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Community Information
Community Gardens It’s never too early (or too late) to start thinking about your garden. The Billings Parks and Recreation Department has a variety of ways to get involved, including two community gardens and a container garden check-out program. Not an experienced Gardener? We provide classes and workshops to make sure all skill levels are successful. The garden is a great place to get involved in your community, spend time with family, and make new friends! There are a variety of plot sizes available from 3’x6’ to 20’x20’. The Sprouts Container Garden checkout program is great for those who can’t commit to being a part of a community garden but still want to grow those veggies. Registration for the 2020 growing season is now open! Go to BillingsParks.org and register for your plot using the corresponding activity numbers below.
If you are interested in checking out a Sprouts Container Garden for the season, please contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at 406-657- 8308 or reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov
Location Location Activity # Amend Activity # Songbird Cost Age Season 20x20 10x20 10x10 3x6 8900-A 8900-B 8900-C 8900-D 8901-A 8901-B 8901-C 8901-D $40 $30 $20 $15 Songbird Garden(Songbird Dr. and Golden Hollow Rd) Amend Garden(South Billings Blvd & Stone St) 18+ May - October

If you are looking for a way to get involved in your community, the Parks and Recreation Department has a variety of service experiences to choose from. You can be matched with a project that fits your group or individual needs. Come have fun volunteering with the Parks and Recreation Department and make a difference at the Parks your Community. To view current opportunities visit the outreach tab on our website or contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, Paul Reinhardt (Contact information is located at the bottom of the page)
Volunteers from the Billings Navy Operational Support Center work with Park staff to instal a new swim set at Central Park.

Volunteers from Downtown Rotary Club cleaning up litter at Swords Park
Volunteer Park Ranger Do you like to walk or ride the trails in Billings? The Volunteer Bike Patrol and Park Ranger Programs are looking for you to help patrol the trails and parks around the city. Come be a part of this team of committed volunteers that serve as an extra set of “eyes and ears” for the Parks and Recreation Department to keep the public spaces safer and more enjoyable for the community. Patrols are scheduled at a time that is convenient for you. Volunteers commit to patrolling their designated area once a week. Rangers will participate in an orientation and training prior to beginning their assignment. Information about the program and applications can be found on our website under the outreach tab, or by contacting the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, Paul Reinhardt.
For more information or to voluntter contact Paul Reinhardt 406-657-8308 ReinhardtP@ci.billings.mt.us
Arbor Day Come join us for the award winning celebration of Arbor Day at North Park on Thursday, May 7th. Volunteer projects related to tree planting and care, as well as park improvements will take place throughout the morning. Additionally, the park will be filled with over 400 elementary students from local elementary schools to learn about environment related topics from local professionals. Volunteers are needed to assist with the education stations, as well as park improvement projects. All volunteers will receive an official t-shirt and lunch. The public is invited to attend the Official Arbor Day Ceremony at 12:15pm to hear Mayor Cole Speak and participate in the ceremonial planting of the Arbor Day Tree.
If you have a group that would like to participate in the event, please contact Paul Reinhardt, Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator directly at 406-657- 8308 or by email at reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov.

Refresh the Rims The Billings Parks and Recreation Department is proud to announce that the 8th annual Refresh the Rims will be held on Saturday, October 17th from 9:00am to 11:30am. This is the largest organized cleanup on the rims! Volunteers will meet at the Billings Community and Senior Center (360 N 23rd St.) to check-in between 9:00am and 9:30am. Following check-in, eight teams of volunteers will fan out on the top and bottom of the rims to clean up the trails and parkland. Volunteers will receive a free event t-shirt as an appreciation of their help. Pre-registration is highly encouraged, but not required. This event is in cooperation with the MSUB Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program and the Billings Parks and Recreation Department. 67
Come enjoy Movies in the Park this Summer presented by Billings Parks and Recreation and Firefly Outdoor Movie Co. Movies will take place on Friday nights at various parks throughout the community. Movies will start at Dusk. Movie viewers may bring chairs orrblankets.
Check FireflyMovie.com for updated movie listings.
July 31st August 14th Wicks Ln. & Nutter Blvd. 21 Street West & Avenue C 13th Street West & Poly Drive 3rd Street West & Parkhill Drive Morgan Avenue & Hallowell Lane July 18th Pioneer Park Optimist Park Veterans Park
May 29th 3rd Street West & Parkhill Drive June 12th June 26th Pioneer Park Castle Rock Park Rose Park

Shakespeare in the Parks
Want to enjoy a little love, comedy or even some crazy drama outside in a great park? Then join us this summer in Pioneer Park on Wednesday, July 15th & Thursday, July 16th 2020 for the performances of Shakespeare’s “Cymbeline” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Performances start at 6:30pm and are FREE to the public. Bring your blanket or lawn chair and sit back for some Shakespeare in the park!

360 N. 23rd St. Billings MT 59101 406-657-3050 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
The Recreation division provides life-enriching programs to enhance emotional, social, physical, and spiritual wellness, for aging adults in Billings. Many of these programs are held at the Billings Community and Senior Center, however, our programs for 55+ adults in the community transcend the center into our parks and even in various trips throughout our great State!
Fitness Nutrition Music Classes
Refer to the for all Senior related activities throughout the brochure!

Health Games

Art Classes
Senior Scoop Newsletter Stay in communication with the many senior programs, activities, and services by registering for free with the Billings Community and Senior Center. Registered users will receive a copy of the 55+ Senior Scoop in the mail quarterly. If you’d like to get on the mailing list, please visit the communtiy center to fill out a form.