regional medical directory
a regional listing of Physicians & Medical Services
The 2015 Regional Medical Directory is a special advertising section of The Billings Gazette.
Index Physicians, Surgeons, Specialists & other Professional Practices
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Dentistry Assisted Living Brewer Dental Center ...................................................4 Autumn Springs Assisted Living............................ 10 Ear, Nose & Throat Ear, Nose & Throat Associates ......................................5 Clinics, Hospitals & Rehabilitation Facilities
Nursing Home Facility Valley Health Care Center .........................................11
Sales & Marketing Director Dave Worstell
Senior Living Westpark Village Retirement .................................. 12
Retail Sales Manager Shelli Scott
Clinic Support Services Fuller Family Medicine .................................................6 Planned Parenthood.....................................................8 Financial First Interstate Bank ................................................... 13 Hospital Billings Clinic ....................................................................7 Health Plans St. Vincent Healthcare ..................................................9 New West Health Plan ................................................ 14 EBMS .................................................................................... 16
Classified & Digital Sales Manager Ryan Brosseau Special Sections Coordinator Linsay Duty Section Designer Kara Peterson
Articles Differentiating colic from acid reflux .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 What triggers migraines ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Women’s heart attack symptoms can differ from mens ..................................................................................................................... 4 Emphasize oral hygiene in the year ahead ............................................................................................................................................... 5 The relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes ..................................................................................................................... 6 Foods with healthy reputations ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 How to manage back pain .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 What your eyes can tell doctors ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Understanding cholesterol .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Recognizing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer................................................................................................................ 11 Reduce your risk of severe hearing loss................................................................................................................................................... 12 Separating flu facts from fiction ................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Simple ways to stop overeating ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 How to get a better night’s sleep............................................................................................................................................................... 15
2015 Regional Medical Directory
Access the 2015 Regional Medical Directory at www.billingsgazette.com/ specialsections
Differentiating colic from acid reflux Metro Services
If infants were born with an instruction manual, early parenting would be much less stressful. Unfortunately for new mothers and fathers, tending to a baby is often a system of trial and error. Every child is different, and what works for one may not work for the other. Similarly, a child may be born who is easily comforted and takes to sleep, while its sibling seems to cry all day long. Getting to the root of those crying fits can prove rather challenging.
Did you
Acid reflux
According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, acid reflux affects more than half of all babies under three months old and usually resolves itself between the child’s first and second birthdays. Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, muscle remains open and enables stomach contents to flow back up through the esophagus and mouth. Infants have immature muscle development, and their LES may not open and close only when swallowing, enabling food to come Colic back up. The reflux can occur when the baby When crying goes on and on with seemcries, strains or eats too quickly. ingly no cause, this could be indicative of Symptoms may include excessive amounts something more significant than just a fussy of spit-up, crying and pain while eating. baby. Infants use crying as a method for tellAn infant may drink breast milk or bottles ing their caregivers that something is amiss. quickly and gulp the liquid down because it Cries can indicate dampness, pain, sleepiness, is soothing, only to find that this exacerbates or other conditions. But crying with no appar- the problem. Infants with reflux may begin ent cause is defined as colic. to cry when lying down. They may also arch Colic is not a disease but rather a behavioral their necks and backs during or after eating or condition. Babies with colic cry for seemingly spitting up. Some children have silent reflux, no reason and very often at the same time where the acid does not come out of the each day. Nothing seems to comfort them. mouth, but rather the baby swallows it back In addition to crying, the child may thrash down. Reflux babies may learn to associate around or clench fists. food with pain and can develop aversions to Some believe that colic has its roots in the feeding. digestive tract, where there is the presence of Whenever a child is exhibiting signs that lots of air that may stem from slow intestinal go against the norm, parents can talk first to motility. Others believe colic is linked to an their child’s pediatrician. Different feeding or overstimulated central nervous system. Still, sleeping strategies may alleviate some of the colic is not a diagnosis, but rather a way to crying. Medication or surgery may be needed describe how a baby is behaving. The colicky in extreme cases, and a parent may be inbehavior may be indicative of another under- structed to visit a specialist in gastrointestinal lying condition, such as acid reflux. conditions for an accurate diagnosis.
KNOW? Metro Services
Women have so much on their mind during pregnancy that it can be easy to overlook something that seems so mundane as keeping their teeth clean. Oral hygiene is not something readily discussed when a woman conceives, but it is important nonetheless. Doctors and dentists advise regular oral examinations and professional teeth cleaning throughout pregnancy. Hormones may trigger changes that can be cause for concern. Women are more likely to develop gingivitis, an infection of the gums that can cause swelling and tenderness, during pregnancy, when bleeding during flossing and brushing may be common. Dentists may suggest more frequent cleanings during pregnancy to prevent any problems with gingivitis from escalating. Lumps that appear along the gum line and between teeth also may appear during pregnancy. These “pregnancy tumors” are harmless and not cancerous. However, if they become bothersome, a dentist can remove them. Women should inform their dentists they are pregnant so precautions, such as knowing which medications are safe to prescribe and ensuring no dental x-rays are ordered, can be taken. All health concerns can be mentioned to your obstetrician, who may advise further action by a dentist.
What triggers migraines?
Metro Services
A common type of headache characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, migraines affect millions of people across the globe. Many people who suffer from migraine headaches get a warning that one is coming on. That warning manifests itself in a series of symptoms known as an aura, a group of vision disturbances. In addition, migraine sufferers may experience nausea, sensitivity to light and vomiting. While such symptoms are well known among
migraine sufferers or those closest to them, what exactly triggers these painful headaches is less widely known. According to the United States National Library of Medicine, migraines may be triggered by the following factors: • Loud noises or bright lights • Alcohol • Stress or anxiety • Smoking • Caffeine withdrawal • Changes in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle or
changes triggered by the use of birth control pills (migraines occur more often in women than men) • Missed meals • Changes in sleep patterns • Certain foods, including those that contain monosodium glutamate, or MSG; baked goods; chocolate; nuts; peanut butter; dairy products; onions; foods containing tyramine, including red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, and certain beans; and
2015 Regional Medical Directory
certain fruits, including avocado, banana and citrus fruits. Contrary to popular belief, migraine headaches are not a byproduct of brain tumors or other serious medical problems. That misconception likely stems from the similarity of certain symptoms of a migraine to symptoms of brain tumors and other serious ailments. More information about migraines is available at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
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Women’s heart attack symptoms can differ from men’s Metro Services
Symptoms of a heart attack can include radiating pain down the arm and tightness in the chest. While these may be universally recognized symptoms of heart attacks for men, new studies have shown such symptoms are not necessarily what women can expect if they’re having a heart attack. Research indicates women may experience symptoms quite different from men when it comes to heart attacks. Dismissing the symptoms of a heart attack can delay life-saving actions. It is critical for women to recognize warning signs. Even when signs are subtle, the results can be deadly. The American Heart Association notes that a heart attack occurs when blood flow that brings oxygen-rich blood to the heart is slowed down or cut off. Arteries that supply blood flow to the heart may gradually become blocked by cholesterol, fat and plaque. The National Institutes of Health indicate women often experience new or unusual physical symptoms as early as a month before experiencing a heart attack. Women’s symptoms may not be as predictable as men’s, but there are still some signs to consider: • sweating • pressure in the chest and back that may feel like a rope being tightened around the body • nausea • pain in the back, neck, jaw or stomach, • shortness of breath without having exerted yourself, • lightheadedness • chest pain may be present, but fewer than 30 percent of women actually experience any pain in their chest • unusual fatigue • indigestion • sleep disturbances If a woman experiences any of the above symptoms and suspects a heart attack, it is better to be safe than sorry. First, call 9-1-1 and make sure to follow the operator’s
2015 Regional Medical Directory
instructions. Chew and swallow an aspirin (325 mg) if you have one available. Aspirin will prevent platelets in the blood from clotting and further blocking up an affected artery. This prevents any other heart muscle cells from dying from a clot obstruction. If you suspect you are having a heart attack, do not drive yourself to the hospital. Wait for paramedics or have someone else drive if you have no other choice. Lie down and try to remain as calm as possible until emergency responders arrive. Be somewhere safe in case you lose consciousness and have the door unlocked so that EMTs can get inside your home should you lose consciousness. One of the best ways to remain healthy with regard to heart attack is to take certain preventative measures to reduce your risk of heart attack. Quitting smoking, walking 30 minutes per day and choosing foods that are lower in fat and dietary cholesterol can help prevent heart attacks.
Stockbyte New studies have shown that universally recognized symptoms of heart attacks for men are not necessarily what women can expect if they’re having a heart attack.
Emphasize oral hygiene in the year ahead Metro Services
at elevated risk for developing cavities may benefit from fluoride application beyond the norm. This may include prescription fluoride applied directly to the teeth at home or procedures where dentists apply the fluoride in their offices. Recent clinical recommendations from a multi-disciplinary expert panel convened by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs suggest that topical fluoride, used in conjunction with drinking optimally fluoridated water and using toothpaste with fluoride, can prevent tooth decay. These clinical recommendations cover professionally applied and Fluoride Benefits prescription-strength, home-use topical fluoride agents for cavity One of the keys to oral health prevention. is the use of fluoride to prevent The panel concluded that addental caries. In fact, many health ditional research is needed, but professionals will say that exposure recommended the following prodto fluoride, whether through use ucts for patients at elevated risk of of toothpaste or fluoridated water developing cavities. supplies, is probably the most effective cavity-prevention treatment • Professionally-applied 2.26 percent fluoride varnish or a available. Fluoride helps the teeth 1.23 percent fluoride gel every in a number of ways. 3-6 months. Fluoride can promote tooth rem• Home-use prescription-strength ineralization. This means it attracts 0.5 percent fluoride gel or paste other minerals, particularly calcium, or 0.09 percent fluoride mouth to the areas of the teeth where rinse (for patients six years old tooth decay can form, helping to or older). strengthen teeth. Fluoride also • A 2.26 percent professionallyhelps to make teeth more resistant applied fluoride varnish every to decay. New tooth mineral crethree to six months for children ated when fluoride is present helps younger than six years old. to make teeth harder, making it more difficult for acids and bacteria Application of additional fluoto penetrate the enamel of the ride should not replace daily oral teeth and cause damage. hygiene habits. It is still vital to Another advantage is that fluobrush twice a day, floss daily, eat a ride helps to inhibit acid creation. Dental researchers have found that balanced diet, and visit the dentist regularly for checkups. fluoride can inhibit bacteria living in the mouth. That’s an important finding, as such bacteria can contribute to the formation of damage- Heart disease and oral health causing acids that are notorious for wearing down tooth enamel, The millions of bacteria that causing spots for more bacteria to proliferate inside of the mouth and congregate and form cavities. contribute to dental caries also can According to the American affect other areas of the body. EviDental Association, individuals who dence suggests the same bacteria find themselves prone to cavities or that can cause plaque and gum whose dentists have deemed them disease may lead to cardiovascular As the end of another year quickly approaches, many people start thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. Of all the plans people make at the dawn of a new year, getting healthier is often at the top of the list. Although many individuals are concerned about shedding a few pounds, there are many other ways to focus on health in the upcoming months, including paying more attention to dental hygiene. Proper dental care can not only keep a smile bright, it can affect other areas of the body.
problems. According to information from Harvard Medical School, several species of bacteria that cause periodontitis have been found in the atherosclerotic plaque in arteries in the heart and elsewhere. This plaque can lead to heart attack. Although research is ongoing, there is reason to believe that oral bacteria could also harm blood vessels or cause blood clots by releasing toxins that resemble proteins found in artery walls or the bloodstream. When the body’s immune system responds to these toxins, blood clots may form more easily. Some evidence also points to a correlation between inflammation in the mouth and inflammation in the body. With the New Year upon us, now may be the ideal time for men and
women to take inventory of their personal health. Schedule a physical examination with a doctor, visit an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam and remember to visit the dentist for a cleaning, checkup and a possible fluoride treatment to protect the mouth and body.
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2015 Regional Medical Directory
The relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes Metro Services
Diabetes is a disease that makes it difficult for the body to manage its blood-glucose levels. Diabetes is broken down into two types: type 1 diabetes, which occurs when the pancreas cannot adequately produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar; and type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the body either resists the effects of insulin or does not produce enough to maintain a normal blood sugar level. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports type 2 diabetes has been occurring with increasing frequency among American children and adolescents over the past 20 years. The Mayo Clinic says 90 percent of diabetes cases are type 2, and 80 percent of these people are overweight. Being overweight or obese is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes, but many people do
not know why. There is some evidence that fat cells are more resistant to insulin than muscle cells. In addition, being overweight taxes the body in other ways and can put more pressure on the body’s ability to properly control blood sugar and use insulin. Carbohydrate-rich diets full of simple sugars and refined foods can cause unhealthy spikes in blood-glucose readings. Individuals who overeat and lead sedentary lifestyles may not burn enough energy, and excess calories are then stored as fat, compounding the problem. The Obesity Society says type 2 diabetes is largely preventable, and research shows that lifestyle changes that include small amounts of weight loss (between 5 and 10 percent of body weight) can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. In fact, managing weight is the best
thing a person can do to reduce their risk for diabetes. Losing as few as 10 pounds can markedly improve insulin resistance and make it much easier to manage blood sugar levels. In addition to losing weight, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can reduce a person’s risk of developing diabetes. Lean proteins, leafy green vegetables and complex carbohydrates will not spike blood sugar levels. Exercise helps burn calories and boost metabolism, and may even help the body use insulin more effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be a chronic, debilitating condition that leads to other illnesses. But type 2 diabetes is largely preventable, and losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight are great ways to lower your risk of diabetes.
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2015 Regional Medical Directory
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Foods with healthy reputations Metro Services
Without a degree in biology or nutrition, it can be difficult to determine just which foods are healthy and which are better left at the grocery store. The list of foods you should and should not eat seems forever subject to new research that tends to debunk once conventional wisdom regarding diet and nutrition. Eggs go from unhealthy to healthy, while the reputation of caffeine seemingly changes with the daily winds. Making sense of old and new data is seldom easy, leaving many people in the dark about which foods are truly healthy. But eating healthy does not have to be a big mystery. The following widely available foods have long been considered healthy, and that reputation does not figure to change anytime soon.
grocery stores. Yogurt is a great source of protein, calcium and key vitamins that support strong bones and a healthy metabolism. Yogurt also boosts the immune system by providing tons of beneficial bacteria that swarm in the digestive tract and aid with digestion by using nutrients more efficiently. Furthermore, these bacteria have the potential to lower cholesterol. Studies to test the efficacy of these bacteria with regard to fighting certain types of gastrointestinal illness, certain infections and even cancer are ongoing.
Dark, leafy greens
Spinach, kale and chard contain iron and carotenoids, an antioxidant that protects cells against damaging free radicals. In addition to fiber, which helps you feel full and cleans cholesterol from the Red tomatoes blood, leafy greens also contain If you aren’t adding tomatoes to abundant amounts of calcium. Calcium is integral in building everything you eat, perhaps you should. Estimates suggest the aver- and maintaining healthy bones age person eats around 80 pounds and teeth and reducing the risk of tomatoes per year. Tomatoes are of osteoporosis. It also is key in more than just a garnish for salads regulating the heart’s rhythm, the or sandwiches. In fact, red tomatransmission of nerve impulses and toes are a healthy fuel for the body the blood clotting functions in the that earn their superfood status body. Raw, leafy greens offer more of a nutritive punch than cooked thanks in large part to lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant veggies, but both are good to with cancer-fighting properties. include in a diet. Like other antioxidants, lycopene destroys free radicals in the body Salmon that may otherwise damage cells. One eight-ounce serving of red, Fish is often naturally low in fat ripe and raw tomatoes is a good and cholesterol, making it a smart source of vitamins A, C and K and a choice for those watching their great source of folate and potaswaistlines. But the benefits do not sium, which can boost the immune end there. Oily fish like salmon is system and other functions of the particularly nutritious because it is body. Tomatoes also are naturally packed with omega-3 fatty acids, a low in sodium, saturated fat, chogroup of essential polyunsaturated lesterol, and calories. Due to their fats. These fats are considered high water content, tomatoes can essential because the body cannot fill you up, making it less likely that create them, meaning they can you will overeat. only be obtained through food. Scores of benefits are attributed to essential fatty acids, which are Yogurt believed to improve cognitive abiliYogurt is arguably at the peak of ties, reduce risk of depression, proits popularity, with dozens of varitect against cardiovascular disease eties, from creamy creations to low- and reduce bodily inflammation. fat alternatives to thick and rich Greek yogurts, available at many
The carotenoids found in carrots are fat-soluble compounds that reduce the risk for a wide range of cancers and help ease inflammatory diseases, such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Four ounces of carrots per day makes a lowcalorie snack, and this includes all the carotenoids you need. Beta-carotene, also found in sweet potatoes and tomatoes, helps protect skin against sun damage. It may make the skin less sensitive to UV light, helping to protect against premature wrinkling. Carrots also are high in vitamin A, which is essential for good eyesight and may help reduce your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are among the most nutritionally dense foods you can eat. Each berry contains a substantial amount of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that improve the body’s antioxidant capability and contribute to brain health. Blueberries, in particular, pack more antioxidants than any other North American fruit. Strive to eat one cup of fresh berries per day.
Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are among the most nutritionally dense foods you can eat.
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2015 Regional Medical Directory
How to manage back pain Metro Services
Back pain can have a debilitating impact on those suffering from it. But even those who have endured back pain might be unaware of just how far-reaching and expensive it can be. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, lower back pain is the foremost cause of job disability around the world. The NINDS study, in which researchers examined data from 117 studies conducted in 47 different countries, found that one in 10 people suffer from lower back pain, a discovery that no doubt startles many people, especially when considering the global scope of the study. A condition that affects 10 percent of the world may seem impossible to prevent, but there are steps men and women suffering from back pain can take to
make their condition more manage- need to be treated by a profesable. sional. When a physician visit is necessary, the doctor will attempt to Contact your physician understand just what’s causing the pain. Identifying the cause can A bruised back or mild stiffhelp to develop an appropriate and ness may not require the help of effective course of treatment. a physician. Such issues will likely disappear shortly enough to make The most common causes of back pain include bulging discs, pinched medical attention unnecessary. nerves, arthritis, muscle spasms But EmblemHealth recommends or strains, and sciatica, a nerve that people suffering with back condition that goes from the lower pain visit a doctor if they experience numbness or tingling in their back through the hips. Some cases back, legs or arms; suffer pain after of back pain are a result of poor posture or tight muscles. a fall; and/or are feeling pain with additional symptoms, including fever, trouble passing urine or Exercise regularly unexplained weight loss. Such symptoms indicate that the back When speaking with a physician, pain is more than just a temporary men and women who suffer from nuisance, and something that may back pain should discuss exercise as a treatment method. Regular exercises such as riding a bicycle or swimming can improve strength and flexibility in the back. More complex exercises, such as yoga, also have been recommended to sufferers of back pain. Yoga improves flexibility and builds strength while also promoting strong bones which can reduce a person’s risk of injury. Injuries that limit movement can increase a person’s risk of developing back pain, so an exercise routine that builds flexibility and strong bones can be an effective way to manage or even prevent back pain.
Sit up straight at work Many people can trace their back pain to their offices, where uncomfortable chairs and poorly positioned desks don’t provide the necessary support men and women need to reduce or prevent back pain. Chairs should provide adequate lower back support, and desks should be at a comfortable height that does not force the body to hunch or place itself in another awkward position just to get work done. When sitting, make sure you are sitting upright with your shoulders relaxed and your body against the back of your chair.
Don’t resort to too much rest Long-time sufferers of back pain no doubt recall a time when physicians would prescribe rest to treat back pain. But too much sitting around has now been shown to worsen back pain. If you must rest, do so for only a day or two before gradually becoming more active. Swimming or walking can be great and less physically taxing ways to acclimate your body to physical activity after resting for a day or two due to back pain. Studies have shown that back pain is prevalent across the globe. Coping with back pain is often painful, but there are healthy ways for men and women to manage their back pain and start feeling good again.
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Exercising regularly and sitting up straight at work are a couple ways men and women suffering from back pain can make their condition more manageable.
2015 Regional Medical Directory
Eyes on health: What your eyes can tell doctors Metro Services
Airport Rd
Rimrock Rd Poly Dr
Grand Ave
Grand Ave
6 15th St W
Central Ave
King Ave E
King Ave W
Thyroid issues When the outer one-third of the brow (the part closest to the ear) begins to disappear on its own, this is a common sign of thyroid disease. The thyroid helps regulate metabolism, and thyroid hormones are essential to hair production. Hair loss may occur elsewhere, but is much more visible in the brows.
Wicks Ln
Some cancer metastases can be detected during an eye exam. The presence of a bump or brown spot on the eyelid also may be indicative of skin cancer. Many malignant eyelid tumors are basal-cell carcinoma. If the spot is brown, it’s more likely to be malignant melanoma.
24th St W
Patients may be referred to an allergy specialist if they exhibit dark under-eye circles. While this can be a sign of aging, dark circles, sometimes referred to as “allergic shiners,” also may indicate certain allergies. When clogged sinuses cause a blockage of blood flow in the nasal passages around the eye, darkness may result. This symptom in conjunction with persistent nasal congestion could be a sure sign of allergies.
The presence of bumpy, yellowish patches on the eyelid, known as xanthelasma palpebra, is a warning sign of high cholesterol, which is often initially diagnosed during a routine eye exam.
32nd St W
High cholesterol
Shiloh Rd
People who have been putting off eye examinations may want to call their ophthalmologists to schedule an appointment. That’s because vision checkups can do more than protect your eyes. By examining the eyes, doctors may have a window into health problems affecting other areas of the body. Researchers recently discovered a link between detected retinal amyloid plaques and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. While evidence was found in lab mice, autopsies of at least eight Alzheimer’s disease patients have also shown amyloid plaques, which are known to interfere with memory and other mental functions, present in the retinas. Doctors at CedarsSinai Hospital in Los Angeles, Calif., are gearing up for larger studies of humans to determine if an Alzheimer’s imaging technique can be perfected. Dementia is not the only thing that doctors may be able to detect through an eye exam. Jaundice in the whites of the eyes may indicate liver disease, and early warning signs of diabetes may be detectable in the eyes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology says the eye is the only place where doctors can see veins, arteries and a nerve without surgery, and eye examinations are increasingly being relied on to gauge overall health. The following are a few additional conditions that may be detected through the eyes.
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Gabel Rd
7 8
Clogged arteries Blockages in the smaller veins in the retina may indicate clogs caused by arterial plaque. This will show up as a retinal occlusion in a visual exam. If blood vessels in the eyes are blocked, clogged arteries may be present elsewhere in the body, so a cardiology workup may be ordered.
Bell’s palsy The inability to close one eye or to control tear production in that eye may be a sign of Bell’s palsy. This is a condition of the nervous system that controls facial muscles, causing temporary paralysis in one side of the face. Sometimes Bell’s palsy follows a viral or bacterial infection.
West End
(2) Heights Family Practice 32 Wicks Lane P-406-237-8300
(1) North Shiloh 2223 Mission Way P-406-237-8989
(8) Absarokee Medical Clinic 55 N Montana, Absarokee, MT 59011 P-406-328-4497
(5) West Grand Family Medicine 2750 Grand Avenue P-406-237-4040
(9) Hardin Clinic 16 North Miles Ave, Hardin, MT 59034 P-406-665-2205
(3) Internal Medicine and Diabetes (6) SVPN Broadwater/ 2900 12th Ave N, Ste. 160 W Broadwater Walk-In Clinic P-406-237-8500 2019 Broadwater Ave (4) Internal Medicine P-406-237-5200 2900 12th Ave N, Ste. 310 W P-406-238-6900 Outside Billings (5) North 27th Street 1139 N 27th St, Ste. A P-406-237-5454
2015 Regional Medical Directory
(7) Laurel Medical Center 1035 1st Ave, Laurel MT 59044 P-406-628-6311
(10) Mountain View Clinic 10 Robinson Lane, Red Lodge, MT 59068 P-406-446-3800 (11) Cody 720 Lindsay Lane, Ste. A, Cody, WY 82414 P-307-578-1800
Understanding cholesterol Metro Services
Cholesterol is in many ways considered a dirty word. While cholesterol is too complex to categorize so easily, the widely known complications of high cholesterol make it easy to generalize cholesterol as something detrimental to human health. But there’s more to cholesterol than meets the eye, and understanding this waxy substance can help men and women get a better idea of their overall health and what they need to do to be even healthier.
its blood, that excess cholesterol can form plaque in the walls of your arteries, gradually causing a hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Narrow arteries slow blood flow to the heart, which needs both the blood and the oxygen that blood carries in order to function at full strength. If plaque buildup in the arterial walls slows or blocks off that blood flow, a heart attack may result.
to the liver, where it is ultimately broken and down and passed from the body. Healthy levels of HDL can protect against heart disease and stroke, while low levels of HDL are considered a major risk for heart disease.
What affects cholesterol levels?
Cholesterol levels are affected by lifestyle choices you can control and additional factors you cannot. Bad vs. Good? Diet is entirely within your conMany people are now aware that trol, so bad cholesterol levels that cholesterol is widely categorized increase because of your diet are Where does cholesterol as “bad” or “good,” but many of entirely preventable. A diet that’s come from? those same people may not know high in saturated fat is unhealthy, Cholesterol is produced by the why that distinction is so important. and the AHA recommends a diet body, but also comes from the food Cholesterol does not dissolve in the that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, you eat. The human body makes all blood, so it must be transported whole grains, low-fat dairy prodthe cholesterol it needs and circuthrough the bloodstream by carriucts, poultry, fish, and nuts. Avoid lates that cholesterol through the ers known as lipoproteins. red meat as much as possible and steer clear of sugary foods and blood. But foods, including meat, There are two types of lipoprobeverages. certain dairy products and poultry, teins that perform this function: Weight is another controllable also contain cholesterol, and the low-density lipoproteins, or LDL, risk factor for high cholesterol. liver actually produces more choles- and high-density lipoproteins, or HDL. LDL is what’s commonly Being overweight is a risk factor terol if you eat a diet that’s high in referred to as “bad” cholesterol for a host of ailments, including saturated and trans fats. because it contributes to the high cholesterol and heart disease. buildup of plaque, the thick and Losing weight can lower LDL while Why is cholesterol hard deposits that can line the increasing HDL, providing the best potentially dangerous? arterial walls and impede blood of both worlds. Regular physical activity can According to the National Heart, flow. HDL is the “good” cholesterol, lower LDL and raise HDL levels. The as it helps remove LDL from the Lung and Blood Institute, high arteries. According to the American AHA notes that 40 minutes of aeroblood cholesterol is a major risk bic exercise performed at moderate Heart Association, experts believe factor for heart disease. If your to vigorous intensity three to four HDL gathers LDL before carrying body has too much cholesterol in it away from the arteries and back times per week is enough to lower LDL and high blood pressure. Inactivity, on the other hand, is a major risk factor for heart disease.
Assisted Living
Cholesterol levels rise as men and women age, which only highlights the emphasis men and women must place on healthy lifestyle choices as they get older. You won’t be able to cease aging, but you can still make healthy lifestyle choices to combat the impact that aging has on your cholesterol levels. Gender is another uncontrollable factor that affects cholesterol levels. Before reaching the age of menopause, women have lower total cholesterol levels than men of the same age. But after they reach the age of menopause, women’s LDL levels typically rise. High blood cholesterol can run in families, so your genes might just be influencing how much cholesterol your body is making.
How great is my risk of heart disease or heart attack? The more risk factors, including high LDL levels and factors listed above, you have, the greater your risk of developing heart disease or having a heart attack. Those who already have heart disease are at greater risk for heart attack, and people with diabetes also have a more significant risk of developing heart disease. Monitoring cholesterol levels and making healthy lifestyle choices can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and heart attack. More information about cholesterol is available at www.heart.org and www.nhlbi.nih.gov.
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2015 Regional Medical Directory
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer Metro Services
Prostate cancer is a deadly disease that forms in the tissues of the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system that is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers), while the National Cancer Institute estimates that nearly 30,000 American men will lose their lives to prostate cancer in 2014, and roughly 15 percent of American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their life. Despite its status as a potentially deadly disease, prostate cancer can be beaten. In fact, the NCI notes that the five-year survival rate for men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 2004 and 2010 was 98.9 percent, proving that a prostate cancer diagnosis is not a
death sentence. Like many types of cancer, prostate cancer is most effectively treated when discovered in its early stages. For example, the five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, which describes cancer that is found only in the part of the body where it started, between 2004 and 2010 was 100 percent. Men are often their own best friends when it comes to fighting prostate cancer. Men over 50 should speak to their physicians about routine prostate cancer screenings, which include the prostate-specific antigen test or the digital rectal examination. Such screenings can help detect prostate cancer early and dramatically improve a man’s prognosis. In addition to screenings, men can learn the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer to further improve their chances of surviving a diagnosis.
need to urinate, especially at night; which differ greatly from those that an intense need to urinate; difficulty appear during the early stages of in starting or stopping the flow of prostate cancer. urine; inability to urinate; weak and/ • bone pain, especially in the or interrupted urine stream; and back, hips, thighs or neck burning or pain during urination. • weight loss Blood in urine or semen and • fatigue painful ejaculation may also • low red blood cell count (aneindicate the presence of prostate mia) cancer. • weakness or numbness in the legs or feet Late signs of prostate • loss of bladder or bowel control
When prostate cancer is not detected early, the cancer then grows larger and may metastasize, or spread to other organs of the body. This spreading can produce the following late signs and symptoms,
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Early signs of prostate cancer
Metro Services
Men who learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer can improve their chances of surviving a potential diagnosis.
Prostate cancer does not always show signs or symptoms in its early stages, and that’s because it tends to be slow-growing. A sign of prostate cancer refers to something that a physician or health care professional can observe and recognize, while a symptom is something that only the person experiencing it can feel. It’s important men recognize that certain symptoms associated with prostate cancer may be caused by other conditions and that the presence of these symptoms does not mean a man has prostate cancer. However, it’s equally important that men who notice symptoms associated with prostate cancer bring them to the attention of their physicians immediately. Changes in bladder habits are among the most common symptoms of prostate cancer, and these symptoms tend to be early indicators of the disease. These changes may include a frequent
Though prostate cancer is a potentially deadly disease, men who prioritize screening and learn to recognize its signs and symptoms can vastly improve their chances of surviving a diagnosis.
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2015 Regional Medical Directory
Reduce your risk of severe hearing loss Metro Services
Though it’s difficult for many people to imagine living in a world in which their hearing has been compromised, hearing loss is a significant medical issue that affects millions of people across the globe. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, among adults ages 65 and older in the United States, 12.3 percent of men and nearly 14 percent of women are affected by tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ears that can be intermittent or continuous and can vary in loudness. Some are quick to assume hearing loss is a natural side effect of aging, and while the relationship between age and hearing loss is strong, that does not mean men
and women cannot take steps to protect their hearing and maintain it well into their golden ears.
Limit workplace exposure to noise Overexposure to noise while on the job is a leading cause of severe hearing loss, yet millions of people encounter hazardous levels of noise during a typical workday. For example, mechanics are routinely exposed to loud noise that stems from power tools or motor vehicle engines. This does not mean mechanics should take up a new trade, but they should approach the workday with a goal of protecting their hearing. Mechanics and other professionals who are routinely ex-
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posed to workplace noise can wear protectors that cover their ears or earplugs that reduce the impact of noise on their ears.
Discuss side effects of medications with your doctor Many people may be surprised to learn that certain medications can cause hearing loss. Some cancer drugs and certain antibiotics can cause hearing loss, including loss that may be permanent. In addition, when used regularly, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin and acetaminophen can increase a person’s risk of hearing loss. Some side effects related to hearing loss may disappear when a person stops taking the medication that is contributing to those side effects, but that’s not always Metro Services the case, so it’s best to discuss any potential side effects of medicaOveruse of earbuds could be tions with your physician before putting you at greater risk of hearing loss. taking anything.
Be especially careful when enjoying certain recreational activities Some celebratory activities are augmented by fireworks, and while fireworks may provide some stunning visual appeal to celebrations, that appeal could be coming at the expense of your hearing. Hearing loss is sometimes caused by exposure to loud and sudden noises, such as those made by fireworks. When attending celebrations that include fireworks, stay as far away from the fireworks as possible and wear earplugs if necessary. Shooting enthusiasts may also be putting themselves in harm’s way. When visiting a shooting range or going on a hunting trip, protect your ears with headphones or ear plugs. The sudden pop of a gun or rifle can cause irreparable ear damage if you haven’t already taken steps to protect your ears.
2015 Regional Medical Directory
Limit use of personal music players Though it’s hard to predict how many of today’s young people will suffer hearing loss down the road, it’s fair to assume hearing loss figures will be on the rise. That’s thanks in large part to increased usage of personal music players and smartphones and their accompanying earbuds and headphones that allow music fans to crank up their favorite tunes at all hours of the day regardless of location. The louder and longer a person listens to music through headphones or earbuds, the greater that person’s risk of hearing loss may be. Those who want to protect their hearing for the long haul should limit their use of headphones and earbuds, and be sure to keep the volume down when they are using such devices.
Separating flu facts from fiction Metro Services
Cold and flu season seems to arrive earlier and earlier each year. As more people begin to sniffle and sneeze and feel lousy, they may look for ways to shorten the time they spend battling the flu. Myths about the flu are nearly as plentiful as the myriad home remedies to banish it. Separating flu facts from fiction can help people more effectively deal with their next bout of influenza. The following are a few of the more widely spread myths with regard to the flu.
Cold weather causes the flu Going out in the cold weather with your hair wet is probably not a good idea if you want to keep your immune system healthy. However, the weather is not a direct cause of cold or flu. Rather, contact with the virus through contaminated surfaces or by saliva or mucous transmission is how many people catch the flu.
The flu shot injects the body with the flu virus Some people vehemently oppose getting the flu shot because they believe the immunization itself will cause them to get sick. Actually, the virus in the flu shot is inactive and cannot make a person ill. The virus used in the vaccine is grown in chicken eggs and killed off before it would cause illness. Minor reactions, such as muscle soreness, can occur at the injection site. Nasal flu immunizations do contain the live virus, but even with nasal applications, it is very rare to get sick from the immunization.
You can starve a fever Chills, fever and nausea are potential flu symptoms. The notion that you should “feed a cold and starve a fever” has prevailed through the years, but this treatment method really isn’t beneficial.
Although a person with the flu may not feel like eating much, he or she should try to remain hydrated and eat as healthy as possible. Salt and potassium are important electrolytes, so consuming crackers, bananas, vegetable soup, and fruit juices can help the body fight the illness.
treat certain side effects or bacterial infections that result from the flu, such as an ear infection.
Zinc and vitamin C can kick the flu to the curb Evidence that taking zinc and high doses of vitamin C will help Separating flu facts from make the cold or flu go away faster is somewhat mixed. Some indica- fiction can help people more tions point to throat lozenges with effectively zinc as helping the body fight the deal with their next bout of flu. Although some people stand influenza. by mega-dosing with vitamin C, the body most likely won’t absorb that much of the extra vitamin C for it to have any benefit. Getting vitamin C through fresh fruits and vegetables can help boost the immune system, however.
Metro Services
If you received the flu shot last year, then you should be fine this year Some people believe if they received the flu vaccine last year that they do not need to get vaccinated this year. But experts warn there are hundreds of different strains of flu viruses and vaccines are made from three of the most common types currently circulating. Therefore, a vaccine from last year may not protect a person this year. Even if a person had the flu in December, he or she may catch another strain in January. Vaccinations help individuals be safe rather than sorry.
Antibiotics banish the flu Running to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription will not make the flu go away more rapidly. Antibiotics cannot treat viral infections, even though they may be used to
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2015 Regional Medical Directory
Simple ways to stop overeating Metro Services
Many people strive to adopt healthier lifestyles. A lifestyle that includes routine exercise and a healthy diet can vastly improve quality of life and reduce a person’s risk for various ailments. Though many people find exercise gets easier the more they do it, that’s not always the case when altering their diet. Adapting to a healthy diet and smaller portions is a challenge, and many people find themselves overeating as a result. Some people overeat because they’re hungry, while others are simply accustomed to eating large meals. Regardless of why a person overeats, it’s important that people looking to adopt healthier lifestyles avoid consuming more food than their body needs. The following are a few simple ways to curtail eating habits.
Stay hydrated
Eat when you’re hungry
Some people overeat because they mistake the symptoms of dehydration for hunger. It’s easy to make that mistake, as the symptoms of dehydration mimic those of hunger. For example, when a person is thirsty, his or her mouth is dry. Eating can temporarily relieve dry mouth, but that does not necessarily mean a person’s mouth was dry because he or she was hungry. Instead of immediately responding to perceived hunger symptoms by eating, drink a glass of water. If the symptoms subside within 10 minutes, then you were likely dehydrated and not hungry. Staying hydrated by drinking water throughout the day can reduce the likelihood that you will confuse dehydration with hunger, which reduces your risk of overeating.
The symptoms of hunger tend to present themselves within five hours of eating a balanced meal. Ignoring these symptoms because you don’t feel as though five hours is a sufficient interval between meals is a mistake. The longer you ignore hunger, the less likely you are to make healthy choices, including eating healthy portions, when you do eat. Even a low-calorie, healthy snack like Greek yogurt or a piece of fruit four to five hours after a meal can sate your appetite and prevent you from overeating when you sit down for your next meal.
Eat breakfast A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition proved that mom was right when she told you
Metro Services Studies have shown that men and women who eat a healthy breakfast as part of their daily routine are less likely to overeat throughout the rest of the day. Continued on page 15
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How to get a better night’s sleep Metro Services
When it is 3 a.m. and you are pacing the halls of your dark and quiet house while everyone else is sleeping soundly in their beds, it may seem like you are the only person in the entire world who is not getting some much-needed shut-eye. However, many people struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Information from the National Sleep Foundation, Better Sleep Council, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and several other organizations indicate that between 20 and 40 percent of the U.S. population experiences insomnia. Many of the people suffering from insomnia have family histories of the condition or are also experiencing depression. Insomnia rates are higher for people over the age of 60, and women are twice as likely to suffer from insomnia as men. Although how much sleep a person requires varies from individual to individual, the general consensus is that adults should receive between seven and eight hours of sleep per night to feel rested. The Institute of Medicine estimates that hundreds of billions of dollars are spent annually on medical costs that are directly related to sleep disorders, while statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicate that 100,000 vehicle accidents occur annually as a result of drowsy drivers. These figures underscore the importance of getting a good night’s rest and understanding how to treat insomnia in order to do so. Insomnia may be a byproduct of a physical condition. A person dealing with side effects of certain medications, chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, and a bevy of other conditions may find it difficult to sleep at night. Identifying the cause of the insomnia can make it easier to treat, so those who can’t sleep at night may have an undiagnosed condition that is affecting their ability to fall asleep. Exercise can help promote better sleep habits. A workout will tire you out, increase feel-good endorphins throughout the body and raise body
Stop Overeating from page 14
breakfast was the most important meal of the day. The study examined roughly 900 adults and found that those who ate more carbohydrates, fat and protein in the morning were more likely to eat less over the course of the day than those
temperature. As the body recovers from the workout, it may feel sated and you can drift off to sleep more easily. Just do not work out too late. Aim to complete a workout two to three hours before planning on going to sleep so your body is not still amped up when your head hits the pillow. Establish a regular sleep schedule. Humans are creatures of routine, and training the body to recognize when it is time to wake up and when it’s time to go to sleep can make it easier to enjoy a good night’s rest. Stick to a consistent schedule as much as possible — even on the weekends. It isn’t possible to make up for lost sleep, so pull yourself out of bed at the same time in the morning, even if you didn’t get a good night’s rest. Over time you will condition yourself to accept certain times for sleeping and waking. The National Sleep Foundation advises avoiding heavy meals, caffeine and nicotine before bed. Each of these things can rev up the body and make it difficult to settle down. On the surface, a cocktail may seem like a good way to unwind and relax. Although a drink or two may help many people fall asleep, it will not produce the deep sleep necessary to recharge the body. When the effects of the alcohol wear off after a few hours, your sleep is likely to be interrupted. In addition, relying on alcohol as a sleep remedy can lead to dependence and further health problems. Get up and accept a poor night’s sleep rather than tossing and turning. It can be easy to associate the bed with wakefulness and frustration if you stay in bed and watch the clock. Getting up and reading or listening to relaxing music can help distract the mind and relax the body. Avoid working on the computer or watching television. Bright light can reduce the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, resulting in further difficulty settling down. Thanks to their reproductive hormones, women undergo more sleep changes and challenges than men. Afterward, being woken by children
who saved their biggest meals for lunchtime or dinner. Many men and women skip breakfast thanks to hectic mornings dominated by getting the kids ready for school and rushing to work. If time is limited in the morning, keep cereal or instant oatmeal at the office and eat breakfast as you catch up on email or plan your workday.
Recognizing insomnia as a problem and seeking treatment can help many people get on the road to a more restful night’s sleep.
or worrying about them can lead to sleepless nights. Many women experience trouble sleeping during menopause. Different therapies may be needed to figure out the solution for a restful night’s sleep. Individuals can try natural remedies to induce sleep or stay asleep. In addition to good sleep hygiene and maintaining a regular sleep schedule, there are a number of herbs that can relax the body. Chamomile tea has soothing properties, and drinking chamomile tea before bed can be an effective sleep strategy. Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of Ancient Greece and Rome, and it can reduce anxiety and promote sleep. Melatonin supplements are produced from plant sources and can induce sleep when taken in the right amounts. Speak with a doctor about possible remedies to find a sleep system that works for you. Insomnia is a more common problem than many people may think. Recognizing insomnia as a problem and seeking treatment can help many people get on the road to a more restful night’s sleep.
Find time for fiber
volume as well, so you will fill up on them without eating lots of calories. Fiber is another friend to people That’s a benefit to people looking who want to stop overeating. Fiber to lose weight or maintain a healthy not only helps people feel full faster weight. but also helps them feel full for Overeating is a hurdle many longer periods of time. The body people must clear as they attempt needs time to process a meal that’s to adopt healthier lifestyles. But a rich in fiber, so you are less likely to few simple tricks make it easy to feel full shortly after eating a meal avoid overeating without fighting that’s high in fiber. In addition, constant feelings of hunger. high-fiber foods tend to be high-
2015 Regional Medical Directory
2015 Regional Medical Directory