February 2012

Page 1







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Prices valid while stock last and Include 14% VAT. Terms & Condi�ons Apply | © Bike Talk


THE EDITOR: In a Nutshell Hello Peeps! Ah come on, let me use a li�le Facebook lingo once in a while. This issue celebrates 6 years of Bike Talk! Yee-hah, what I ride it has been! To you the reader, adver�ser, supporter and sponsor “THANK YOU SO MUCH!” Yes 2012 holds new and exci�ng experiences, great rides, mee�ng awesome new people and living each day as if the next will never come. Yip some say that the world will come to an end on 20 December 2012? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. The ques�on remains though: “Are you ready?” In this celebra�on edi�on we help you Prepare for a Track-Day and we highlight a few key events on the What’s on Calendar for this year. In the News I visited Bike Parts On-Line in Midrand to see what a motorcycle parts “Super Store” look like. Locally, I paid a visit to Alfie Cox and was ecsta�c to see this gem of a dealership on a farm. Like a friend, Tony Hills (CC) like to say, “Lekka Mon!” As it goes with business and people these days, people leave and new faces replace them. Such is the case with some of the new faces you’ll see at Ryder BMW Motorrad, Honda Wing Umhlanga, East Coast Motorcycles and Perry Yamaha. We at Bike Talk wish to welcome these brave souls, work hard to make a difference in your dealership and its customers. Honda Wing Umhlanga and East Coast Motorcycles are now stockists of the sought-a�er X-Kulcha extreme lifestyle apparel and accessories along with exis�ng stockists like GearUp and Perry Yamaha. An ever welcome element of Bike Talk is John Briscoe’s ar�cle on Gearing Up. This �me John tells you why it is important to Rather Sweat than Bleed, check it out and learn something. I’ve also had a look at What’s New on the market and found the Disc Alarm Lock and the Interphone F5; both brand new products in South Africa and available at their respec�ve dealers right now. On the Reader Story for this issue a very good friend of mine, Jacques Erasmus, shares his experience on a trip with 4 of his friends around Lesotho. A must read if you’re any part of a real motorcycle enthusiast wan�ng to explore the unknown. The Megafone is a brand new feature where you, the reader, may write to us with your concerns. We’ll do a bit of research and publish the results for all our readers to be in the know. A ques�on is raised on the difference in Motorcycle License and Registra�on Fees throughout the provinces of South Africa, we inves�gated and here you have it. In GOD’s Corner a major problem called Foolish Wisdom is discussed, something each one of us should be paying a�en�on to some �me in our lives. Rather sooner than later I hope! In closing I’ve, once again, had the privilege of tes�ng some of the most amazing bikes our dealers have to offer. In this issue I introduce you to none other than the fearless BMW S1000RR, the versa�le Honda NC700X and the solid Aprilia Mana 850. The people behind the design of these machines just blow my mind each �me I swing my leg over. Wow! Here you have it Peeps, flip the page and whatever you do, don’t keep it to yourself. Live it!


[ ] 12 issues @ R120

[ ] 24 issues @ R240

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The Editor


DESIGN & LAYOUT Hein Jonker Media Management

(In a nutshell)


(Get the Mag in the post)

ACCOUNTS Carin Jonker PRINTING Seasonal from 2500 - 3500 copies DISTRIBUTION Durban and Surrounding North and South Coast Midlands and Ba�lefields CONTACT US Tel: 0861 BIKETALK / 0861 24538255 Cell: 083 793 7975 Fax: 0866 4898 55 Parcels: Post Office Amanzimto� 4125 Email:

hein@biketalk.co.za admin@biketalk.co.za

Subscrip�on Form Keeping it Up

4 6

(Preparing for a Track Day)

What’s on Calendar


(Motorcycle Events in KZN)

In the News

8, 9, 10

(People and Dealers in the news)

- Bike Parts - Alfie Cox - Honda Umhlanga - Perry Yamaha - East Coast Motorcycles - Ryder Motorrad Biker Phonebook


(Find who you’re looking for)

Gearing Up


(Rather Sweat than Bleed)

Reader Story


(Rondom Lesotho in 3 Dae)

What’s New (Something you might not have seen yet)

- Disc Alarm Lock - Interphone F5

20 20

Web: www.biketalk.co.za Faceb: BIKETALK.SA

The Megafone


While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the informa�on and reports in this magazine, the publisher, editor, produc�on personnel, printer and distributor do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any errors or omissions or for any effect there from. The views expressed by correspondents are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher.

GOD’s Corner

All rights reserved; artwork in this publica�on has Copyright and may not be used in other publica�ons without the wri�en consent of the Editor.

(License Fees)


(Foolish Wisdom)

Rate Sheet


(See how affordable it is to adver�se)

REVIEWS (Latest bikes tested and thoughts shared)

‘12 BMW S1000RR ‘12 Honda NC700X ‘11 Aprilia Mana 850

22 24 30

KEEPING IT UP: Preparing for a Track-Day 4. Pay a�en�on - From the rider’s mee�ng to the rules of the track, being a�en�ve is the key to ge�ng the most out of the experience and staying out of trouble. Prepare by ge�ng a full night’s sleep and staying properly hydrated; a clear mind is the easiest way to stay fast and safe on the track. Listen to your inner voice: if you’re going too fast or ge�ng fa�gued, slow down or exit and take a break. Crashing simply isn’t worth it! 5. Preserve your bike - Track days are mechanically demanding on bikes, and it’s important to spend one lap warming up your bike, and one lap cooling it down. The warm-up lap will get your tyres and bike up to temperature and the cool down lap will save your high-revving engine from poten�al damage. 6. Check your bike o�en - Make sure your tyres are healthy, your chain is adjusted properly, and your fuel level is okay before every session. Removing that lingering worry about these items will allow you to focus more on your riding technique and less on the mechanical integrity of your bike. If you’re serious about high-performance motorcycle riding, the first thing you’ll want to do is book track �me in order to hone your skills in a safe environment. Track days are great ways to explore the limits of your bike and develop performance riding techniques without the threat of traffic, pedestrians, road hazards, or even law enforcement!

7. Ride at your own pace - When you hit the track, you’ll be pumped with adrenaline and a strong desire to keep pace with faster riders. Resist those urges. Remember that track days aren’t races; they’re an opportunity to enjoy speed in the safety of a controlled environment. Don’t detract from that experience by exceeding the abili�es of yourself and your bike.

Here’s a checklist that will help you get the most out of it.

8. Respect your tyres - Tyre temperature (in addi�on to proper riding technique, of course) usually makes the difference between a�aining incredible lean angles and crashing. Make sure you allow 2 or 3 laps for your tyres to warm up, and never ride aggressively on cold tyres.

1. Get your bike in shape - This means ensuring that your tyres, brakes, and chain are in decent shape, your bike has been tuned up recently, and that you’ve performed a safety inspec�on on your bike. Double check your tyre pressure on track day, and ensure that your track weapon is in the best shape possible. 2. An�cipate safety requirements - Many track days require replacing engine coolant with water, since coolant spilled in an accident can cause slippery hazards. You’ll want to preserve your engine’s cooling system by using dis�lled water. Your bike’s fasteners may need to be safety wired down (to prevent them from flying off in an accident), so you should consider doing so with a drill, safety wire, and pliers, or ge�ng the work done by a professional mechanic. 3. Be prepared with supplies - Some of the basic things you’ll need are extra fuel, tools, and materials to transport your bike like �e-downs and/or a trailer. Comforts like portable chairs, umbrellas, ice chests, food, and water will enable you to recharge between laps. Keeping a list of your supplies will make it easier to remember what you’ll need to bring.

9. Learn the meanings of various safety flags - Flags are used to signal condi�ons including varying degrees of cau�on and when lap sessions are beginning and ending. Be sure you learn their significance so you’re aware of what’s going on around you, and can react appropriately. 10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help - It’s difficult to an�cipate the physical, mental, and logis�cal demands of a track day, and there are usually plenty of a�endees who are more than willing to lend advice and guidance. Don’t be shy: if you’re in doubt, make use of their experience and ask plenty of ques�ons. What You Need - A reliable sport bike that's trackprepped. Bike transport, be it a trailer, loading ramps, etc. Proper riding gear (depending on the class), including fully armoured leathers, gloves, helmet, boots and earplugs. Extra fluids, including fuel, oil, and water. Comforts like food, water, shade, and chairs. Frame sliders for protec�on against fairing damage from crashes and tools for maintenance.




www.facebook.com/BIKETALK.SA 2-4 MAR


Held in Clocolan, take the whole family along for a weekend of good clean fun. Visit www.malu�avontuur.co.za

2-4 MAR


Hosted by Custom Riders at The Bee Hive in Greytown. Contact Lee on 083 6599898 or Terry on 078 6522206

10 MAR


Hosted by Mega Force at iDube. Entrance R20/pp for Spectators and R1000/team for Par�cipants. Contact Marius on 082 8755698

6-9 APR


Hosted by CMA SA in Clocolan, all welcome! Visit www.cmasa.org.za

26-30 APR


Hosted in Margate, a week-end not to be missed. Visit www.africabikeweek.co.za or email Carl on info@africabikeweek.com

27-29 APR


Hosted by Iron Maiden at a new venue 22km from Port Shepstone on the KZN South Coast. Contact Trevor on 083 2794551 or Jake on 082 4976650

14 MAY


Hosted by Highway Dragons MC Contact Les on 083 4876846 or visit www.highwaydragonsmc.co.za

16 JUN


Hosted by Highway Dragons MC Contact Les on 083 4876846 or visit www.highwaydragonsmc.co.za

29 JUN-1 JUL


Hosted by Pongola Cane Rider on the Pongola Academy School Grounds. Visit www.caneriders.co.za or Contact Johan on 082 8970635



Hosted by CMA at Lords & Legends in Amanzimto� Contact Ambose on 082 3393307

26 JUL


Hosted by Highway Dragons MC Contact Les on 083 4876846 or visit www.highwaydragonsmc.co.za

26-29 JUL


Hosted by Highway Dragons MC Contact Les on 083 4876846 or visit www.highwaydragonsmc.co.za

9-12 AUG


Hosted in Richards Bay at the ZCBF Showgrounds Contact Gian on 082 5652013 or visit www.hipporally.co.za

31 AUG-2 SEP


Hosted by CMA KZN at Skogheim, Port Shepstone Visit www.cmasa.org.za

28-20 OCT


Hosted by BMW SA in Clocolan for the BMW Adventure Rider at heart. Visit www.bmwgseco.co.za

25 NOV


This is a day of giving to the children in our community, come and be rewarded by the feeling of giving.




BIKE PARTS On a trip to Midrand, to establish Bike Talk in Gauteng, I paid a visit to Bike Parts. At first I wasn’t to sure what to expect, apart from being welcomed and accommodated by Willie and Susan van Greunen I was pleasantly surprised. When I walked into the warehouse on their small-holding in Midrand my jaws dropped. No, not because of the heat but because of the amount of bike spares and parts they stocked. I’m telling you, there are vast quan��es of parts and spares of almost any bike you can think of. Boas�ng in

excess of, wait for it, 40 000 items you can imagine what it could look like. These photos above does no jus�ce to what it really looks like. Leonard told me that, apart from these labelled parts, there are 1000s more to be cleaned and entered into stock. If you are looking for spare parts: panels, seat, motor, rims, carbs, fuel tanks, frames, clocks ... man think of it and there is a 80% chance that they will have it. Visit their website at www.bikepartsonline.co.za or give them a call on 011 0214466 / 011 0214477.

ALFIE COX On my travels, while tes�ng the Honda XR650L, I decided what be�er reason to visit Alfie Cox on his farm since he moved the shop from Pinetown. Now pu�ng up shop on a farm is both bold and daring and my thoughts were, “Mmm, this should be interes�ng.” Entering the shop I couldn’t help my expression “Hello, this is new, this is nice. I like!” A full showroom with a selec�on of new and used KTMs, gear and accessories, spares, parts and a fully equipped

workshop on-site. In the �me I was there customers kept on coming in, and I’m not referring to his neighbours, loyal customers following Alfie and his KTMs. Alfie will also be stocking X-Kulcha in the future among many other brands he has available. This is certainly a step up for Alfie and his team. Spare parts, Alfie says, is no longer a problem with regards to wai�ng period, they bring the parts in directly from Austria within 7 days and 30% cheaper than in the past. Visit Alfie Cox or call him on 031 7821559.



HONDA WING UMHLANGA STOCKS X-KULCHA In an a�empt to make the brand available to as many bikers as possible X-Kulcha appointed Honda Wing Umhlanga as a stockist of these fine products. Although in their beginning stages of stock holding, they are confident that the awareness to proper riding gear will help grow the demand seeing more riders wearing quality pants. X-Kulcha caters for both the road, off-road and adventure rider - male or female. Call Mark on 031 5807900 or talk to Roy and his team.

NEW FACE AT HONDA WING UMHLANGA That’s how it goes with dealers in and around our country, new faces pop up every once in a while. Owey is no excep�on, he is the newest member on the Motorcycle Sales Team at Honda Wing Umhlanga. Hopefully he’ll keep the clowns busy in the workshop. Standing here at the brand new Honda NC700X which we tested this month, so check out the review on page 24 then go buy one from him and make his day. Call Owey or Bernadine on 031 5807900 for details.

DEON IS BACK AT RYDER BMW MOTORRAD A�er trying his hand at Unlimited Ba�eries, which is s�ll in opera�on, Deon decided to join the Ryder Motorrad team again in sales. Yeah, you can’t get motorcycling out of your system that quick my friend. From Bike Talk, welcome back and may you have many successful months with Roger and his team. That said, the next �me you are looking for a Beemer Boney, give Deon or Sylvia a shout and put them to the test. They will not fail you! Call them on 031 7658877.

STEVE IS BACK AT PERRY YAMAHA The prodigal son returns! Naah, not Steve. A�er being in the land of UK for 9 years, Steve decided to return to the land of milk and honey, KZN and join Vernon Perry and his team again. Exci�ng stuff! Steve is well-known for his excellent workmanship and knowledge of the brand, from the real technical stuff to fi�ng a mirror. Suspension set-up, performance tuning and race prepping Steve (below Right) is the man to speak to. Go see him or call him on 031 5667411.



H.O.G. MEMBERSHIP What is this you ask? Yip, I am privileged to acknowledge my Associate Membership with H.O.G. Durban. A�er spending years in building rider skill for the brand and its riders I’ve decided to accept their invita�on to join. I will thus con�nue to develop rider skill, helping riders of HarleyDavidson to control these fantas�c motorcycles safely with skill and confidence. Although I’m fully sponsored by Honda SA and don’t own a Harley, I will s�ll have the privilege to ride one from �me to �me. Seen here with me is Deon Vosloo (le�), the Assistant Director, handing me my H.O.G. colours. Visit www.hogdurban.co.za to see what these guys and gals are up to.

THE 2012 ZX14 HITS KZN Although I missed this event, my bad, this new model of the ZX14 did not disappoint. Tracey, the DP of East Coast Motorcycles, unveiled the beast with loyal followers wai�ng in an�cipa�on. I must say, I haven’t been so excited about a model re-launch such as this one, and yet I missed it; had to be at three events on one day, only made one and got stuck there. Jaun, Sales Manager at ECM, eagerly awaits your call to take your order; sure why not order one from Tracey, yes girls can ride these machines too you know. Call them now on 031 5663024 and get your order in to avoid disappointment on the first shipment.

More great news is that Leon Taljaard will be heading up the “ZX14 Owners of SA” in KZN, you can contact Leon on 082 5682315 for details on breakfast runs and ZX14 events. Interested in doing the same in your area? Contact Freddie on 083 2508926 or visit www.zx14.mobi for more details. EAST COAST MOTORCYCLES STOCKS X-KULCHA ECM has been a stockist of the brand for a while now and expanding their gear and accessories department rapidly. The next �me you visit the them chat to Farron (above) or Tracey about the extreme lifestyle apparel X-Kulcha has to

offer and should they not have your size or fit be sure to ask them to get it down for you from the factory in Gauteng, they’ll be happy to help. Visit www.xkulcha.com to see the whole range.



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ADVENTURE ACCESSORIES Phone: 031 9023623 AFFORDABLE BIKES Phone: 035 7511000 BIG BOY SCOOTERS Phone: 031 7020036 BIKE 2 BIKE Phone: 021 9489826 BIKE CITY Phone: 031 4648505 BIKE PARTS ONLINE Phone: 011 0214466 BREAKEVEN MOTORBIKES Phone: 031 5695440 ccGALLERY Phone: 031 5665464 COUNTRY TRAX - DURBAN Phone: 083 6414300 CRITERION YAMAHA Phone: 039 6840338 CUSTOM CRAFT Phone: 031 7093514 CYCLE CRAFT YAMAHA Phone: 031 3371716 DARE DEVIL MOTORCYCLES Phone: 031 4664114 DC CUSTOMIZING Phone: 031 5695440 EAR INSTITUTE Phone: 031 7651905 EAST COAST MOTORCYCLES Phone: 031 5663024

EKEROLD YAMAHA Phone: 033 3453503

RBS YAMAHA Phone: 031 7011311

ES BROKERS Phone: 031 5021922

ROADMASTER Phone: 031 7660126

FAST KAWASAKI Phone: 035 7896378

ROCKET RACING Phone: 031 7022606

FUEL STICK Phone: 031 7015135

RYDER BMW Phone: 031 7658877

GEAR UP ACCESSORIES Phone: 031 5664932

STARTLINE Phone: 031 7050715


SUZUKI RICHARDS BAY Phone: 035 7894205

HONDA WING MARITZBURG Phone: 033 3456287

TAZ MOTORCYCLES Phone: 031 4632565

HONDA WING PINETOWN Phone: 031 7025603

THE BIKER STORE Phone: 031 5846967

HONDA WING UMHLANGA Phone: 031 5807950

TIDAL MOTORCYCLES Phone: 031 3123990

HONDA WING ZULULAND Phone: 035 7974894

TRAINING Phone: 083 7937975

JEFF’S BIKES Phone: 031 3012073

UMHLANGA BMW Phone: 031 5029800

JONWAY MOTORCYCLES Phone: 031 3681455

UMPLEBY SUZUKI Phone: 031 3038323

LORDS & LEGENDS Phone: 031 9034534

UNLIMITED BATTERIES Phone: 031 7656687

LIZ O BROKERS Phone: 031 2667086

VESPA DURBAN Phone: 031 3129579


VICTORY MOTOCYCLES Phone: 031 5846967

MOTORCYCLE CENTRE Phone: 033 3946941

XKULCHA Phone: 011 4991817


X-RAD TRAILERS Phone: 031 7661957

PAZ SPRAYPAINTERS Phone: 031 4622007

ZAP MOTORCYCLES Phone: 031 2051201

PERRY YAMAHA Phone: 031 5667411

ZULULAND BMW Phone: 035 7727355


It is ±5kg lighter, featuring a more compact design allowing more room for a pannier and less prone to damage. It sounds great giving a smooth deeper tone without being too loud and more power.



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GEARING UP: Rather Sweat than Bleed Wri�en by John Briscoe

school motorcyclists as tougher than nails - and some�mes lacking the good sense God gave li�le chickens. Sure, we agree that cleaning the wound with iodine scrubbers or gauze soaked with 0.9 sodium chloride (salty water) is the best way to avoid infec�on and ta�ooing (the marks le� by embedded dirt a�er the wound heals). Light scrubbing with these solu�ons may be unpleasant but necessary. We should probably advise to not scrub too vigorously, as this can cause more �ssue damage, but considering the wounds we have cleaned on our own limbs and those of others, the pain is usually enough to limit the intensity. (If you wake up on the bathroom floor with a sodium chloride bo�le in one hand and a piece of gauze in the other, you’re rubbing too hard.)

In this really hot weather many riders are tempted not to wear their kit. Most �mes nothing happens and you arrive at your des�na�on somewhat more refreshed than had you been wearing your jacket, pants, gloves and boots. Two of our customers experienced horrific accidents and ended up with serious injuries! In both cases they thought “it’s so hot, I’ll take the chance”. Today both of them swear blind they’ll never do it again!

But it’s once the wound is clean that we differ from the old ideas. Drying the wound out certainly stops the amount that it weeps in the first couple of days but it restricts the speed at which skin cells grow to repair the wound. A�er a couple of days, that thick touch scab formed by the drying process tends to pull, itch and crack. The result is lots of pain, prolonged weeping and longer recovery �me.

I came across this interes�ng ar�cle (acknowledgement to the Australian Cyclist) that explains what happens with skin injuries.

We recommend you keep ‘roas�es’ moist. All the research says keeping the wound moist will let skin cells regenerate the fastest. Some motorcyclists prefer to use an�sep�c creams such as Savlon or Bepanthen to reduce the chance of infec�on while others swear by Polysporin.

“Your skin is one of your largest organs but it is not made up of a single �ssue. Structurally it has two major components: the outer epidermis and a deeper, thicker part called the dermis. Under the epidermis, the dermis is connec�ve �ssue containing collagen and elas�n fibres and is rich in blood vessel and nerve endings. Under the dermis the subcutaneous �ssue a�aches the skin to the underlying structures such as muscle or bone.

Once cleaned and moistened use gauze pads and a crepe bandage to cover it, but far be�er are the new genera�on of synthe�c dressings. The pad can absorb up to 22 �mes its weight in fluid so it stops the healthy �ssue around the wound edges from becoming damaged by too much moisture. Some of these dressings come a�ached to an incredibly thin patch of clear adhesive dressing that can stay securely a�ached for days. These pre-impregnated dressings mean you don’t need any ointment and they stay a�ached during showering and exercise.

The shallowest wounds in an accident fail to penetrate the epidermis and leave a reddened but dry graze that looks a lot like sunburn. These superficial grazes usually heal quickly and without a lot of management, because the epidermal cells are s�mulated to divide and mature more quickly.

Most medical professionals recommend changing dressings every two days but stories of removing the dressing to reveal clean, pink skin a�er a week and a half of normal showers, with no itching, no stained clothes and very li�le pain, are now well established among motorcyclists.

Deep grazes usually penetrate to the dermal layer in the centre of the wound, and with the loss of the outer kera�nised cells the wound will start to bleed and weep. It also hurts a lot as you have taken the top off some of the nerve endings. This is not the sort of graze you can just grit your teeth and ignore.

The moral of the storey is to remember to wear your kit all the �me (ATGAT) – it’s a whole lot easier to sweat than to try and fix your body!

Like a lot of things in motorcycling, how to manage ‘roas�es’ is steeped in legend, tall tales and bad science. Old-school theory is to clean the wound and then get it to dry out as quickly as possible by using methylated spirits or hydrogen peroxide. This is probably why we think of old


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READER STORY: Rondom Lesotho in 3 Dae Geskryf deur Jacques Erasmus

en van daar tot by die begin van die beste paaie van die dag. Die Barkly Pas bly maar een van die mooistes in die geweste. Dit neem jou verby Gatberg, ‘n groot opening in een van die pieke; die beste was egter ‘n verrassing vir ons almal. Die verblyf vir die aand op Ugie by die Clarendon Gaste Huis. Dié ou pastorie het soveel geskiedenis dit sou moeilik wees om oor alles hier te skryf. Dominie Solly Ozrovech was selfs daar betrokke in die jare ses�gs. Dis ‘n moet as jy in die omgewing is. Vra gerus die Gouws familie om jou meer te vertel.

Vier van die vyf fietse wat dié toer meegemaak het, mag dalk avontuur fietse (adventure bikes) wees, maar met die volgende drie dae sou ons bewys dat jy met enige motorfiets (selfs ‘n Roadster) avontuur kan gaan opsoek. Dag 1: Amanzimto� na Ficksburg – 490km Op die 28ste Desember gebeur dit dan uituindelik. Ons langbeplande trippie rondom Lesotho op teer. Nee, ek jok. Dit was nie langbepland nie. Daar is besluit, na twee baie sterk espresso koffies, dat in stede van ‘n oornag rit na die wildekus, ons eerder rondom Lesotho sou ry…

Dag 3: Ugie na Amanzimto� – 500km Dit mag dalk die laaste dag wees, maar dit het defni�ef nie beteken dat die mooi paaie en natuurskoon iets van die verlede was nie. Die roete vanaf Maclear oor Mount Fletcher na Mata�ele bestaan uit die allerbeste lang draaie met die Drakensberge wat nog steeds wink in die agtergrond. Mata�ele se melk depot het dan gesorg vir ‘n melkskommel uit die boonste rakke. Probeer maar die koffie geur want jy sal die kafiëne nodig kry vannaf Kokstad na Port Shepstone. Hier is dit heeltyd speeltyd met draaie wat sal sorg dat jy ‘n nuwe agterband nodig sal hê op Port Shepstone. Ongelukkig is dit dan terug op die na�onale roete na Durban en glo my, na die afgelope drie dae se paaie, dit was baie moeilik om weer snelweg te ry.

Na so bietjie vroeë oggend reën bevind ons onsself dan op die N2 vannaf Amanzimto� op die Natal se Suidkus oppad na Ficksburg, waar ons die eerste aand sou slaap. Maar die doel van die paar dae sou nie net wees om rondom die Sotho koningkryk te ry nie, maar ook om nuwe dinge te ervaar en op te soek. Om die rede sal die N3 na Harrismith net nie voldoende wees nie. No�ngham Road, verby die Sterkfontein Dam, oor die Oliviershoek Pas. Dit klink meer soos die avontuur waarna ons opsoek was. Behalwe vir die bietjie padwerke oor die pas, bly die roete fantas�es met die Drakensberge wat jou heeltyd vergesel. En maak seker jy mis nie uit op die lekkerste bier op die pad net buite Bergville nie…Gemmerbier by die rooi draak se padstal.

So het ons dan seker ons doel bereik. Enige soort fiets sou kon saamry op die avontuur. En in die proses sien ons toe nuwe dorpe, berge en ontmoet nuwe mense en geniet ons alles wat dié mooi land van ons kan aanbied – en die beste “bike” bly maar die een waarop JY ry.

In ‘n oogwink bevind ons onsself in die Golden Gate Nasionale Park. ‘n Absolute moet as jy in die deel van die land toer. Na goeie reën loop al die watervalle en die veld is die mooiste groen in kontras met die geel en rooi Sandsteen formasies van die Suid Vrystaat. Maar die beste geologie kan selfs nie kers vashou by die beste stukkie teerpad in dié geweste nie. Dit sal jy vind nadat jy lekker middagete in Clarens gehad het, oppad Fouriesburg toe. ‘n Motorfietsryer se droom; 30 of wat kilometres van die beste oop, lang draaie in die land en nie ‘n slaggat (of snelstrik) in sig nie. Nag 1 die middag bring ons dan so deur in die Hoogland Hotel in Ficksburg. Vriendelike diens, bekos�gbaar en skoon. Probeer gerus die fillet steak! Dag 2: Ficksburg na Ugie – 500km Die tweede dag sou ons vannaf Ficksburg na Ugie neem. Behalwe weereens vir padwerke, sou die roete ons deur van die beste natuurskoon neem op die rit. Van Ficksburg is ons verby Clocolan na Lady Brand, en van daar na Wepener. Aangesien daar geen brandstof, water of geriewe hier te kry was nie, is ons deur tot op Zastron. Hier kom ons groep toe af op een van die beste geheime van die dorp: Die Ko�eljonsie. ‘n Teetuin weggesteek agter ou winkels net buite die hoofstraat. Besoek dit gerus! Met Zastron agter ons, was dit aanstoot tot op Lady Grey oor Sterkspruit



your disc-lock before you ride apart from bus�ng the thief’s ear drums. Manufactured from high-quality Hardened Zinc Alloy body and electronic components with an 110dB alarm built in. Auto-arming and maintenance free, these disclock alarms have a siren triggered by shock and mo�on sensors. Push-down locking system disc-locks works with a simple push-and-click and it’s armed. No need to remember to arm your alarm. The disc-lock alarm uses shock and mo�on sensors; so any metal-on-metal contact trips the shock sensor; any significant movement trips its counterpart. They are designed to fit a broad range of sport and commuter bikes.

As a follow-up to my “Motorcycle The�” ar�cle in the December 2011 issue of Bike Talk, I decided to give you a viable solu�on. This is in no way a guarantee that your bike will not be stolen but I can tell you this much; the Disc Lock Alarm is a No. 1 sucker punch in my book and will most certainly help prevent the fact and give you that extra peace of mind when parking your bike and leaving it una�ended.

Key Features: 110db Alarm Automa�c Alarm Reset Shock & Movement Sensor Weather Resistant with hardened Alloy Body 6mm or 8mm Locking Pin 2 Brass Keys

The disc-lock alarm combines two security systems in one product; it protects your motorcycle, scooter or ATV from the�. The alarm can also help remind you to remove

The Disc Alarm Lock is available from Bike 2 Bike, visit their website to purchase or enquire: www.bike2bike.co.za


total safety during use and FM radio and connec�ons with MP3 players (iPod)/Bluetooth®). It is available in single and paired versions, and is easily installed on any type of helmet. Key Features: • Bluetooth® 3.0 • So�ware can be updated from a PC • Talk �me: 11 hours • Stand-by �me: over 700 hours • Charging �me: 3 hours • Compa�ble with other Interphone F models • Voice control of func�ons (TTS) • Noise-suppressed microphone • Automa�c volume control with AGC technology • Quick-release mechanism • CE, FCC , IC , Bluetooth® cer�fica�ons • Dimensions: 9 x 4,5 x 2 (cm) ; weight: 55 gr. • IP67 waterproof with documented cer�fica�on • Rider-Rider/Passenger Intercom, Mobile calls, FM Radio, Bluetooth GPS, Stereo Music, 3.5mm Jack

The recently added F5 to the already exis�ng, and very successful F3 and F4 model makes Interphone the latest and greatest in Motorcycle Rider Communica�ons.

The Interphone range of products are available through the Bike Zone dealer network, visit their website to purchase or enquire: www.bikezone.co.za

THE INTERPHONE F5 is designed for motorcyclists who like to travel in pairs or groups, and provides conferencetype communica�on 6 or more users. It is equipped with mul�media capabili�es, TTS (Text To Speech), which provides status messages ensuring maximum comfort and


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REVIEW: ‘12 BMW S1000RR Furthermore, when wheelie detec�on kicks in, the thro�le valves now open much more gently. Also, Dynamic Trac�on Control (DTC) has been op�mized for greater riding and control performance in the Race and Slick modes. “The new DTC applica�on is based on the BMW Race Power Kit for be�er transparency during highly sporty manoeuvres on the racetrack. The experienced rider can therefore achieve faster lap �mes.” As stated, the Race ABS and DTC were upgraded due to the changes in the suspension. For 2012, BMW revamped the S1000RR’s suspension for improved riding dynamics. Besides a redesigned frame, the 2012 BMW S1000RR’s chassis also features a new steering head and tail sec�on. BMW says there’s “a 20% larger cross sec�on of the intake air guide in the steering head. The steering head angle is now 66° instead of the earlier 66.1 degrees.

BMW’s 2009 model of the S1000RR did create a sensa�on in the world. It futuris�c construc�on and performance was sure to carry it forward for use by next genera�on riders. The superbike returned in 2010 as a carry-over model, able to sustain these praises. Although a top machine in its category, BMW totally revised the S1000RR for 2012 based on the feedback from super stock race data.

“The wheelbase has now been shortened by 9.3 mm to 1422.7 mm, and the a�er-run has been lengthened by 2.6 mm to 98.5 mm. The fork bridge offset (front end) is now 2.5 mm shorter at 29.5 mm. In addi�on, the fork projec�on is 5 mm shorter than in the predecessor model. These modifica�ons also included revisions to the steering head bearing for a lower breakaway torque and hence greater steering precision.”

Here we have the 2012 BMW S1000RR, the perfect more road-friendly racing machine.

Besides the chassis, BMW also revised the upside down fork and spring strut, which features a new internal structure for a wider range of damping forces. Also new for 2012 is a mechanical steering damper that has 10 levels of adjustment. It didn’t stop there; BMW improved ergonomics and instrumenta�on, and the 2012 BMW S1000RR also arrives with revised bodywork, most no�ceably the fa�er rear tail sec�on.

BMW began with some engine refinements, although the BMW S 1000 RR’s engine remains the same mechanically. The 999cc water-cooled inline-four s�ll pushes out 193 BHP at 13000 RPM and 112.5Nm of torque at 9750 RPM. A reconfigured thro�le resulted in a crisper thro�le response and an op�mized torque curve throughout the four available modes (Rain, Sport, Race and Slick). Speaking about the reconfigured thro�le, BMW says “to date, engine control consisted of four individual thro�le curves for each of the Rain, Sport, Race, and Slick modes. For the new RR, these have been reduced to two: a characteris�c curve for a par�cularly gentle and sensi�ve thro�le in Rain mode, and a second for immediately direct and spontaneous response in the Sport, Race, and Slick modes.

Riders with a par�cularly sporty focus can now equip their RR with an HP �tanium exhaust system (with or without ABE) or the HP race data logger. There are also op�onal heated grips, which offer two levels of warmth. BMW says the grips can “take the bite out of the early morning run on the racetrack or longer rides in cold weather.” The new colour op�ons are Racing Red with Alpine White, Blue-fire and Sapphire Black Metallic.

The rider now no longer needs to adjust to the constantly changing thro�le characteris�cs when switching frequently between Sport, Race, and Slick modes. At the same �me, this also served to op�mize the load change behaviour. The other techno-savvy features are BMW Motorrad Race ABS and Dynamic Trac�on Control (DTC) - have both been op�mized for perfect interac�on. For 2012, the Race ABS has been upgraded to match the new suspension geometry of the S1000RR. BMW says “by pressing the lever, the rider receives feedback from the Race ABS as to when the trac�on limit will be exceeded and the control range reached. The rider feels controller feedback as a slight pulsing in the brake levers.”

With revamped looks, chassis design and upgraded engine elements and electronic updates, the new 2012 BMW S1000RR is all set to climb up the ladder in this segment of Superbikes; gran�ng its riders the much-demanded freedom and control on road. Priced at R180 690.00 - Incl. 14% VAT (ABS, DTC, Heated Grips and Gearshi� Assist)


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REVIEW: ’12 Honda NC700X posi�oning and shaping. The strong long stroke engine also facilitates be�er mass centraliza�on thanks to its low angle, aiding handling and manoeuvrability. The NC700X comes standard with a tradi�onal six-speed manual gearbox, but those inclined to wan�ng the DCT/ ABS model, which incorporates a dual clutch gearbox and an�-lock brakes will have to se�le for this 6-speed manual transmission version. The result? Cri�cs may call this a scooter, but the seamless passing will come in handy for commuters. Look beneath the NC700X’s enduro-style bodywork, and you’ll find a whole lot of nothing up top. Specifically, this bike’s diamond-shaped steel frame is shaped so it has a low centre of gravity and a 214kg kerb weight. The seat height is a comfortable 830mm which will host the average rider of today.

What do you see when you look at the 2012 Honda NC700X? An adventure-style bike? An urban assault commuter? A country road explorer? A two-up getaway machine? Or perhaps all of the above?

Another added benefit of the setup? The mass centralized arrangement makes room for a storage compartment in place of where the fuel tank would be. Very cool feature! No more tank-bags, no more back-packs; just flip it open, dump your goods in there and off you go. Open this compartment where people are standing and you’ll turn heads for sure.

Whatever your personal vision of the NC700X may be, colour it fun because this is one bike that offers a perfect blend of style, handling and power for tackling whatever the day’s agenda may hold. Credit its long-travel suspension, abundant torque and more, plus a six-speed gearbox; the automa�c Dual Clutch Transmission with a Combined An�lock Braking System is not available in South Africa. So whether you’re new to the sport, a long-�me rider or just ge�ng back into the riding scene, the NC700X offers the comfort, ease of use and prac�cality of an everyday motorcycle that’s also surprisingly affordable. And to make things even be�er, a large selec�on of available accessories allows you to add just the right combina�on of capabili�es to suit your individual preferences.

It may not have superbike underpinnings, but the NC700X’s mass centraliza�on and high clearance help aid handling. The 41mm front fork isn’t adjustable—a�er all, what were you expec�ng with such a low price? The its 152mm of travel help ensure versa�lity when it comes to street surfaces. The spring preload-adjustable Pro-Link rear single shock has 150mm of travel. OK, it’s not totally new—Aprilia’s Mana has a similar setup—but the NC700X’s 21-liter storage compartment is big enough to swallow a full-face helmet. The tank however holds 14-litres of fuel, don’t let that upset you; I would expect most riders with li�le effort to be rewarded with up to 24.8km/l, although I achieved 22km/l on my performance tes�ng that day. The tank is good for a typical 350km.

Further confusion might stem from the short li�le windshield and the “fuel tank” that flips open to reveal a storage compartment big enough for a full-face helmet or your mother-in-law. The NC700X’s very affordable price ensures it doesn’t suffer the fate of another Honda oddity, the DN-01. But how do the NC700X’s oddi�es make it poten�ally compelling to buyers… and more importantly, what exactly is it? Let’s take a closer look and find out.

And speaking of storage, the NC700X offers a 45-litre topbox and 30-litre panniers. Other touring op�ons include a tall windscreen, 12-volt power socket, LED fog light kit, and centre-stand. Service intervals are every 12 000km and the NC700X carries a 2-year/unlimited km warranty.

The Honda NC700X is powered by an all-new liquid-cooled, 8-valve 670cc parallel twin power-plant that’s equipped with an engine balancer. It’s neither a par�cularly gutsy nor technologically advanced motor; in fact, the motor is shared with the new Integra maxi-scooter but in this case, it’s all about posi�oning.

The NC700X, the perfect buy, just right in every aspect. Priced at R64 999.00 - Incl. 14% VAT

The engine is �lted 62 degrees forward, resul�ng in several benefits. For starters, the posi�oning allows near ver�cal moun�ng of the thro�le body for be�er intake port


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Prices valid while stock last and Include 14% VAT. Terms & Condi�ons Apply | © Bike Talk

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THE MEGAFONE: License Fees Well I don’t even want to a�empt to go there! Thanks, Dorian Claase --------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Dorian, A�er making a few phone calls to departments across the na�on the following came to light. 1. The rate on the Tare Weight of the motorcycle, or vehicle, is determined by the Provincial Road Traffic MC and not on a na�onal level. Hi Hein,

Based on a Bajaj Pulsar 180cc the following rates apply in Gauteng R168 Western Cape R203 Limpopo R177 KwaZulu Natal R327 Eastern Cape R174

For the last few years I have not been happy about the amount of money we are paying to licence our motorcycles in KZN. As I have three Guzzi’s and two Duca�’s it works out to be quite an annual cost of which I am paying R327.00 per motorcycle.

These rates may differ from region to region, as was explained to me by a very kind gentleman in Cape Town. The rates may or may not be calculated according to the road maintenance requirements in that province or region. For instance, the Western Cape with more tarred roads than maybe the Eastern Cape will charge more on their Vehicle License Fees than the Eastern Cape.

Last week a friend of mine registered his R1 Yamaha and he paid R137.00. When he told me this I went down to the local licensing department and asked to speak to the supervisor. A�er a lot of ques�oning it was established that as they do not have any of my motorcycle’s info on their computers, they decide that they weigh 327kg for some and 350kg for others and charge me for their weight accordingly. A friend’s V-Max is also not on the computer as his fee is also high. It appears that the weight of a motorcycle is supplied by the manufacturer which is entered into the program.

The more road maintenance required in your neck of the woods the more you’ll pay on vehicle license fees. No one in the departments could either confirm or deny this. 2. If your motorcycle is not listed on the eNATIS system or the informa�on, such as weight and engine capacity, are incorrect or omi�ed then you will have to take the following ac�on.

I was told to have the motorcycles weighed at the tes�ng ground at about R120 each and to obtain an affidavit then submit it to them which they will forward to Pietermaritzburg who will or may make the rela�ve changes.

Take your motorcycle to a local Vehicle Tes�ng Centre and get the motorcycle weighed. Submit, along with any other details that might be different on the motorcycle from its original state (modifica�ons on the motor, etc.), to the department. They will then submit an update request to eNATIS for future reference.

I am sure that there are a lot more motorcyclists in KZN with less popular brands of bikes paying the incorrect amount on their licencing. The guys in Johannesburg are paying R168.00 annually. If their authori�es can get it right why not ours?

Take note that the weight of the motorcycle does not determine the License Fee, two wheel motorcycles are in a category of their own and are all charged the same.

I am reques�ng you, the reader, to write to Bike Talk and if there are enough of us we might be able to fight this as a large force.

If you look closely to the photo insert above, you will no�ce the Tare (T) kg has a value of ‘0’ and yet I s�ll paid the normal License Fee (2010). If the fee was weight related I should’ve paid nothing.

What a great business, I purchase a motorcycle and am compelled to pay for a licence at whatever fee they decide year on year and when it is wrong then pay again for a weight test and if you are lucky it is reduced. What happens to the money a�er that?

There is talk of the RT MC standardising these fees across South Africa but no word as to how much and when.


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GOD’S CORNER: Foolish Wisdom “Wisdom” may best describe our present scien�fic and cultural plateau, yet spiritually we are foolish indeed. Many men, seen as wise in the eyes of the world, are fools in the eyes of our God. The atheist who audaciously affirms, “I know there is no God,” is elevated upon the pedestal of intellectualism and wisdom by the world of pseudo-science, yet God calls him a fool “Fools say to themselves, “There is no God!” They are all corrupt, and they have done terrible things; there is no one who does what is right.“ - Psalm 14:1 Humanists, who deny the existence of sin, and contend that one’s conduct should best be determined by the circumstances in which he finds himself, are applauded and lauded as the wise men of our age. God, in no uncertain terms, has said, “Foolish people don’t care if they sin, but good people want to be forgiven.” - Proverbs 14:9 The world cries out, “Do what makes you feel good; do your own thing!” God has decreed, “It is foolish to follow your own opinions. Be safe, and follow the teachings of wiser people.” - Proverbs 28:26

The rich farmer in the twel�h chapter of Luke, who found comfort in his accumula�on of worldly goods, would be seen by many among us today as a wise man indeed. God called him a fool. “ ‘You fool! This very night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself ? ‘ “ - Luke 12:20 “Will the hassle never end?” One senses that this is more and more a feeling which is becoming a way of life to the majority of us in this country. What has happened? We have let ourselves be swept along in the current of modern society and culture un�l we are almost swallowed up. We have been moulded into place by machines, schedules, neuro�c ac�vity, peer pressures, and “li�le league” ac�vi�es of all sorts. Family units seem to be more individual units living under the same roof. Could it be we only have a form of that which God intended and that modern society has gu�ed our spiritual house? It is possible! What is to be done? Don’t be a fool, it is �me to take �me to think. We do so li�le of that these days. No one needs to think as long as he is swept along in the stream of rou�ne, never-ending ac�vity. Get out of the stream, on the bank, and think. Stop right now and think.

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O.K. Here I am. What am I supposed to think about?: 1. Think about God’s love and power and how they have affected your life. 2. Think of your family and all the natural gi�s and resources He has given you. 3. Think about and enumerate what the components of His kind of life are in your world and in the life you are living. 4. Think about a growing tree, the birds flying south at winter, the process of a bee making honey. 5. Think about a boy learning from his father about the wonders of life and of crea�ve work. 6. Think about a day without any yelling and screaming and hassle. 7. Think about how your life in your world and family can incorporate the quiet serenity of Jesus Christ. 8. Think and control your life in harmony with God and not be gobbled up by this present world. Remember, Jesus said through the Apostle Paul, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” - Romans 12:2 How does God see you, my friend? Our na�on seems to be floa�ng with the �de of moral and spiritual corrup�on. Are you dri�ing with the �de, or are you willing to stem the �de? I would rather be a fool in the eyes of a foolish world, than a fool in the eyes of my all-wise Creator.

FOR A DEALER IN KZN CONTACT BIKE TALK ON Cell: 083 7937975 Email: hein@biketalk.co.za



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REVIEW: ‘11 Aprilia Mana 850 Aprilia suspension systems are typically very good and the Mana’s is no excep�on. The rear shock, mounted on the le� side which helps keep the overall wheelbase short. The placement of the shock means that both spring and dampening adjustments can be made quickly. The front fork feels so� compared to the Aprilia Shiver, but it s�ll works very well; the front-end remains stable over some very rough surfaces and feedback to the rider is consistent. Some rider ergonomic adjustments are available, the handlebars could be rotated slightly if desired, but the stock handlebar posi�on was just about perfect for me just breaking 6-feet. Seat height is 810mm. A�er a bit of low idle for warm-up and for selec�ng the desired driving mode, a gentle turn of the thro�le results in brisk accelera�on, a li�le harder turn of the thro�le really increases the accelera�on factor, especially in Sport Drive mode. The Mana is no slouch, the 839cc V-twin SOHC 4V motor provides lots of punch and the CVT transmission op�mizes engine output at all �mes.

Wikipedia provides many interpreta�ons of the word ‘mana’. As it applies to the Aprilia 850 Mana, the lis�ng “stuff of which magic is formed…as well as the substance of which souls are made” will do nicely.

In Sequen�al Mode, the transmission is controlled by the rider. Shi�s can be made by either shi�ing up and down through seven gear ra�os by using the standard foot lever, or even faster by using the Up and Down bu�ons on the le� handlebar control. In Auto-Drive, all the rider has to do is use the thro�le and brakes - the system automa�cally handles the rest. During braking and decelera�on, an addi�onal mode ‘SemiAutoma�c’ can be brought into play, allowing quicker downshi�ing and more engine braking, etc.

The Mana is a mid-displacement sports motorcycle with engine mapping modes and a unique Gear System that allows automa�c or semi-automa�c control of the drive system for sports performance. For 2-wheel enthusiasts however, including me, this is the start of something evolu�onary and exci�ng. Like most modern two wheelers, manual transmission or otherwise, the Mana has a number of features and controls that are both extremely logical, and at the same �me, unique – all contribu�ng to the pure func�onality of this motorcycle. The display and input system is extremely sophis�cated and easy to use. A parking brake reminder and a side-stand indicator on the main display are nice safety touches.

For those familiar with the M7 and M13 or the road the road to Richmond, it is sufficient to say that the Mana, like the 750 Shiver, is an absolute blast on this type of road. Accessing the twis�es via local streets and then hi�ng the freeway also serves to demonstrate how proficient the Mana really is.

Loca�on, loca�on, loca�on – a theme for real estate, this also applies to the helmet/tool kit compartment strategically located in front of the rider in the space some�mes reserved for a fuel tank. The storage compartment has a courtesy light on the le� side wall, and a DIN power socket on the le� rear wall of the compartment, rated for 180W – perfect for the portable cappuccino machine! Be warned however that leaving the storage compartment open for extended periods of �me will keep the courtesy light burning, pu�ng a drain on the ba�ery. The compartment is quite large – designed to hold a standard helmet. If not stuffed with a helmet, the compartment serves as secure luggage storage. On day trips it can hold refreshments such as water or a lunch-box that your mom packed when you leave for work. So, where is the fuel tank? Well, the plas�c tank resides discretely under the rider and passenger seats. Overall capacity is 15.5 litres, including a 3.3 litre reserve. During my �me of riding, the average consump�on was 19.67 km/l, easily a bike you can ride every day.

It is apparent that Aprilia intends to provide some enhancements for the Mana; browsing through the very well laid out and complete Use and Maintenance Book iden�fies panniers, storage compartment items, windscreen and mud-flaps as accessories. Aprilia states that, “the Mana is really a number of motorcycles rolled into one, a bike for all seasons, designed to put safety, versa�lity and easy riding first.” I couldn’t agree more regarding that statement. Is the Mana magic? Its styling turns heads, and its features are topics of endless conversa�ons at every stop. The Mana just feels right. Priced at R113 500.00 - Incl. 14% VAT


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2012 TÉNÉRÉ XT660Z R85 000



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