Workplace protocol infographic

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COVID‐19 Risk Assessment for mildly symptomatic STAFF who phone or arrive in to work

Epidemiological Criteria (COVID‐19 Case Definition)

Clinical criteria:

In the 14 days before the onset of illness, has the affected staff member:

Are they showing signs of acute mild respiratory infection (including at least one of the following: fever, shortness of breath or cough?


Been in an area with presumed community transmission of COVID‐19?*


Had contact with a case of COVID‐19 (> 15 minutes face to face contact) (< 2 metres distance?


Worked in or attended a healthcare facility abroad where patients with COVID‐19 were being treated?

Are they showing signs of fever of unknown cause, with no other symptoms?

*(refer to the HSE /Government Website for evolving list of areas in this category, which is updated regularly)

Should the condition meet the criteria, the following steps must be taken. 1. Contact Public Health to discuss details of the case. Follow advice of Public Health regarding precautions in workplace should staff member have presented in person.

Be alert to the possibility that the person may have underlying medical issues or may be immunocompromised

2. If the staff member fits the CASE DEFINITION, Public Health will ring the National Ambulance Service (NAS) and provide name and mobile number of requesting clinician.

If the above criteria are not met, then COVID‐19 is not likely to be the cause of the illness.

3. NAS COVID‐19 Home Assessment Unit will be dispatched to persons home for assessment consisting of: clinical assessment, acquisition of clinical sample, assessment for suitability of self‐ isolation, provision of verbal and written advice to the person. 4. Public Health will alert the National Virus Reference Laboratory that sample for testing being sent. 5. If person is deemed not fit for home self isolation, receiving hospital will be advised. 6. If test is positive, appropriate clinical advice will be employed in the management of the person. 7. If test is negative, person will be advised appropriately, present guidance is that they may return to normal activity unless there are other clinical indicators not to do so. Remember to promote the following in the Workplace: Frequent and correct handwashing Cough and sneezing etiquette Avoid eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands Cleaning of touch surfaces regularly For daily updates visit and‐covid‐19

Contact Details for your local Public Health Medical Officer HSE E: HSE M: HSE MW: HSE NE: HSE NW: HSE SE: HSE S: HSE W:

01‐6352145 057‐9359891 061‐483338 046‐9076412 071‐9852900 056‐7784142 021‐4927601 091 775200

HSE National Helpline: 1850 24 1850

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