher in BFCs, growth was faster. Since 2000, BFCs bicycle commuter levels grew 60 percent more than the national average and 40 percent more than the 70 largest cities’ average. The largest Bicycle Friendly Communities far outpaced the largest non-BFCs, whose average bicycle commuter share is growing slower than even the national average. Between 2000 and 2008, the bicycle commuter share in the 27 largest BFCs increased by nearly 70 percent. In contrast, the share in the non-BFC cities increased only

23 percent. This strongly suggests that the efforts of the BFCs to improve bicycling conditions by investing in engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation and planning are paying off with larger increases in bicycle commuters. Additionally, investments matter on the state level as well. On average, states that made larger spending increases saw larger increases in bicycle commuting. Some of the fastest growing communities were those that started with relatively low bicycle commuter shares in 2000. Nashville and Cleveland tripled their share, and Cincinnati doubled its, but all three still have not reached threequarters of a percent. On the other hand, some of the cities with the highest bicycle commuter levels in 2000 also saw the largest increases. Platinum BFC Portland, Ore. saw the largest growth among all 70 large cities, more than tripling their bike share to nearly 6 percent. Despite the increases, the overall number of bicycle commuters is still low, but keep this in mind — the American Community

Survey (ACS) is not a record of how many people have ever or sometimes biked to work. The phrasing of the question means that only the consistent bike commuters get counted. First, it asks for the means of travel used most frequently the week before the survey — so people who biked once or twice that week were not counted as bicycle commuters. Second, if two modes are used, the ACS asks for the means of travel used for the longest distance — this means that cyclists who bike to transit are not counted (unless their bike trip is longer than their transit trip). If you are already a bicycle commuter, you probably have noticed that you have more company on the road on your way to work. If you are thinking about bike commuting, you can become part of this growing trend. See how your city and state compare to others. Find the bicycle commuter share for the 70 largest sites and 50 states, as well as walking, public transportation and (single occupancy) driving rates, on our website: http://www.bikeleague. org/resources/reports/.

American Bicyclist


CYCLING: A Prescription f By Steven Jonas, MD, MPH


have been a cyclist for close to 30 years, primarily as a triathlete, and have been working professionally in the field of preventive medicine for over 40 years, and for the bulk of that time, one of my principal avocations has been directly connected with my vocation. My work’s focus has been on the promotion of regular exercise, weight management and the centrality of the mobilization of motivation linking to success in making personal behavior changes. Recently I have been able to contribute my work and passion for exercise with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) on their new national program Exercise is Medicine – whose mission is to make physical activity and exercise a standard part of a disease prevention and treatment medical paradigm in the United States. But, exercise is medicine, you might ask? We cyclists exercise, and we don’t regard it as medicine (at least I hope that not too many of us do). However, in the context of our evermore sedentary society, the ACSM’s philosophy of Exercise is Medicine is aimed at getting Americans off the couch. In that sense, cycling can be “medicine.” So how do we get Americans moving and commuting by bike or foot rather than by car? By targeting health professions. The vision of the ACSM’s program is for physical activity to be considered by all health care providers as a continued on page 12 10 American Bicyclist

for Better Health NEW YORK CITY The New York City Department of Health (NYC DOH) recently released a report that shows that people who walk and bike daily are more likely to self-report good health. According to the report, 83 percent of adult New Yorkers who regularly walk or bike for transportation report excellent, very good or good health. Furthermore, the connection between improved health and frequent biking and walking is significant amongst New Yorkers, regardless of income level. Biking and walking is a prescription that all New Yorkers can afford. The DOH report would like even more of NYC’s citizens to use active transportation, and concluded that better infrastructure for walking and biking is needed for a healthier city. To learn more visit www. survey/survey-2009commuting.pdf or pr2009/pr077-09.shtml.

Exercise Prescription Resources Canada: PACE PACE Canada is a comprehensive guide to counseling for healthy, active living. It is designed to assist health care providers in effectively increasing their patients’ physical activity levels and improving their eating habits. The program does not require staff to have special medical training and can be used

effectively by a wide range of primary care providers. British Columbia: ActNow BC A health and wellness initiative launched by the British Columbia Provincial Government in March 2005. It is a multi-year initiative involving several ministries, 2010 Legacies Now, the British Columbia Healthy Living Alliance (BCHLA), community organizations, and businesses throughout the province. ActNow BC promotes physical activity, healthy eating, living tobacco free, and making healthy choices during pregnancy. New Zealand: Green Prescription A Green Prescription (GRx) is a health professional’s written advice to a patient to be physically active, as part of the patient’s health management. It has proven to be a smart and cost-effective way to help people stay healthy. Research published in the New Zealand Medical Journal indicates that a Green Prescription is an inexpensive way of increasing activity, and research published in the British Medical Journal found that a Green Prescription can improve a patient’s quality of life over 12 months, with no evidence of adverse effects.

Australia: Lifescripts Lifescripts is an Australian national initiative, being implemented through local divisions of general practice, promoting risk factor management in general practice and primary health care services. Lifescripts’ resources aim to make it easier for general practitioners and their practices to manage lifestyle-related risk factors by providing a framework for: raising and discussing lifestyle risk factors with patients, advice in the form of a written script and associated patient education, and referrals to other providers to support healthy lifestyle. health-pubhlth-strateg-lifescriptsindex.htm United States: Exercise is Medicine Exercise is Medicine’s vision is to make physical activity and exercise a standard part of a disease prevention and treatment medical paradigm in the United States.

American Bicyclist 11

vital sign in every patient visit and that patients are effectively counseled and referred as to their physical activity and health needs, thus leading to overall improvement in the public’s health and long-term reduction in health care costs. Just think. You could go into your doctor’s office; and as well as taking your blood pressure, counting your pulse and respiratory rates, weighing you and such; you would be asked, every time, about your physical activity. You could be prescribed to ride your bike for all your trips that are two miles or less. You could be prescribed to commute by bicycle. In October 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services came out with the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, the firstever national standards for physical exercise. The report includes standards for children, adults and older adults and states that “adults who are physically active are healthier and less likely to develop many chronic diseases than adults who are inactive. They also have better fitness, including a healthier body size and composition.” The guidelines are very useful for both health care professionals and the general public for determining what one needs to do to achieve that, in terms of health and fitness.

The recommended minimum level for an average adult’s health status improvement has been set at 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise. Adults gain additional and more extensive health and fitness benefits with even more physical activity. What Exercise is Medicine says is that for that health-promoting intervention/ activity, a health professional should write a prescription for exercise similar to a prescription for a medication. There are two approaches that health professional could use to prescribe exercising regularly to patients who are not presently exercising. First is the lifestyle exercise approach, building bouts of exercise into one’s pattern of daily living – like bike commuting instead of driving, using the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the store, and getting off public transport one stop early. The other is what many cyclists do already, dubbed as the scheduled leisure time approach – working out on a regular, scheduled basis. Unfortunately, many primary care providers, chiropractors or even some physical therapists and athletic trainers struggle with helping people to become regular exercisers. Exercise is Medicine is designed to educate and train clinicians of all kinds in how to effectively provide the exercise prescription in clinical practice. And what easier and fun way then to suggest bike riding? Recreational bike riding is a safe, low-impact,

“Adults who are physically active are healthier and less likely to develop many chronic diseases than adults who are inactive. They also have better fitness, including a healthier body size and composition.” 12 American American Bicyclist Bicyclist

aerobic activity for Americans of all ages. A 150-pound cyclist burns 410 calories while pedaling 12 miles in an hour – almost the equivalent calories of a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder®. A 200-pound cyclist burns 546 calories while going 12 miles per hour — almost the equivalent of a Big Mac®. The next question might be, why exercise regularly, anyway? Regular exercise reduces your risk of getting a variety of diseases and negative health conditions, such heart disease, diabetes, certain forms of cancer, obesity, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. It helps in the amelioration and management of a similar list. It helps you to get in shape. It helps in weight management. But as most regular exercisers know, for us the most important reasons to exercise regularly are that it makes us feel better, and look better, first to ourselves and then to others. And yes, we do it because we have fun doing it (at least some of the time)! Cyclists, of course, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, enjoy different types of cycling and bike for many different reasons. But we are all exercisers at one level or another. We all show the flag for personal health promotion. Additionally, many cyclists do multi-sport training, whether we participate in multi-sport racing or not. Multi-sport training is considered to be the ideal way to work out on a schedule over a long period of time. With cycling, plus running, and/or swimming, and/or weight-training, and/or a variety of other distance/strength-training activities that some of us do, we know

that we achieve balance among the muscle groups we use, reduce our risk of injury from overuse in any one of the sports, and reduce our chances of quitting because of the boredom that can arise from doing just one sport. With winter, and the cold weather that accompanies it, bearing down on many of us, we can celebrate cycling as a form of transportation or exercise that you can do year-round, if so inclined. Taking proper account of road conditions, some of us will ride outdoors all winter. I used to do cold-weather riding, and to keep warm I would actually wear my ski helmet rather than my bike helmet. But at 72, I must admit, I don’t do that anymore. But we can ride indoors on exercycles (I’ve got one that actually mimics a triathlon bike), on resistance trainers and on rollers. Yes indeed, cycling is a sport for all seasons. Finally, cyclists in general, and members of the League of American Bicyclists in particular, can play an important role in making their own health care practitioners aware that Exercise is Medicine, in the context of the importance of regular exercise. Urge your doctors to get involved and encourage cycling. If you happen to be a health care practitioner yourself, you are in a prime position to become a mover in this new campaign to promote regular exercise through the direct intervention of health professions. As a health professional, one does not have to be a regular exerciser in order to promote exercising regularly, but it sure helps. Those of us who walk the walk, ahem ... bike the bike, are that much more effective in talking the talk. Bicycling on a regular basis is growing in our nation. There is an increasing amount of political support for our activity, as exercise and as a transportation alternative. Indeed, we cyclists are poised not only to fuel healthy lifestyle choices for ourselves, but also by example for our nation.

This article is based in part on Jonas’ column “Exercise is Medicine” which appeared in “Ordinary Mortals; Talking Triathlon with Steve Jonas,” Summer, 2009 issue of USA-Triathlon Life, Vol. 12, Issue 3. To learn more read Exercise is Medicine: A Clinician’s Guide to Exercise Prescription. Sources: Exercise and Your Heart — A Guide to Physical Activity. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute / American Heart Association, DHHS, PHS, NIH Publication No. 93-1677 and McDonald’s.

American Bicyclist 13

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Community Devastated by Flood Finds Opportunity to Include Bicycles in Rebuilding Cedar Rapids has the typical characteristics of a midwest urban center: a bisecting interstate highway, large congested arterials, the big box stores, a heavy labor and manufacturing base, and a traditional downtown suffering from competition with the thriving extra-urban areas. However, the leaders in Cedar Rapids are beginning to catch on to the livable community concept and trying to change their town for the better. The process began with an inventory of bicycle facilities, education, marketing, and enforcement. However, existing facilities and efforts were very limited. Only a few miles of trails existed, including a segment of the American Discovery Trail — which stretches over 6,800 miles and 15 states coast-to-coast. The community did have an embryonic Bike to Work Week effort but there was little public 14 American Bicyclist

bike parking, no on-street facilities and no education efforts. However small, our initial efforts appeared promising. Unfortunately though, disaster struck Cedar Rapids, halting – erasing every effort. Heavy winter snowmelt combined with relentless spring rains created the worst flood in the history of Cedar Rapids. The river crested on June 13, 2009 and covered more than 10 square miles — 14 percent of the city. Approximately 1,500 residences were or need to be demolished, 450 businesses were affected and approximately 9,000 workers were displaced. Sadly, the flood hit at the wrong time for many people — right in the midst of the subprime mortgage crisis. While many could rebuild, others had to abandon their homes and walk away. The city enacted an immediate rebuilding effort following the flood. Cedar Rapids’ City Hall, jail, municipal court facilities, central fire department, central library, and the police headquarters were completely flooded and displaced. Rebuilding created immense issues. The city questioned if they


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should fix their facilities or replace them. Furthermore, the city couldn’t pay for the rebuilding with so much of their tax base destroyed. The city began an intensive process to plan the rebuilding. Neighborhood surveys, input meetings, and planning charrettes took place. During this process, a theme surfaced at the meetings. Citizens wanted increased connections to other parts of the city, and they wanted an increase in nonmotorized transportation. Henceforth, the Cedar Rapids Bicycle Advisory Committee was born,

This garden shed was uprooted and blocked a bicycle path after the flood.

The Cedar Riverbank after the destructive flood.

and they used the Bicycle Friendly Community application as their guide. The committee was lead by Ron Griffith, an energetic and open minded traffic engineer. Griffith didn’t fit into the hardcore, cyclist image but that actually helped him sell bicycling to city leaders. Griffith was a quick study and learned the best practices of other Bicycle Friendly Communities. Griffith also had an understanding of fitting bicycle facilities into existing infrastructure, which allowed projects to move quickly and efficiently. One of the first questions the advisory committee tackled was, “Why work on bicycling now? After all the community has suffered, and with all the rebuilding that needs to take place, why tackle the Bicycle Friendly

Community application now?” The answer was simple and immediate from the committee. “We are going to rebuild. Let’s do it the right way and make sure we add bicycles and pedestrians to our community as we rebuild.” The advisory committee met every two weeks and referred to the Bicycle Friendly Community application as their checklist for opportunities. They organized public input sessions, created a bike plan, and most importantly for buy-in, found easy to implement projects that would have instant success. The mayor held a Labor Day bike ride; they staged a bike race and published a bicycling newsletter. The committee even created a corps of Bicycle Ambassadors. On October 8th, 2009, the City of Cedar Rapids held a ribbon cutting on the 33rd Avenue Extension. The new roadway will be complete with sidewalks for pedestrians and 20 thermoplastic sharrows for bicyclists. This project is symbolic of the city’s new complete streets philosophy. Cedar Rapids did submit a Bicycle Friendly Community application but they didn’t do it to receive the award. Downtown Cedar Rapids was a cluttered mess after the June 2008 disaster.

Citizens and cyclists race to encourage bicycling

The city wanted the feedback; they wanted the bicycle roadmap to becoming a Bicycle Friendly Community. The Cedar Rapids Bicycle Advisory Committee knows that their work is incomplete, and they are motivated to keep moving forward. The Bicycle Friendly Community program is designed to recognize achievements rather than intentions. If and when Cedar Rapids does earn its award, it will be well deserved. At a recent public meeting, a leader of a community theater said, “When life hands you lemons, you build a better community.” The quote is appropriate for the City of Cedar Rapids and its rebuilding efforts. This community has faced devastation, and they continue to strive beyond simply rebuilding and instead, focus on improvement. American Bicyclist 15


ride guide

Ride Guide a listing of major multi - day, point-to - point or loop rides The League has 600 affiliated local bike clubs and another 150 advocacy groups. We invited them to choose one of their rides to highlight in this listing — you can find out more about the clubs and all their rides by using the Find It feature on In addition, the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association has an extensive list of multi-day rides at If you just can’t choose from the incredible array of events and mouthwatering destinations, at least consider joining the League at the Albuquerque Century, June 5, the site of the 2010 National Rally. Visit Rides highlighted in yellow are American Bicyclist advertisers.



Alabama’s Magnificent Bicycling Adventure (AMBA) AlaBike 5/15-5/22/10 Terrain: Rolling AMBA is a seven day ride sited in one location with out-and-back loops each day.

Arky 100 Arkansas Bicycle Club 10/10/10 Terrain: Flat to Hilly Loops – 25-, 50-, 62-, and 100-miles – through the Grant County countryside. Rest stops; sag support. Hamburger lunch. Hot showers.

Johnny Ray Century East Alabama Cycling Club 9/25/10 Terrain: Rolling Choose from 100-, 63-, 34-, or 20-mile routes through the gorgeous countryside of the Alabama piedmont. All You Can Eat Century Spring City Cycling Club 9/18/10 Terrain: Flat or Hilly Engaging scenery, well-stocked rest stops, good meals and inexpensive.

ARIZONA Skull Valley Loop Challenge Prescott Cycling Club 9/19/10 Terrain: Mountainous Charitable ride with 90-, 70-, 50-mile ride options, significant elevation changes; see website for details, maps and registration forms. Trek Women Breast Cancer Awareness Ride Southwest Bicycles Cycling Club 10/9/10 Terrain: Flat Raise public awareness and fund breast cancer research in an effort to achieve prevention and a cure in our lifetime. Registration fee donated directly to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

16 American Bicyclist

Highway 71 Classic Bicycle Coalition of The Ozarks 3/7/10 Terrain: Flat to Mountainous Routes from 30 to 75 miles. All skill levels are welcome. See how you fare against some of the best cyclists in Northwest Arkansas and support local bicycling advocacy. Ozark - Ouachita Tour Arkansas Bicycle Club 4/27-4/28/10 Terrain: Hilly Visit Website for details.

C ALIFORNIA Al’s Ride/The Oaktree Loop Sierra Express Bicycle Club Most Weekends asp Terrain: Varied Terrain Club members enjoy this ride yearround because it’s challenging, offers varied terrain, spectacular views, and places to stop for refreshments. 12th Annual Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge Santa Cruz County Cycling Club 7/31/10 Terrain: Mountainous Two Challenging Routes: The Century and the Metric Century Challenge.

Bike the Bay San Diego County Bicycle Coalition 8/29/10 Terrain: Flat A non-competitive, community bike ride around San Diego Bay via the Bayshore Bikeway for riders of all abilities. Cruisin’ the Conejo Conejo Valley Cyclists 5/8/10 Terrain: Rolling to Hilly Conejo Valley Cyclists presents the 25th Anniversary of their great Cruisin’ the Conejo Century. Gold Lake Highway Loop Plumas-Sierra Bicycle Club Ongoing Club Ride in Summer and Fall Terrain: Hilly Prettiest ride in the High Sierras three climbs, alpine meadows and many lakes, cascading river, and the spectacular Sierra Buttes. Grizzly Peak Century Grizzly Peak Cyclists 5/2/10 Terrain: Very Hilly A hilly Scenic ride in the east bay hills with great food; 73, 104 and 112 mile options. High Sierra Fall Century Sierra Cycling Foundation 9/11/10 Terrain: Visit Website 100 mile course, no stoplights and only one stop sign, along the east side of the High Sierra and into the Mono Basin with views of Mono Lake and the White Mountains.

Los Angeles River Ride Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition 6/6/10 Terrain: Mostly Flat A 15-mile family ride, 36-mile training ride, 50-mile half century, 70-mile challenge ride, 100-mile L.A. River Century, fun kids’ ride! Sierra to the Sea Almaden Cycle Touring Club 6/19-6/26/10 Terrain: Hills, rural rollers to flat Scenic and challenging 400-plusmile tour from Bear Valley to San Francisco. Camping, meals, and SAG $655. Registration opens 1/19/10. Sunday Morning ROAD Ride Delta Pedalers Every Sunday at 8 a.m. Terrain: Easy Hills Ride through Byron to Los Vaqueros Reservoir and return to Brentwood for coffee. Windmill Century Tailwinds of Santa Maria Bicycle Club 7/17/10 Terrain: Visit Website Pioneer Park, Santa Maria, Calif. cycling on country roads. Entry fee includes: rest stops, lunch, SAG, an event t-shirt and a Santa Maria style BBQ at the end of the ride.

COLOR ADO CWI Century Colorado Wheeltime IT 9/12/10 Terrain: Flat & Hilly A fully supported century ride in the Rocky Mountain foothills to support the Lance Armstrong Foundation’s global cancer campaign.

CONNEC TICUT AngelRide AngelRide - Angel Charitable Trust 5/29-5/30/10 Terrain: Rolling to Hilly or AngelRide is a one or two-day bike trek across Connecticut benefiting The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp founded by Paul Newman. Riders raise a minimum of $1,000.

delaware Shorefire Century White Clay Bicycle Club 8/28/10 Terrain: Flat to Gently Rolling Events-WCBC/shorefire.htm Beautiful, scenic routes (35, 65, and 100 miles) taking you through flat to gently rolling farmland in central Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Five stops with food.

FLORIDA 4th Annual Bike Brunch Naples Pathways Coalition, Inc. 1/24/10 Terrain: Visit Website Breakfast, bag, rest stops and SAG vehicle support, and brunch included with registration - a shirt too if received by 1/8/10. Frank Stark Celebration Ride Boca Raton Bicycle Club 7/18/10 Terrain: Flat to Gently Rolling Hills Scenic ride along the Atlantic coast and beautiful western Boca. Plenty of well stocked rest stops and post-ride meal. Gainesville Cycling Festival Gainesville Cycling Club 10/23-10/24/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Ride two centuries in two days! Santa Fe Century on Saturday, Horse Farm Hundred on Sunday.

Tour de Forts North Florida Bicycle Club 4/25/10 Terrain: Flat Bike along spectacular Florida coastline. Pre-ride snacks, rest stops, lunch, SAG, mechanical support, and motorcycle escort. Various distances: 18 to 100 miles.


28th Annual Tour of Sebring 2010 Kenilworth Lodge 9/4-9/6/10 Terrain: Flat to Gently Rolling Hills A three day ride in rural, central Florida for the entire family with 10, 30, 60 and 100 mile routes. Fully supported.


GEORGIA AIDS Vaccine 200 Action Cycling Atlanta 5/33-5/24/10 Terrain: Varied Two-day, 200-mile ride through Georgia countryside, benefiting the Emory Vaccine Center. Bicycle Ride Across Georgia (BRAG) Bicycle Ride Across Georgia 6/5-6/12/10 Terrain: Visit Website Discover Ga. by bicycle. BRAG is a family-oriented tour. It is not a race. Earth Day BeltLine Bike Tour Atlanta Bicycle Coalition 4/25/10 Terrain: Flat to rolling hills. Road and off-road options. Experience Atlanta’s future BeltLine – a rail redevelopment project combining trails, transit, and economic development – from the seat of a bicycle!

Honolulu Century Ride Hawaii Bicycling League 9/27/10 Terrain: Visit Website Hawaii’s largest and oldest bicycling event, with up to 4,000 riders from eight nations.

Amishland and Lakes Annual Explore the Bigholes Ride Teton Valley Trails and Pathways 7/10/10 Terrain: Challenging An out-and-back ride that starts at the Horseshoe Canyon Parking lot, proceeds up TVTAP’s adopted trail for five miles and 1,400 feet elevation gain. Huckleberry Ride Twin Rivers Cyclists 7/11/10 Terrain: Rollers and Short Climbs Fifty-four out-and-back road miles through the forests of Northern Idaho to Elk River for huckleberry ice cream treats.

Illinois No Baloney Bicycle Ride The Illinois Valley Wheelm’n 9/25/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling, Few Steep Climbs Midwest cycling at it’s best with routes of 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles; themed food rest stops every 25 miles.

21st Annual Pumpkin Pie Ride Starved Rock Cycling Association 10/3/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Pumpkin pie after ride & showers; goodies at rest stops; 25,62,100; I & M Canal Routes. 29th Annual BCLC Ramble Bicycle Club of Lake County 6/13/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Ramble along scenic back roads through farmlands and small towns in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin on 12/30/50/70/100 miles routes. Ronald Reagan Heritage Bicycle Ride Rock River Valley Bicycle Club 8/15/10 Terrain: Rolling Ride distances of 10/25/50/75/100 miles. The Bob Galloway Memorial Amish Country Bicycle Tour Decatur Bicycle Club 9/18/10 Terrain: Flat & Family Friendly A bicycle tour through the Amish country side around Arthur, Illinois.

Indiana Amishland and Lakes Michiana Bicycling Association 8/6-8/8/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Friday night & Saturday Amish country 23-100 miles. Sunday Rolling hills of Michigan — around the lakes 23-64 miles.

Snowbird Century Everglades Bicycle Club 3/28/10 Terrain: Flat and Windy Ride includes a 25-mile family ride, and 42-, 62-, and 100-mile sagged and fully supported rides.

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2010 ALMANAC Hilly Hundred Weekend Central Indiana Bicycling Assoc. 10/15-10/17/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills A classic bicycling event designed for the touring cyclists that include food, entertainment and fellowship with more than 5,000 cyclists. Madison Meander Madison Area Bicycle Club 8/21/10 news/2010-madison-meander Terrain: Flat to Hilly A simplified, no-frills Annual Madison Meander. Routes of 20, 35 and 60 miles travel through beautiful Jefferson, Ripley, Ohio and Switzerland Counties in Southern Indiana. Orchard Country Bicycle Tour Maple City Bicycling Club 5/23/10 Terrain: Flat to Moderate This is a get-it-in-gear warm-up ride around the LaPorte County rural areas. Ride Across Indiana (RAIN Ride) Bloomington Bicycle Club 7/17/10 Terrain: Flat to Gently Rolling RAIN is a one way, one day, 160mile ride from the Illinois/Indiana state line to Richmond, Ind.

ride guide

Fountain Tour Kansas city Bicycle Club 6/20/10 Terrain: Flat to Gently Rolling Come join KCBC on a tour to many of Kansas City’s historic fountains and sites; only Rome, Italy has more.



14th Annual Cruisin’ the Bayou Bayou Country Cyclists, Inc. 4/18/10 Terrain: Varies Annual fundraiser to benefit charity. Visit website for more details.

Kent County Spring Fling Baltimore Bicycling Club 5/28-5/31/10 Terrain: Varies Four days of bike rides from 15 to 100 miles. Entertainment in the evenings.

Gorilla Century Tailwind Cyclists 5/29-5/31/10 gorillacentury/gorillacentury.htm Terrain: Flat to Gently Rolling Flattest century in Kansas, great SAG’s with real food. Showers & toilets at start and finish. City festival and carnival for the family.

2nd Annual Mad Scientist Cycle for Sci-Port Louisiana’s Science Center 10/16/10 Terrain: Rolling hills Routes will range from 22 miles to 75 miles with full SAG support and post ride events.

Tour du Port One Less Car 10/03/10 Terrain: Flat to rolling Routes range from 12-63 miles and travel through twelve historic neighborhoods, waterfront areas and parks.


22nd Annual Maine Bike Rally Bicycle Coalition of Maine 7/9-7/11/10 mainebikerally/ Terrain: Moderate More than 35 rides feature area covered bridges, off-road trails, lakes, historic sites, challenging mountain climbs and special gardens.

Elizabethtown Share the Road Bicycle Tour Central Kentucky Wheelmen 9/18/10 Terrain: Rolling, Flat Stretches Tour includes five-mile city ride, 15, 35, 50 and 62 mile options, a grilled picnic lunch, doorprizes and a t-shirt. Fee $10.

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Horsey Hundred Bluegrass Cycling Club 5/28-5/30/10 Terrain: Hilly Horsey Saturday route options include 25, 35, 55, 75, and the traditional Horsey Hundred. Sunday routes are your choice of a 37-mile loop, a 52-miler or a 70-miler.

Cottonwood 200 Kaw Valley Bicycle Club 5/29-5/31/10 Terrain: Visit Website A three-day bicycle tour on paved roads through the Flint Hills of northeast Kansas. The ride covers 200 miles (75 miles day one; 50 miles day two; 75 miles day three).

Old Kentucky Home Tour Louisville Bicycle Club 9/11-9/12/10 Terrain: Rolling, rural Multiple marked routes. Great SAGs, meals, live entertainment, motels/camping, mechanics, photos, more.


The Maine Lobster Ride & Roll Bicycle Coalition of Maine 7/24/10 index.html Terrain: Coastal Four great rides to choose from (16, 30, 50, 100). 7th Annual White Mountain Memorial Day Classic Community Cycling Club of Portland 5/31/10 events_rides.html Terrain: Mountainous Includes 81 miles; 6,731 vertical feet; three passes, including Hurricane Mountain (17 percent gradient but Hurricane is optional); plus Pinkham and Evans Notches. Women’s Ride for Heart Health Bicycle Coalition of Maine 5/13/10 womensride/ Terrain: Moderate A heart disease awareness event, registration includes 5-, 10- or 25-mile ride.

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MASSACHUSET TS Blazing Saddles Century North Shore Cyclists, Inc. 8/21/10 Terrain: Rolling hills Century ride through the rural towns of Boston’s North Shore and southern New Hampshire. Routes of 50, 62, and 100 miles. Cape Cod Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket Bike and the Like LLC 9/10-9/17, 9/18-9/25/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Enjoy the fall foliage season in New England cycling the nooks and crannies of Cape Cod, Mass. Great River Ride Northeast Sport Cyclists 10/10/10 Terrain: Very Hilly One of Bicycling Magazine’s Top 10 Centuries

MICHIGAN 3 Trails in 3 Days Friends of Pere Marquette Rail Trail 7/23-7/25/10 Terrain: Visit Website 3 Trails in 3 Days – bike/skate/run/ walk event encourages visits to the Saginaw Valley, Pere Marquette and Bay County Rail & River Walk Trails. Blue Water Ramble Clinton River Riders Bicycle Club 10/3/10 Terrain: Visit Website The 45- and 100-mile riders will have the option to ride in Canada, but all riding may be done here in the U.S. All routes feature a hot lunch.

One Helluva Ride (OHR) Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society 7/10/10 Terrain: Flat to gently rolling, rural mostly low traffic, rural roads thru southeast Michigan, great lunch and rest stops. Potawatomi Pedal Paddle Tour Potawatomi Pedal Paddle Tour 8/28-8/29/10 Terrain: Gently Rolling Ride & gloat through a Native American countryside connecting four counties and two nations. Camping, canoeing, and Native American experiences included. 24th Annual Shoreline West Bicycle Tour League of Michigan Bicyclists 8/8-8/14/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling to Climbs Explore the beautiful coastline of Lake Michigan as you ride by beaches, sand dunes, cherry farms and lighthouses.

mINNESOTA Bicycling Around Minnesota (BAM) Bicycling Around Minnesota – BAM Inc. 8/18-8/21/10 Terrain: Varied Bicycle in beautiful northeast Minnesota and experience Lake Superior, the Iron Range, lakes, forests and northern prairies. Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota 9/12/10 Terrain: Asphalt Miles of traffic-free cycling plus the best rest stops in the business with live music, tasty treats and grand vistas. Split Rock Tour Velo Duluth 7/24/10 Terrain: Asphalt Ride of various distances along the shore of Lake Superior; 100 mile ride up to Split Rock Light House and back.



BikeMO Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation 10/16/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Celebrate bicycling with MoBikeFed and enjoy the fall foliage and beautiful roads of Mid-Missouri: 100-, 62-, 32-, and 17-mile routes.

Revolutionary Ramble Morris Area Freewheelers 6/12//10 Terrain: Flat to Challenging A beautiful historic ride through the crossroads of the American Revolution. Multiple routes from 12 miles to metric century.

Full Moon Night Ride & Poker Run St. Joseph Bicycle Club 10/23/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Our grand finale to the riding season. Prizes for the best poker hand. Hot chocolate at all the rest stops and a party in the middle.

Ride for Autism Jersey Shore Touring Society 6/12/10 and Terrain: Rolling Hills One-day charity bicycle tour to raise funds for Autism New Jersey and also to raise community awareness about autism.

Tour of the Swan River Valley Missoulians on Bicycles 5/22-5/23/10 Terrain: Moderate A two day epic ride in the Swan River Valley; 39th year.

4th annual South Jersey Tour des Farms South Jersey Resource Conservation and Development Council 9/11/10 Terrain: Check Website Shop for local produce as you ride, and we will pick up your purchases and deliver them back to the starting point for you.



Kool-Aid Classic Bicycle Tour Hastings Unique Bicyclists 8/14/10 kaclassic Terrain: Moderate Tour the scenic, paved country roads surrounding the birthplace of Kool-Aid. Choose from 30- or 60-mile routes.

Albuquerque Century 6/5/10 Terrain: Check Website Enjoy scenic views of the city and beautiful Sandia mountains as you pedal off the miles on this 100mile perimeter loop.


NEVADA Sunday Show and Go Procrastinating Pedalers Every Sunday Terrain: Vaired Meet in the parking lot of Roy Gomm School on Mayberry Drive. Starting time changes with the seasons. Suburban ride, country roads and approximately 25 miles.

NEW HAMPSHIRE Tri-State Seacoast Century Weekend Granite State Wheelmen 9/25-9/26//10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling The 37th annual century along scenic roads in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts; 25, 50 metric, and 100-mile routes available. Limit of 1,600 riders.

Ride the Rail Runner New Mexico Touring Society First Thursday of Each Month Terrain: Flat Ride south from Albuquerque on trails and bike-friendly streets to the Belen Rail Runner station; after a catered lunch, return to Albuquerque by train! Santa Fe Century Santa Fe Century & Trail Committee 5/16/10 Terrain: Rolling, with a Few Climbs The 25th Anniversary year and 3,000 riders.

NEW YORK ALS Therapy Development Institute TEEN TREKS 7/23/-7/25/10 Terrain: Challenging We Need More Cowbell! Join us for the 8th annual Tri-State Trek

and help end ALS. Ride, volunteer, or come to cheer — we need more cowbell! CanAm Classic Niagara Frontier Bicycle Club 8/22/10 Terrain: Flat Three distances - 35, 62 or 100 miles; basically flat rides around scenic Buffalo and Niagara Falls areas, including Canada. A passport is required. Gold Coast Tour Huntington Bicycle Club 7/10/10 Terrain: Varies Tours of the beautiful Gold Coast of Long Island. Various distances and degrees of difficulty. New York to Montreal Trek TEEN TREKS 6/29/-7/14/10 Terrain: Moderate An amazing ride for teenagers through the Hudson Valley, Adirondack region, Green Mountains and Quebec. OCC Memorial Century Onondaga Cycling Club September 2010 Terrain: Rolling to Hilly Ride through beautiful Upstate New York’s Finger Lakes, 62 to 100 miles, marked, supported route. Post-ride picnic. Proceeds go to a local charity. Way North Century Ride Adirondack Cycling Team 9/22/10 Terrain: Road, Varies Join the Adirondack Cycling Team on our annual century ride through the beautiful North Country.

NORTH C AROLINA Brett’s Ride for Rhabdo (Pediatric Cancer) Hickory Velo Club 10/3/10 Terrain: Visit Website Family oriented — tot ride, 10, 32, 52, 75-mile options. Funds raised donated to Brenner Children’s and Levine Children’s Hospitals.

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ride guide

The Hot 100 Cape Fear Cyclists 9/5/10 Terrain: Visit Website Ride 100 miles; four loops, all start and stop at the same spot. Fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis and the East Coast Greenway Trail in N.C.

Sunday in June Cleveland Touring Club 6/13/10 Terrain: Flat and Rolling A great bike ride in Amish country on scenic country roads with little traffic and outstanding snack stops and lunch.

Sweet”Hart” Tour Washington County Bicycle Transportation Coalition 2/14/10 Terrain: Varies Visit three local parks with the name Hart in them — a perfect Valentine’s Day ride.




Candisc 2010 Candisc 7/31-8/7/10 Terrain: Visit Website Cycling Around North Dakota in Sakakawea Country.

Tour de Tulsa Tulsa Bicycle Club 5/1/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Tulsa’s spring cycling classic with routes for all ages and abilities.

17th Annual Bike to Brunch Genesis Bicycles 9/19/10 Terrain: Visit Website Buffet brunch in the park; benefits The Children’s Home of Easton.


Tour of Payne Red Dirt Pedalers 7/5/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Road ride with distances of 10, 26, 36, 65 and 100 miles. Lots of rest stops.

Dog Days Wine Tour 4 Silver Wheels Cycling Club 8/8/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Rest stops are at thee local wineries. Beautiful area in North Central Ohio. A super cookout available afterwards; 500 limit. 29th Annual Dry Run Century Westerville Bicycle Club 9/12/10 dryrun Terrain: Rolling Fully supported tour of 30, 50, 70, 100 rolling miles. Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure 6/19-6/26/10 Terrain: Gently rolling to hilly Tour Ohio with 2,999 of your closest friends! Enjoy eight days of 50mile routes (some longer options), camping, and friendly folks. 17th Mad Anthony River Rally Toledo Area Bicyclists 8/7/10 Terrain: Hilly Chris Cakes breakfast included at first SAG stop. Souvenir photo, homemade cookies, ice cream, and free showers with towel. 28th Marietta River Rendezvous Marietta Rowing & Cycling Club 6/5-6/6/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Ride along the west side of the scenic Muskingum River past several historic hand-cranked locks to Marietta and return on the eastside part the next day.

20 American Bicyclist

OREGON Blackberry bRamble Greater Eugene Area Riders (GEARs) 8/1/10 Terrain: Visit Website Annual supported century/metric century road ride. Blackberry pie and fantastic scenery in the south Willamette Valley! Hood River Harvest Ride Hood River Valley Residents Committee (HRVRC) 9/27/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Stunning scenery, dynamite local food, and locally organized; 100 percent of profits benefit environmental non-profit. Easy, moderate and challenging routes. Gorge Ride Friends of the Historic Columbia River Highway 6/12/10 Terrain: Moderate Fully-supported Fourth Annual Gorge Ride includes world-class scenery along the Historic Columbia River Highway. Mothers Day Meander Washington County Bicycle Transportation Coalition 5/9/10 Terrain: Flat What better way to celebrate Mom than by touring parks and bicycling through neighborhoods teeming with spring blossoms?

Girls with Gears: A Women’s Cycling Event Carol For Heart 4/18/10 Terrain: Visit Website 10-, 25-, 40-, 62-mile road rides are offered. All proceeds from this event benefit CAROL For Heart to help educate women on the prevention of heart disease. SCU Quad County Metric Suburban Cyclists Unlimited 5/8/10 Terrain: Rolling to Hilly Ride 21, 31, 45, 53, 68, or 76 miles at your own pace on low-traffic back roads. Smart Cycling/Advocacy Rides League of Lancaster Bicyclists Every Thursday Terrain: Urban Streets, Rural Rolling Hills and Trail Terrains Rain or Shine ride schedule combining on road, classroom and advocacy discussion. Riding activities will include night riding and commuting techniques.

SOUTH C AROLINA Cycle South Carolina Festivelo 12/1/10 -12/5/10 Terrain: Flat Beginning and ending in Charleston, the route takes participants through some of South Carolina’s most historic and beautiful areas. Coastal Cyclists’ Spring Century Charleston Bicycle Company 5/28/10 Terrain: Flat The ride is the day after the famous Cooper River Bridge Run, making a wonderful weekend

of running and riding during a spring weekend when azaleas are in full bloom.

TENNESSEE Memphis Hightailers Fall Century Memphis Hightailers Bicycle Club 10/2/10 Terrain: Visit Website Leaving from downtown Memphis, the course goes to and through beautiful Meeman Shelby Forest State Park. Nor-Well Roan Groan part of People’s Community Bank Omnium Tri Cities Road Club 6/5/10 www. Terrain: Rolling with Nine-mile Mountain Climb Highest finish race in eastern U.S. with 30 miles and 4,177 feet of climbing or 55 miles and 5,755 feet of climbing.

TEX AS Armadillo Hill Country Classic Austin Cycling Association 5/8/10 Terrain: Rolling HIlls Ride through broad valleys, sweeping vistas and gently rolling hills. A 10 a.m. kid’s and family ride starts in Bertram, Texas for a 6.5 mile ride. Southwest Tandem Rally 2010 Dallas Area Tandem Enthusiasts 4/23/-4/25/10 Terrain: Flat Join us for April in Paris at the 20th annual Southwest Tandem Rally. Registration now open. See website for details. Texas Farm Bureau Cotton Patch Challenge Greenville Area Social Pedalists 9/18/-9/19/10 Terrain: Paved, Rolling Hills Five tours, USCF races and festival with art, cars, tractors, BBQ, Chili cook-off, and Kids Alley. West Frisco Cruiser Shawnee Trail Cycling Club Every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Terrain: Flat Beginners ride for all to enjoy, approximately 10 miles at 8 to 12 mph.

VERMONT VerMontreal Tour 2010 Local Motion 6/03-6/05/10 Terrain: Visit Website Bicycle along Lake Champlain, through the scenic Quebec country side, indulge in French cuisine and travel with a wonderful group of people!

VIRGINIA 28th Annual Century Bicycle Event Reston Bicycle Club 8/29/10 Terrain: View Website Rides of 34, 65, and 103 miles. The challenging century, and metric routes follow beautiful rolling rural roads through scenic historical towns. Half-Metric is flat. Heart of Virginia Century & Bike Festival Richmond Area Bicyclists Association 9/18-9/19/10 Terrain: Rolling Ride through the historic and scenic countryside of central Virginia, with distances from 32 to 100 miles. Knotts Island Century Tidewater Bicycle Assoc. 5/15/10 Terrain: View Website Ride through scenic landscapes and take a ferry across the Currituck Sound! Travel through flat Virginia and North Carolina’s rural countryside. Pedal the Parkway Williamsburg Area Bicyclists 5/1/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling National park roadway closed to autos, allows bicyclists to enjoy scenery from Williamsburg to Jamestown Island along the James River. Ride in the Heartland Charlotte Spin Club 9/26-9/27/10 Terrain: Rolling Piedmont 100, 64, and 28-mile rides through the rolling countryside of Charlotte County, Va.

Shenandoah Valley Century Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition 9/2010 century Terrain: Rolling hills Cenic vistas, small towns, beautiful farms, quiet roads, and more. All routes are paved and have low traffic volume. Shenandoah Valley Heritage Ride The Winchester Wheelman 6/6/10 www.winchesterwheelmen or Terrain: Rolling countryside Fully supported rides of 10, 30, 50 and 70 miles through the historic Shenandoah Valley. Thursday Night Fast Ride Queen City Cycling Club Every Thursday (March-Oct.) Terrain: Rolling The ride is a no-drop ride with two re-groups, averaging 18 to 20 mph on rolling terrain. Virginia Beach Cyclocross and Winter Endurance Challenge Virginia Beach Cyclocross and Winter Endurance Challenge 12/12/10 Terrain: Challenging Men’s, women’s and junior’s races will be held! Virginia Cross-State Ride Virginia Bicycling Federation 5/13-5/28/10 Terrain: Mountainous to Flat Annual goodwill tour along 570plus miles of Bikecentennial 76 Transcontinental route through Virginia with sagged camping. Daily riders welcome.

WASHINGTON Group Health Inland Empire Century Tri-City Bicycle Club 5/8/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Climbs Ride through open spaces, rivers, wheat fields and orchards of Washington State’s Inland Empire. Ride options are 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles.

McClinchy Mile B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County 3/20/10 Terrain: Flat to Hilly What’s a McClinchy Mile? Choose a 20, 34 or 47-mile loop or combine them for a spring century. Ride Around Puget Sound Bicycle Alliance of Washington 8/28-8/29/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Five bike clubs organize this challenging 170-mile weekend loop known for great food and friendliness. Fundraiser for statewide bike advocacy.

WASHINGTON d.c . Harper’s Ferry Ride Brother to Brother Sister to Sister United 6/12/10 Terrain: Flat to Rolling Climbs Camp out, dine at campfire, enjoy good music, and great camaraderie. Have breakfast and ride back to Glen Echo, arriving the afternoon of June 13th ... to recover.

Ride to Summer’s End - Cream City Century Classic Cream City Bicycle Club 8/29/10 Terrain: Visit Website Explore scenic backroads and towns; well-stocked rest stops and spaghetti dinner (30, 56, 78 and 100 mile routes). Wright Stuff Century Bombay Bicycle Club of Madison, Inc. 9/5/10 Terrain: Rolling Hills Ride is 30, 60, or 100 miles through hills and meadows on lightly traveled roads.

wyoming Tour de Wyoming Cycle Wyoming 7/18-7/23/10 Terrain: Varies Event covers 370 miles, with daily ranges from 50 to 84 miles. Loop starts and ends in Green River and explores southwest Wyoming and includes bits of Utah and Idaho.

west virginia Cheat Mountain Challenge West Viginia Cycling Foundation 8/14/10 Terrain: Challenging Century ride through some of the most beautiful country West Virginia has to offer. Great roads, low traffic, and stunning views.

wisconsin Autumn Trek River Valley Trails September 2010 Terrain: Hilly Hard Crank 110K and 101M Climbs, 14/25/45 family friendly. Excellent maps, Road marking, rest stops, vistas, sag, food and fun. Mondays Around Monona We Are All Mechanics Mondays in August and September Terrain: Flat Mondays Around Monona is a casual, approximately 12-mile, ride around Lake Monona. Ride is free and open to everyone.

American Bicyclist 21



Tourfinder contact information and description of commercial bike tourgroups Tourgroups highlighted in yellow are American Bicyclist advertisers.

Tourfinder The National Bicycle Tour Directors Association offers an extensive list of three-day and longer bicycle tours and touring events in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and France at Adventure Center (800) 228-8747 Affordable adventures worldwide including Loire Valley Cycling. Adventure Cycling Assocation (800) 755-2453 Road Events: Montana, Utah ,Oregon, Washington. Mountain Bike Events: Colorado. Self-contained Expeditions, Introduction to Bicycle Touring tours, and Leadership Training Courses Adventures in Good Company (877) 439-4042 Come and travel off the beaten path! We offer moderately priced cycling tours for women along the spectacular Maine sea coast. Alaska Bicycle Tours (877) 292-4154 All inclusive road and mountain bike tours in Southeast Alaska and Canada of varied difficulty levels from two hours to 11 days. Alaskan Bicycle Adventures (907) 245-2175 Highest quality bicycle tours of Alaska and Canada’s Yukon. All tours are fully supported and include all lodging. Alyson Adventures, Inc. (800) 825-9766 Active, adventure vacations for gay men, lesbians, and friends. Bike tours in France, Italy, Iceland, Spain and the USA.

22 American Bicyclist

America by Bicycle (888) 797-7057 Long-distance, first-class, fully supported bike tours. Five cross country tours with 26 touring options ranging from 5-52 days. Atlantic Canada Cycling (902) 423-2453 Fun and friendly tours of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. Backroads (800) GO-ACTIVE Trips for all abilities in North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. Bicycle Adventure Club (858) 715-9510 Non-profit club touring all over the USA/world at varied difficulty. Bicycle Adventures (800) 443-6060 Regional experts offering bicycling, hiking, multi-sport & crosscountry skiing vacations in the western US, Hawaii, Canada, and New Zealand. Bicycle Africa (206) 767-0848 Small group, self-contained, cultural immersion bike tours of varying difficulty to Tunisia, Mali, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda and more. Bicycle Beano Vegetarian Cycle Tours +44 1982 560471 Guided on-road exploration of England and Wales. Delicious vegetarian cuisine, mostly organic (lunchtime veggie and meat options available).

Bicycle SA (South Australia) +61 8 8168 9999 Great events, advocacy, education and development to improve cycling in South Australia. Bienvenidos Tours (248) 225-8199 Fully supported, reasonably priced bicycle tours in Spain. Native guides will take you through the best and most interesting roads. Great food and wine. Bike & Cruise Tours (239) 431-6219 A unique combo of cycling and cruising. Cycle in a new port daily — let the ship be your floating resort. Bike and the Like (877) 776-6572 Supported & and reasonably priced tours — New England, California, C&O Canal, Canada, Bike and Barge Holland, Czech Republic & Prague to Budapest. Bike New England (978) 979-6598 Scenic, affordable tours in the Berkshires, the Massachusetts North Shore, and southern Vermont. Bike Riders (800) 473-7040 Luxury travel in New England, Canada and Europe. Small groups, gracious inns, great dining. Bike The Big Apple (877) 865-0078 Leisurely paced, family friendly tours throughout NYC (bridges, uncongested streets and vistas the typical tourist seldom sees. Bike the Sites (202) 842-BIKE

Washington D.C. sites. Night tours offered regularly; specialty, custom and group tours available. Bike, stroller, and scooter rentals available. Bike the Whites (877) 421-1785 Unguided tours for all ages and ability levels offered through the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Bike Vermont Inc. (800) 257-2226 The friendly, more personal choice for inn-to-inn bicycle touring. Superb inns, delicious food, and peaceful cycling. (760) 753-3545 This website helps cyclists find the right tour operator to fit their needs. Blue Marble Travel (215) 923-3788 Small group tours for adults all over Europe. Trips from one to five weeks, prices include the bike. Borton Overseas (800) 843-0602 Bike tours in Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Antartica and Kenya. Breaking Away Bicycle Tours (310) 377-9806 Challenging routes through the French Alpes, Provence — plus world famous Tour De France and Giro D’Italia viewing trips. Butterfield & Robinson (866) 551-9090 The world’s No. 1 ranked active travel company, offers the best biking and walking trips in 34 countries. CANUSA Cycle Tours (800) 938-7986

Fully supported, reasonably priced bicycle tours of the Canadian Rockies. 10 percent discount for League members. Carolina Tailwinds (888) 251-3206 Fully supported tours of Carolina coast, North Carolina wine country, Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains. Fine dining and charming inns. CBT Tours (800) 736-BIKE European cycling tours, custom adventures and superior service at affordable prices. Chain Gang Cycle Tours Limited 44 (0)1392 66 22 62 The Chain Gang offers guided tours through some of the most beautiful areas of France and Italy. Challenge Unlimited (800) 798-5954 Tours of varied difficulty offered in Colorado, New Mexico, Nepal, Costa Rica, Ireland, and New Zealand. Christian Adventures (866) 796-HIKE Challenging youth and adults to grow together in Christ through outdoor adventure since 1978. Ciclismo Classico (800) 866-7314 Italian and NE bicycling tour specialists. Dreamy, authentic itineraries, native guides, unsurpassed personal service, small groups, best rental bikes in the industry. Classic Adventures (800) 777-8090 World-class bicycling & hiking vactions since 1979. France, Greece/ Crete, Germany, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Finger Lakes, Erie Canal, Lake Placid, Natchez Trace. Colorado HeartCycle Assoc., Inc. (720) 304-9572 Non-profit cyclotouring club with a 27-year history of multiday SAG supported tours in Colorado, the USA and Europe.

Compass Holidays +44 (0) 1242 250 642 Leisurely tours all over the UK. Self-led tours including accommodations in hotels or guest houses. Country Inns Along the Trail (800) 838-3301 Self-guided tours for independent cyclists offered throughout Vermont. Road biking in the Champlain Valley. Mountain biking in the Northeast Kingdom. Country Lanes Lakeside Cycle Hire Centre (0044) 07748 512 286 Britain’s award-winning bicycle touring specialist operates day trips, short breaks and longer tours throughout England. Country Lanes Windermere Cycle Hire Centre (0044) 015394 44544 Britain’s award-winning bicycle tour specialist. Day trips, short breaks and longer tours throughout England. CrossRoads Cycling Adventures (800) 971-2453 Ride 3,400 miles from Los Angeles to Boston. Vehicle supported, business-class hotels, free mechanic service, nutritious meals, extensive support! Cycle America National Park Bicycle Tours (800) 245-3263 From the painted desert of the Southwest, to the Canadian Rockies, you’ll see the best North America has to offer. Cycle Rides Ltd +44 (0) 1225 428452 Cycling holidays in and around Europe featuring Spain, France, Italy, Austria and Eastern Europe. Cycletours Holland 0031-020-521-8490 Discover the Netherlands the way the Dutch do: From the water and from the saddle of a bicycle! Presenting Boat & Bike Holidays!

CycleVentures Bicycle Tours (866) 894-0220 Explore Europe, North America, Africa and Asia at your own pace. Guided and van-supported tours since 1972.

Freewheeling Adventures (800) 672-0775 Guided or self-guided. Canada, Iceland, & Europe. Small groups, cozy inns, fabulous food, & attentive van support.

Easy Rider Tours (800) 488-8332 Bike Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Canada & New England. Spectacular routes, native guides, authentic inns & cuisine.

Gerhard’s Bicycle Odysseys (800) 966-2402 European cycling adventures—one and two week tours for all levels of experience. Sag wagon, good hotels, fine dining.

Elk River Touring (866) 572-3771 Tours of varied difficulty offered throughout West Virginia.

Hellenic Adventures, Inc. (800) 851-6349 Greece, Italy and Turkey. Cultural travel, hiking, sailing. Custom trips of all kinds, including cycling trips for groups/individuals.

Escape Mountain Bike Tours & Road Bike Tours (800) 596-2953 Mountain biking & multi-sport vacations. Tours in the Southwest, British Columbia, and Central America. Euro-Bike & Walking Tours (800) 321-6060 Over 30 years experience. All ages and levels of ability. Luxury and econo-tours; 15 countries. Europeds (415) 272- 4388 Europeds offers a wide variety of cycling trips for all ability levels in France. Families too! Experience Plus! Specialty Tours, Inc. (800) 685-4565 Bicycle, Walking and Multisport vacations in Europe, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Family-run since 1972. 4Winds Specialty Tours (509) 736-1027 Offers guided and self-guided cycling trips in Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark and Austria.

HighPeaks Bicycle Adventures (518) 523-3764 Guided road and mountain bike tours in the Adirondacks and Lake Champlain. Also offering rock climbing, hiking and kayaking. Historical Trails Cycling (402) 499-0874 Offering fully supported bicycle tours of the Lewis and Clark Trail and the Oregon Trail. Experienced pioneers in bicycle travel. Howie Wowie Bicycle Tours (619) 437-7095 HWBT is a small bicycle touring company offering personalized discovery of France and Italy by bicycle. Ibike Tours (206) 767-0848 Small group, cultural immersion bike programs for normal active people in Vietnam, Korea, Ecuador,Guyana and Washington State/British Columbia. International Bicycle Tours (860) 767-7005 Van-supported bicycle tours in Austria, France, Italy, Holland, England, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Cape Cod/Nantucket.

American Bicyclist 23

2010 ALMANAC Irish Cycle Tours & Walks +353 66 7128733 Irish Cycle Tours & Walks specializes in short break, weeklong & customized cycle/walking tours. Italian Cycling Center (215) 232-6772 Touring and fitness rides from fixed base in Italy. Any length stay, any dates, all meals and wine included. KE Adventure Travel (800) 630-4415 Worldwide, vehicle-supported mountain biking tours to the world’s great mountain ranges. For intermediate to advanced riders. La Corsa Tours, Inc. (800) LACORSA Bike tours in France Spain and Italy especially designed for avid cyclists. Charming hotels, gourmet meals, more miles & better value. La Dolce Vita Wine Tours, Inc. (888) 746-002 Custom bike tours at all levels in Tuscany, Piedmont and Italy’s wine regions. Native guides, full cultural immersion, personalized service. Le Vieux Moulin Bicycle Center (800) 368-4234 Tours of moderate difficulty offered in the Burgundy and Loire Valley regions of France. Lost World Adventures (800) 999-0558 Individual mountain biking adventure trips to the Andes and other Latin American regions. Lynott Tours (800) 221-2474 Guided road tours of varied difficulty levels offered in Ireland, Britain, and New Zealand. Midwest Scenic Bicycle Tours 800-675-2295 Connect with local communities and cultures for a more engaging experience. 24 American Bicyclist


Mont Sainte-Anne (800) 827-4579 The most spectacular mountain bike network in eastern Canada: Explore our family designed trails or the thrills of the double black/ downhill trails. Mount Snow Mountain Bike Center (800) 245-7669 Guided mountain bike tours of varied difficulty offered in the scenic Green Mountains. Mountain River Tours (800) 822-1386 Family fun “mini-vacations” to wild Class V+ rafting. New and Gauley Rivers. Exciting mountain biking packages available. Nantahala Outdoor Center (888) 905-7238 Near famous Tsali singletrack, Pisgah, NC Fontana Village, Tanasi and our own trail, Flint Ridge. New Zealand Pedaltours (888) 222-9187 Fully supported tours throughout New Zealand. Also Australia and Vietnam. Fabulous scenery, excellent bikes, great guides. Nichols Expeditions (800) 648-8488 Guided & self-guided bicycle tours for all ages and experience levels offered in Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovenia, France & Peru. Noo Funteers 866-539-BIKE Fully accommodated cycling trips suitable for beginners to advanced riders viewing some of the most spectacular scenery in the U.S. North Iowa Touring Club (641) 435-4482 Outer Edge Expeditions (800) 322-5235 Small group, remote expeditions to worldwide destinations. Biking, rafting, trekking and more.

Overland Adventures (800) 458-0588 Summer road and moutain biking adventures for young adults, ages 13-18. PAC Tour (262) 736-2453 Tours, training camps for good riders who want to get better. Specializing in tours across America, Amazon Rain Forest, Provence France. Pack & Pedal Europe (877) 965-2064 We offer biking, (also for road bikers), and bike and barge vacations throughout Europe at truly unbeatable prices. Pared Sur Expeditions 011-56-2-207 3525 Full adventure tourism company throughout Chile, Patagonia, Torres del Paine, Atacama Desert, Easter Island. Patagonia Mountain Biking Expeditions (++54-9-11) 5604-1404 One to four week trips, van supported in Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Camping, meals provided, spectacular scenery, excellent leadership. Pedal Pennsylvania (215) 520-5758 Fully supported cross-state, overnight and single-day tours, since 1995. Featuring the challenging Southern Crossing. Pedalers Pub & Grille (877) 998-0008 Pedalers Pub & Grille specializes in bicycle tours in Asia and Alaska. Our philosophy is good rides, good food and good times. Planet Earth Adventures (800) 923-4453 bike.htm Specialists in cycling, walking and custom tours in Texas, Ireland, and Scotland since 1987.

Porto Club Travel Services (211) 30 2810 317358 Greece-getaways on two wheels. Cycling, mountain biking and multi-activity holidays. League members receive an eight percent discount. Powwow Bicycle Tours/ Dennard Corp. (414) 671-4560 College dorms, motels & camping. Lightly traveled black-topped routes through scenic Wisconsin farmland; all you care to eat. REI Adventures (800) 622-2236 Worldwide trips since 1987. Cycle and Multisport tours. Great hotels, food, guides and camaraderie. Free catalog. Ride Noho, Inc. (888) 817-6646 Daily rides plus camps and special events with great service in one of the best places to ride in the world. Rim Mountain Bike Tours (800) 626-7335 Professionally guided mountain bike tours in Moab, Utah’s Canyon Country, Colorado’s Rockies, Grand Canyon, Oregon’s Cascades & Lake Tahoe since 1985. Rocky Mountain Worldwide Cycle Tours (800) 661-BIKE Multi-day, all-inclusive cycling and mountain bike trips in western Canada since 1977. San Juan Hut Systems (970) 626-3033 Self-guided, stocked (food, water, etc.) hut-to-hut tours of moderate difficulty from Telluride, Colo. to Moab, Utah. Southern Yosemite Mountain Guides (800) 231-4575 Private group tours May-October, mountain biking in the rugged High Sierra backcountry. Meals, tranportation, guides.

Southwest Trekking (520) 296-9661 Road and mountain biking, camping, trail running, hiking/trekking, rock climbing and more in Southern Arizona, Mexico and Alaska. Southwind Adventures (800) 377-9463 Mountain bike tours of Ecuador, Peru and Chile. Moderate difficulty. Spain Adventures, Inc. (877) 717-7246 Fully van supported bicycle and walking tours through Spain. Summer Feet Maine Coast Cycling Adventures (866) 857-9544 Portland, ME based company offering unique tours featuring the best of Maine and New Zealand T.C. Tours (314) 739-5180 Fully supported tours of varied difficulty and terrain offered in the U.S., Canada and overseas. Tasmanian Expeditions +613 6339 3999 Historic villages, quiet country back roads, the fabulous East coast. Support vehicle all the way. Terrene Tours (206) 325-5569 Tours around the Puget Sound and Cascade Mountains. Biking, hiking, and snow skiing tours. Bicycle rental in Seattle. Teton Mountain Bike Tours (800) 733-0788 Guided mountain bike tours in Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks and the Bridger-Teton & Targhee National Forests and the Dubois Badlands. The Bicycle Tour Company (888) 711-KENT Tours for cyclists, romantics, history buffs, and cultural explorers. Guided by cycling professionals.

The Northwest Passage Outing Club, Inc. (800) RECREATE The Northwest Passage offers incredible cycling trips in Crete, Greece, Ireland and South Africa. Van supported, full service tours. Thomson Bike Tours (888) 446-5502 Thomson Bike Tours offer exciting and unforgettable trips to Europe to shadow the great Tours. Timberline Adventures (800) 417-2453 Bicycling & hiking adventure vacations throughout the western U.S & Canada including 38 national parks. Trailblazers Mt. Bike Tours & Rentals (473) 444-5337 trailblazers.html The perfect way to explore some of Grenada’s most exciting mountain biking trails ... and still feel like you are on a Caribbean vacation. Travel Square One/Agama (800) 468- 6562 Guided cycling cultural tours for small groups in Spain, such as: Cycling the Camino, Cycling Castille’s Canal, Cycling La Rioja. Trek Travel LLC (866) 464-8735 Luxury cycling vacations throughout the world including leisure, performance, weekend, family and specialty trips. A vacation for every cyclist. Tulip Cycling +31 (0)33-2460040 Specializing in self-guided individual tours in Holland. Freedom concept, excellent equipment. Two Bicycles and a Map, LTD (608) 843-8412 Producers of friendly and scenic cycling tours in Wisconsin, France, and Italy.

Untours by Idyll, Ltd. (888) 868-6871 Self-guided tours throughout Europe and Vietnam, including North Tuscany. 14-23 day tours. Vacation Bicycling (800) 490-2173 Seven-day bicycle tours including hotels, most breakfasts, most dinners, SAG and guides from $999. Van Gogh Tours (800) 435-6192 Austria, France, Holland, Italy, and Vermont. Also bike barge tours in Holland and self guided tours in Holland and France. Easy to moderate difficulty. VeloSport Vacations (317) 642-0501 Fully-supported cycling resorts and tours through Provence, the French Caribbean, the Pyrénées, the Alps, and in conjunction with the Tour de France.

Whistler Backroads Mountain Bike Adventures (604) 932-3111 Spectacular scenery, clear mountain streams, untouched wilderness. Tasty dinner and comfy bed. WomanTours (800) 247-1444 Tours for women only. All skill levels. Cross country and week-long trips in the USA, Europe and Asia. World Expeditions (800) 567-2216 7-14 day self-guided tours in Italy; France; Austri; Ireland; Hungary; Scotland; Netherlands and Vietnam. World Travelers, Inc. (800) 927-3876 adventure.html Authentic biking, walking, skiing and customized vacations in Europe and the Canary Islands!

VBT Bicycling Vacations (800) 245-3868 Tours of varied difficulty in the US, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Vietnam. Wandering Wheels, Inc. (765) 998-7490 Tours for all ages and abilities offered in the U.S. and Canada. Established in 1964, coast-to-coast tours since 1966. Western Spirit Cycling Adventures (800) 845-2453 Fully supported, mountain bike adventures all over the West. Trucks carry the gear; guides do the cooking. WHEEL POWER Christian Cyclists (434) 385-5839 Bicycle trips for Christians to come together to pedal and proclaim the gospel.

American Bicyclist 25




Bicycle Friendly Communities Announced The League is proud to announce 15 new Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFC) and three renewing BFCs. Notably, 10 out of the 15 new awardees are from the Midwest to the East coast, disproving the myth that building great

cities for cycling only works in the West. Three new states, Arkansas, Louisiana, and South Dakota have their first BFCs with this designation cycle. “This round of applications had more communities in the east and Midwest than ever before that are investing wisely in bicycling,” said League President Andy Clarke. “All areas of the U.S. are realizing the importance of bicycling.” Additionally, the American Commuready to is ity un m m nity Survey (ACS) ur co u assess if yo d will help yo designation. this scorecar y Community dl recently released ien fr cle Bicy apply for the their 2008 report, which includes comec ted and nn g co rin e, EE siv munity bicycle mode En gin a comprehen mmunity have ork? Does your co ? bic ycling netw share percentages d ity  Yes  no ne un m tai m ain co m welloughout the available thr lic y that rking readily po pa e er from 2000 to 2008. bik oth is an dinance or cts?  Yes  no te Streets or all road proje there a Comple modation of cyclists on is no League BFCs had  accom  Yes mandates the higher levels of m that School progra ED uC at ion fe routes to bicycle commuting Sa ide -w ity mun is there a com ? ling educ ation  Yes  no ult s in the ad than cities not parfor le ab includes bic yc ses avail uc ation cour re bic ycling ed the e ar ticipating in the no hts  Yes  on their rig community ? and cyclists ate motorists uc ed ity un program. The avmm Does your co users? ilities as road  Yes  no and responsib erage BFC bicycle ? t ap commuter share En m le Em yc ag -date bic En Co ur nth have an up-to tional Bike mo ur community na yo g es rin Do du is 1.5 percent, 2.5 g h? rate bic yclin  Yes  no media outreac munity celeb Work Day or Does the com to ke no Bi , or  es ts s times the nationity rid  Ye cling even with commun community cy st any major community ho al average. the es Do ? Yes  no


Is Your Communit

Bicycle Friendly?

un rides? in the comm vocacy group tive bic ycle ad ac an re the is  Yes  no


d t the rights an ive training on officers rece enforcement law s? Do er us c safet y  Yes  no ies of all road or other publi responsibilit enforcement ity have law un m m co ur Does yo es?  Yes  no officers on bik equitably? at bic yclists ordinances tre al loc Do  Yes  no En fo rC Em En

26 American Bicyclist

St. Louis, Mo., for example, is one of the 70 largest cities surveyed in the ACS and a new BFC. The community nearly doubled their number of bicycle commuters from 2000 to 2008, completed 53 new miles of on-street additions to the bikeway system, a $10 million investment, and an expansion of bicycling education offerings for children and adults. Currently only 124 of the 318 total applicants have a BFC fouryear designation.

Bicycle Friendly Community Program Partners:

The Bicycle Friendly Community, Bicycle Friendly State, and Bicycle Friendly Business programs are generously supported by program partners Bikes Belong and Trek Bicycle’s One World, Two Wheels Campaign. To learn more, visit

New & Improved Bicycle-Friendly Tools Scorecard Would you like to know if your community could qualify as a Bicycle Friendly Community? The League is excited to have devel-

oped a quick, new online tool (also available in print) to offer you a quick bike-friendly quiz. Take the bike-friendly community test and see how your city measures up! Better yet, share this link with your city’s leaders and/or bicycle coordinator, and together we can build a bicycle friendly America! Visit to take the quiz! E-mail the League at bikeleague@ if you would like a print version.

Community Application The Bicycle Friendly America team has redesigned the Bicycle

Bicycle Friendly Communities Fall 2009

New Communities: Breckenridge, CO............................................. Silver Anchorage, AK................................................. Bronze Baton Rouge, LA.............................................. Bronze Calistoga, CA.................................................... Bronze Grand Rapids, MI.............................................. Bronze Greensboro, NC................................................ Bronze Greenville, SC.................................................... Bronze Indianapolis & Marion County, IN................... Bronze Iowa City, IA...................................................... Bronze North Little Rock, AR....................................... Bronze Riverside, CA..................................................... Bronze Sioux Falls, SD................................................... Bronze Sonoma, CA...................................................... Bronze St. Louis, MO..................................................... Bronze Tallahassee, FL.................................................. Bronze Renewals: Boca Raton, FL.................................................. Bronze Chandler, AZ..................................................... Bronze Eugene, OR....................................................... Gold

Friendly Community application to make applying as a BFC easier than ever! The application is an audit of the engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation efforts in your municipality. This comprehensive inquiry is designed to yield a holistic picture of your community’s work to promote bicycling. You and other bicyclists in the community can bring this program, particularly the application, to your mayor or county council to initiate positive change in your neighborhood. To be included in the next review cycle and possibly join those communities earning the award, submit the Bicycle Friendly Community application by February 19, 2010. Visit to apply today!


Guided and fully supported

VACATIONS FOR CYCLISTS SINCE 1985 Tel 1 888 222 9187

American Bicyclist 27



On this page we acknowledge all those individuals who have contributed $100 or more to the League of American Bicyclists between September and October, 2009. Your gifts help provide educational tools to national, state and city leaders; law enforcement; motorists and bicyclists; teachers and students; and parents and children. Above all, you inspire us to continue to reach for new and better ways to advocate on behalf of bicyclists and promote our shared passion. We are grateful for your support.

The President’s Club (Clubs and advocacy organizations that donated more than $1,000) Bike Clubs Channel Islands Bicycle Club Granite State Wheelmen THE CENTURY CLUB ($100 - $999) Bike Clubs Bicycle Club of Philadelphia Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Cumberland Valley Cycling Club Davis Bike Club Louisville Bicycle Club Southwest Bicycles Cycling Club Individuals Govind Acharya Art Ackerman Tom Adler James Albers William Arcieri Russell & Carol Atha & Family Daniel & Jerry Baris Dolly Bicknell Tom & Sally Birchard Mark & Beverly Birnbaum Jeff Blinder Bob & Judy Bolt David Bowie Liz A. Boyer Fred Boykin Jr. Peggy Brady Robert & Cheryl Burkhardt Max Buten Brian Butters Mary Rose Cassa James Chapman Walter Chapman John Cibinic

28 American Bicyclist

Kevin Clark Terry & Diane Clemons Jean Coello William Coker Thom Collins Jeremiah Cox Andy Dannenberg Tom Drew Carol Easter John Eichman Erik Esborg Richard W. Ezell Joe Fant Warren L. Fellingham Jr. Genevieve P. Fine Neil B. Fleming Michael Flueckiger Curtis Fong Michael H. Francis Doug Franz Mitchel Godat Steve Golden Deborah A. Greitzer Wesley Grose Sally Hanley Morgan Hanna Debra Hansen Brian Hatt Dave Horlick Carol L. Horner John Ittner Mark Ives Lawrence L. Jaffe Michael Johnson Tara Jones-LeGros Karen & Harold Karabell Clark Kemble David Kievit Dennis P. King Stewart Kohl Gregory Kovaciny Howard Krisher

Joseph W. La Comb Jr. Michelle Lamothe Peter O. Lauritzen David Lavelle Jeff Levenson Eric Loch William Logan James D. Lowenthal Lynn MacLin Joseph Marinaro Walt Mather Rowland Mayor Warren McNaughton Paul H. Meijer Joseph Mihalka Stephan S. Miller Diane Morin-Annino Norman Moyer Floyd H. Newingham Jr. Christine Newman John Nicolich Ed & Mary Nisley Kim Nutt Brian Ogilvie Eric O. Olsen Mickey Palmer Michael Patterson James Paul Frank Pavlick Beverly Perfect Tom Propst Barry L. Pullen James Radtke Abel Ramirez & Family Paul Rawson Mark Rerek Cindy Robbins Tim Robinson Linda Rosaasen Nicholas Rosenlicht Arthur D. Ross Timothy Rowe

Rick Rump Ralph D. Samuelson Frank J. Schaefer Richard Schneider Michael & Kelly Scott Janet Segall Bill Self Gerald Serafino Dave & Mary Shoemaker Larry Shwartz Dick & Vicki Siefers Harold Slade Larry Sloma Ronald Smith Brian Solan Stephen Sorensen Andy Speier Ken St. John Christopher Stephens William Stokke David Sullivan William D. Tench Robin E. Textor Mary Anne Tillona Beth Tobakos Jennifer Toole W. Douglas Uhl & Family Norman Walker Steve Walther Alan M. Warner Baird Webel & Family Mark Whitchurch William L. White Jr. Nathan Wilkes Jeffrey Williams Steve & Pamela Williams Brent Winebar David Workman Jim Yglesias NEW LIFE MEMBERS Melford Garvin Brad Cowles

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