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Music Camps
Are you ready to “Rock Out” this summer!? Billings Parks and Recreation is offering its 3nd annual Rock Band Camp, taught by certified music professionals. No musical experience required. This camp is designed to give students the full Rock Band experience by creating and learning about rock music. Students will participate and perform in both big band and small group ensembles. Students are encouraged to bring their own instruments, but not required. Students will have the opportunity to try all different sections within a rock band. Other outdoor activities will also be included.
Location Cost Age $215 11-15g Ben Steele Middle School & Pioneer Park
Activity # Date Days Time 1015-A June 22-26j M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Ben Steele M-F. Pioneer Park for Final Concert on Friday
Through all of our youth programs, children are provided the opportunity to gain and refine life skills, and to develop positive personal and social assets. To apply for a scholarship, please stop by the Parks & Recreation office to pick up a scholarship application. (390 N. 23rd St)
Keyboard Kamp
Billings Parks and Recreation is offering its 2nd annual Keyboard camp! This camp is designed for children ages 5-10 who are interested in beginning or continuing piano. This camp uses the Blast off with Piano series of book for group piano lessons written by Mayron Cole. This camp is taught in conjunction with the Billings Music Teachers Association. All instruments and equipment is provided.
Ages 5-7 – Blast Off With Piano Jr. - Teaches students how to count rhythms and the keys on the piano. This course will be taught in five consecutive days, 1 hour each day.
Ages 8-10 – Blast of with Piano: Designed for children to experience how much fun piano is, and for parents to “try before you buy” piano lessons privately. This series teaches students how to count rhythms and the keys on the piano all in a FUN filled group atmosphere.
Location Cost $65/resident, $75/non-resident Billings Community and Senior Center (360 N 23rd St)