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COMPETITION DATE: 2009 PROJECT DATE: 2010 WOKS DATE: 2011/2012 ( Working in it) CLIENT: NATURGAS ENERGÍA GRUPO SA ARCHITECT: IMB Arquitectos SURFACE: 3.660 m² (above ground) 1.821 m² (underground)
The project, intended to house the new headquarters of an energy company, is part of a building listed as Basic Protection for the Urban Plan of the city, which undertakes to maintain the facades and elements of heritage value. We opted for complete emptying of the internal structure, spatial characteristics on dimensions, heights easements useful and patios are inconsistent with the objectives of the client, who emphasizes the need for a flexible, versatile and modular, capable of adopting, in the present and the future, different distribution configurations, minimizing conditions derived from the processes of transformation.
The new spatial organization is based on the idea of introducing light into the building through an irregular glass vertical prism, as a patio, whose shape is metaphorically the vortex of a tornado is introduced into the internal structure the building, referring to a force of nature that is another form of energy.
The design of the structural framework is posed as one of its priorities, to free up the floor space of each floor, trying to generate the least servitude resulting from the presence of pillars and beams in the face of the functional organization and to facilitate tracing premises networks. The carrier system comprises a large cross, formed by two metal beams large sing, lattice, arranged orthogonally to the level of the two floors, supported by two large concrete caissons, by way of brackets, which are capable of house elevators and vertical and horizontal stability to the whole. The structure of the rest of the plants is suspended from this element through a single main strap.
Thus the set of each plant is completely transparent, especially on ground floor, which rests on forged basement structure and need not, therefore, no visible vertical structural element, except for the two concrete cores. The solution consists of being introduced project a new box inside the box formed by historically required the facades of conservation. Space and space between the inner courtyard spaces are treated as bioclimatic able to behave interactively, through mechanisms of control domotizados sunlight and natural ventilation to promote uptake or heat dissipation, control and optimization of input light natural and, together, improving the environmental conditions of the user.
Reducing energy demand seeks the design of these systems and the use of renewable energy to meet part of the residual demand, based primarily installed geothermal probes, minimize the need for conventional installations, selected criteria maximum efficiency.
The installation of smart lighting and other measures contribute to the high energy efficiency, which reaches the highest rating (Class A). The eco-design methodology adjusted to a management system approved, contemplalas measures in relation not only with energy consumption during the use and maintenance of the building, but also those relating to the consumption of materials, water, and management waste so that the building is certified with the highest rating under the American standard green LEED agency overseen by the U.S. Green Building Council.