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Fall Youth Programs
Billings Parks & Recreation’s Youth NFL Flag Football program is ready for another action-packed season. Entering its 5th season this fall, we offer 7 practice locations for participants to choose from. Registration includes a NFL replica jersey and flag belt. Practice will begin September 9th at (Country Manor, Veterans, & Castle Rock) & September 10th at (Optimist, Centennial, Hawthorne, & Gorham Park). The first two weeks of practice (9/9 & 9/14) will be for evaluations until teams can be formed. Games will be played Saturdays at Gorham Park for 5 weeks starting October 10th.
Country Manor Park Ave D. & Country Manor Blvd
Activity # Date Days Age Time 6202-A Sept 9-Nov 7 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm 6202-B Sept 9-Nov 7 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm $85/residents, $95/non-residents M&W Practice, Saturday games
Veterans Park
13th Street West & Poly Drive
Activity # Date 6203-A Sept 9-Nov 7 6203-B Sept 9-Nov 7
Activity # Date Castle Rock Park 6207-A Sept 9-Nov 7 West Wicks Lane & Nutter Blvd. 6207-B Sept 9-Nov 7
Days Age Time 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm M&W Practice, Saturday games
Days Age Time 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm M&W Practice, Saturday games
Optimist Park Morgan Ave & Hallowell Lane
Activity # Date Days Age Time 6204-A Sept 10-Nov 7 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm 6204-B Sept 10-Nov 7 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm T&TH Practice, Saturday games
Activity # Date Days Age Time Hawthorne Park 6205-A Sept 10-Nov 7 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm Janie Street & Columbine Drive 6205-B Sept 10-Nov 7 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm T&TH Practice, Saturday games
Gorham Park
Houle Drive & Miles Avenue
Activity # Date Days Age Time 6206-A Sept 10-Nov 7 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm 6206-B Sept 10-Nov 7 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm T&TH Practice, Saturday games
Activity # Date Days Age Time Centennial Park 6208-A Sept 10-Nov 7 2nd & 3rd grade 5:15-6:30pm 32 Street West & St. Johns Ave. 6208-B Sept 10-Nov 7 4th & 5th grade 6:30-7:45pm T&TH Practice, Saturday games

The success of the NFL Flag Football program depends on great Volunteer Coaches! To help us keep the cost of the program affordable for all, Parks and Recreation relies on volunteer coaches who want to help their community and volunteer to coach a team. Training and resources to be successful will be provided. If you are interested in coaching, please attend the coaches meeting on Monday, August 26th at 6:00pm at the Parks and Recreation office (390 N. 23rd St.) Participants signed up at locations without coaches may be moved to other practice sites.
4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Girls Basketball
Come dribble into basketball season this October with Billings Parks & Recreation’s Fall Girls Basketball program. This is a great program for those newer to the game of basketball and would like to learn fundamental skills. Participants can choose between six middle school locations! Riverside, Will James, & Medicine Crow will practice on Mondays & Wednesdays, while Castle Rock, Lewis & Clark, & Ben Steele will practice Tuesdays & Thursdays. 4th– 6th grade.
Riverside Middle School 3700 Madison Ave
Will James Middle School 1200 30th St W
Activity # Date Days 6104-A 6104-B Activity # Date Days 6100-A 6100-B October 5- December 5 M&W Practice, Saturday games October 5- December 5 $85/residents, $95/non-residents M&W Practice, Saturday games
Activity # Date Medicine Crow Middle School 6105-A 900 Barrett Rd 6105-B October 5- December 5
Castle Rock Middle School
1441 Governors Blvd
Lewis & Clark Middle School
1315 Lewis Ave
Activity # Date 6101-A 6101-B October 6- December 5
Activity # Date 6102-A 6102-B October 6- December 5
Activity # Date 6103-A 6103-B October 6- December 5
Days M&W Practice, Saturday games
Days T&TH Practice, Saturday games
Days T&TH Practice, Saturday games
Days T&TH Practice, Saturday games
Age Time 4th & 5th grade 6th grade 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Age Time 4th & 5th grade 6th grade 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Age Time 4th & 5th grade 6th grade 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Age Time 4th & 5th grade 6th grade 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Age Time 4th & 5th grade 6th grade 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Age Time 4th & 5th grade 6th grade 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Come make a mess this winter in Billings Parks & Recreation’s kitchen! We provide young chefs the opportunity to find success preparing their favorite dishes. Safety is important during this class and kitchen etiquette is taught to ensure each participant is safe. Each day of class will have its own theme and will build on the lessons learned in the previous week. Bring your creativity and appetite for this exciting class.
Location Cost Age
$65/residnet, $75/non-resident 10-13g North Park Center (6th Ave N. & N. 19th St)
Activity # Date Days Time 6035-A October 3-24 S 9:30am-12:00pm

10U Indoor Tennis Lessons Tennis isn’t just a summer sport. This fall, we’ve brought our Tennis lessons indoors! Saturday lessons are conducted over a 4 week session at the North Park Center. All lessons follow the United States Tennis Associations Net Generation guidelines utilizing shorter nets, smaller court dimensions, a modified scoring system and modified balls that are better suited for younger player’s skill levels. All coaches are Net Generation Certified. To learn more about our programs visit NetGeneration.com
North Park Center (6th Ave N. & N. 19th St)
Age Activity # Date 7 & Under 6026-A 7 & Up 6026-B September 5-26
Days Time Cost S 9:00-10:00am $40/resident, $50/non-resident S 10:00-11:30am $50/resident, $60/non-resident
Join the fastest growing youth tennis program in Montana! Billings Parks and Recreation in partnership with USTA Montana presents Tennis is Elementary in Elementary schools across the Billings area.
The Tennis is Elementary program provides young players the chance to learn basic fundamentals, teamwork, and sportsmanship from qualified tennis instructors. Using smaller racquets, nets, and court sizes, QuickStart tennis gives kids the opportunity to learn and start to play right away. This popular nationwide program teaches life skills, tennis and teamwork in a fun environment that allows your students to stay active while learning the fastest growing lifetime sport in the country.
Participants in the afterschool camp get 8 focused 45 min or 1-hour lessons that meet once a week after school in the gym or multipurpose room. All equipment needed to run the camp is provided, and the coach to player ratio is kept close to 8:1. The number of participants depends on the size of the gym.
Each session focuses on a specific shot taught in the QuickStart method. The sessions are broken down into an intro activity, fitness component, lesson focus, and games. The camp uses stations to ensure that kids are moving the whole time and are not standing in line.

All Instructors and Site Directors have attended a QuickStart Tennis training session and have submitted to a background check prior to starting work.
Location Cost
Alkali Creek Elementary (681 Alkali Creek Rd) K-3 $40 4th-5th $45
Age Activity # K-3rd Grade 6032-B 4th-5th Grade 6033-B
October 6- November 3r ( (no class 10/15)
Days T&TH T&TH
Time 4:15-5:00pm 3:15-4:15pm
Location Cost
Meadowlark Elementary (221 29th St W) K-3 $40 4th-5th $45
Age Activity # K-3rd Grade 6032-A 4th-5th Grade 6033-A
October 6- November 3r ( (no class 10/15)
Days Time T&TH 2:35-3:20pm T&TH 3:20-4:20pm
Location Cost
Orchard Elementary (210 Jackson St) K-3 $40 4th-5th $45